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News > Vigilant Eagle board selects 82 command candidates
Vigilant Eagle board selects 82 command candidates

Posted 7/26/2012   Updated 7/26/2012 Email story   Print story


by Debbie Gildea
Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs

7/26/2012 - Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas -- The Space and Missile Vigilant Eagle Operations Squadron Commander Selection Board has selected 82 lieutenant colonels and lieutenant colonel-selects as command candidates for projected 2013 vacancies, Air Force Personnel Center officials said.

Candidates will be matched to command vacancies at Air Force Space Command, Air Force Global Strike Command, Air Combat Command, Air Education and Training Command, the National Air and Space Intelligence Center and the National Reconnaissance Office, said Maj. Genevieve Minzyk, AFPC space and missile force development chief.

In addition, she said some candidates may also be selected for wing-level chief of safety positions or recruiting and training squadron command positions.

Not all candidates will be matched to a space and missile position, Minzyk said. Those who are not could possibly be matched to 365-day extended deployment squadron command, recruiting and training squadron command or wing chief of safety positions. Matches will be announced in late August or early September.

To see the candidate list or for information about other personnel issues, visit the myPers website at Select the "all components" search option and enter Vigilant Eagle or PSDM 12-66 in the search window.

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