September 2012
Date Title
9/13/12 Cantwell Statement on Riverpoint Academy’s Grand Opening
9/13/12 Cantwell, LaHood Kick Off New Freight Policy Council’s First Outreach Meeting
9/13/12 VIDEO: Cantwell, Murray Introduce Senate Resolution Paying Tribute to Tuskegee Airman George Hickman
9/12/12 Cantwell Statement on Attack in Libya
9/12/12 Cantwell: ‘Unacceptable’ for Hanford to Become Nuclear Storage Site, Urges Plan for Defense Waste
9/11/12 Cantwell Statement on the 11th Anniversary of 9/11
9/11/12 Cantwell Votes to Move Forward on Bill to Help Veterans Land Jobs
9/11/12 WA Congressional Delegation Calls for Spokane Veterans Hospital to be Renamed after 2 Local Veterans
August 2012
Date Title
8/23/12 Cantwell, Senators Urge DOJ to Improve Reporting of Hate Crimes Against Sikhs
8/23/12 In Seattle, Cantwell, Transportation Secretary LaHood Announce Creation of Freight Policy Council
8/15/12 In Tacoma, Cantwell Urges Passage of New Bill to Extend Tax Cuts for Hiring Veterans
8/14/12 Cantwell Announces $250,000 Air Service Development Grant for Walla Walla Regional Airport
8/13/12 Cantwell Statement on 70th Anniversary of Manhattan Project Establishment
8/10/12 At Pasco Business, Cantwell Highlights Progress of New Bill to Extend Tax Cut for Hiring Veterans
8/4/12 In Spokane, Cantwell Touts Progress of New Bill to Extend State Sales Tax Deduction
8/2/12 Congress Passes Cantwell Measure Tightening Iran Sanctions
8/2/12 Cantwell-Backed Tax Credit Agreement Clears Key Committee by Bipartisan Vote
8/1/12 Cantwell Announces State Sales Tax Deduction Included in Tax Credit Agreement
July 2012
Date Title
7/20/12 New Report: WA Cherry Exports Doubled in First Year of New Korea Trade Deal
7/18/12 Cantwell Backs Bill to Expand Trade with Russia, Defend Human Rights
7/18/12 During Aviation Hearing, Cantwell Says U.S. Must Produce More Skilled Workers to Stay Ahead
7/15/12 Cantwell Announces Senate Hearing on Aviation Competitiveness
7/11/12 At Hearing, Cantwell Highlights Need for Medicare Payment Reform to Expand Access to Care, Build WA Primary Care Workforce
7/8/12 Cantwell Joins Local Farmers to Highlight New Farm Bill’s Support for Agriculture, Jobs
7/6/12 Cantwell, Tri-Cities Leaders Call for National Historical Park at Hanford