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Designations currently in use or officially in effect are listed here, all others are no longer in use. If you do not find the classification symbol you are looking for here it may be in the US Navy Inactive Classification Symbol file.

The letter "T-" indicates that a goverment owned or bareboat-chartered ship is assigned to Commander, MSC as type commander. "F-" indicates the ship is being constructed for a foreign governmment. The letter "N" when used as the last letter of a ship classification symbol denotes nuclear propulsion. When used as the last letter of a a service craft classification, it indicates a non-delf-propelled version of a similar self-propelled service craft.


1. Warship classification. Any commissioned ship built for or armed for naval combat.

   a. Aircraft Carrier.  All ships designed primarily for the purpose of conducting combat
      operations by aircraft which engage in attacks against airborne, surface, sub-surface
      and shore targets.

         Conventional Take Off and Landing (CTOL) Aircraft Carriers
            Multi-purpose Aircraft Carrier                CVN

   b. Surface Combatant.  Surface ships which are designed primarily to engage in 
      attacks against airborne, surface, sub-surface and shore targets.

            Guided Missile Cruiser                        CG

            Guided Missile Destroyer                      DDG

            Guided Missile Frigate                        FFG

         Littoral Combat Ship
            Littoral Combat Ship                          LCS

   c. Submarine.  All self-propelled submersible types regardless of whether employed as
      combatant, auxiliary, or research and development  vehicles which have at least a
      residual combat capability.

         Attack Submarines
            Submarine                                     SSN
         Ballistic Missile Submarines
            Ballistic Missile Submarine                   SSBN
         Guided Missile Submarines
            Guided Missile Submarine                      SSGN

    d.  Amphibious Warfare. All ships having organic capability for amphibious assault and
         which have characteristics enabling long duration operations on the high seas.

        Amphibious Helicopter and Landing Craft Carriers
            Amphibious Assault Ship (General Purpose)     LHA
            Amphibious Assault Ship (Multi-Purpose)       LHD
            Amphibious Transport Dock                     LPD

        Landing Craft Carriers
            Dock Landing Ship                             LSD

2.  Other Combatant Classification. Ships which have the capability to provide support to the fleet.

   a. Mine Warfare Type Ships. All ships whose primary function is mine warfare.

         Mine Countermeasures Ships
            Mine Countermeasures Ship                     MCM

   b. Combat Logistics.  Naval fleet auxilliary ships which have the capability to provide
      underway replenishment to fleet units.  Auxilliary ships that are operated by MSC will
      have a "T-" designation before the classification (i.e. T-AE).

         Underway Replenishment
            Ammunition Ship                               AE
            Combat Store Ship                             AFS
            Oiler                                         AO
            Fast Combat Support Ship                      AOE
            Dry Cargo and Ammunition Ship                 AKE

   c. Fleet Support.  A group of ships designed to operate in the open ocean to provide
      general support to combatant forces.

            Command Ship                                  LCC

         Material Support
            Submarine Tender                              AS

         Sea Base Connector
            Joint High Speed Vessel                       JHSV

            Surveillance                                  AGOS

         Salvage Ships
            Salvage Ship                                  ARS

         Fleet Ocean Tugs
            Fleet Ocean Tug                               ATF

         Seabasing Support*
            Mobile Launch Platform                        MLP
            Dry Cargo/Amunition                           T-AKE
            Offshore Petroleum Distribution System        T-AG
            *Note: These ships are normally assigned as part of the Maratime Prepositioning Force,
            but are available for other fleet support missions.

