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Sec2105[42 U.S.C. 1397ee] (a) Payments.—

(1) In General.—Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, the Secretary shall pay to each State with a plan approved under this title, from its allotment under section 2104, an amount for each quarter equal to the enhanced FMAP (or, in the case of expenditures described in subparagraph (D)(iv), the higher of 75 percent or the sum of the enhanced FMAP plus 5 percentage points)[77] of expenditures in the quarter—

(A) for child health assistance under the plan for targeted low-income children in the form of providing medical assistance for which payment is made on the basis of an enhanced FMAP under the fourth sentence of section 1905(b);

(B) [reserved[78] ]

(C) for child health assistance under the plan for targeted low-income children in the form of providing health benefits coverage that meets the requirements of section 2103; and

(D) only to the extent permitted consistent with subsection (c)—

(i) for payment for other child health assistance for targeted low-income children;

(ii) for expenditures for health services initiatives under the plan for improving the health of children (including targeted low-income children and other low-income children);

(iii) for expenditures for outreach activities as provided in section 2102(c)(1) under the plan;[79]

(iv)[80] for translation or interpretation services in connection with the enrollment of, retention of, and use of services under this title by, individuals for whom English is not their primary language (as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan); and

(v)[81] for other reasonable costs incurred by the State to administer the plan.

(2)[82] Order of payments.—Payments under paragraph (1) from a State’s allotment shall be made in the following order:

(A) First, for expenditures for items described in paragraph (1)(A).

(B) Second, for expenditures for items described in paragraph (1)(B).

(C) Third, for expenditures for items described in paragraph (1)(C).

(D) Fourth, for expenditures for items described in paragraph (1)(D).

(3)[83] Performance bonus payment to offset additional medicaid and chip child enrollment costs resulting from enrollment and retention efforts.—

(A) In general.—In addition to the payments made under paragraph (1), for each fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2009 and ending with fiscal year 2013), the Secretary shall pay from amounts made available under subparagraph (E), to each State that meets the condition under paragraph (4) for the fiscal year, an amount equal to the amount described in subparagraph (B) for the State and fiscal year. The payment under this paragraph shall be made, to a State for a fiscal year, as a single payment not later than the last day of the first calendar quarter of the following fiscal year.

(B) Amount for above baseline medicaid child enrollment costs.—Subject to subparagraph (E), the amount described in this subparagraph for a State for a fiscal year is equal to the sum of the following amounts:

(i) First tier above baseline medicaid enrollees.—An amount equal to the number of first tier above baseline child enrollees (as determined under subparagraph (C)(i)) under title XIX for the State and fiscal year, multiplied by 15 percent of the projected per capita State Medicaid expenditures (as determined under subparagraph (D)) for the State and fiscal year under title XIX.

(ii) Second tier above baseline medicaid enrollees.—An amount equal to the number of second tier above baseline child enrollees (as determined under subparagraph (C)(ii)) under title XIX for the State and fiscal year, multiplied by 62.5 percent of the projected per capita State Medicaid expenditures (as determined under subparagraph (D)) for the State and fiscal year under title XIX.

(C) Number of first and second tier above baseline child enrollees; baseline number of child enrollees.—For purposes of this paragraph:

(i) First tier above baseline child Enrollees.—The number of first tier above baseline child enrollees for a State for a fiscal year under title XIX is equal to the number (if any, as determined by the Secretary) by which—

(I) the monthly average unduplicated number of qualifying children (as defined in subparagraph (F)) enrolled during the fiscal year under the State plan under title XIX[84]; exceeds

(II) the baseline number of enrollees described in clause (iii) for the State and fiscal year under title XIX[85];

but not to exceed 10 percent of the baseline number of enrollees described in subclause (II).

(ii) Second tier above baseline child enrollees.—The number of second tier above baseline child enrollees for a State for a fiscal year under title XIX is equal to the number (if any, as determined by the Secretary) by which—

(I) the monthly average unduplicated number of qualifying children (as defined in subparagraph (F)) enrolled during the fiscal year under title XIX as described in clause (i)(I); exceeds

(II) the sum of the baseline number of child enrollees described in clause (iii) for the State and fiscal year under title XIX, as described in clause (i)(II), and the maximum number of first tier above baseline child enrollees for the State and fiscal year under title XIX, as determined under clause (i).

(iii) Baseline number of child enrollees.—Subject to subparagraph (H), the baseline number of child enrollees for a State under title XIX—

(I) for fiscal year 2009 is equal to the monthly average unduplicated number of qualifying children enrolled in the State plan under title XIX during fiscal year 2007 increased by the population growth for children in that State from 2007 to 2008 (as estimated by the Bureau of the Census) plus 4 percentage points, and further increased by the population growth for children in that State from 2008 to 2009 (as estimated by the Bureau of the Census) plus 4 percentage points;

(II) for each of fiscal years 2010, 2011, and 2012, is equal to the baseline number of child enrollees for the State for the previous fiscal year under title XIX, increased by the population growth for children in that State from the calendar year in which the respective fiscal year begins to the succeeding calendar year (as estimated by the Bureau of the Census) plus 3.5 percentage points;

(III) for each of fiscal years 2013, 2014, and 2015, is equal to the baseline number of child enrollees for the State for the previous fiscal year under title XIX, increased by the population growth for children in that State from the calendar year in which the respective fiscal year begins to the succeeding calendar year (as estimated by the Bureau of the Census) plus 3 percentage points; and

(IV) for a subsequent fiscal year is equal to the baseline number of child enrollees for the State for the previous fiscal year under title XIX, increased by the population growth for children in that State from the calendar year in which the fiscal year involved begins to the succeeding calendar year (as estimated by the Bureau of the Census) plus 2 percentage points.

