NGNP Public Documents

Next Generation Nuclear Plant


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NGNP Public Documents
INL Documents
NRC Training Presentations
List of Abbreviations.pdf
Module 01 - Introduction.pdf
Module 02a - History and Evolution of HTGRs.pdf
Module 02b - HTGR Motivations & Applications.pdf
Module 03 - Modular HTGR Safety Design Approach.pdf
Module 04 - HTGR Licensing.pdf
Module 05a - Prismatic HTGR Core Design Description.pdf
Module 05b - Prismatic HTGR Nuclear Design.pdf
Module 05c - Prismatic HTGR Thermal-Fluid Behavior.pdf
Module 05d - Prismatic HTGR Refueling Design.pdf
Module 05e - T-F Aspects of Process Heat Coupling.pdf
Module 06a - Pebble Bed HTGR Core Design Description.pdf
Module 06b - Pebble Bed HTGR Nuclear Design.pdf
Module 06c - Pebble Bed HTGR Thermal-Fluid Behavior.pdf
Module 06d - Pebble Bed HTGR Refueling Design.pdf
Module 07a - TRISO Fuel Design, Properties & Requirements.pdf
Module 07b - TRISO Fuel Manufacturing.pdf
Module 08 - Fuel Performance.pdf
Module 09 - Graphite.pdf
Module 10a - Vessel System.pdf
Module 10b - Steam Cycle PCS.pdf
Module 10c - Helium Inventory & Purification System.pdf
Module 10d - RCCS.pdf
Module 10e - IHX.pdf
Module 10f - GT PCS.pdf
Module 11 - HT Materials Performance.pdf
Module 12 - I&C and Control Room Design.pdf
Module 13 - Fission Product Behavior in HTGRs.pdf
Module 14 - HTGR Accident Analyses.pdf
Module 15 - Accident Analysis Tools.pdf
Year 2006
Analysis of Potential Materials for the Control Rod Sleeves of the Next Generation Nuclear Plant
Development of a Safety Analysis Codes and Experimental Validation for a Very High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
NGNP Site Selection Status Report
NGNP Site Selection Status Report (2)
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Materials Research and Development Program Plan
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Methods Technical Program Plan
Year 2007
Advanced Gas Reactor-1 Pre-Test Prediction Analyses using the PARFUME Code
Graphite Technology Development Plan
HyPEP FY-07 Annual
NGNP Site Selection and Characterization Plan
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Pre-Conceptual Design Report
Next Generation Nuclear Plant System Requirements Manual
Phenomena Identification and Ranking Technique (PIRT) Panel Meeting Summary Report
Site Selection and Characterization Status Report for Next Generation Nuclear Plant
Year 2008
Draft Template to Develop NGNP Environmental Compliance Plan
HX Testing Requirements and Facility Needs for the NHI-NGNP Project
Heat Exchanger Design Options and Tritium Transport Study for the VHTR System
High Temperature Gas Reactor HTGR - Component Test Facility CTF
Letter Report for the Internal Event Hazard Assessment for NGNP
Maintaining a Technology-Neutral Approach to Hydrogen Production Process Development through Conceptual Design of the Next Generation Nuclear Plant
NGNP Licensing Strategy Support
NGNP Process Heat Utilization Liquid Metal Phase Change Heat Exchanger
NGNP Project Economic Model Development Initiative
NGNP – Creating Validated TRL and TDRMs for Critical Systems, Subsystems, and Components
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Design Control White Paper
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Intermediate Heat Exchanger Acquisition Strategy
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Intermediate Heat Exchanger Materials Research and Development Plan
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Reactor Pressure Vessel Acquisition Strategy
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Reactor Pressure Vessel Materials Research and Development Plan
Number of HTGRs Hypothetically Required for Different Aspects of Current U.S. Hydrogen Production
Number of HTGRs Hypothetically Required for Futre Canadian Oil Sands Needs
Pre-Conceptual Facility Configuration Study of the High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
Quality Enhancing Attributes Associated with the Engineering Design Subcontractor Power Conversion System Alternatives and Selection Studies
Reconciliation of Phenomena Identification Ranking Tables and Preconceptual Design Reports
Summary of Bounding Conditions for Development of the NGNP Project
Summary of Bounding Requirements for the NGNP Demonstration Plant F&ORs
Survey of HTGR Process Energy Applications
Technical Evaluation of Graphite Acquisition for NGNP Characterization Studies
