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RSC Update: When an Entire City Stops Looking for Work

Washington, Sep 10 -

From the Chairman
Imagine if – in the span of one month – every resident of a major American city gave up looking for a job. That’s essentially what happened in August when 368,000 people dropped out of the work force. By comparison, the city of New Orleans, Louisiana has a population around 360,000. Unfortunately, this decline just
continues the downward trend of the so-called “recovery” we’ve muddled through during the last few years.

The creation of ObamaCare, stacks of costly new regulations from the EPA and other agencies, and the threat of a $500 billion tax increase next January have put job creators on defense. While the hope many felt in 2008 has turned to disappointment, all hope is not lost. We can relight the spark of opportunity by undoing the damage produced by the liberal agenda that has shaped the last four years.

Americans are resilient, and we will recover.

God Bless,

Congressman Jim Jordan
Chairman, Republican Study Committee

RSC Member Activity RSC members make it a priority to introduce productive, conservative solutions for America’s future.

  • The House reconvenes on Monday, September 10, after being out of session for the August District Work Period.

Outlook – A quick look at what’s on the horizon.

  • Tuesday is the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
  • On Wednesday, the House will vote on H.R. 5949, FISA Amendments Act Reauthorization, which extends amendments to FISA enacted in 2008.
  • On Thursday, the House is expected to vote on legislation to keep federal agencies funded until the end of March 2013. The House will also vote on the National Security & Jobs Protection Act that day, which would replace the sequester with common sense spending reductions and reforms that protect our troops and help avoid a new recession.
  • Thursday also marks the anniversary of the day Francis Scott Key wrote the poem “The Defense of Fort McHenry” in 1814. Today we know this poem as “The Star Spangled Banner,” which became our national anthem in 1931.
  • On Friday, the House will vote on H.R. 6213, the No More Solyndras Act, which would eliminate the Department of Energy loan guarantee program used by the Obama administration to subsidize numerous failed energy companies.
  • On Sunday, the celebration of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, begins at sundown.

RSC Reports

  • The RSC recently published a Policy Brief which summarizes the ObamaCare decision and provides insight and analysis into its remaining questions.
  • RSC Updates are now online! Looking for one of our recently released charts and graphs? Click here.
  • Stay up to date on budget and spending news with reports from the RSC Budget and Spending Task Force.
  • Check out the RSC Sunset Caucus’ work to shrink the size of government and the Repeal Task Force’s work to eliminate bad laws and regulations.
  • House rules now require sponsors of legislation to provide a Constitutional Authority Statement that explains how Congress has the constitutionally-derived authority to enact their proposals. Click here to see liberals’ highly questionable attempts.
  • Read the RSC Money Monitor to track how bills passed by the House affect budget authorizations, mandatory spending, and federal government revenue.


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House Republican Study Committee
Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman

Paul Teller, Executive Director
Brad Watson, Policy Director
Joe Murray, Professional Policy Staff
Curtis Rhyne, Professional Policy Staff
Ja’Ron Smith, Professional Policy Staff
Derek Khanna, Professional Policy Staff
Brian Straessle, Communications Director
Michael Tate, Deputy Communications Director
Wesley Goodman, Director of Conservative Coalitions and State Outreach
Yong Choe, Director of Business Outreach and Member Services
Rick Eberstadt, Research Assistant
1524 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 226-9717


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Congressman Jim Jordan is Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

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