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October 16th
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Start TimeProgram Information
1:30am (ET)

Ohio Senate Debate

Sen. Sherrod Brown(D) and Josh Mandel (R)

2:30am (ET)

Unrest in Egypt, Libya and Syria

Barak Barfi
New America Foundation Research Fellow

Barak Barfi recently traveled to Egypt and Syria and spent six months in Libya last year.

Peter Bergen

New America Foundation
National Security Studies Program Director

The New America Foundation

From October 12, 2012.

4am (ET)

California 36th District debate

Rep. Mary Bono Mack
R-California, Candidate for Re-Election

Rep. Mary Bono Mack is currently serving her 8th term in the U.S. House of Representatives

Raul Ruiz
D-California, House Candidate

Dr. Raul Ruiz received his Medical Doctorate from Harvard University.

KMIR-TV, Palm Desert, CA

KMIR6 and The Desert Sun hosted this debate.

5am (ET)

Nevada House 3rd District Debate

Rep. Joe Heck
R-Nevada, Candidate for Re-Election

Joe Heck was elected to the U.S. House in 2010 to his first timer.

John Oceguera
D-Nevada, House Candidate

John Oceguera is the Speaker of the Nevada State Assembly.

Mitch Fox
“Nevada Week in Review”
Producer and Host

Vegas PBS, Las Vegas, NV

October 11, 2012

7am (ET)

Washington Journal (LIVE)

7am (ET)

Washington Journal : (LIVE) open phones

7:45am (ET)

Washington Journal : (LIVE) Michael Shear,The New York Times

New York Times
Caucus Blog Chief Writer

Topic: The New York Times’ interactive “Building a Path to Victory” electoral scoreboard map, which indicates which states Pres. Obama and Mitt Romney are ahead in – either by solid or lean margins -- along with the latest electoral college count based on that tally. The map includes toss-up states.

7:50am (ET)

Washington Journal : (LIVE) Justin Elliott, ProPublica

Uplink ProPublica

Twitter: @elliottjustin

Locator: New York City

Topic: Guest will discuss their “Free the Files” project that seeks to unveil who is paying for political TV advertisements in key swing states. The FCC requires TV stations to put information about political ad buys online – but only the top 50 markets are required to do so. These stations can post the files as image PDFs — meaning there’s no easy way to search records by the name of the ad buyer from the FCC database.

8:30am (ET)

Washington Journal : (LIVE) Julie Sobel, Hotline


National Journal’s “Hotline On Call”
Deputy Editor

Twitter: @hotlineJulie

Locator: Washington, DC

Topic: Guest will discuss the North Dakota Senate race -- one of the most competitive in the country. The candidates met in a debate Monday night. C-SPAN will air the debate Tuesday evening.

8:35am (ET)

Washington Journal : (LIVE) Tucker Carlson, Daily Caller

Daily Caller Editor in Chief 
Fox News Commentator

Twitter: @TuckerCarlson

Topic: A preview of tonight’s second presidential debate and a look at recent political developments and the presidential campaign.

9:20am (ET)

Washington Journal : (LIVE) David Becker, Pew

Pew Center on the States
Director of Election Initiatives

Twitter: @PewStates

Topic: Guest will explain the various rules states have for absentee voting, trends in absentee voting, and why up-to-date voter rolls are important.

10am (ET)

Justice John Paul Stevens on Gun Laws

Dan Gross
Brady Center

Jonathan Lowy
Brady Center
Legal Action Project Director

John Paul Stevens
Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice

The Brady Center Legal Action Project

From October 15, 2012.

11am (ET)

Arizona Senate Debate

Rep. Jeff Flake
R-Arizona, Senate Candidate

Jeff Flake has been serving in the House of
Representatives since 2001.

Richard Carmona
D-Arizona, Senate Candidate

Richard Carmona served as the 17th U.S. Surgeon General
from 2002-06.

Andrea Kelly
ArIZONA Public Media Political Correspondent

Christover Conover
Arizona Public Media Political Correspondent

KUAT-TV- Tucson, Arizona

From October 15, 2012.

12pm (ET)

Hudson Institute : Role of Government in Privacy Issues

Harold Furchtgorr-Roth
Hudson Institute Senior Fellow
Center for Economics of the Internet Director
Former Member – Federal Communications
Commission (R) 1997-2001

Maureen Ohlhausen
Federal Trade Commission
Commissioner (R)

Hudson Institute

5pm (ET)

Washington Today (LIVE)

5:45pm (ET)

Debating Techniques

John Splaine, associate professor emeritus at the University of Maryland, describes different debating techniques and styles that candidates have used over the years. He also talks about the changes in media coverage of the presidential debates.
The Robert C. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies in Shepherdstown, West Virginia hosted this hour and fifteen minute discussion.

9pm (ET)

Presidential Debate (LIVE)

Hofstra University

11pm (ET)

Overnight re-air of day's programming

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StudentCam 2013