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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
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Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program


Program Rules & Regulations

PREP Act Declarations

Covered Countermeasures 

Types of Benefits

How to File and Deadline for Filing

Programa de compensación por daños causados por contramedidas

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us: or 1-855-266-CICP (2427).  

For your security, please do not send any personal information (Social Security Number, medical, legal, or financial documents, etc.) by email to the Program.  

Please call the above number and you will receive information on sending emails safely and securely.  

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Types of Benefits

Eligible individuals may be compensated for the following:

  • Medical Expenses
    Reasonable and necessary medical items and services may be paid or reimbursed to treat a covered countermeasure-related injury of an eligible individual. The payments or reimbursements for services or benefits are secondary to other forms of coverage.
  • Lost Employment Income
    The individual may receive compensation for loss of employment income incurred as a result of the covered countermeasure injury. The amount of compensation is based on income at the time of injury.
  • Survivor Death Benefits
    Death benefits may be paid to certain survivors of covered countermeasures recipients who have died as a direct result of the covered countermeasure injury.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is the payer of last resort. Therefore, payments are reduced by those of other third party payers.

Covered Countermeasures
Seasonal influenza vaccines are not covered countermeasures under the CICP. If you received the seasonal influenza vaccine or other vaccines covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) such as tetanus or the human papillomavirus vaccine and think that you had an adverse reaction from one or a combination of these covered vaccines, see the VICP.