The SOO/STRC site is maintained to better serve the science and training needs of the National Weather Service Science Operations Officers, and to reflect the changing direction of the National SOO/STRC Program.

SOO, What's New?

Well, the entire site - "What have you done with my old, outdated, and tired STRC"?!

The SOO STRC is finally undergoing some much needed attention, which will hopefully result in a resource that valued by the SOO community.

The old STRC site has been enthusiastically eviscerated from the system, the cathartic response to which was well worth the effort in developing the new site. However, should you really need something from the previous site feel free to contact me.

21 August 2012
BUFRgruven Version 12.8.1 is unleashed!!

Bgruven version 12.8.1 has been released to support the August 21st SREF implimentation. There is an all new suit of ensemble members with greater diversity in the model initial conditions and physics configurations. The total number of members has been increased to 21 plus an additional emsemble mean data set. Additionally, a new NMM-B member family has been invited to the party.

23 Apr 2012
EMS Adaptive Time Step Fix - Update Available!
31 Jan 2012
The SOO STRC data server is undergoing re-vitalization

The data archive on the primary STRC server,, is being reorganized to better serve the SOO community. When completed, the on-line archive of operational model data in GRIB 2 and BUFR formats will increase with more direct access to the files for local modeling and research.

While the mass data migration is underway, there may be periods when your favorite archived data set is unavailable. But fret not data miner, as your missing nugget shall be returned to the site in the near future.

This process should not impact the real-time data flow. At least that is the plan.

27 Jan 2012
BUFRgruven V12 is now available

The Bgruven package has been updated for 2012 with added support for the NAM 4km nest BUFR files! Through a party on February 5th to celebrate!

23 Sep 2011
The all new, sensational, eruditional, inspirational & gyrational "Modsnd*" "BUFRgruven" is finally available!!
The BUFRgruven package has been completely rewritten to make it more efficient and to provide functionality that was either missing or not working in earlier versions.