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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Emergency Preparedness and Response

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Emergency Use Authorization--Archived Information

The Emergency Use Authorization1 (EUA) authority allows the FDA Commissioner to strengthen the public health protections against biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear agents that may be used to attack the American people or the U.S. armed forces.  

The lists below provide information on previously issued EUAs. 


H1N1: Antiviral EUA Information

Post H1N1 Public Health Emergency FDA EUA activity specific to Oseltamavir(Tamiflu), Zanamavir (Relenza), and Peramivir


H1N1: Antiviral Medical Device EUA Information

Post H1N1 Public Health Emergency FDA EUA Activity Specific to In Vitro Diagnostic Tests


H1N1 EUA Information

Expired Public Health Emergency Declarations and Terminated EUAs