Technical and Functional Requirements High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR) Component Test Facility (CTF)
Theoretical Design of Thermosyphon for Process Heat Transfer from NGNP to Hydrogen Plant
Training and Indoctrination Plan for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project
Year 2009
Capabilities to Support Thermochemical Hydrogen Production Technology Development
Component Test Capability Potential as a National Scientific User Facility
Development Roadmaps The Technical Path Forward for 750-800 Degree Celcius.pdf
Development and Verificatin of Tritium Analyses Code for a Very High Temperature Reactor
Engineering Design Elements of a Two-Phase Thermosyphon to Transfer NGNP Thermal Energy to a Hydrogen Pland
Evaluation of Integrated High Temperature Component Testing Needs
Evaluation of Transitioning Management of the Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative to Idaho National Laboratory
NGNP Component Test Capability Design Code of Record
NGNP Component Test Capability Test Loop Configuration Study
NGNP Component Test Capability Test Loop Helium Supply and Purification Study
NGNP Component Test Capability Test Loops Material Study
NGNP Hot Gas Pipe Connector Study
NGNP Hydrogen Technology Down-Selection Results of the Independent Review Team Evaluation.pdf
NGNP Licensing - NGNP Fuel Qualification White Paper Development Status Report
NGNP Licensing Plan.pdf
NGNP Risk Management Database A Model for Managing Risk
NGNP Status Report (2009)
NGNP System Requirements Manual
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Defense-IN-Depth Approach.pdf
Technology Integration Review for NGNP Air Ingress Workshop Minutes, March/April 2009
Teleconference Notes Minutes of the Circulator Telecon Between Howden UK and Battele Energy Alliance
Work Breakdown Structure and Plant-Equipment Designation System Numbering Scheme for the Hight Temperature Gas Reactor
Year 2010
Advanced Cell Development and Degradation Studies.pdf
Considerations Associated with Reactor Technology Selection for the next Generation Nuclear Plant Project.pdf
Custom Furnace System for Small Pressure Cycling Test Rig
Determining the Appropriate Emergency Planning Zone Size and Emergency Planning Attributes for an HTGR.pdf
Graphite Technology Development Plan rev 1.pdf
HTGR Industrial Application Functional and Operational Requirements
HTGR-Integrated Hydrogen Production via Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) Process Analysis rev 0.pdf
HTGR-Integrated Hydrogen Production via Steam Methane Reforming -SMR- Economic Analysis.pdf
Hydrogen Production via HTSE Sensitivity to HTGR Reactor Outlet Temperature Economic Analysis.pdf
Integration of HTGRs and an Ex Situ Oil Shale Retort.pdf
Integration of HTGRs to an In Situ Oil Shale Operation.pdf
License Structure of Multi-Module Facilities
Mechanistic Source Term White Paper
NGNP Fuel Qualification White Paper.pdf
NGNP High Temperature Materials White Paper
NGNP Program Planning Bases for the Schedule and Cost Estimates Rev 1.pdf
Next GEneration Nuclear Plant Licensing Basis Event Selection White Paper.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project Integrated Planning Schedule
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Quality Assurance Program Description
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Reactor Pressure Vessel Materials Research and Development Plan Revision 1.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Steam Generator and Intermediate Heat Exchanger Materials Research and Development Plan Revision 1.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Structures Systems and Components Safety Classification White Paper.pdf
Nuclear-Integrated Hydrogen Production Analysis rev 1.pdf
Nuclear-Integrated Substitute Natural Gas Production Analysis rev 1.pdf
Procedure for Performing the Regulatory Gap Analysis.pdf
Reactor User Interface Technology Development Roadmaps for a High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Outlet Temperture of 750.pdf
Report of Meeting with URS on April 7 2010
Response to Questions about the Applicability of the AGR Test Results to NGNP Fuel.pdf
Sensitivity of HTGR Heat and Power Production to Reactor Outlet Temperature - Economic Analysis.pdf
Sensitivity of Hydrogen Production via Steam Methane Reforming to High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Outlet Temperature Process Analysis.pdf
