ANSS - Advanced National Seismic System

Central & Eastern US Region


The Central & Eastern US Regional Advisory Committee is charged with planning, implementation and management for the Central & Eastern US Region of the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS-MA). The Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) is an effort to upgrade seismic monitoring systems throughout the U.S. by improving hardware, management, operations, cooperation, and outreach.


Earthquake Response Products

Regional Earthquake Locations Threshold

  • New Madrid : M1.5
  • Eastern Tennessee : M1.8
  • Region-wide: M2.5
Magnitudes: mc, Ml, Mw
Body-wave Moment Tensor Solutions: M4.0 or larger
ShakeMap: Developing model-based ShakeMaps for the region
Community Internet Intensity Maps
Email and pager notification
  • Recent Earthquakes Pages
  • Detailed Seismicity Maps
  • Phase data
  • Heli-pages
  • Special Event Pages

General Informational Products

Earthquake Catalog Searches

Central and Eastern US map of seismic stations Map Key

Contact Info

  • United States Geological Survey/CERI
    The University of Memphis
    3876 Central Ave.
    Memphis, TN 38152-3050

    Phone: (901) 678-5264 or (901) 678-2007
  • St. Louis University
    Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
    3507 Laclede Ave.
    St. Louis, MO 63103

    Phone: (314) 977-2236
    FAX: (314) 977-3117

Region Partners

St. Louis University Earthquake Center Logo    United States Geological Survey/CERI Logo    Ohio Seismic Network logo    VA Tech Geosciences logo