Providing small business training for low-income individuals

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AmeriCorps*VISTA members with Yazoo Community Action, Inc., located in Yazoo City, Mississippi, ran a micro-enterprise project to train low-income individuals in how to start a small business. The free classes included assistance in writing a business plan. This practice was shared during the AmeriCorps*VISTA Financial Asset Development Institute held August 7-9, 2001, at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.

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Starting a small business can be one way for low-income individuals to become self-sufficient. However, knowing how to start a business and determining its likelihood for success can be difficult without the proper training. The Yazoo Community Action, Inc. micro-enterprise project encouraged and supported low-income individuals in starting small businesses.

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AmeriCorps *VISTA members organized weekly small business classes. The training number was limited to 18 people on a first come, first served basis. Participants developed a business plan during the training that could be used to apply for a small business loan. The agency provided assistance to qualifying individuals in acquiring loans from lending institutions.

The classes were as follows:

Class one: overview of the business plan

  • Personal finance and money management
  • Business structure
  • Start-up costs
  • Break even analysis and fixed versus variable costs
  • Marketing plan (customer analysis, competitive analysis, location, pricing, and promotion)
  • Cash flow concepts
  • Record keeping and taxes
Class two: record keeping
  • Taxes
  • Control of the business: making decisions
  • Business checking account
  • Initial set up of books
  • Who keeps the books
Class three: marketing plan
  • Customer analysis
  • Product analysis
  • Competitive analysis — local markets
  • Pricing
  • Promotion
Class four: Cash flow concepts and business planning
  • Cash flow cash cycle
  • Pro-forma cash flow
  • Cash flow versus budget
Class five: Review
  • Key concepts
  • Importance of a written business plan
Individual technical assistance was offered at each class.

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Yazoo Community Action Inc. is a nonprofit organization that provides a variety of services to the Yazoo County community in Mississippi. Two major areas of focus are social services and economic development. The organization's objective is to identify and eliminate poverty through the most efficient and effective use of resources and to enable the less fortunate to secure opportunities needed to become self-sufficient.

Yazoo County has a population of 25,697. The unemployment rate in 1999 was 8.1 percent.

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August 28, 2001

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For More Information

Arthur James
Yazoo Community Action, Inc.
Executive Director
P.O. Box 290, 224 East Broadway
Yazoo City, MS 39194
Phone: (662) 746-5742
Fax: (662) 746-0910

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The following book is available from The Resource Center library to programs funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service:
Micro-Enterprise Project: Yazoo Community Action Inc.

Item No: R1931

See the website of the Small Business Administration for guidance on how to write a business plan.

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Small Business Administration