Technical Program Plan for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification Program.pdf
Transforming the U.S. Energy Infrastructure
Updated NGNP Fuel Acquisition Strategy.pdf
Year 2011
AGR-2 Irradiation Experiment Test Plan.pdf
AGR-3/4 Irradiation Experiment Test Plan.pdf
An Analysis of Fluids for the Transport of Heat with HTGR-Integrated Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage.pdf
Assessment of NGNP Moisture Ingress Events.pdf
HTGR-Integrated Coal and Gas to Liquids Production Analysis.pdf
HTGR-Integrated Oil Sands Recovery Via Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage.pdf
High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Projected Markets and Preliminary Economics Rev 1.pdf
Independent Evaluation of Costs of Major Capital Items for High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors
Integration of HTGRs and Seawater Desalination.pdf
Integration of HTGRs to an Ex Situ Oil Shale Retort Operation, Economic Analysis.pdf
Integration of HTGRs with an In Situ Oil Shale Operation.pdf
Integration of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors into Industrial Process Applications revision 3
Integration of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors into Selected Industrial Process Applications.pdf
Integration of High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Technology with Oil Sands Processes.pdf
JMOCUP As-Run Daily Depletion Calculation for the AGR-1 Experment in ATR B-10 Position
Mixed Stream Test Rig (MISTER) Startup Report.pdf
Mixed Stream Test Rig Winter FY-2011 Report.pdf
Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Safety Basis and Approach.pdf
NGNP Definitions and Acronyms
NGNP Nuclear-Industrial Facility and Design Certification Boundaries.pdf
NGNP Process Heat Applications Hydrogen Production Accomplishments for FY 2010.pdf
NGNP Project 2011 Status and path Forward.pdf
NGNP Project Regulatory Gap Analysis for Modular HTGRS.pdf
NGNP Site 2 Hazards Assessment.pdf
NQA-1 2008 1a 2009 NGNP Document Training - General
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Probabilistic Risk Assessment White Paper.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project Evaluation of Siting an HTGR Co-generation Plant on an Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Site.pdf
Optimum Reactor Outlet Temperatures for High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors Integrated with Industrial Processes.pdf
Progress Report for Diffusion Welding of the NGNP Process Application Heat Exchangers.pdf
Quality Assurance Program Plan for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project
Research and Development Technology Development Roadmaps for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project.pdf
Validation and Verification Plan for 2050 Strategic Impact Model - SIM - Version 2.0
Year 2012
AGR-1 Daily As-run Thermal Analyses
AGR-1 Irradiation Test Final As-Run Report
AGR-1 Safety Test Predictions Using the PARFUME Code
AGR-1 Thermocouple Data Analysis
AGR-2 Pre-Test Prediction Analyses using the PARFUME Code for U.S. Fuel Particles
Assessment of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor - HTGR - Capital and Operating Costs.pdf
Assessment of the SRI Gasification Process for Syngas Generation with HTGR Integration - White Paper
Delayed Heatup Testing
Delayed Heatup Testing Rev 1
HTGR Application Economic Model Users Manual.pdf
HTGR Cost Model Users Manual rev 1.pdf
NGNP High Temperature Materials White Paper rev 1
NGNP Integrated Schedule Development Plan.pdf
Research Plan for Moisture and Air Ingress Experiments
Scoping Analysis of Source Term and Functional Containment Attenuation Factors rev 1.pdf
Uncertainty Quantification of Calculated Temperatures for the AGR-1 Experiment
Using SA508-533 for the HTGR Vessel Material
VHTR TDO Assessments
NEAC 2010
INL/NGNP References
12-9051191-001 NGNP Hydro. Prod. Preconc. Design Studies Rpt.pdf
12-9052076-000 NGNP with Hydro. Prod. Precon Design stud rpt.pdf
911102 NGNP Sys Req Manual.pdf
INEEL-EXT-03-01163 NGNP High Lvl Fuct & Req.pdf
INEEL-EXT-04-01816 Design Features and Tech Uncertainties for NGNP.pdf
INEEL-EXT-04-02347 NGNP Materials Research & Dev Prog..pdf
INL-EXT-06-11804 NGNP Methods Tech Prog. Plan.pdf
INL-EXT-07-12726 NGNP Engi. White Paper Licen. & Perm..pdf
INL-EXT-07-12729 NGNP Eng White Paper Reactro Type Trady Stdy..pdf
INL-EXT-07-12967 NGNP Pre-Conceptual Des. Rpt.pdf
