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Mid-year Summary of 2012 Fatal Accidents

During the first six months of 2012, 19 deaths occurred in work-related accidents in the nation's mining industry. Ten miners died in coal mining, and nine died in metal/nonmetal mining.

The ten coal mining deaths were in the following accident categories: three in Slip or Fall, two from Rib Fall, and one each in Exploding Vessels Under Pressure, Other (Drowning), Handling Materials, Machinery, and Electrical. An uncharacteristic trend identified was that five of these fatalities – three of them supervisors – occurred on five consecutive weekends. This is a particular warning flag for the mining industry.

The nine metal/nonmetal mining deaths were in the following accident categories: four in Powered Haulage accidents, two killed in Fall of Face/Rib/Highwall and one each killed in Machinery, Falling Material and Fall of Person accidents.

  • From the Assistant Secretary's Desk
  • Summary of 2012 (Mid-year) Fatal Accidents at Metal/Nonmetal Mines and Preventative Recommendations
  • Summary of 2012 (Mid-year) Fatal Accidents at Coal Mines and Preventative Recommendations
  • 2012 (Mid-year) Fatality Update Letter to the Mining Community

  • Previous Material