(D) Projected per capita state medicaid expenditures.—For purposes of subparagraph (B), the projected per capita State Medicaid expenditures for a State and fiscal year under title XIX is equal to the average per capita expenditures (including both State and Federal financial participation) for children under the State plan under such title, including under waivers but not including such children eligible for assistance by virtue of the receipt of benefits under title XVI, for the most recent fiscal year for which actual data are available (as determined by the Secretary), increased (for each subsequent fiscal year up to and including the fiscal year involved) by the annual percentage increase in per capita amount of National Health Expenditures (as estimated by the Secretary) for the calendar year in which the respective subsequent fiscal year ends and multiplied by a State matching percentage equal to 100 percent minus the Federal medical assistance percentage (as defined in section 1905(b)) for the fiscal year involved.

(E) Amounts available for payments.—

(i) Initial appropriation.—Out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, there are appropriated $3,225,000,000 for fiscal year 2009 for making payments under this paragraph, to be available until expended.

(ii) Transfers.—Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the following amounts shall also be available, without fiscal year limitation, for making payments under this paragraph:

(I) Unobligated national allotment.—

(aa) Fiscal years 2009 through 2012.—As of December 31 of fiscal year 2009, and as of December 31 of each succeeding fiscal year through fiscal year 2012, the portion, if any, of the amount appropriated under subsection (a) for such fiscal year that is unobligated for allotment to a State under subsection (m) for such fiscal year or set aside under subsection (a)(3) or (b)(2) of section 2111 for such fiscal year.

(bb) First half of fiscal year 2013.—As of December 31 of fiscal year 2013, the portion, if any, of the sum of the amounts appropriated under subsection (a)(16)(A) and under section 108 of the Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2009 for the period beginning on October 1, 2012, and ending on March 31, 2013, that is unobligated for allotment to a State under subsection (m) for such fiscal year or set aside under subsection (b)(2) of section 2111 for such fiscal year.

(cc) Second half of fiscal year 2013.—As of June 30 of fiscal year 2013, the portion, if any, of the amount appropriated under subsection (a)(16)(B) for the period beginning on April 1, 2013, and ending on September 30, 2013, that is unobligated for allotment to a State under subsection (m) for such fiscal year or set aside under subsection (b)(2) of section 2111 for such fiscal year.

(II) Unexpended allotments not used for redistribution.—As of November 15 of each of fiscal years 2010 through 2013, the total amount of allotments made to States under section 2104 for the second preceding fiscal year (third preceding fiscal year in the case of the fiscal year 2006, 2007, and 2008 allotments) that is not expended or redistributed under section 2104(f) during the period in which such allotments are available for obligation.

(III) Excess child enrollment contingency funds.—As of October 1 of each of fiscal years 2010 through 2013, any amount in excess of the aggregate cap applicable to the Child Enrollment Contingency Fund for the fiscal year under section 2104(n).[86]

(iii) Proportional reduction.—If the sum of the amounts otherwise payable under this paragraph for a fiscal year exceeds the amount available for the fiscal year under this subparagraph, the amount to be paid under this paragraph to each State shall be reduced proportionally.

(F) Qualifying children defined.—

(i) In general.—For purposes of this subsection, subject to clauses (ii) and (iii), the term ‘qualifying children’ means children who meet the eligibility criteria (including income, categorical eligibility, age, and immigration status criteria) in effect as of July 1, 2008, for enrollment under title XIX, taking into account criteria applied as of such date under title XIX pursuant to a waiver under section 1115.

(ii) Limitation.—A child described in clause (i) who is provided medical assistance during a presumptive eligibility period under section 1920A shall be considered to be a “qualifying child” only if the child is determined to be eligible for medical assistance under title XIX.

(iii) Exclusion.—Such term does not include any children for whom the State has made an election to provide medical assistance under paragraph (4) of section 1903(v)or any children enrolled on or after October 1, 2013or any children enrolled on or after October 1, 2013[87].

(G) Application to commonwealths and territories.—The provisions of subparagraph (G) of section 2104(n)(3) shall apply with respect to payment under this paragraph in the same manner as such provisions apply to payment under such section.

(H) Application to states that implement a Medicaid expansion for children after fiscal year 2008.—In the case of a State that provides coverage under section 115 of the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 for any fiscal year after fiscal year 2008—

(i) any child enrolled in the State plan under title XIX through the application of such an election shall be disregarded from the determination for the State of the monthly average unduplicated number of qualifying children enrolled in such plan during the first 3 fiscal years in which such an election is in effect; and

(ii) in determining the baseline number of child enrollees for the State for any fiscal year subsequent to such first 3 fiscal years, the baseline number of child enrollees for the State under title XIX for the third of such fiscal years shall be the monthly average unduplicated number of qualifying children enrolled in the State plan under title XIX for such third fiscal year.

(4)[88] Enrollment and retention provisions for children.—For purposes of paragraph (3)(A), a State meets the condition of this paragraph for a fiscal year if it is implementing at least 5 of the following enrollment and retention provisions (treating each subparagraph as a separate enrollment and retention provision) throughout the entire fiscal year:

(A) Continuous eligibility.—The State has elected the option of continuous eligibility for a full 12 months for all children described in section 1902(e)(12) under title XIX under 19 years of age, as well as applying such policy under its State child health plan under this title.

(B) Liberalization of asset requirements.—The State meets the requirement specified in either of the following clauses:

(i) Elimination of asset test.—The State does not apply any asset or resource test for eligibility for children under title XIX or this title.

