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State and Local Climate and Energy Program

Economic Recovery (ARRA) Resources

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA 2009) offers unprecedented opportunities for state and local governments to reduce energy, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and create jobs through the implementation of clean energy (energy efficiency, renewable energy, and combined heat and power) programs.

EPA has developed numerous resources that can assist state and local governments as they work to ramp up existing clean energy programs and create new ones.

Access ARRA Funding Opportunities

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: A Guide to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Local and Tribal Governments, (PDF) (18 pp, 280K)

This 16-page guide provides an overview of funding sources in ARRA that local and tribal governments can use to implement clean energy programs and EPA resources that can support clean energy efforts. The guide covers funding and resources for energy, energy in water treatment, schools, affordable housing, transportation, and green jobs.

Webcast: Using EPA Resources to Maximize Clean Energy in Economic Recovery Spending
This Webcast was recorded March 5, 2009, and featured a crosswalk of available ARRA funds and EPA resources. It included an overview of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block (EECB) Grants, an overview of clean energy opportunities in EPA's Clean Water State Revolving Funds (SRF), and a question-and-answer session with EPA staff. The recording (115 minutes), presentations, transcript, and a 16-page guide of ARRA funding opportunities and resources are available.

Sample Text to Incorporate ENERGY STAR into Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Activity Worksheets
As described in DOE's Funding Opportunity Announcement (PDF) (30 pp, 749K), state and local governments applying for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) funds must submit project summaries within the supplied Activity Worksheet (attachment B1 in the EECBG Funding Opportunity Announcement). EPA has developed a Word document that presents sample text that can be used to integrate ENERGY STAR tools and resources into the “Project Summary” section of the EECBG Activity Worksheet.

Federal Tax Credits for Consumer Purchase of Energy Efficient Products
Includes information about how ARRA 2009 affected consumer tax credits for energy efficient home improvements.

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Browse ARRA Implementation Ideas

State and Local Guide to U.S. EPA Climate and Energy Program Resources, (PDF) (46 pp, 1.4M)
This guide has been designed to help state and local governments see which EPA programs could be leveraged to expand or develop clean energy initiatives in their own jurisdictions. It includes synopses of 19 EPA climate and energy partnership programs that include suggestions of possible actions a state or local government could take to leverage EPA's offerings.

Rapid Deployment Energy Efficiency (RDEE) Toolkit
The RDEE Toolkit provides detailed program design and implementation guides for ten broadly applicable energy efficiency programs that have extensive, proven field experience along with documentation on program design, program costs, and results.

ENERGY STAR Products for Common Shovel–Ready Projects
Incorporating ENERGY STAR products into ARRA–funded projects offers a straightforward path to achieving energy savings and environmental benefits for major home efficiency, building, and school improvement projects.
The ENERGY STAR project briefs below are designed to help project managers and developers:

Advancing State Clean Energy Funds: Options for Administration and Funding (PDF) (55 pp, 1.3M)
The “Clean Energy Funds Manual” is designed to help states assess program administration and funding options as they implement, restructure, or expand their clean energy initiatives. The manual provides an overview of advantages and disadvantages, implementation options, and examples of different approaches. It also references other state-level clean energy policies and briefly describes key interactions and considerations for program administration and funding.

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Learn What Others Are Doing


State Clean Energy Approaches to ARRA 2009
This Webcast was recorded April 15, 2009, and featured a review of EPA's Rapid Deployment Energy Efficiency Toolkit along with presentations from Maryland and Iowa about their states' approaches to economic recovery funding for clean energy projects. The recording (75 minutes), presentations, and a resources guide are available.

Local Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project Examples for ARRA Funds
This webcast was recorded June 11, 2009, and provided an overview of EPA energy efficiency and renewable energy programs and DOE ARRA funding opportunities. One community showcased its experience with integrating energy efficient practices into its municipal operations. A second community shared its efforts to include renewable energy technologies on publicly owned property. The recording (120 minutes), presentations, and resource guides are available.

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