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Performs and manages airfield operations functions and activities, including air traffic control (ATC), airfield management, and base operations. Manages day-to-day operations of facilities, including radar approach control, ground controlled approach, radar final control, control tower, and base operations.



Duties And Responsibilities

Duties And Responsibilities
Duties And Responsibilities
Develops plans, policies, and procedures for operating AF airfield operations facilities and activities. Analyzes national defense guidance and objectives to create operational policies. Implement policies through development of plans and procedures to execute assigned airfield operations capabilities. Plans, programs, and develops budget inputs to ensure resource availability for operational requirements. Plans and conducts flying and simulated exercises to evaluate and enhance operational readiness. Establishes procedures and monitors implementation of squadron programs, policies, and plans. Develops and implements operational procedures and management agreements with sister services, allied forces, and civil authorities to ensure safe and effective civil and military air traffic and airfield management operations. Plans and organizes airfield operations activities. Makes recommendations and takes action on matters that affect the basic content and character of policy statements and regulations on the airfield operations system. Recommends establishment, augmentation, relocation, or discontinuance of airfield operations facilities and navigational aids. Develops agreements between facilities and with other local agencies to define standards of performance. Maintains close liaison with lateral Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials to negotiate and coordinate changes affecting airfield operations. Coordinates with FAA and military flight inspection agencies, ATC and landing systems maintenance, flying units, airfield operations facilities, and other affected agencies concerning flight inspection activities. Trains, establishes standards, and conducts evaluations. Develops formal schools' curriculums and conducts training for entry level and continuing education courses. Conducts and manages unit training and performance standards to ensure operations personnel have required job skills. Develops, evaluates, and adjusts training plans and programs to meet mission needs. Develops procedures for improving operations. Conducts evaluations to ensure personnel and unit meet operational readiness goals, adhere to operational procedures, and use sound management practices. Coordinates with other agencies to ensure support resources are adequate to accomplish the mission. Performs technical functions and activities. Develops airfield operations architecture supporting flight operations. Participates in research, development, test, and evaluation to determine new airfield operations systems capabilities and modifications to existing systems. Assists in writing technical requirements and equipment specifications, and develops criteria to evaluate operational effectiveness. Conducts analysis to determine optimum sitting of equipment and facilities. Performs ATC and airfield operations using voice, data communication, and radar systems. Performs airfield inspections and negotiates contracts to ensure optimal airfield and runway status. Advises on effective use of airfield operations assets. Provides functional expertise and input for activating, employing, using, or deactivating airfield operations equipment. Provides recommendations to enhance inter-operability between airfield operations facilities and adjacent ATC and aviation support functions to allow increased responsiveness and flexibility for flight operations.


Specialty Qualifications

Specialty Qualifications
Specialty Qualifications
Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of: ATC procedures and techniques; airfield operations planning and programming; aircraft accident and incident reporting and investigation procedures; hazardous air traffic report procedures; national airspace management utilization and planning principles; federal rule-making actions; environmental requirements which apply to airfield operations management; ATC management of mobile assets and unit type code taskings for airfield operations; base operations functions; airfield management functions; principles of meteorology; USAF airfield and airspace criteria; radio interference reporting procedures; flight inspection of navigational aids and airfield operations facilities procedures; International Civil Aviation Organization, FAA, and notice-to-airman procedures; and radar, navigational aids, and communications maintenance structure and responsibilities.

Education. For entry into this specialty, undergraduate academic specialization in a technical discipline with courses in administration and management is desirable.