United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Commission Voting Records (CVR) for 2000

Number Description Date
SECY-00-0236 Draft Rulemaking Plan: Event Reporting for Unintended Exposures to an Embryo/Fetus or to a Nursing Child under Non-Medical, Non-Occupational Circumstances 01/18/2001
SECY-00-0225 Proposed Rulemaking Plan on Submission of Financial Information for Applications to Renew or Extend the Term of an Operating License for Power Reactors (10 CFR ยง50.33(f)(2)) 04/13/2001
SECY-00-0214 Closure of 10 CFR 50.54(a) Rulemaking (Docket No. PRM-50-62, WITS Item 19990004) 11/17/2000
SECY-00-0210 Denial of Petition (PRM 51-7) for Rulemaking to Delete the Requirement from 10 CFR Part 51 to Consider Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives in Operating License Renewal Reviews 01/17/2001
SECY-00-0212 Regulatory Guide Providing Guidance and Examples for Identifying 10 CFR 50.2 Design Bases 11/17/2000
SECY-00-0203 Final Regulatory Guide on Implementation of 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, Tests, and Experiments) 11/14/2000
SECY-00-0201 Proposed Rule - 10 CFR Part 40 Amendments to Require NRC Approval for Transfer from Licensees to Exempt Persons 03/29/2002
SECY-00-0198 Status Report on Study of Risk-Informed Changes to the Technical Requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 (Option 3) and Recommendations on Risk-Informed Changes to 10 CFR 50.44 (Combustible Gas Control) 01/19/2001
SECY-00-0190 Proposed License to Export Low-Enriched Uranium to Japan for Use as Reload Fuel in the Fugen Advanced Thermal Reactor (Application No. XSNM03149) 09/20/2000
SECY-00-0179 Final Rule: "Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penalties"; Proposed Revision to the Enforcement Policy to Conform to the Final Rule Adjusting Civil Monetary Penalties and Minor Administrative Changes to Parts 1 and 13 09/13/2000
SECY-00-0177 Implementing the Allegation Program under the Revised Reactor Oversight Process 10/11/2000
SECY-00-0168 Publication of Final Regulatory Guide on Criterion for Triggering a Review under 10 CFR 50.80 for Non-Owner Operator Service Companies 10/24/2000
SECY-00-0166 Section 274b Agreement with the State of Oklahoma 08/24/2000
SECY-00-0160 Withdrawal of Proposed Rule and Denial of Petition for Rulemaking Submitted by the Public Citizen Litigation Group and the Critical Mass Energy Project (WITS NO. W8100014) 09/14/2000
SECY-00-0159 Final Rule Amending the Fitness-for-Duty Rule 12/04/2000
SECY-00-0154 Recommended Revisions to Section D of Policy Statement on Staff Meetings Open to the Public 08/22/2000
SECY-00-0148 Draft Rulemaking Plan: Material Control and Accounting Amendments 06/29/2000
SECY-00-0135 Proposed Rule to Amend 10 CFR Part 2, Subpart J, in Regard to the Licensing Support Network 07/31/2000
SECY-00-0134 Final Rule: 10 CFR Part 72 -- Clarification and Addition of Flexibility 07/25/2000
SECY-00-0129 Workshop Findings on the Entombment Option for Decommissioning Power Reactors and Staff Recommendations on Further Activities 06/12/2000
SECY-00-0127 Proposed License to Export Nuclear Grade Graphite to Various Countries for Non-Nuclear End Use (XMAT0400) 06/23/2000
SECY-00-0126 Denial of Petition on Joint and Several Liability (PRM-50-64) 07/11/2000
SECY-00-0121 Proposal to Extend NRC Materials License Renewals for Two Years and Assemble a Working Group to Identify Long-Term Recommendations 07/13/2000
SECY-00-0118 Final Rules - 10 CFR Part 35, "Medical Use of Byproduct Material" and 10 CFR Part 20, "Standards for Protection Against Radiation" 10/23/2000
SECY-00-0117 Rulemaking Process for Revising 10 CFR Part 71 for Compatibility with IAEA Transportation Safety Standards [ST-1], and to Make Other Changes 06/28/2000
SECY-00-0113 Draft Final Policy Statement on the Medical Use of Byproduct Material 06/23/2000
SECY-00-0111 Final Rule to Amend Part 70, Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material 07/25/2000
SECY-00-0110 Evaluation of the Feasibility of NRC Creating and Maintaining a Web Page Serving as a Bulletin Board for Agreement State Rulemaking Activities 06/13/2000
