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How to Get Through the Line Faster

For Travelers

Passengers are asked keep in mind the following advice to help make their trip through the airport as efficient and comfortable as possible.

Pack Smart

Photo of an organized carry-on bag versus an organized carry-on bag.

Dress the Part

Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) have to resolve any anomaly detected at the checkpoint. If travelers alarm when passing through a metal detector or advanced imaging technology unit, additional screening will be required.

Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT): Before passing through this technology, TSA strongly recommends removing ALL items from pockets, as well as certain accessories, including wallet, belt, bulky jewelry, money, keys, and cell phone. Removing all of these items will reduce  the chance of needing additional screening after exiting the machine. The officer viewing the image cannot see the passenger, so any irregularity that appears on the screen will require inspection to determine what it is.

For more information on this technology, click here.

Body Piercings: Certain metal body piercings may cause the machines to alarm, which will result in additional screening. If additional screening is required, passengers may be asked to remove their body piercing in private as an alternative to the pat-down search.

Head Coverings: Travelers are permitted to wear head coverings and religious garments during the screening process. They may be directed to additional screening if the headwear or clothing (religious or otherwise) is loose fitting or large enough to hide prohibited items. For more information, click here.

Shoes: Please remove shoes before entering the screening technology and put them directly on the belt to go through the X-ray machine instead of in a bin with other items. It is safe, easy, and gives officers a better look.

Passengers with disabilities, medical conditions or a prosthetic device that prevents them from removing their shoes, should notify a security officer. These passengers will be given additional screening that includes a visual and physical inspection.

Why do we screen shoes? TSA instituted mandatory shoe screening as an additional security measure when the threat level for the aviation sector was raised on August 10, 2006. Screening shoes by X-ray is an effective method of identifying any type of anomalies, including explosives. Screening shoes increases security at the checkpoint.

Read our Press Release and view an X-ray image of simulated explosives in a pair of shoes.


Have the Following Ready

Acceptable Documents

Photo of acceptable documents
Click here to view a
full-size version.

Passengers should present the following documents to a Transportation Security Officer at the checkpoint:

Passengers without identification (lost, stolen, etc.), will be required to provide the document checking officer with some information to help verify their identity. Please allow additional time since this slows down the screening process and will result in additional screening. (Children are not required to show identification).

Hassle-Free Security Tips

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