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Water and Environmental Programs

Water and Environmental Programs (WEP) provides loans, grants and loan guarantees for drinking water, sanitary sewer, solid waste and storm drainage facilities in rural areas and cities and towns of 10,000 or less. Public bodies, non-profit organizations and recognized Indian tribes may qualify for assistance. WEP also makes grants to nonprofit organizations to provide technical assistance and training to assist rural communities with their water, wastewater, and solid waste problems.

FY 11 Annual Report

RUS Fact Sheets 1806

Utilities Assistance

  • Loans and Grants for Rural Communities

    Program assistance is provided in many ways, including direct or guaranteed loans, grants, technical assistance, research and educational materials. Please check the links below for more information.

    1. Direct Loans and Grants
    2. To develop water and waste disposal systems in rural areas and towns with a population not in excess of 10,000. The funds are available to public bodies, non-profit corporations and Indian tribes.

    3. Guaranteed Loans
    4. To provide a loan guarantee for the construction or improvement of water and waste disposal projects serving the financially needy communities in rural areas.This purpose is achieved through bolstering the existing private credit structure through the guarantee of quality loans which will provide lasting benefits.The water and waste disposal guarantee loans are to serve a population not in excess of 10,000 in rural areas.

    5. Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants
    6. To assist rural communities that have experienced a significant decline in quantity or quality of drinking water due to an emergency, or in which such decline is considered imminent, to obtain or maintain adequate quantities of water that meets the standards set by the Safe Drinking Water Act. This emergency is considered an occurrence of an incident such as, but not limited to, a drought, earthquake, flood, tornado, hurricane, disease outbreak or chemical spill, leakage or seepage.

    7. Pre-development Planning Grants
    8. Predevelopment planning grants may be available, if needed, to assist in paying costs associated with developing a complete application for a proposed project.

    9. Loans for Very Small Projects
    10. To assist communities with water and wastewater systems. Qualified private non-profit organizations will receive RFP grant funds to establish a lending program for eligible entities. This grant program is to serve a rural area with a population not in excess of 10,000.

  • Opportunities for Native American Indian Tribes

  • Native American Indian Tribes are eligible for most of the Utilities Programs' water and waste water loans and grants. In addition, grants, specifically designed to address Native American water and waste disposal needs are available.

  • Opportunities for Colonias and Rural or Native Alaskan Villages
  • In addition to the general loan and grant offerings for water and waste disposal projects, the Utilities Programs offers grants specifically designed to address the needs of Alaskan Native Villages and areas designated as Colonias.

  • Opportunities for Lenders
  • The Utilities Programs works with private lenders to guarantee loans to borrowers for the construction of water and waste systems in rural areas. Loan guarantees can issued for up to 90% on any loss of interest and principal on a loan.

  • Technical Assistance Programs and Providers
  • Grants are available to non-profit organizations to provide water and waste disposal-related technical assistance and/or training to rural water systems and rural areas, towns and cities with a population of 10,000 or less.

    Technical Assistance Providers by State

  • Individual Household Water Well Program.
  • Grants are available for private non-profit organizations to establish lending programs that provide low-cost loans to individuals living in eligible rural areas for the construction of water wells.

  • Solid Waste Management Program

    To evaluate current landfill conditions to determine threats to water resources. Provide technical assistance and/or training to enhance operator skills in the operation and maintenance of active landfills. Provide technical assistance and/or training to help communities reduce the solid waste stream. Provide technical assistance and/or training for operators of landfills which are closed or will be closed in the near future with the development and implementation of closure plans, future land use plans, safety and maintenance planning, and closure scheduling within permit requirements.

  • Revolving Fund Program
  • To assist communities with water and wastewater systems. Qualified private non-profit organizations will receive RFP grant funds to establish a lending program for eligible entities. This grant program is to serve a rural area with a population not in excess of 10,000.

  • Circuit Rider Technical Assistance for Rural Water Systems
  • Regulation Citation: Terms established in service contract issued through RD Procurement.

  • Memorandum of Agreement between USDA RUS RD and EPA
  • The USDA RUS and the EPA signed a five year Memorandum of Agreement to work together to assist rural water and wastewater systems in implementing strategies and tools to achieve short and long term sustainability. The MOA will focus on 4 distinct areas:

    • Sustainability of Rural Systems Will emphasize on promoting asset management planning, water and energy efficiency practices, and other sustainable utility management practices to ensure long-term technical, managerial and financial capacity.

    • System Partnerships - EPA and USDA will educate communities and utilities on the array of tools that are available through partnerships and encourage struggling water systems to explore all options that may be available to increase sustainability. These partnerships can provide opportunities to collaborate on compliance solutions, operations and maintenance activities and share costs with other nearby systems, thereby enabling to become financially sustainable.

    • Water Sector Workforce EPA and USDA will work together to promote careers in the water sector to attract a new generation of water professionals to rural systems.

    • Compliance of Small Rural Public Water and Wastewater Systems with Drinking Water and Clean Water Regulations EPA and USDA will partner to ensure that regulation training is provided to public water and wastewater systems in rural areas.

    To view the full Memorandum of Agreement click here

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Last Modified:08/29/2012 
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