(ii) Administrative verification of assets.—The State.—

(I) permits a parent or caretaker relative who is applying on behalf of a child for medical assistance under title XIX or child health assistance under this title to declare and certify by signature under penalty of perjury information relating to family assets for purposes of determining and redetermining financial eligibility; and

(II) takes steps to verify assets through means other than by requiring documentation from parents and applicants except in individual cases of discrepancies or where otherwise justified.

(C) Elimination of in-person interview requirement.—The State does not require an application of a child for medical assistance under title XIX (or for child health assistance under this title), including an application for renewal of such assistance, to be made in person nor does the State require a face-to-face interview, unless there are discrepancies or individual circumstances justifying an in-person application or face-to-face interview.

(D) Use of joint application for medicaid and chip.—The application form and supplemental forms (if any) and information verification process is the same for purposes of establishing and renewing eligibility for children for medical assistance under title XIX and child health assistance under this title.

(E) Automatic renewal (use of administrative renewal).—

(i) In general.—The State provides, in the case of renewal of a child’s eligibility for medical assistance under title XIX or child health assistance under this title, a pre-printed form completed by the State based on the information available to the State and notice to the parent or caretaker relative of the child that eligibility of the child will be renewed and continued based on such information unless the State is provided other information. Nothing in this clause shall be construed as preventing a State from verifying, through electronic and other means, the information so provided.

(ii) Satisfaction through demonstrated use of ex parte process.—A State shall be treated as satisfying the requirement of clause (i) if renewal of eligibility of children under title XIX or this title is determined without any requirement for an in-person interview, unless sufficient information is not in the State’s possession and cannot be acquired from other sources (including other State agencies) without the participation of the applicant or the applicant’s parent or caretaker relative.

(F) Presumptive eligibility for children.—The State is implementing section 1920A under title XIX as well as, pursuant to section 2107(e)(1), under this title.

(G) Express lane.—The State is implementing the option described in section 1902(e)(13) under title XIX as well as, pursuant to section 2107(e)(1), under this title.

(H) Premium assistance subsidies.—The State is implementing the option of providing premium assistance subsidies under section 2105(c)(10) or section 1906A.

(b) Enhanced Fmap.—For purposes of subsection (a), the “enhanced FMAP”, for a State for a fiscal year, is equal to the Federal medical assistance percentage (as defined in the first sentence of section 1905(b)) for the State increased by a number of percentage points equal to 30 percent of the number of percentage points by which (1) such Federal medical assistance percentage for the State, is less than (2) 100 percent; but in no case shall the enhanced FMAP for a State exceed 85 percent. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, during the period that begins on October 1, 2015[89], and ends on September 30, 2019, the enhanced FMAP determined for a State for a fiscal year (or for any portion of a fiscal year occurring during such period) shall be increased by 23 percentage points, but in no case shall exceed 100 percent.[90] The increase in the enhanced FMAP under the preceding sentence shall not apply with respect to determining the payment to a State under subsection (a)(1) for expenditures described in subparagraph (D)(iv), paragraphs (8), (9), (11) of subsection (c), or clause (4) of the first sentence of section 1905(b).[91]

(c)[92] Limitation on Certain Payments for Certain Expenditures.—

(1) General limitations.—Funds provided to a State under this title shall only be used to carry out the purposes of this title (as described in section 2101 and may not include coverage of a nonpregnant childless adult), and any health insurance coverage provided with such funds may include coverage of abortion only if necessary to save the life of the mother or if the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a caretaker relative (as such term is defined for purposes of carrying out section 1931) shall not be considered a childless adult.

(2) Limitation on expenditures not used for medicaid or health insurance assistance.—

(A) In general.—Except as provided in this paragraph, the amount of payment that may be made under subsection (a) for a fiscal year for expenditures for items described in paragraph (1)(D) of such subsection shall not exceed 10 percent of the total amount of expenditures for which payment is made under subparagraphs (A), (C), and (D) of paragraph (1) of such subsection.

(B) Waiver authorized for cost-effective alternative.—The limitation under subparagraph (A) on expenditures for items described in subsection (a)(1)(D) shall not apply to the extent that a State establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary that—

(i) coverage provided to targeted low-income children through such expenditures meets the requirements of section 2103;

(ii) the cost of such coverage is not greater, on an average per child basis, than the cost of coverage that would otherwise be provided under section 2103; and

(iii) such coverage is provided through the use of a community-based health delivery system, such as through contracts with health centers receiving funds under section 330 of the Public Health Service Act or with hospitals such as those that receive disproportionate share payment adjustments under section 1886(d)(5)(F) or 1923.

(C)[93] Nonapplication to certain expenditures.—The limitation under subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to the following expenditures:

(i) Expenditures to increase outreach to, and the enrollment of, indian children under this title and title xix.— Expenditures for outreach activities to families of Indian children likely to be eligible for child health assistance under the plan or medical assistance under the State plan under title XIX (or under a waiver of such plan), to inform such families of the availability of, and to assist them in enrolling their children in, such plans, including such activities conducted under grants, contracts, or agreements entered into under section 1139(a).

(ii)[94] Expenditures to comply with citizenship or nationality verification requirements.—Expenditures necessary for the State to comply with paragraph (9)(A).

