CNCS Performance Measurement

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* AmeriCorps grantees participating in the FY2010 or FY2011 National Performance Measures Pilots should continue to reference the instructions for those Measures. The definitions and instructions here may differ from those in the Pilots. See more information on FY2010 National Performance Measures Pilot and FY2011 National Performance Measures Pilot.

Performance Measure G3-3.18

Number of new beneficiaries that received services as a result of capacity building efforts in a) Disaster Services, b) Economic Opportunity, c) Education, d) Environmental Stewardship, e) Healthy Futures and/or f) Veterans and Military Families.
Goal 3: Capacity Building and Leverage

Definition of Key Terms

New beneficiaries: Individuals who were clients or service recipients in the current reporting period who were not clients or service recipients in previous reporting periods.

How to Calculate Measure/Collect Data

Count of the number of new beneficiaries receiving assistance or services as a result of capacity building efforts provided by the CNCS-supported organization or assigned national service participant(s) in

  • a) Disaster Services,
  • b) Economic Opportunity,
  • c) Education,
  • d) Environmental Stewardship,
  • e) Healthy Futures and/or
  • f) Veterans and Military Families.

Applicants/grantees consider beneficiaries as "new" if they have not received any services from the organization in the past grant cycle. At the outset of the activity, the applicant/grantee should indicate a minimum number of days or hours, or other units of service received are required in order for the person to be considered a beneficiary.

New beneficiaries of service should be the direct result of one or more capacity building activities intended to support or enhance the program delivery model, such as new or expanded programming, new outreach or marketing campaigns.

Report a separate count of new beneficiaries served for each of the six Focus Areas. If a new beneficiary receives services in more than one focus area and/or more than one service within a focus area, the new beneficiary should be counted only once under the focus area in which it operates its primary program.