INL-EXT-07-12967 NGNP Sept Pre-Conceptual Des. Rpt.pdf
INL-EXT-07-12999 Rev 3 NGNP Sys. Req Manual.pdf
INL-EXT-07-13148 Technical Risk Mgmt. for NGNP.pdf
INL-EXT-07-13165 Graphite Tech.pdf
INL-EXT-08-14193 Maintaing a Tech-Nautral Approach.pdf
INL-EXT-08-14842 NGNP - Creating Validated TRL & TDRMS.pdf
INL-EXT-08-15148 NGNP Tech Dev Roadmaps.pdf
INL-EXT-09-16598 NGNP Tech Dev. Rdmaps Tech Path Forward.pdf
INL-EXT-09-16942 Rev 1, Integration of H-Temp Gas-Cooled.pdf
INL-EXT-10-12967 PCDR.pdf
INL-EXT-10-19808 End User Func. and Perf. Req. Rev 0.pdf
MPR-3181 Survey of HTGR Proc Energy Appl.pdf
NGNP Rpt on Tech Readiness lvls & Des.pdf
NGNP-ESR-RPT-001 Westinghouse Preconceptual Design Executive Summary.pdf
ORNL-TM-2007-153-10-07 NGNP Graphite Sel & Acquisition Strategy.pdf
PC-000544 Preconceptual Eng. Serv for NGNP.pdf
PC-000586 Eng. Services for the NGNP Hydro. Prod.pdf
PLN-1484 Rev1 AGR Fuel Dev. & Qual Program Proj Execu. pln.pdf
PLN-2489 NGNP Preliminary Proj Mngt Plan.pdf
PLN-2497- Graphite Technology Dev. Plan.pdf
PLN-2498 Rev0 NGNP Methods Tech Prog. Plan.pdf
PLN-2498 Rev1 NGNP Methods Tech Prog. Plan.pdf
PLN-2674 rev 0 NGNP Materials Research and Development Program Plan.pdf
PLN-2803 NGNP Reactor Press. Vessl Mater. R&D Plan.pdf
PLN-2804 NGNP Inter. Heat Exch.pdf
PLN-2825 NGNP Preliminary Project Execution Plan.pdf
PLN-3202 NGNP Licensing Plan 2009.pdf
PLN-3206 NGNP Req. Mngmt Implementation pln.pdf
PLN-3247 Risk Mngmt Pln for NGNP.pdf
R-6917-00-01 NGNP Hydrogen Tech - IRT Eval.pdf
SAG July 2009 .pdf
SAG Meeting Minutes October 2008 Rev 1.pdf
Senior Advisory Meeting-Crystal City-VA rev 0.pdf
TDR-30013031-003 NGNP Tech Dev Map R & D Technical Prog pln.pdf
TEV-666 Nuclear-Integrated Ammonia Prod.pdf
TEV-667 Nuclear-Integrated Methanol-to Gas.pdf
TEV-672 Nuclear-Integrated Coal and Gas to Liq.pdf
TEV-674 Power Cycles for the Generation of Elect from NGNP.pdf
TEV-693 Nuclear-Integrated Hydrogen Production Analysis.pdf
TEV-704 Nuclear Assisted Oil Sands Rec via....pdf
TEV-962 Sesitivity of Hydrogen Prod. via SMR to HTGR ROT.pdf
TEV-981 An Analysis of the Effect of Reactor Outlet Temp. of a High.pdf
Tab 7, MPR Associates Letter August 8 2008.pdf
inl-ext-10-17686 Fuel Qual White Paper.pdf
inl-ext-10-17997 Mech Source Terms White Paper.pdf
NGNP Industry Alliance
NGNP Industry Alliance Limited Mission October 2010 .pdf
NGNP Letter to Secretary Chu - Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project Forming a Public-Private Partnership for its Execution, June 29 2010.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project Implementation Strategy November 30 2009.pdf
NON INL/NGNP References
Letter Report - Number of High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors That Could Hypothetically Be Applied to U.S. Hydrogen Production.pdf
ORNL-tm-2007-153-9-07 NGNP Graphite Selection and Acquisition Strategy.pdf
Tab 13, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions.pdf
Tab 13, Safety Goals for the Operations of Nuclear Power Plants.pdf
Tab 13, Survey of HTGR Process Energy Applications, MPR-3181.pdf
Tab 3, 3a, 3b, 8, 10, Energy Policy Act of 2005.pdf
Tab 3a, 6, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets.pdf
Tab 3a, 6, Major Construction Projects Need a Consistent Approach.pdf
Tab 3a, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities 10 CFR 50.pdf
Tab 3a, Early Site Permits; Standard Design Certifications 10 CFR 52.pdf
Tab 3a, National Energy Policy - Reliable, Affordable, and Environmentally Sound Energy for America&apost;s Future.pdf
Tab 3a, State of the Union Address of the President to the Joint Session of Congress, Jan 28 2003.pdf
Tab 3b, Financial Assistance Funding Opportunity Announcement, NGNP - Gas Cooled Reactor Design and Demonstration Projects.pdf
Tab 4, Current Capabilites of the Fuel Performance Modeling Code PARFUME.pdf
Tab 4, MHTGR Nuclear Physics Benchmark 90406.pdf
Tab 5, 6, NGNP Licensing Strategy - Report to Congress (Aug 2008).pdf
Tab 5, Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 1.pdf
Tab 5, Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 2.pdf
Tab 5, Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 3.pdf
Tab 5, Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 4.pdf
Tab 5, Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 5.pdf
Tab 5, Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 6.pdf
Tab 5, Potential Policy, Licensing, and Technical Issues for Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Designs.pdf