(iii)[95] Expenditures for outreach to increase the enrollment of children under this title and title xix through premium assistance subsidies.— Expenditures for outreach activities to families of children likely to be eligible for premium assistance subsidies in accordance with paragraph (2)(B), (3), or (10), or a waiver approved under section 1115, to inform such families of the availability of, and to assist them in enrolling their children in, such subsidies, and to employers likely to provide qualified employer-sponsored coverage (as defined in subparagraph (B) of such paragraph), but not to exceed an amount equal to 1.25 percent of the maximum amount permitted to be expended under subparagraph (A) for items described in subsection (a)(1)(D).

(iv)[96] Payment error rate measurement (perm) expenditures.—Expenditures related to the administration of the payment error rate measurement (PERM) requirements applicable to the State child health plan in accordance with the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 and parts 431 and 457 of title 42, Code of Federal Regulations (or any related or successor guidance or regulations).

(3) Waiver for purchase of family coverage.—Payment may be made to a State under subsection (a)(1) for the purchase of family coverage under a group health plan or health insurance coverage that includes coverage of targeted low-income children only if the State establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary that—

(A) purchase of such coverage is cost-effective relative to—[97]

(i) the amount of expenditures under the State child health plan, including administrative expenditures, that the State would have made to provide comparable coverage of the targeted low-income child involved or the family involved (as applicable); or

(ii)[98] the aggregate amount of expenditures that the State would have made under the State child health plan, including administrative expenditures, for providing coverage under such plan for all such children or families;[99] and

(B) such coverage shall not be provided if it would otherwise substitute for health insurance coverage that would be provided to such children but for the purchase of family coverage.

(4) Use of non-federal funds for state matching requirement.—Amounts provided by the Federal Government, or services assisted or subsidized to any significant extent by the Federal Government, may not be included in determining the amount of non-Federal contributions required under subsection (a).

(5) Offset of receipts attributable to premiums and other cost-sharing.—For purposes of subsection (a), the amount of the expenditures under the plan shall be reduced by the amount of any premiums and other cost-sharing received by the State.

(6) Prevention of duplicative payments.—

(A) Other health plans.—No payment shall be made to a State under this section for expenditures for child health assistance provided for a targeted low-income child under its plan to the extent that a private insurer (as defined by the Secretary by regulation and including a group health plan (as defined in section 607(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974[100]), a service benefit plan, and a health maintenance organization) would have been obligated to provide such assistance but for a provision of its insurance contract which has the effect of limiting or excluding such obligation because the individual is eligible for or is provided child health assistance under the plan.

(B) Other federal governmental programs.—Except as provided in subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (a)(1) or any other provision of law, no payment shall be made to a State under this section for expenditures for child health assistance provided for a targeted low-income child under its plan to the extent that payment has been made or can reasonably be expected to be made promptly (as determined in accordance with regulations) under any other federally operated or financed health care insurance program, other than an insurance program operated or financed by the Indian Health Service, as identified by the Secretary. For purposes of this paragraph, rules similar to the rules for overpayments under section 1903(d)(2) shall apply.

(7) Limitation on payment for abortions.—

(A) In general.—Payment shall not be made to a State under this section for any amount expended under the State plan to pay for any abortion or to assist in the purchase, in whole or in part, of health benefit coverage that includes coverage of abortion.

(B) Exception.—Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to an abortion only if necessary to save the life of the mother or if the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.

(C) Rule of construction.—Nothing in this section shall be construed as affecting the expenditure by a State, locality, or private person or entity of State, local, or private funds (other than funds expended under the State plan) for any abortion or for health benefits coverage that includes coverage of abortion.

(8)[101] Limitation on matching rate for expenditures for child health assistance provided to children whose effective family income exceeds 300 percent of the poverty line.—

(A) FMAP applied to expenditures.—Except as provided in subparagraph (B), for fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 2009, the Federal medical assistance percentage (as determined under section 1905(b) without regard to clause (4) of such section) shall be substituted for the enhanced FMAP under subsection (a)(1) with respect to any expenditures for providing child health assistance or health benefits coverage for a targeted low-income child whose effective family income would exceed 300 percent of the poverty line but for the application of a general exclusion of a block of income that is not determined by type of expense or type of income.

(B) Exception.—Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to any State that, on the date of enactment of the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009, has an approved State plan amendment or waiver to provide, or has enacted a State law to submit a State plan amendment to provide, expenditures described in such subparagraph under the State child health plan.

(9)[102] Citizenship documentation requirements.—

(A) In general.—No payment may be made under this section with respect to an individual who has, or is, declared to be a citizen or national of the United States for purposes of establishing eligibility under this title unless the State meets the requirements of section 1902(a)(46)(B) with respect to the individual.

(B) Enhanced payments.—Notwithstanding subsection (b), the enhanced FMAP with respect to payments under subsection (a) for expenditures described in clause (i) or (ii) of section 1903(a)(3)(G)[103] necessary to comply with subparagraph (A) shall in no event be less than 90 percent and 75 percent, respectively.

(10)[104] State option to offer premium assistance.—

(A) In general.—A State may elect to offer a premium assistance subsidy (as defined in subparagraph (C)) for qualified employer-sponsored coverage (as defined in subparagraph (B)) to all targeted low-income children who are eligible for child health assistance under the plan and have access to such coverage in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph. No subsidy shall be provided to a targeted low-income child under this paragraph unless the child (or the child’s parent) voluntarily elects to receive such a subsidy. A State may not require such an election as a condition of eceipt of child health assistance if the offering of such a subsidy is cost-effective, as defined for purposes of paragraph (3)(A)[105].