Auxilliary Ship Category
Auxilliary Classification. Naval Ships designed to provide support to combatant ships and other naval operations. Support Type Ships. A grouping of ships designed to provide general support to either combatant forces or shore based establishments. Those auxilliary ships that provide support to naval operations but are not involved with combatent forces, Navy warfighting or support missions and are not part of the battleforce inventory are listed below. Auxilliary ships that are operated by MSC will have a "T-" designation before the classification (i.e. T-AE). Other Auxiliaries Auxiliary Crane Ship ACS Missile Range Instrumentation Ship AGM Oceanographic Research Ship AGOR Surveying Ship AGS Hospital Ship AH Cargo Ship AK Vehicle Cargo Ship AKR Transport Oiler AOT Cable Repair Ship ARC Aviation Logistics Support Ship AVB Patrol Combatant. Combatants whose mission may extend beyond costal duties and whose characteristics include adequate endurance and sea keeping to provide a capability for operations on the high seas without support. Patrol Ships Patrol, Coastal PC Constitution. USS Constitution known affectionaly as old ironsides is the oldest commisioned warship afloat in the world. Environmental Research Ship AGER NRFA Ships that are mobilization forces category A assets and are ships that are part of the battleforce. NRFA ships have a reduced skeleton crew of active duty personel assigned to provide training of assigned reservists for limited operations and maintenance.


Designations currently in use or officially in effect are listed here, all others are no longer in use. The letter "N" when used as the last letter of a service craft classification symbol indicates a non-self-propelled (n-s-p) version of a similar self-propelled (s-p) service craft.

If you do not find the classification symbol you are looking for here it may be in the US Navy Inactive Classification Symbol file.


Support Craft Classification

   Service Type Craft

      A grouping of navy-subordinated craft (including non-self-propelled)
      designed to provide general support to either combatant forces or 
      shore-based establishments.

         Dry Docks (Non-self-propelled)

            Large Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock             AFDB
            Small Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock             AFDL
            Medium Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock            AFDM
            Auxiliary Repair Dry Dock                     ARD
            Medium Auxiliary Repair Dry Dock              ARDM
            Yard Floating Dry Dock                        YFD

         Tugs (Self-propelled)

            Large Harbor Tug                              YTB
            Small Harbor Tug                              YTL
            Medium Harbor Tug                             YTM

         Tankers (Self-propelled)

            Fuel Oil Barge                                YO
            Gasoline Barge                                YOG
            Water Barge                                   YW

         Lighters and Barges


               Covered Lighter                            YF
               Refrigerated Cover Lighter                 YFR
               Harbor Utility Craft                       YFU
               Garbage Lighter                            YG


               Open Lighter                               YC
               Car Float                                  YCF
               Aircraft Transportation Lighter            YCV
               Covered Lighter                            YFN
               Large Covered Lighter                      YFNB
               Lighter (Special purpose)                  YFNX
               Refrigerated Covered Lighter               YFRN
               Range Tender                               YFRT
               Garbage Lighter                            YGN
               Gasoline Barge                             YOGN
               Fuel Oil Barge                             YON
               Oil Storage Barge                          YOS
               Sludge Removal Barge                       YSR
               Water Barge                                YWN

         Other Craft


               Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle            DSRV
               Deep Submergence Vehicle                   DSV
               Submersible Research Vehicle               NR
               Diving Tender                              YDT
               Ferry Boat or Launch                       YFB
               Dredge                                     YM
               Patrol Craft, Training                     YP
               Seaplane Wrecking Derrick                  YSD
               Torpedo Trials Craft                       YTT


               Barracks Craft                             APL
               Floating Crane                             YD
               Dry Dock Companion Craft                   YFND
               Floating Power Barge                       YFP
               Salvage Lift Craft                         YLC
               Dredge                                     YMN
               Gate Craft                                 YNG
               Floating Pile Driver                       YPD
               Floating Workshop                          YR
               Repair and Berthing Barge                  YRB
               Repair, Berthing and Messing Barge         YRBM
               Floating Dry Dock Workshop (Hull)          YRDH
               Floating Dry Dock Workshop (Machine)       YRDM
               Radiological Repair Barge                  YRR
               Salvage Craft Tender                       YRST

         Unclassified Miscellaneous

               Unclassified Miscellaneous Unit            IX
               Submersible Craft                          X

         USS Constitution
         Note:   The USS Constitution formerly IX 21 was reclassified 
                 to none, effective September 1, 1975 as per
                 SECNAVNOTE 5030 dated September 2, 1975.

DoD Disclaimer Ships Service Craft NVR Home

NAVSEA Shipbuilding Support Office
Norfolk Naval Shipyard
Code 284, Bldg 705
Portsmouth, VA 23709-5000
(757) 967-3484
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