Tab 5, Standard Review Plan.pdf
Tab 5, TRISO-Coated Particle Fuel Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 1.pdf
Tab 5, TRISO-Coated Particle Fuel Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 3.pdf
Tab 6, Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets.pdf
Tab 6, Risk Management Guide.pdf
Tab 7, 8, Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2009 with Projections to 2030.pdf
Tab 7, 8, Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act of 2009.pdf
Tab 7, Analysis of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009.pdf
Tab 7, Annual Energy Outlook 2009 with Projections to 2030.pdf
Tab 7, Barack Obama and Joe Biden Promoting a Healthy Environment.pdf
Tab 7, Crude Oil Forecast, Markets & Pipelines.pdf
Tab 7, FY09 Projected Hydrogen Cost Estimates for Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative Baseline Processes.pdf
Tab 7, Impact of Increased Hydrogen on Petroleum Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emissions.pdf
Tab 7, U. S. Electricity Production Costs and Components 1995-2009.xls
Tab 8, Alaska Coal Gasification Feasibility Studies - Healy Coal-to-Liquids.pdf
Tab 8, Annual Energy Outlook 2010 Early Release Dec 2009.pdf
Tab 8, Appendix, EPA Analysis of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, 111th Congress.pdf
Tab 8, Baseline Technical and Economic Assessment of a Commercial Scale Fischer-Tropsch Liquids Facility.pdf
Tab 8, Below is a Fact Sheet and List of Attendees at Today&apost;s Rose Garden Announcement.pdf
Tab 8, EPA Analysis of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, 111th Congress.pdf
Tab 8, Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR Parts 80 86 & 600.pdf
Tab 8, Fixing a Critical Climate Accounting Error.pdf
Tab 8, Hydrogen and Syngas, Status and Roadmap Coal-to-Liquid 08.pdf
Tab 8, Hydrogen and Syngas, Status and Roadmap Coal-to-Liquids in the United States, June 08.pdf
Tab 8, Impacts of Large Amounts of Wind Power on Design and Operation.pdf
Tab 8, Increasing Security and Reducing Carbon Emissions of the U.S.pdf
Tab 8, Interconnection for Wind Energy and Other Alternative Tech.pdf
Tab 8, NADA DATA 2008.pdf
Tab 8, Nuclear Power 2010.pdf
Tab 8, Number of U.S. Aircraft, Vessels, Vehicles and Other Conveyances.xls
Tab 8, Proposed Combined-cycle Power Plant Planning Assumptions.pdf
Tab 8, Short - Term Energy Outlook Supplement.pdf
Tab 8, Short - Term Energy Outlook Supplement.pdf (2)
Tab 8, Table 10.1 Renewable Energy Production and Consumption.xlsx
Tab 8, Table 16. Renewable Energy Generating Capacity and Generation.xls
Tab 8, The Economics of Wind Power with Energy Storage.pdf
Tab 8, The Power to Reduce CO2 Emissions - The Full Portfolio.pdf
Tab 8, To Create Clean Energy Jobs, Achieve Energy Inde 111th Con-1st Ses.pdf
Tab 8, US Electricity Production Costs and Components, 1995-2009.xls
Tab 8, Variability of Wind Power and other Renewables.pdf
Tab 8, Vehicle Survivability and Travel Mileage Schedules.pdf
01 - Summary for NGNP Project In Review.pdf
02 - 2009 Status Report.pdf
03 - Engineering Status.pdf
03a - Pre-Conceptual Design Report.pdf
03aa - Pre-Conceptual Design Report.pdf
03b - Basis for NGNP Reactor Design Down-Selection.pdf
04 - Research and Development Status.pdf
05 - Licensing Status.pdf
06 - NGNP Risk Mgmt through Assessing Technology Readiness.pdf
07 - HTGR Projected Markets and Preliminary Economics.pdf
08 - Transforming the U.S. Energy Infrastructure.pdf
09 -NGNP Infrastructure Readiness Assessment - Consolidation Report.pdf
10 - Summary of Differences in Approach to Executing the NGNP.pdf
11 - Table of Contents of References.pdf
12 - End User Functional and Performance Requirements HTGR Energy Supply to Industrial Processes.pdf
13 - Key Design Requirements for the High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Nuclear Heat Supply System.pdf
HTGR Key Requirements Design Functional and Performance Presentation.pdf
HTGR Potential Market and Preliminary Economics Presentation.pdf
Pebble Bed Reactor Assessment Executive Summary - AREVA.pdf
Pebble Bed Reactor Cost and Schedule rev 1 - AREVA.pdf
Pebble Bed Reactor Plant Design Description - AREVA.pdf
Pebble Bed Reactor Scoping Safety Study - AREVA.pdf
Pebble Bed Reactor Technology Readiness Study - AREVA.pdf
Project Briefing for Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee Presentation.pdf
2-1.Strength_SiC workshop 2.pdf