(B) Qualified employer-sponsored coverage.—

(i) In general.—Subject to clause (ii), in this paragraph, the term “qualified employer-sponsored coverage”means a group health plan or health insurance coverage offered through an employer—

(I) that qualifies as creditable coverage as a group health plan under section 2701(c)(1) of the Public Health Service Act;

(II) for which the employer contribution toward any premium for such coverage is at least 40 percent; and

(III) that is offered to all individuals in a manner that would be considered a nondiscriminatory eligibility classification for purposes of paragraph (3)(A)(ii) of section 105(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (but determined without regard to clause (i) of subparagraph (B) of such paragraph).

(ii) Exception.—Such term does not include coverage consisting of—

(I) benefits provided under a health flexible spending arrangement (as defined in section 106(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986); or

(II) a high deductible health plan (as defined in section 223(c)(2) of such Code), without regard to whether the plan is purchased in conjunction with a health savings account (as defined under section 223(d) of such Code).

(C) Premium assistance subsidy.—

(i) In general.—In this paragraph, the term “premium assistance subsidy” means, with respect to a targeted low-income child, the amount equal to the difference between the employee contribution required for enrollment only of the employee under qualified employer-sponsored coverage and the employee contribution required for enrollment of the employee and the child in such coverage, less any applicable premium cost-sharing applied under the State child health plan (subject to the limitations imposed under section 2103(e), including the requirement to count the total amount of the employee contribution required for enrollment of the employee and the child in such coverage toward the annual aggregate cost-sharing limit applied under paragraph (3)(B) of such section).

(ii) State payment option.—A State may provide a premium assistance subsidy either as reimbursement to an employee for out-of-pocket expenditures or, subject to clause (iii), directly to the employee’s employer.

(iii) Employer opt-out.—An employer may notify a State that it elects to opt-out of being directly paid a premium assistance subsidy on behalf of an employee. In the event of such a notification, an employer shall withhold the total amount of the employee contribution required for enrollment of the employee and the child in the qualified employer-sponsored coverage and the State shall pay the premium assistance subsidy directly to the employee.

(iv) Treatment as child health assistance.—Expenditures for the provision of premium assistance subsidies shall be considered child health assistance described in paragraph (1)(C) of subsection (a) for purposes of making payments under that subsection.

(D) Application of secondary payor rules.—The State shall be a secondary payor for any items or services provided under the qualified employer-sponsored coverage for which the State provides child health assistance under the State child health plan.

(E) Requirement to provide supplemental coverage for benefits and cost-sharing protection provided under the state child health plan.—

(i) In general.—Notwithstanding section 2110(b)(1)(C), the State shall provide for each targeted low-income child enrolled in qualified employer-sponsored coverage, supplemental coverage consisting of—

(I) items or services that are not covered, or are only partially covered, under the qualified employer-sponsored coverage; and

(II) cost-sharing protection consistent with section 2103(e).

(ii) Record keeping requirements.—For purposes of carrying out clause (i), a State may elect to directly pay out-of-pocket expenditures for cost-sharing imposed under the qualified employer-sponsored coverage and collect or not collect all or any portion of such expenditures from the parent of the child.

(F) Application of waiting period imposed under the state.—Any waiting period imposed under the State child health plan prior to the provision of child health assistance to a targeted low-income child under the State plan shall apply to the same extent to the provision of a premium assistance subsidy for the child under this paragraph.

(G) Opt-out permitted for any month.—A State shall establish a process for permitting the parent of a targeted low-income child receiving a premium assistance subsidy to disenroll the child from the qualified employer-sponsored coverage and enroll the child in, and receive child health assistance under, the State child health plan, effective on the first day of any month for which the child is eligible for such assistance and in a manner that ensures continuity of coverage for the child.

(H) Application to parents.—If a State provides child health assistance or health benefits coverage to parents of a targeted low-income child in accordance with section 2111(b), the State may elect to offer a premium assistance subsidy to a parent of a targeted low-income child who is eligible for such a subsidy under this paragraph in the same manner as the State offers such a subsidy for the enrollment of the child in qualified employer-sponsored coverage, except that—

(i) the amount of the premium assistance subsidy shall be increased to take into account the cost of the enrollment of the parent in the qualified employer-sponsored coverage or, at the option of the State if the State determines it cost-effective, the cost of the enrollment of the child’s family in such coverage; and

(ii) any reference in this paragraph to a child is deemed to include a reference to the parent or, if applicable under clause (i), the family of the child.

(I) Additional state option for providing premium assistance.—

(i) In general.—A State may establish an employer-family premium assistance purchasing pool for employers with less than 250 employees who have at least 1 employee who is a pregnant woman eligible for assistance under the State child health plan (including through the application of an option described in section 2112(f)) or a member of a family with at least 1 targeted low-income child and to provide a premium assistance subsidy under this paragraph for enrollment in coverage made available through such pool.

(ii) Access to choice of coverage.—A State that elects the option under clause (i) shall identify and offer access to not less than 2 private health plans that are health benefits coverage that is equivalent to the benefits coverage in a benchmark benefit package described in section 2103(b) or benchmark-equivalent coverage that meets the requirements of section 2103(a)(2) for employees described in clause (i).

(iii) Clarification of payment for administrative expenditures.—Nothing in this subparagraph shall be construed as permitting payment under this section for administrative expenditures attributable to the establishment or operation of such pool, except to the extent that such payment would otherwise be permitted under this title.

(J) No effect on premium assistance waiver programs.—Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as limiting the authority of a State to offer premium assistance under section 1906 or 1906A, a waiver described in paragraph (2)(B) or (3), a waiver approved under section 1115, or other authority in effect prior to the date of enactment of the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009.

