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Office of the Secretary

Department of Labor Strategic Plan FY 2011-2016

Secretary of Labor Hilda L. SolisI am proud to present the Department of Labor's Strategic Plan FY 2011-2016. This plan outlines how DOL will carry out its mission of Good Jobs for Everyone, and from this day forward will guide everything we do here at the Department.

When I first accepted my position as Secretary of Labor, I was well aware of the challenges facing this Nation and its workers. But I was optimistic that from tribulations would come opportunities, and I remain steadfast in that optimism today. I moved swiftly to redefine the Labor Department's vision: Good Jobs for Everyone.

By no means is our mission complete, but it's important to acknowledge how far we've come. The Department has changed the way it does business. We have rethought and refocused our efforts, with the goal of providing the best possible service to America's workers. This plan marks yet another step on that journey to transform our Labor Department into the most focused, efficient, and effective organization it's ever been, for our Nation's workers deserve nothing less.

In developing this Strategic Plan, the Department engaged in an unprecedented stakeholder outreach effort that directly engaged Congress, our employees, stakeholders, and the general public through agency outreach — which included listening sessions, Web chats, posting the draft Strategic Plan and explanatory, user-friendly slideshows on the DOL Web site, and the solicitation of public comments to a dedicated e-mail address. Stakeholder outreach began early in the planning process, which allowed the Department to consider stakeholder comments while goals and strategies were still under development.

The new Strategic Plan highlights this Administration's goals and shared values.

Our Strategic Plan is about workers, and makes the impact and outcomes of our work the top priority of the Department. It's not enough to simply do the work; the work needs to matter in a measurable way. This plan gauges our success as a team in achieving the results America's workers need by measuring the direct impact on their lives.

Our Strategic Plan is about accountability to both ourselves and the American people. In addition to measuring the outcomes and impact of our work, this plan underwent a comprehensive outreach and public comment period. The results of that process are available to the public, and as a result our work is more focused and effective.

Our Strategic Plan is about doing what works. By using data and evidence to drive our budget development and program planning while constantly evaluating the impact and outcomes of our work, we ensure that our collective efforts are as effective as possible.

In line with the Department's new direction and my commitment to greening the Department, no printed copies of the plan will be offered. Instead I invite you to open the electronic version of the plan. I encourage you to review it carefully, and in doing so understand the new direction for the Department of Labor.

NOTE: A New Approach to Measuring the Performance of U.S. Department of Labor Worker Protection Agencies reflects the Department's philosophy toward performance measurement in our Worker Protection agencies — and explains many revisions to the Department's goals and strategies.

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