3-2.AGR1 microstructures_1_SiC workshop 2.pdf
5-1.IR_1_SiC workshop 2-isabella.pptx.pdf
Public Meetings
NRC Meeting Notice 7-24-12
Subcontractors Documents
Hith Temperature Gas Reactor Component Test Facility Mission Needs and Requirements
Infrastructure Readiness Assessment for the NGNP.pdf
Key Pebble Bed Reactor Design Requirements.pdf
NGNP - Design Data Needs for AREVA 750 Degree Celcuis Prismatic Reactor Concept.pdf
NGNP Component Test Facility Conceptual Configuration, Cost, and Schedule Estimate
NGNP Component Test Facility Cost and Schedule Report
NGNP Component Test Facility Test Loop Pre-Conceptual Design
NGNP Component Test Facility Test Loop Pre-Conceptual Design Executive Summary
NGNP Composites R&D Technical Issues Study
NGNP Conceptual Design - Plant Design Duty Cycle
NGNP Conceptual Design - Point Design.pdf
NGNP Conceptual Design Baseline Document for Conventional Steam Cycle for Process Heat and Cogeneration.pdf
NGNP Conceptual Design DDN/PIRT Reconciliation
NGNP Conceptual Design Power Level and Number of Loops Trade Study Plan.pdf
NGNP Conceptual Design Studies Baseline Document for Indirect Steam Cycle Configuration
NGNP Conceptual Design Studies Baseline Document for Indirect Steam Cycle Configuration Revision 1
NGNP Conceptual Design Studies Reactor Building Design, Containment Issues, and Embedment Effects
NGNP Conceptual Design Studies Work Plan
NGNP Fuel Design Special Study
NGNP Heat Transport Small Scale Testing - Loop Technical and Functional Requirements
NGNP Heat Transport Small Scale Testing - Review and Assessment of TDRM Identified Tests
NGNP Nuclear Heat Source System Boundaries and Interfaces.pdf
NGNP Plant Design Requirements Document Rev 1
NGNP Reactor Parametric Study
NGNP Risk Evaluation of Major Components
NGNP TDRM Schedule and Cost Estimate.pdf
NGNP Technology Development Road Mapping Report
NGNP Technology Development Road Mapping Report.pdf (3)
NGNP Technology Readiness Levels for 750C Conventional Steam Cycle Configuration.pdf
NGNP with Hydrogen Production IHX and Secondary Heat Transport Loop Alternatives
NGNP with Hydrogen Production Preconceptual Design Studies Report Executive Summary
NGNP with Hydrogen Production RPV and IHX Pressure Vessel Alternatives
NGNP with Hydrogen Production RPV and IHX Pressure Vessel Alternatives.pdf
Power Level Special Study
Primary and Secondary Cycle Concept Study
Project Quality Assurance Plan
Reactor Type Comparison Study
Work Plan Pre-Conceptual Engineering Services for the NGNP with Hydrogen Production
Work Plan for Heat Transport Small Scale Testing for Prismatic Block
Argonne National Laboratory
Assessment of the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Intermediate Heat Exchanger Design.pdf
Candidate Materials and Potential in-service Degradation Issues for Steam Generator in the Primary Loop of NGNP
Heat Exchanger Temperature Response for Duty-Cycle Transients in the NGNP-HTE
Preliminary Issues Associated with the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Intermediate Heat Exchanger Design
Preliminary Materials Selection Issues for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Reactor Pressure Vessel
Dominion Engineering, Inc
Memo Component Test Facility Review
Brownfield Nuclear Power Plant Siting Report.pdf
Site Hazards Evaluation and Impact Assessment
General Atomics
Assessment of GT-MHR Spent Fuel Characteristics and Repository Performance
Assessment of Russian Federation Test Facilities Capabilities to Support NGNP.pdf
Audit of Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Effect of Reactor Outlet Helium Temperature on the Need for Composites in the NGNP
Engineering Services For The Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) With Hydrogen Production NGNP Contamination Control Study
Engineering Services for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) with Hydrogen Production NGNP IHX and Secondary Heat Transport Loop Alternatives Study
Engineering Services for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) with Hydrogen Production NGNP Steam Generator Alternatives Study
Engineering Services for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) with Hydrogen Production RPV and IHX Pressure Vessel Alternatives Study Report
Engineering Services for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) with Hydrogen Production Reactor Containment, Embedment Depth, and Building Functions Study
Final Report - NGNP Core Performance Analysis, Phase 1.pdf