(K) Notice of availability.—If a State elects to provide premium assistance subsidies in accordance with this paragraph, the State shall—

(i) include on any application or enrollment form for child health assistance a notice of the availability of premium assistance subsidies for the enrollment of targeted low-income children in qualified employer-sponsored coverage;

(ii) provide, as part of the application and enrollment process under the State child health plan, information describing the availability of such subsidies and how to elect to obtain such a subsidy; and

(iii) establish such other procedures as the State determines necessary to ensure that parents are fully informed of the choices for receiving child health assistance under the State child health plan or through the receipt of premium assistance subsidies.

(L) Application to qualified employer-sponsored benchmark coverage.—If a group health plan or health insurance coverage offered through an employer is certified by an actuary as health benefits coverage that is equivalent to the benefits coverage in a benchmark benefit package described in section 2103(b) or benchmark-equivalent coverage that meets the requirements of section 2103(a)(2), the State may provide premium assistance subsidies for enrollment of targeted low-income children in such group health plan or health insurance coverage in the same manner as such subsidies are provided under this paragraph for enrollment in qualified employer-sponsored coverage, but without regard to the requirement to provide supplemental coverage for benefits and cost-sharing protection provided under the State child health plan under subparagraph (E).

(M)[106] Satisfaction of cost-effectiveness test.—Premium assistance subsidies for qualified employer-sponsored coverage offered under this paragraph shall be deemed to meet the requirement of subparagraph (A) of paragraph (3).

(M) Coordination with medicaid.—In the case of a targeted low-income child who receives child health assistance through a State plan under title XIX and who voluntarily elects to receive a premium assistance subsidy under this section, the provisions of section 1906A shall apply and shall supersede any other provisions of this paragraph that are inconsistent with such section.

(11)[107] Enhanced payments.—Notwithstanding subsection (b), the enhanced FMAP with respect to payments under subsection (a) for expenditures related to the administration of the payment error rate measurement (PERM) requirements applicable to the State child health plan in accordance with the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 and parts 431 and 457 of title 42, Code of Federal Regulations (or any related or successor guidance or regulations) shall in no event be less than 90 percent.

(d) Maintenance of Effort.—

(1) In medicaid eligibility standards.—No payment may be made under subsection (a) with respect to child health assistance provided under a State child health plan if the State adopts income and resource standards and methodologies for purposes of determining a child’s eligibility for medical assistance under the State plan under title XIX that are more restrictive than those applied as of June 1, 1997, except as required under section 1902(e)(14)[108].

(2) In amounts of payment expended for certain state-funded health insurance programs for children.—

(A) In general.—The amount of the allotment for a State in a fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 1999) shall be reduced by the amount by which—

(i) the total of the State children’s health insurance expenditures in the preceding fiscal year, is less than

(ii) the total of such expenditures in fiscal year 1996.

(B) State children’s health insurance expenditures.—The term State children’s health insurance expenditures means the following:

(i) The State share of expenditures under this title.

(ii) The State share of expenditures under title XIX that are attributable to an enhanced FMAP under the fourth sentence of section 1905(b).

(iii) State expenditures under health benefits coverage under an existing comprehensive State-based program, described in section 2103(d).

(3)[109] Continuation of eligibility standards for children until october 1, 2019.—

(A) In general.—During the period that begins on the date of enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and ends on September 30, 2019, as a condition of receiving payments under section 1903(a),[110] a State shall not have in effect eligibility standards, methodologies, or procedures under its State child health plan (including any waiver under such plan) for children (including children provided medical assistance for which payment is made under section 2105(a)(1)(A)) that are more restrictive than the eligibility standards, methodologies, or procedures, respectively, under such plan (or waiver) as in effect on the date of enactment of that Act. The preceding sentence shall not be construed as preventing a State during such period from—

(i) applying eligibility standards, methodologies, or procedures for children under the State child health plan or under any waiver of the plan that are less restrictive than the eligibility standards, methodologies, or procedures, respectively, for children under the plan or waiver that are in effect on the date of enactment of such Act;[111]

(ii)[112] after September 30, 2015, enrolling children eligible to be targeted low-income children under the State child health plan in a qualified health plan that has been certified by the Secretary under subparagraph (C); or

(iii)[113] imposing a limitation described in section 2112(b)(7) for a fiscal year in order to limit expenditures under the State child health plan to those for which Federal financial participation is available under this section for the fiscal year.

(B) Assurance of exchange coverage for targeted low-income children unable to be provided child health assistance as a result of funding shortfalls.—In the event that allotments provided under section 2104 are insufficient to provide coverage to all children who are eligible to be targeted low-income children under the State child health plan under this title, a State shall establish procedures to ensure that such children are screened for eligibility for medical assistance under the State plan under title XIX or a waiver of that plan and, if found eligible, enrolled in such plan or a waiver. In the case of such children who, as a result of such screening, are determined to not be eligible for medical assistance under the State plan or a waiver under title XIX, the State shall establish procedures to ensure that the children are enrolled in a qualified health plan that has been certified by the Secretary under subparagraph (C) and is offered[114] through an Exchange established by the State under section 1311 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

(C)[115] Certification of comparability of pediatric coverage offered by qualified health plans.—With respect to each State, the Secretary, not later than April 1, 2015, shall review the benefits offered for children and the cost-sharing imposed with respect to such benefits by qualified health plans offered through an Exchange established by the State under section 1311 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act[116] and shall certify those plans that offer benefits for children and impose cost-sharing with respect to such benefits that the Secretary determines are at least comparable to the benefits offered and costsharing protections provided under the State child health plan.

