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NG7 SANS - Small Angle Neutron Scattering


NG7 SANS Schematic

The 30 meter long Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) instrument on neutron guide NG7 was the first new instrument to go into operation in the NCNR guide hall in May 1991. Jointly developed and sponsored by the NCNR, the ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co., and the University of Minnesota, the instrument has undergone a number of improvements over the years to remain, along with its near-twin on guide NG3, the best such instruments in the U.S. The improvements, including a higher resolution 2D detector and focusing refractive lenses, have extended the Q-range of the instrument which now goes from 0.008 nm-1 to 7.0 nm-1 to enable structural features in materials ranging from roughly 1 nm to over 500 nm to be probed.

Specifications / Capabilities:

Q-Range 0.008 nm-1 to 7.0 nm-1
Size Regime 1 nm to 500 nm
Source Neutron Guide (NG-7), cross-section: 50 mm x 50 mm
Monochromator Mechanical velocity selector with variable speed and pitch
Wavelength Range
5.0 Å to 20.0 Å
Wavelength Resolution
11% to 22% Δλ/λ (FWHM)
Source-to-Sample Distance 4 m to 16 m in 1.5m steps via insertion of guide sections
Collimation Circular pinhole collimation or focusing biconcave lenses
Sample Size 5 mm to 25 mm diameter
Sample-to-Detector Distance 1.0 m to 15.3 m continuously variable
Detector 640 mm x 640 mm 3He position-sensitive proportional counter with a 5.08 mm x 5.08 mm resolution

Access Information:

Obtaining Instrument Time

How NG7 SANS Beam Time is Typically Allocated in Each 38 Day Cycle:

  • 3 days - ExxonMobil Co.
  • 3 days - University of Minnesota
  • 10 days minimum - BTAC Proposals
  • Balance (22 days or less) - Proprietary and Collaborative Research
NG7 SANS Neutron Flux at Sample

Name: Jeff Krzywon - Instrument Responsible
Phone: (301) 975-6650
Email: jkrzywon@nist.gov
100 Bureau Dr Stop 6102
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-6102

Name: Paul Butler - Scheduling
Phone: (301) 975-2028
Email: butler@nist.gov

Name: Yun Liu - Instrument Scientist
Phone: (301) 975-6235
Email: yun.liu@nist.gov

Name: NG7 SANS Instrument
Phone: (301) 975-5082