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Saturday, September 15, 2012
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Give Labor Day Turns Focus to Job Seekers

Since 1882, Americans have paused to observe Labor Day in a “yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.” But before you enjoy a well-earned day off on September 3, consider giving a minute to help an unemployed or underemployed person find satisfying work and help transform the holiday into “Give Labor Day.”

The Give Labor Day logo.

This weekend, millions of Americans won't have labor to celebrate. Last year, dozens of companies volunteered on Labor Day, and now we are proud to be working with public organizations as well to help match those who need jobs with companies that have openings.

This is the second-annual Give Labor Day, and we hope that job assistance becomes a social responsibility of this holiday, just as community service is a social responsibility of Martin Luther King Day.

We believe that the elimination of friction in the hiring process can create full employment, which is certainly a lofty goal. Nevertheless, we know that in helping the unemployed and underemployed by (1) facilitating introductions; (2) improving candidates online presence through social profiles; and (3) providing resume, cover letter, and interview counseling, Give Labor Day will be a day to better America's labor market.

So, how can you get involved? Volunteer and give family or friends a call to offer your help, or simply post a social network status update of, “If you're looking for a job, I will help. Contact me on Give Labor Day!” And then, help who responds.

To all who want to help, Give Labor Day will connect you and your organization to those who are seeking assistance in finding satisfying employment.

Give Labor Day urges everyone to take tangible, specific actions to help the unemployed and underemployed. To any organization that wants to give back to the labor market, this is an open invitation to pledge your support. Learn more by posting or messaging to the brand new Give Labor Day Facebook page, or by following the hashtag #GiveLabor.

Give Labor Day supporters include volunteer organizations, recruiting technology companies, and local small businesses, that are committed to helping the unemployed and underemployed overcome the barriers to employment.

Let's make this Labor Day, Give Labor Day.

David Smooke is the Director of Social Media for SmartRecruiters
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Resource Roundup: Taxes is for Lovers Edition
This Valentine's Day, volunteers across Montana are showing love for our veterans, mobilizing in an effort to help America's heroes prepare tax returns at several Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites around the state including Billings, Bozeman, and Helena.
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