(e) Advance payment; retrospective adjustment.—The Secretary may make payments under this section for each quarter on the basis of advance estimates of expenditures submitted by the State and such other investigation as the Secretary may find necessary, and may reduce or increase the payments as necessary to adjust for any overpayment or underpayment for prior quarters.

(f) Flexibility in Submittal of Claims.—Nothing in this section or subsections (e) and (f) of section 2104 shall be construed as preventing a State from claiming as expenditures in the quarter expenditures that were incurred in a previous quarter.

(g) Authority for Qualifying States To Use Certain Funds for Medicaid Expenditures.—

(1) State option.—

(A) In general.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law subject to paragraph (4)[117], a qualifying State (as defined in paragraph (2)) may elect to use not more than 20 percent of any allotment under section 2104 for fiscal year 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, or 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, or 2008[118] (insofar as it is available under subsections (e) and (g) of such section) for payments under title XIX in accordance with subparagraph (B), instead of for expenditures under this title.

(B) Payments to states.—

(i) In general.—In the case of a qualifying State that has elected the option described in subparagraph (A), subject to the availability of funds under such subparagraph with respect to the State, the Secretary shall pay the State an amount each quarter equal to the additional amount that would have been paid to the State under title XIX with respect to expenditures described in clause (ii) if the enhanced FMAP (as determined under subsection (b)) had been substituted for the Federal medical assistance percentage (as defined in section 1905(b)).

(ii) Expenditures described.—For purposes of this subparagraph, the expenditures described in this clause are expenditures, made after the date of the enactment of this subsection and during the period in which funds are available to the qualifying State for use under subparagraph (A), for medical assistance under title XIX to individuals who have not attained age 19 and whose family income exceeds 150 percent of the poverty line.

(iii) No impact on determination of budget neutrality for waivers.—In the case of a qualifying State that uses amounts paid under this subsection for expenditures described in clause (ii) that are incurred under a waiver approved for the State, any budget neutrality determinations with respect to such waiver shall be determined without regard to such amounts paid.

(2) Qualifying state.—In this subsection, the term “qualifying State” means a State that, on and after April 15, 1997, has an income eligibility standard that is at least 184 percent of the poverty line with respect to any 1 or more categories of children (other than infants) who are eligible for medical assistance under section 1902(a)(10)(A) or, in the case of a State that has a statewide waiver in effect under section 1115 with respect to title XIX that was first implemented on August 1, 1994, or July 1, 1995, has an income eligibility standard under such waiver for children that is at least 185 percent of the poverty line, or, in the case of a State that has a statewide waiver in effect under section 1115 with respect to title XIX that was first implemented on January 1, 1994, has an income eligibility standard under such waiver for children who lack health insurance that is at least 185 percent of the poverty line, or, in the case of a State that had a statewide waiver in effect under section 1115 with respect to title XIX that was first implemented on October 1, 1993, had an income eligibility standard under such waiver for children that was at least 185 percent of the poverty line and on and after July 1, 1998, has an income eligibility standard for children under section 1902(a)(10)(A) or a statewide waiver in effect under section 1115 with respect to title XIX that is at least 185 percent of the poverty line.

(3) Construction.—Nothing in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be construed as modifying the requirements applicable to States implementing State child health plans under this title.

(4)[119] Option for allotments for fiscal years 2009 through 2015[120].—

(A) Payment of enhanced portion of matching rate for certain expenditures.—In the case of expenditures described in subparagraph (B), a qualifying State (as defined in paragraph (2)) may elect to be paid from the State’s allotment made under section 2104 for any of fiscal years 2009 through 2015[121] (insofar as the allotment is available to the State under subsections (e) and (m) of such section) an amount each quarter equal to the additional amount that would have been paid to the State under title XIX with respect to such expenditures if the enhanced FMAP (as determined under subsection (b)) had been substituted for the Federal medical assistance percentage (as defined in section 1905(b)).

(B) Expenditures described.—For purposes of subparagraph (A), the expenditures described in this subparagraph are expenditures made after the date of the enactment of this paragraph and during the period in which funds are available to the qualifying State for use under subparagraph (A), for the provision of medical assistance to individuals residing in the State who are eligible for medical assistance under the State plan under title XIX or under a waiver of such plan and who have not attained age 19 (or, if a State has so elected under the State plan under title XIX, age 20 or 21), and whose family income equals or exceeds 133 percent of the poverty line but does not exceed the Medicaid applicable income level.

[77]  P.L. 111-3, §113(a)(1), struck out “(or, in the case of expenditures described in subparagraph (B), the Federal medical assistance percentage (as defined in the first sentence of section 1905(b)))”. For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3. For subparargraph (B) as it formerly read, see Vol. II, Appendix J, Superseded Provisions, P.L. 111-3.

P.L. 111-3, 201(b)(1)(A), inserted “(or, in the case of expenditures described in subparagraph (D)(iv), the higher of 75 percent or the sum of the enhanced FMAP plus 5 percentage points)”. For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3. For subparargraph (B) as it formerly read, see Vol. II, Appendix J, Superseded Provisions, P.L. 111-3.

[78]  P.L. 111-3, §113(a)(2), struck out subparagraph (B) and inserted “(B) [reserved]”.

[79]  P.L. 111-3, 201(b)(1)(B)(i), struck out “and”.

[80]  P.L. 111-3, 201(b)(1)(B)(iii), added this new clause (iv). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3.

[81]  P.L. 111-3, 201(b)(1)(B)(ii), redesignated the former clause (iv) as clause (v).

[82]  P.L. 106-554, §802(a)(5), added this paragraph (2), effective as if included in P.L. 105-33, §4901, August 5, 1997.

