Keys to a Successful 2012

Jan 1, 2012

Dear Friends,

Reflecting on 2011, I was proud to work with many Rhode Islanders dedicated to doing whatever it takes to rebuild a strong economy in our state with expanding industries and sustainable job growth. I hope those efforts can serve as a template this year.

After hearing many companies say that our workforce is not adequately prepared for available jobs, I hosted a Pathways to Prosperity Summit at CCRI, bringing together our state’s business, education and labor communities to encourage improvements in the technical training required for students to take advantage of quality employment opportunities. Key stakeholders have recently followed up on ideas we discussed and I look forward to more collaboration on workforce development in the coming year.

To establish a model for developing young talent in fields with the most growth potential, organizations with expertise in technical education joined me to launch the High School Cyber Foundations competition in our state. We had one of the top participation rates in the country, and the next contest will take place this year.

Of course we cannot put Rhode Islanders back to work unless we recognize that the success of small businesses, which make up more than 96 percent of our employers, determines our ability to create the jobs we need. I was pleased to help ensure full funding of the Small Business Innovation Research program in the recently passed Defense Authorization bill. Rhode Island has received more than 50 awards in the last four years from this critical program.

In addition, leading business groups collaborated with me on a forum to help women-owned small companies overcome systemic disadvantages in contracting. We provided attendees with the resources they needed to expand their enterprises.

Much work remains to overcome this economic downturn, and I believe that the type of cooperation demonstrated by these initiatives will be vital to a successful 2012. I intend to continue partnering with any public, non-profit and private organization that wants to help Rhode Island get back to our full economic potential.

As your representative, I enjoy hearing your thoughts, whether in person or in writing. Please stay in touch via email, Facebook and Twitter to keep the conversation going, and check out my YouTube and Flickr pages.

Happy New Year,

Jim Langevin


Moving Forward from Payroll Tax Cut Compromise

I am pleased that the voices of the American people have been heard and we ultimately passed legislation before the January 1 deadline to prevent a tax increase on 600,000 Rhode Islanders and stop the expiration of unemployment insurance for thousands of others. Our middle class and those looking for work certainly did not deserve that burden. Keeping these same working families in mind, we must now move with the utmost resolve to find common ground on ways to create jobs and boost our economy. That includes ensuring that the payroll tax cut is extended for the full year, which will increase consumer spending, leading to more jobs.

Ending the War in Iraq

While I did not vote to start the Iraq war, I want to express my deepest thanks to those in uniform who bravely and brilliantly represented our nation. We are all proud of their service. We must now take this opportunity to better focus more resources on the challenges we face at home.


Save the date

Honoring winners of RI’s second competition
January 11 at 6:30PM
New England Center for Business and Industry
2480 Post Road
Warwick, RI

Did You Know...?

Interested in visiting Washington during April Vacation? Request a tour today before they’re all gone! ››

Continuing the payroll tax cut prevented a tax increase on 600,000 Rhode Islanders, who would save an average of $1,200 if it is extended through 2012. ››

In Other News

Speaking on the House Floor, Rep. Langevin urged House Republicans to prevent a tax increase on middle class families and protect unemployment benefits for those struggling to find jobs. ››

Having advocated for the Department’s application, Rep. Langevin announced a grant awarded to the West Warwick Fire Department to fund new equipment. ››

Rep. Langevin worked to develop a bipartisan bill that would take unprecedented steps toward protecting our critical infrastructure against cyber threats. ››

As one of the senior Democrats on the House Armed Service Committee, Rep. Langevin worked to pass key programs for Rhode Island's defense industry and a provision he authored to help wounded warriors recover. ››

Noting that we can find savings elsewhere, Rep. Langevin was a lead cosponsor of a bill to prevent proposed LIHEAP cuts and help struggling families get through the winter. ››

Rep. Langevin applauded the White House announcement that Rhode Island was one of nine states to win a major early education grant supported by the state’s congressional delegation. ››

Rep. Langevin announced the winners of Rhode Island’s second High School Cyber Foundations competition. ››