NGNP End-Products Study
NGNP High Temperature Process Heat Transfer and Transport Study
NGNP Parametric Fuel and Reactor Pressure Vessel Temperature Calculations.pdf
NGNP Phase B conceptual Design Studies PCS Alternatives and Selection Study.pdf
NGNP Reactor Power Level Study
NGNP Reactor Type Comparison Study
NGNP Technology Development Road Mapping Report.pdf (2)
NGNP Umbrella Technology Developmant Plan
Nuclear Heat Supply System Point Design Study for NGNP Conceptual Design.pdf
Power Conversion System Alternatives and Selection Study.pdf
Preconceptual Engineering Services For The Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) With Hydrogen NGNP Design Studies Reportand Hydrogen Production Preconceptual Production
Projection of O and M and Owners Costs for GT-MHR Plants.pdf
Quality Assurance Program Document - Next Generation Nuclear Plant Engineering Services Project
Sulfur Iodine Process Summary for Hydrogen Technology Down-Selection - Process Performance Package
Sulfur Iodine Process Summary for the Hydrogen Technology Down-Selection
Technical Basis for NGNP Fuel Performance and Quality Requirements
Technology Development Road Mapping Report for NGNP with 750C Reactor Outlet Helium Temperature
Test Plan - Control Rods
Test Plan - Fuel Handling and Storage System
Test Plan - Intermediate Heat Exchanger PCHE Type.pdf
Test Plan - Power Conversion System Equipment for a Direct Combined Cycle
Test Plan - Reactor Pressure Vessel.pdf
Test Plan - Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger
Test Plan - Steam Generator for 750 Degree Celcius Reactor Outlet Helium Temperature
Test Plan for Characterizing Tritium Transport in a VHTR
Test Plan for Helium Circulators - PHTS - SCS - SHTS
Test Plan for Primary Circuit and Balance of Plant Instrumentation
Test Plan for RPS, IPS and PCDIS
Test Plan for Reactor Control Equipment
Test Plan for Reactor Graphite Elements
Test Plan for S-1 Hydrogen Production System - HPS
Test Plan for the Reactor Cavity Cooling System
Test Plan for the Reactor Core Assembly
White Paper - Characterizing the Effect of NGNP Operating Conditions on the Uncertainty of meeting Project Cost and Schedule Objectives
Industry Alliance
Industry Alliance Letter Report.pdf
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Assessment of Negligible Creep Off-Normal Welding and Heat Treatment of GR91 Steel for Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel Application.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant GAP Analysis Report.pdf
Status of ASME Subsection NH
PCS Options for NGNP Generation IV Nuclear Reactor.pdf
Savannah River National Laboratory
A Tritium Research and Collaboration Plan for the NGNP Project.pdf
Tritium Barrier Materials and Separation Systems for the NGNP.pdf
NGNP-HTGR Assisted Conventional Processes Jobs Creation and Energy Security Report.pdf
Composites R&D Techcnical Issues
Conceptual Design Work Plan Task Work Plan Outline and Content Conceptual Design Phase FY 09 and 10.pdf
Contamination Control
DDN Update and Configuration Explanatory Notes and DDN List for the
Discussion of Changes in the TRL Ratings from the First TRL Repot not due to ROT
HTGR Component Test Facility (CTF) Feasibility
IHX and Heat Transport System.pdf
Intermediate Heat Exchanger Development and Trade Studies.pdf
Licensing Risk Reduction Study.pdf
Metallic Component Schedule Risk and Cost Uncertainty Assessment
NGNP CTF Test Loop Preconceptual Design Report
NGNP CTF Test Loop Preconceptual Design Report (2)
NGNP CTF Test Loop Preconceptual Design Report - Section 10 - System Integration
NGNP Conceptual Design Study IHX and Heat Transport System.pdf
NGNP Conceptual Design Study Reactor Parametric Study.pdf
NGNP Hydrogen Plant Alternatives Study.pdf
NGNP Technology Development Road Mapping - Integrated Schedule and Cost Estimate
NGNP Technology Development Road Mapping Report.pdf
NGNP Technology Development Roadmapping Report - Steam Production at 750C-800C
NGNP and Hydrogen Production Conceptual Design Study Reactor Building Functional and Technical Requirements and Evaluation of Reactor Embedment
NGNP and Hydrogen Production Preconceptual Design Report (2)
Next Generation Nuclear Plant-Emergency Planning Zone Definition at 400 Meters
Report on Technology Readiness Levels and Design Readiness Levels for NGNP Steam Production at 750-800C.pdf
Special Study 20.1 - Reactor Type Comparison
Special Study 20.2 - Prototype Power Level