[83]  P.L. 111-3, §104 added this new paragraph (3). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3.

[84]  P.L. 111-148, §2102 (a)(3), struck out “, respectively” .

[85]  P.L. 111-148, §2102 (a)(3), struck out “, respectively”.

[86]  P.L. 111-148, §2102(a)(4), struck out subclause (IV) —

“Unexpended transitional coverage block grant for nonpregnant childless adults.—As of October 1, 2011, any amounts set aside under section 2111(a)(3) that are not expended by September 30, 2011.”

effective as if included in the enactment of P.L. 111–3, §104 (which had added paragraph (3), including this subclause (IV).

[87]  P.L. 111-148, §2101(b)(c), inserted “or any children enrolled on or after October 1, 2013”, effective March 23, 2010.

[88]  P.L. 111-3, §104, added this new paragraph (4). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3.

[89]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(c)(1), struck out “2013” and inserted “2015”, effective March 23, 2010.

[90]  P.L. 111-148, §2101(a), added this new sentence, effective March 23, 2010.

[91]  P.L. 111-148, §2101(a), added this new sentence, effective March 23, 2010.

[92]  See Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §601(b)-(g), with respect to a final rule required to be effect for all States.

[93]  P.L. 111-3, §202 (b), added this new subparagraph (C). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3.

[94]  P.L. 111-3, §211 (c)(2), added this new clause (ii), effective January 1, 2010.

[95]  P.L. 111-3, §302 (b), added this new clause (iii). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3.

[96]  P.L. 111-3, §601 (a)(2), added this new clause (iv). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3.

[97]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(b)(4)(A), struck out “to” and inserted “to—”.

[98]  P.L. 111-3, §301 (a)(2)(A), struck out “relative to the amounts that the State would have paid to obtain comparable coverage only of the targeted low-income children involved,” and inserted “relative to” and added new clauses (i) and (ii). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3.

P.L. 111-3, §302 (a)(2)(B), provided “(B) NONAPPLICATION TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED COVERAGE.—The amendment made by subparagraph (A) shall not apply to coverage the purchase of which has been approved by the Secretary under section 2105(c)(3) of the Social Security Act prior to the date of enactment of this Act.”

[99]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(b)(4)(B), struck out the period and inserted a semicolon.

[100]  See Vol. II, P.L. 93-406, §607(l).

[101]  P.L. 111-3, §114(a), added this new paragraph (8). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3. For a rule of construction with respect to this amendment , see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §114(b).

[102]  P.L. 111-3, §211(c)(1), added this new paragraph (9), effective January 1, 2010.

[103]  P.L. 111-148, §2102(a)(5), struck out “section 1903(a)(3)(F)” and inserted “section 1903(a)(3)(G)”.

[104]  P.L. 111-3, §301(a)(1), added this new paragraph (10). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3.

[105]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(b)(3)(A), inserted “if the offering of such a subsidy is cost-effective, as defined for purposes of paragraph (3)(A)”, effective as if included in the enactment of P.L. 111-3, February 4, 2009.

[106]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(b)(3)(B), struck out subparagraph (M), effective as if included in the enactment of P.L. 111-3, February 4, 2009. For subparagraph (m) as it formerly read, see Vol. II, Appendix J, Superseded Provisions, P.L. 111-148.

P.L. 111-148, §10203(b)(3)(C), redesignated the former subparagraph (N) as subparagrah (M).

[107]  P.L. 111-3, §601(a)(1), added paragraph (11). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3.

[108]  P.L. 111-148, §2101(b)(2), inserted “, except as required under section 1902(e)(14)”, effective March 23, 2010.

[109]  P.L. 111-148, §2101(b)(1), added this new paragraph (3), effective March 23, 2010.

[110]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(c)(1)(A)(i), inserted “as a condition of receiving payments under section 1903(a),” effective March 23, 2010.

[111]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(c)(1)(A)(ii), struck out “or”.

[112]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(c)(1)(A)(iv), added this new clause (ii), effective March 23, 2010.

[113]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(c)(1)(A)(iii), redesignated this former clause (ii) as clause (iii).

[114]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(c)(1)(B), struck out “provided coverage” and inserted “screened for eligibility for medical assistance under the State plan under title XIX or a waiver of that plan and, if found eligible, enrolled in such plan or a waiver. In the case of such children who, as a result of such screening, are determined to not be eligible for medical assistance under the State plan or a waiver under title XIX, the State shall establish procedures to ensure that the children are enrolled in a qualified health plan that has been certified by the Secretary under subparagraph (C) and is offered’’, effective March 23, 2010.

[115]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(c)(1)(C), added this new subparagraph (C), effective March 23, 2010.

[116]  See Vol. II, P.L. 111-148, §1311.

[117]  P.L. 111-3, §107(a)(1)(A), inserted “subject to paragraph (4)”.

[118]  P.L. 111-3, §107(a)(1)(B), struck out “2008, or 2009” and inserted “or 2008”.

[119]  P.L. 111-3, §107(a)(2), added this new paragraph (4). For the general effective date [April 1, 2009]; the exception for State legislation; contingent effective date; and reliance on law, see Vol. II, P.L. 111-3, §3. For §1139 as it formerly read, see Vol. II, Appendix J, Superseded Provisions, P.L. 111-3.

[120]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(d)(2)(C)(i), struck out “2013” and inserted “2015”, effective March 23, 2010.

[121]  P.L. 111-148, §10203(d)(2)(C)(ii), struck out “2013” and inserted “2015”, effective March 23, 2010.

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