Stroke Connection Magazine

Stroke Connection.

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In this issue

For each of the articles below you can choose whether to read them in our digital edition or on the Stroke Connection website.

Caring for a Survivor With Aphasia

Mary and Reed Harris have been partners in Reed's stroke recovery for nearly ten years. Personal relationships rely on communication so Reed's global aphasia was met with more than a few challenges. They share their story, tips and advice to others for living with the effects of aphasia day-to-day.

Digital Edition | Web

Seeking a Cause

Stroke survivor Robert Cull's medical team was persistent in trying to identify why he'd had a stroke and made an important discovery about his health in the process.

Digital Edition | Web

Respite: Because You Care

Respite means a short break. It's a word with tremendous meaning for family caregivers. Though there is still work to do, in recent years, strides have been made to better support the need for respite for family caregivers.

Digital Edition | Web

VenousThromboembolism (VTE): Risk in the Veins

VTE may be one of the most dangerous conditions you've never heard of, particularly for stroke survivors. Understanding VTE and why stroke survivors may be at higher risk is important.

Digital Edition | Web

Mindfulness Meditation for Caregivers

Here's a very simple suggestion for how to take a break - try meditation. A number of small studies have found meditation to have a beneficial effect on depression, insomnia, stress and caregiver burden.

Digital Edition | Web
Stroke Notes

Stroke-related news you can use about new scientific findings, public policy, programs and resources.
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Readers Room

Articles, poems and art submitted by stroke survivors and their loved ones.
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Everyday Survival

Practical tips and advice for day-to day living after stroke.
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Life At The Curb

Comedian and stroke survivor John Kawie's unique perspectives on stroke survival.
Digital Edition | Web

Life Is Why

Everyone has a reason to live a longer, healthier life. These stroke survivors, caregivers and others share their 'whys'. We'd love for you to share yours, too!
Digital Edition | Web

Simple Cooking

Cooking at home can be a daunting task, but a rewarding one for your diet and lifestyle (and your wallet). Making small changes in your diet is important to your heart health. Here are simple, healthy and affordable recipes and cooking tips.
Digital Edition | Web

Support Showcase

Cooking at home can be a daunting task, but a rewarding one for your diet and lifestyle (and your wallet). Making small changes in your diet is important to your heart health. Here are simple, healthy and affordable recipes and cooking tips.
Digital Edition | Web

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