125D - Geospatial Engineering Technician


Geospatial Engineering Technicians (125D) provide the Army the necessary technical and tactical expertise to execute fundamental Geospatial Engineering functions supporting Army units at all echelons through the generation of geospatial information, management and storage of enterprise geospatial databases for the Common Operating Picture (COP), terrain analysis and visualization, dissemination of geospatial information on both digital and hard copy, and the management of Geospatial Engineer operations.

The 125D Geospatial Engineering Technician provides assistance and advice to the commander and staff on matters relative to the following functions/tasks:

  • Serve on the Battle Staff as the Geospatial Engineering expert at BCT, Division, Corps, Army and Joint commands.
  • Acquire, coordinate, interpret and analyze geospatial information, to include the effects of weather, and advise commanders and their staff on its effects on Full Spectrum Operations.
  • Manage geospatial support to Full Spectrum Operations within the BCT, Division, Corps, Army and Joint commands.
  • Perform terrain analysis supporting the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) process at the BCT, Division, Corps, Army and Joint commands.
  • Integrate Geospatial Operations into the execution of the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) in support of BCT, Division, Corps, Army and Joint operations.
  • Identify gaps in geospatial information coverage and coordinate with collection entities to obtain and verify Area of Interest source data, ensuring it satisfies geospatial mission requirements for the generation of Essential Elements of Geospatial Information (EEGI).
  • Manage Generation of Essential Elements of Geospatial Information (EEGI) to fill gaps in geospatial information coverage.
  • Serve as the tactical and technical advisor to the commander, staff and major subordinate commanders providing guidance on the use of Geospatial Engineers in support of Full Spectrum Operations.
  • Manage Geospatial Information and Services on the geospatial enterprise server that provides the foundation for the COP for Army Battle Command Systems.
  • Coordinate with all echelons of Geospatial Engineer teams to transmit field-collected geospatial data to the Theater Geospatial Planning Cell for inclusion into the enterprise geospatial database.
  • Direct and supervise system administration of Geographic Information Systems on local and wide area networks.
  • Direct and supervise technical Geospatial Engineer training within unit.
  • May be employed as a service school instructor or training developer/writer. Perform other officer-level duties essential to the mission of the assigned unit.
  • 35G (formerly 96D) Imagery Analyst – Now eligible to compete for 125D as Secondary MOS to 350G. Indicate on DA Form 61 as second choice to MOS 350G.

Increasing joint operations have created a greater pool of applicants from other military branch services. Navy, Air Force and Marines should see below for equivalent MOSs. Other military branch services' applicants must come from a geography, GEOINT or analytical-related MOS with similar duties and skill sets. Applicants must demonstrate their qualifications through hard copies of documented experience (e.g., awards, certificates and performance evaluations).

MOS 125D Selection Criteria:
Minimum prerequisites for feeder MOS (any minimum prerequisites not met will require a prerequisite waiver in writing to proponent):

  • Be a SGT (E-5) or above in MOS 12Y, 35F, 35G, USMC 0241 Imagery Analysis Specialist, 0261 Geographic Intelligence Specialist; NAVY 8284 Imagery Ground Station Operator, IS - Intelligence Specialist; AIR FORCE 1N1xx, Imagery Analyst, 1N6x1, Imagery Ground Station Operator.
  • Warrior Leader Course Graduate or equivalent for USMC, Navy and USAF.
  • Have successfully completed the Basic Topographic Analyst Course or the Geospatial Engineer Course / Geographic Intelligence Specialist Course / Imagery Analyst Course or equivalent USMC, Navy or Air Force course.
  • Have a minimum of four years' operational experience as a working analyst in MOS 12Y, 35F, 35G or USMC 0261 in at least two assignments (one combat tour as a working analyst in MOS may count as an assignment).
  • Have a minimum of two years of documented leadership experience with clearly demonstrated potential for increased responsibility and leadership (waiverable to one year if the one year is in a tactical leadership position in combat, e.g., NCOIC of BCT / DIV Geospatial Team / Squad Leader of Division Geospatial Engineering Team, Special Forces Group or Battalion, or its equivalent imagery intelligence assignment.
  • Have a minimum of three NCOERs / FITREPs and possess a sustained and demonstrated level of technical and leadership competency, as supported by rater and senior rater comments on NCOERs.
  • Be an Advanced Leader Course (ALC) graduate (Common Core and Technical Phase) or equivalent USMC, Navy or Air Force course (waiverable based upon documented leadership and technical performance in feeder MOS in OEF / OIF).
  • Have a Top Secret Clearance based on a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI).
  • Be eligible for access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI).
  • Enclose a written recommendation from a senior warrant officer (CW3 and above) who holds the WO MOS 125D or 350G. In organizations where no SWO is available, a letter of recommendation from the senior ranking warrant officer that you currently work for is appropriate.

Minimum Prerequisites for Non-Feeder MOSs:

  • Be a SSG (E-6) or above (waiverable to SGT with one year tactical leadership position in combat e.g., NCOIC of a Team, Squad Leader or a Platoon SGT).
  • Have a minimum of four years of documented military geography / Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / GEOINT / imagery analysis experience and / or Tactical Battle Staff Plans experience (i.e. BCT / DIV / Corps Plans NCOIC) using an Army Battle Command System (e.g., DTSS / DCGS-A / MCS / ASAS / C2PC) and / or experience with duties and skill sets similar to that of MOS 12Y / 35F / 35G / 125D or a four-year geography-related degree from an accredited college/university or a GIS / GEOINT certification from an accredited college/university/government institution.
  • Have a minimum of two years documented leadership / supervisory experience with clearly demonstrated potential for increased responsibility and leadership
  • Have less than 12 years of active service.
  • Have a Top Secret Clearance based on a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI).
  • Be eligible for access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI).
  • Enclose a written recommendation from a senior warrant officer (CW3 and above) who holds WO MOS 125D or 350G.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • SSG(E-6) or above
  • Leadership experience at the tactical level (SBCT, BCT, DIV or CORPS)
  • Two years college credit from an accredited institution
  • Geography-related degree or certificate from an accredited institution
  • Battle Staff NCO Course Graduate

*Note: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. Your local warrant officer recruiter has the most up-to-date information about job availability and bonuses in your state.