Special Study 20.3 - High Temperature Process Heat Transfer and Transport
Special Study 20.4 - Power Conversion System
Special Study 20.6 - NGNP Licensing and Permitting Study
Special Study 20.6: NGNP By-Products and Effluents Study.pdf
TRL Advancement through the use of Heat Transport Small Scale Testing - HTSST.pdf
Technical and Functional Requirements, Heat Transport Small Scale Testing Loop
Westinghouse Work Plan
Training Modules - HTGR Fundamentals
List of Abbreviations.pdf (2)
Module 1 - Introduction.pdf
Module 10a - Vessel System.pdf (2)
Module 10b - Steam Cycle PCS.pdf (2)
Module 10c - Helium Inventory & Purification System.pdf (2)
Module 10d - RCCS.pdf (2)
Module 10e - IHX.pdf (2)
Module 10f - GT PCS.pdf (2)
Module 11 - HT Materials Performance.pdf (2)
Module 12 - I&C and Control Room Design.pdf (2)
Module 13 - Fission Product Behavior in HTGRs.pdf (2)
Module 14 - HTGR Accident Analyses.pdf (2)
Module 15 - Accident Analysis Tools.pdf (2)
Module 2a - History and Evolution of HTGRs.pdf
Module 2b - HTGR Motivations & Applications.pdf
Module 3 - Modular HTGR Safety Design Approach.pdf
Module 4 - HTGR Licensing.pdf
Module 5a - Prismatic HTGR Core Design Description.pdf
Module 5b - Prismatic HTGR Nuclear Design.pdf
Module 5c - Prismatic HTGR Thermal-Fluid Behavior.pdf
Module 5d - Prismatic HTGR Refueling Design.pdf
Module 5e - T-F Aspects of Process Heat Coupling.pdf
Module 6a - Pebble Bed HTGR Core Design Description.pdf
Module 6b - Pebble Bed HTGR Nuclear Design.pdf
Module 6c - Pebble Bed HTGR Thermal-Fluid Behavior.pdf
Module 6d - Pebble Bed HTGR Refueling Design.pdf
Module 7a - TRISO Fuel Design, Properties & Requirements.pdf
Module 7b - TRISO Fuel Manufacturing.pdf
Module 8 - Fuel Performance.pdf
Module 9 - Graphite.pdf
Water Ingress Assessment Review Material
INL Published Material
Air and Water Ingress Accidents in a HTR-Modul of Side-by-Side Concept.pdf
HFR-B1 Final Summary Report in process.pdf
Moisture Ingress from Direct Cycle Steam Generation-Effect on Fuel Performance and Fission Product Transport Technology Development.pdf
NGNP Conceptual Design - Point Design Prepared by AREVA.pdf
NGNP Fuel Qualification White Paper.pdf (2)
NGNP Moisture Ingress Assessment Committee Charter rev 1.pdf
NGNP Moisture Ingress Assessment Committee Charter.pdf
NGNP Steam Generator Alternatives Study Prepared by General Atomics.pdf
NGNP with Hydrogen Production Conceptual Design Studies Power Conversion System Study Prepared by AREVA.pdf
Preliminary Prismatic Coupled Neutronics Thermal Fluids Transient Benchmark of the MHTGR-350 MW Core Design 12-06-10.pdf
Senior Advisory Group Meeting Reference Configuration - Crystal City VA Revision 0.pdf
Senior Advisory Group Meeting Reference Configuration - Crystal City VA Revision 1.pdf
Senior Advisory Group Meeting and Alliance Working Meeting - Washington DC.pdf
NRC Published Material
Draft Preapplication Safety Evaluation Report for the Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor.pdf
Lessons Learned from Supporting NRC Licensing and Regulatory Activities for Fort St. Vrain and from Supporting the NRC Pre-Application Licensing Review of the Modular HTGR.pdf
MHTGR Nuclear Physics Benchmarks.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 1.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 2.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 3.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 4.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 5.pdf
Next Generation Nuclear Plant Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables Vol 6.pdf
Preapplication Safety Evaluation Report for the Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor - 1995.pdf
Preapplication Safety Evaluation Report for the Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor.pdf
Preliminary Safety Information Document for the Standard MHTGR.pdf
TRISO-Coated Particle Fuel Phenomenon Identification and Ranking Tables for Fission Product Transport Due to Manufacturing Operations and Accidents Vol 1.pdf
TRISO-Coated Particle Fuel Phenomenon Identification and Ranking Tables for Fission Product Transport Due to Manufacturing Operations and Accidents Vol 2.pdf
TRISO-Coated Particle Fuel Phenomenon Identification and Ranking Tables for Fission Product Transport Due to Manufacturing Operations and Accidents Vol 3.pdf
Web Link  INL Home Page
Web Link  NGNP Home Page

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