Sailor/Marine American Council On Education Registry Transcript (SMART)

SMART documents American Council on Education (ACE) recommended college credit for military training and occupational experience. SMART is an academically accepted record validated by ACE. The primary purpose of SMART is to assist service members in obtaining college credit for their military experience.

A DD214 may be necessary to document some training and experience that is not contained in current personnel and training databases.

To see what SMART contains, how you may obtain your personal copy, order an official copy, or get more information, click on the following links:

Information on SMART can also be obtained from your nearest Navy College Office, Marine Corps Education Center, or the Virtual Education Center.

What SMART contains:
  • Military occupations held
  • Military training courses completed
  • College-level examinations completed, including:
    • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests
    • DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSSTs)
    • Excelsior College Examinations (formerly known as American College Testing-Proficiency Examination Program (ACT-PEP) and Regents College Examinations (RCEs)
    • Defense Language Proficiency Tests (DLPTs)
  • American Council on Education (ACE) recommended credit for each of the above
  • "Other Learning Experiences (OLE)" - Not all training is granted credit recommendations by ACE.  The OLE section of the transcript documents this training and includes reasons why no credit was granted.
  • SMART Addendums:
    • Summary
      • Formatted to resemble many college transcripts
      • Streamlines SMART, providing an overview of all ACE-recommended credits.
    • Academic Institution Page
      • Lists college courses taken on active duty using Tuition Assistance (TA), Navy College Program for Afloat College Education (NCPACE) or from Community College of the Air force (CCAF).
      • Lists college courses taken prior to active duty and earned at institutions accredited by a regional, national or professional accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
      • Lists college courses taken on active duty funded by the GI Bill, paid for by the service member, or funded by other sources, and must have been completed at institutions accredited by a regional, national or professional accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
      • Lists degrees and certifications earned/awarded prior to and during active duty, completed at institutions accredited by a regional, national or professional accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
To view a Sample SMART or Sample Summary, click here.

How to obtain copies of SMART

SMART has two versions, both of which include all components listed above:

  • Individual Copy
    • personal, unofficial copy for individual use only
    • also contains instructions for correcting errors or omissions

To obtain your individual, unofficial SMART:

  • Click here to view/download your unofficial transcript.
  • Go to the web site to print your individual (unofficial ) transcript
  • If you are unable to access your SMART because your SSN is not on file contact the Virtual Education Center (VEC) toll free at 1-877-838-1659, or e-mail VEC is open 5 days a week, 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. EST.

  • Institutional Copy - an official transcript sent directly to an academic institution of your choice

    You should review a copy of your personal transcript BEFORE requesting it be sent to your institution. This will allow you to have any changes made and provide the institution with the most accurate, up-to-date information on your experience and training. Go to the web site to print or view your individual (unofficial) transcript.

To order the institutional, official SMART:

Electronic request:

Contact the Registrar Office at the educational institution you want the transcript sent to determine the correct mailing address (for mailed transcripts) before requesting your official SMART.

  1. After logging in, click the "Transcripts" link at the top of the page, then click the "Official Transcript Request" link.

  2. Type in the school name or partial name of the academic institution and click "search". Example: Instead of typing out Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, you can just type Embry Riddle.

    QUICK TIP: Do not use any punctuation when typing in the name of an academic institution. Academic Institutions are NOT listed in our database with the hyphens, so you would receive a 'no matches found' to a query that included the hyphen.

  3. All locations of your selected academic institution in the database will populate the screen. Select the campus you want your transcript sent to by clicking on the hyperlink for that location. You may need to scroll through the entire list to ensure you have the correct location.

  4. This will bring you to a page that will show your name, rate/rank, etc., and the academic institution name and address you selected on the previous screen. You will be asked if this is the institution you wish to have a transcript sent. Note: Transcripts that have to be mailed are limited to two transcripts per 30-day period, whereas an unlimited amount can be ordered for academic institutions that receive Web-only delivery.

    If the location is correct, you will need to click the box at the bottom stating you have read and agree with the consent statement, and then click "yes". You will receive a confirmation page stating the request has been completed.

    If the location is incorrect, click "no" at the bottom of the page and you will return to the list of campuses to allow you to select the correct location.

    You can see a history of where transcripts were sent and when they were ordered by clicking on the "Official Transcript Request History" tab.


    If your academic institution is not in the list, you will need to download/print an official transcript request form and fax it to the Virtual Education Center at 1.757.492.5095 (number is also on the form).

    Note: Some academic institutions only have one consolidated site to receive transcripts.

Fax request:

Note: Please request SMART electronically, if possible. If unable the below instructions are provided.

  • Contact the Registrar Office at the educational institution you want the transcript sent, to determine the correct mailing address (for mailed transcripts) before requesting your official SMART.

  • Complete a SMART Request Form. Obtain it from your local Navy College Office or Marine Corps Education Center or download it from this web site by clicking here or go to If you cannot visit one of these offices, contact the Virtual Education Center toll free at 1-877-838-1659 or e-mail VEC is open 5 days a week 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. EST.

  • Mail or fax the form to the address/fax number on the form. The transcript will be ordered and mailed or transferred electronically, as appropriate, to the institution(s) designated OR

  • You may also submit the form in person or by fax to your local Navy College Office or Marine Corps Education Center, which will order the official SMART to be mailed or transferred electronically, as appropriate, to the institution(s) designated.

    A printable version of the request form is here.

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SMART Transcript
Academic Institution Courses