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Background: Defense Logistics Standard Systems (DLSS) History

In 1962, the DLSS were established to realize the advantages of advancing computer technology. They provide procedures for communicating requirements, moving material, and performing the other tasks that ensure the continuing operation of DoD's logistics system. The DLSS and supporting directives/publications (which DLA Logistics Management Standards manages) are:

Acronym Title (Publication)
DLMS Defense Logistics Management System (DLM 4000.25)
MILSTRIP Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (DLM 4000.25-1-M)
MILSTRAP Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures (DLM 4000.25-2-M)
SDR Reporting of Item and Packaging Discrepancies (RODS) DLAI 4140.55, AR 735-11-2, SECNAVINST 4355.18A, AFJMAN 23-215
MILSCAP Military Standard Contract Administration Procedures (DLM 4000.25, Volume 7)
MILSBILLS Military Standard Billing System (DLM 4000.25, Volume 4)
DoD Activity Address Directory (DLM 4000.25, Volume 6, Chapter 2)
Military Assistance Program Address Directory (DLM 4000.25, Volume 6, Chapter 3)
DAAS* Defense Automatic Addressing System (DLM 4000.25-4)
LOGDESMAP DoD Logistics Data Element Standardization and Management Program Procedures (DLM 4000.25, Volume 5)
Log Data Under Construction

* DLA Transaction Services has sole editorial authority for the DAAS Manual (DLM 4000.25-4).

For nearly four decades, the DLSS have enabled DoD logistics managers and consumers to communicate electronically. The functional procedures and supporting transactions have been the backbone of DoD's logistics system, with approximately three billion transactions transmitted annually. Used by over 70,000 customer activities, these standards have been implemented by the Military Services, Federal and DoD agencies, defense contractors, and allied governments. In addition, the DLSS have been a source of management information for military operations, planners, and field commanders requiring intelligence information. The commitment to each customer has been, and will continue to be, quality products and total support.

To accomplish the logistics mission more efficiently and effectively, the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) initiated the Modernization of DLSS (MODELS) program in 1984. The charter is defined as not merely an update of assorted procedures but a fundamental redesign of the way DLSS functions are performed. Functional analysis of the logistics processes confirmed the need for a more responsive and flexible service oriented logistics system. It was further established that a new system should be based on emerging computer and telecommunications technologies and should be capable of interacting with industry supporting Over time, the fixed length DLSS transactions reached the saturation point and it has become virtually impossible, within the 400+ transactions created to this point, to satisfy the rapid growing logistics requirements. Further, the inflexibility and complexity of DLSS transactions created a backlog of approved but unimplemented changes. Stated simply, the DLSS are approaching the end of a long successful life. Recognizing that emerging technologies provide opportunities for performing the DoD cost-saving initiatives. The MODELS program used (new at the time) Electronics Data Interchange (EDI) logistics transactions which conform to national EDI standards established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC). These transactions handle all the information required for current DLSS transactions as well as additional information required by new initiatives such as total asset visibility, serial number tracking, and weapon system identification.

Transition to Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS)

The DLMS is the essential tool that accomplishes the evolutionary iterative work of migration from the current legacy systems to a Logistics Common Operating Environment (COE). The ultimate goal of the COE is to provide integrated support for the warfighter in the twenty-first century. As a baseline, the DLMS incorporates the full functionality of the DLSS and the enhanced capabilities and technical improvements resulting from on-going modernization efforts. The DLMS serves as the major integrator of the logistics processes into a seamless structure spanning all logistics functions.

Functional integration is being accomplished by integrating business processes that cut across traditional organizational boundaries and legacy stovepipe systems. The integrated processes are enabled by sharing data between systems linked by a common infrastructure that will allow this level of interoperability. This shared data environment is based upon the foundation of thirty years of EDI transactions between components of the logistics community using procedures established for the systems (DLSS). The plan for conversion from DLSS to DLMS recognizes the contributions of the functionally oriented legacy systems and the fact that most of the DLSS procedures were embedded in the Military Service/Agency software applications. A more subtle incremental migration to DLMS will avoid the trauma and expense of "turn-key" implementation. Also, DLSS/ DLMS translation tables have been fully developed that allow total and complete conversion of data from DLSS to DLMS and vice-versa. These translation tables, resident at the DLA Transaction Services, enable logistics business to be conducted in both environments with "real-time" processing. Under this environment, movement of logistics functions to a migration system can be made on a staggered, controlled basis without having a deleterious effect on support of DoD warfighting capability.

For futher information, contact DLA Logistics Management Standards.