U.S. Department of Justice

Correctional Industries: Teaching Offenders Job Skills and Work Ethics

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Sep. 07, 2012

Library ID

  • 026278

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  • 2008
  • 4 pages

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  • Correctional Industries: Teaching Offenders Job Skills and Work Ethics

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Operations of the Washington State Correctional Industries (CI) are highlighted. “Washington State Correctional Industries is a unique blend of business and government, using private industry tools and techniques to provide a public service … Thousands of offenders gain work experience and training as they produce high quality, competitively priced products, which translates into enormous benefits for taxpayers, the offenders who work and learn in CI, and for its customers” (p. 1). Sections comprising this factsheet are: mission statement for the Department of Corrections (DOC); what the DOC does; offenders at work; Correctional Industries’ programs including Class I--Private Sector Partnerships, Class II--Tax Reduction Industries, Class III--Institutional Support Industries, Class IV--Community Work Industries, and Class V--Community Restitution Programs; CI as an effective re-entry program; offenders paying their way; CI mission statement; and CI doing its share with sustainable practices, processes, and partnerships.

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