SECY-00-0106 Final Rule:  10 CFR Parts 30, 31, and 32 - "Requirements for Certain Generally Licensed Industrial Devices Containing Byproduct Material" and Related Change to the Enforcement Policy 07/11/2000
SECY-00-0105 Proposed Use of the NRC Web Site to Satisfy the Staff Requirement to Make Enforcement Actions Available to Licensees 06/07/2000
SECY-00-0096 Final Rule -- Clarification of Regulations to Explicitly Limit Which Types of Applications must Include Antitrust Information 06/13/2000
SECY-00-0093 Rulemaking to Modify the Event Reporting Requirements for Power Reactors in 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73 and for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSI) in 10 CFR 72.216 07/11/2000
SECY-00-0092 Combined License Review Process 09/05/2000
SECY-00-0085 Review of the Tokai-Mura Criticality Accident and Lessons Learned 05/31/2000
SECY-00-0083 Proposed Rule: Revision of 10 CFR Part 55, "Operators' Licenses," Regarding the Use of Simulation Facilities in Operator Licensing 05/15/2000
SECY-00-0081 Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 - Renewal of Full-Power Operating License 05/23/2000
SECY-00-0080 Final Rule: "Elimination of the Requirement for Noncombustible Fire Barrier Penetration Seal Materials and Other Minor Changes" (10 CFR Part 50) 05/25/2000
SECY-00-0077 Modifications to the Reactor Safety Goal Policy Statement 06/27/2000
SECY-00-0074 Regulatory Guide for Assessing and Managing Risk Before Maintenance Activities at Nuclear Power Plants 05/01/2000
SECY-00-0070 Control of Solid Materials: Results of Public Meetings, Status of Technical Analyses, and Recommendations for Proceeding 08/18/2000
SECY-00-0063 Staff Re-Evaluation of Power Reactor Physical Protection Regulations and Position on a Definition of Radiological Sabotage 04/12/2000
SECY-00-0061 Proposed Revision to the Enforcement Policy to Address the Revised Reactor Oversight Process 04/11/2000
SECY-00-0057 Final Rule: Revision of Part 50, Appendix K, "ECCS Evaluation Models" 05/03/2000
SECY-00-0049 Results of the Revised Reactor Oversight Process Pilot Program 05/17/2000
SECY-00-0047 Draft Regulatory Guide Providing Guidance and Examples for Identifying 10 CFR 50.2 Design Bases 03/27/2000
SECY-00-0040 Final Amendments to 10 CFR 50.47; Thereby Granting in Part Two Petitions for Rulemaking (50-63 and 50-63a); Relating to a Reevaluation of Policy on the Use of Potassium Iodide (KI) for the General Public after a Severe Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant 12/22/2000
SECY-00-0037 Status of Potassium Iodide Activities 12/22/2000
SECY-00-0035 Public Confidence Survey 03/27/2000
SECY-00-0034 Proposed License to Export Low-Enriched Uranium to South Africa for Use as Fuel in the Koeberg Nuclear Power Stations 1 and 2 (Application No. XSNM03097) 02/24/2000
SECY-00-0023 Rulemaking Plan to Standardize the Process for Allowing a Licensee to Release Part of its Reactor Facility or Site for Unrestricted Use Before Receiving Approval of its License Termination Plan 04/26/2000
SECY-00-0022 Rulemaking Plan, "Decrease in the Scope of Random Fitness-for-Duty Testing Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees," for Amendments to 10 CFR Part 26 04/24/2000
SECY-00-0021 Proposed Rule: Interim Storage for Greater than Class C Waste 04/25/2000
SECY-00-0017 Proposed Rule Revising 10 CFR Part 2 -- Rules of Practice 02/16/2000
SECY-00-0011 Evaluation of the Requirement for Licensees to Update Their Inservice Inspection and Inservice Testing Programs Every 120 Months 04/13/2000
SECY-00-0010 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Renewal of Full-Power Operating License 03/23/2000
SECY-00-0007 Proposed Staff Plan for Low Power and Shutdown Risk Analysis Research to Support Risk-Informed Regulatory Decision Making 03/31/2000
SECY-00-0003 Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences for Fiscal Year 1999 02/10/2000
SECY-00-0002 Part 50 Rulemaking Plan for Decommissioning Trust Provisions 02/09/2000
SECY-00-0001 Pilot Program for NMSS Initiative on Streamlining Inspection and Enforcement 02/14/2000


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012