RSP - Gold Phase

Battle Hand-Off

Once you’ve completed both BCT and AIT—also known as Initial Active Duty Training (IADT)—you might return to RSP for one final drill before joining your regular unit and beginning work in your MOS. This final RSP drill is known as Battle Hand-Off, where the RSP Cadre “hand off” the new MOS Qualified (MOSQ) Soldiers to the leadership of your assigned unit. You’ll meet representatives from your unit and learn where and when your next drill will be.

Before you leave RSP for the last time, you’ll also learn about the Unit Sponsorship Program and get a final HOOAH talk about holding yourself to the high standards of fitness and behavior you’ve learned at RSP and IADT. You'll learn more about:

  • Bonuses/Your Financial Readiness
  • Battle Hand-Off
  • Alternate Battle Hand-Off
  • Army Structure/Chain of Command

Unit Sponsorship picks up right where your RSP left off, providing a special support system for new MOSQ Soldiers, so they can integrate into their units as smoothly and quickly as possible. Your assigned sponsor will be like a big brother or sister to you. He or she may be a peer or someone a few levels above you in rank. The important thing is that the sponsor was in your shoes not long ago, and understands what you need and where you’re coming from.

You can expect your sponsor to be mature, responsible and dedicated to your well-being. He or she will get acquainted with you and introduce you to the other members of your unit and the chain of command. Sponsors can also give you insight into your unit’s mission, and how you can study and prepare for it. They’ll check in with you to see if your first-line leader has been in touch about getting ready for your next drill and your PT test. And they’ll also keep you motivated about your future in the unit to which you’ve been assigned.

As a new MOSQ Soldier, you’re the most fit and the most hooah you’ve ever been. Keep that enthusiasm and keep those high standards throughout your Guard career by staying fit—not just physically, but also mentally and behaviorally.

Physical Fitness

Maintain your physical fitness so that you’re always combat-ready. Even if you’re not called up to serve overseas, you could easily be called up to help your State in the face of a natural disaster, or to defend your country against terror on American soil. A high level of fitness also sets an example, benefiting not only you but also your peers and your future subordinates. A consistently high fitness level can also help you qualify for great training opportunities and professional development.

Mental Fitness

Maintain your mental fitness by reminding yourself why you joined the Guard and recognizing that you now belong to something much greater than yourself. Keep the Guard’s mission foremost in your mind—to defend and protect the U.S. in peace and in war, at home and abroad.

Build your leadership skills by mentoring and respecting those who will be looking up to you soon. Always set the example, remaining positive and avoiding bad influences, no matter how tempting.

Finally, hone your mental edge with principles of physical fitness and nutrition. A healthy body builds a healthy mind.

Behavioral Fitness

Maintain your behavioral fitness through proper appearance and right actions. Always wear the elements of your uniform correctly, stay clean, and keep a conservative look. Display professional conduct at all times. Educate yourself on ARNG regulations and policies. Build cooperation in your unit by being ready to contribute. Respect others, including your subordinates. Finally, always put the good of your unit before your personal needs.

During Battle Hand-Off, you’ll learn what you need to know about additional procedures, including:

•    Instructions on transferring your paperwork
•    Meeting your unit representatives and getting a Welcome Packet
•    Learning about your unit’s history and mission and
•    Points of contact

After Battle Hand-Off is completed, you will move out of the RSP program and on to drilling with your regular unit. Your first report date as a drilling member of your unit will be whenever the next training assembly is scheduled.

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