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Capital: Bratislava
Area: 49,035 sq km
Comparative area: about twice the size of New Hampshire
Population (July 2011 estimate): 5,477,038
Official language: Slovak
State Partner: Indiana
International Organizations and Agreements: NATO, European Union, United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), World Trade Organization (WTO)

Slovakia and the United States retain strong diplomatic ties and cooperate in the military and law enforcement areas. The U.S. Department of Defense and the Slovak Armed Forces have partnered together to attain significant military reforms and achieve Slovakia's admission to NATO.

The armed forces of the Slovak Republic number about 14,000 uniformed personnel and are made up of Land Forces, Air and Air Defense Forces, and a Joint Training and Support Command. The Ministry of Defense plans to complete a strategic defense review in 2011 and begin restructuring the armed forces throughout 2012 and 2013; anticipated changes include consolidated headquarters, fewer facilities, and upgraded Air and Air Defense Forces. The armed forces are the most respected national institution according to recent opinion polling. Slovakia deploys soldiers in missions worldwide under NATO, UN, and EU commands.

There are numerous arrangements in effect with Slovakia including Status of Forces Agreement, Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement, and memoranda of understanding for Ramstein Air Base support and the use of Slovak training ranges and areas.

Media: Slovakia RSS


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  • February 16, 2011

    Cyber Defense is a Team Sport

    The theme of this conference was “Empowering a Cyber Defense Workforce" and included over one hundred participants with 40 partner cyber defenders from 18 countries, NATO, and other international organizations. The cheer squad came from USEUCOM's components, DoD agencies and industry.
  • October 26, 2009

    On the Road with Dr. Hubner

    In support of EUCOM’s efforts to do more interagency partnering, I found myself driving through the pouring rain out of Tirana, Albania to visit a remote hospital in Kukes. Kukes is one of 14 hospitals in Albania we would like to connect to the main Albanian hospital through telemedicine. This project would combine the efforts of USAID, an NGO and the DoD to link the hospitals by using the internet for training, counsel and a second opinion via a program like Skype. It will allow Albanian citizens with complex or rare medical conditions to receive high quality care from Albanian and potentially world-wide specialists. This is a major feat for a country with a poorly developed transportation system and difficult living conditions. Interagency team made up of: J4-Medical Readiness, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Minister of Health of Kukes, University of Arizona, Tucson, director, Kukes Regional Hospital, J4-Humanitarian Assistance. (Photo by Tara Clark)

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  • October 25, 2011

    In the Footsteps of a Hero: The Joseph Brennan Story

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