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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Capital: Sarajevo
Area: 51,197 sq km
Comparative area: slightly smaller than Virginia
Population (July 2011 estimate): 4,622,163
Official language(s): Bonsian, Serbian, Croatian
State Partner: Maryland
International Organizations and Agreements: United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Council of Europe, NATO's Partnership for Peace 

The United States has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to help with reconstruction, humanitarian assistance, economic development, and military reconstruction in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The U.S. Departments of State, Justice, Defense, Treasury, and Commerce, have been crucial to the redevelopment of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The U.S. Government currently has programming in the following areas: economic policy reform and restructuring; private sector development; fostering democratic reforms in local government, civic education, and civil society; rule of law, including support to law enforcement, judicial, and prosecutorial institutions; and security sector assistance.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has Acquisition and Cross-Servicing, Status of Forces, and Weapons of Mass Destruction agreements with the United States. Bosnia and Herzegovina has deployed troops for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as regularly participating in Medical Exercise Central and Eastern Europe (renamed Shared Resilience) and other exercises.

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  • March 2, 2012

    LOGEX 13: workshop in wintery Montenegro

    For this, the second of five scheduled LOGEX workshops, we drove to a training center in Danilovgrad, Montenegro, to meet with 17 Montenegro military personnel and observers from Armenia, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Serbia.
  • September 23, 2011

    Education and water improvements for the children of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    U.S. European Command provided $450,000, which allowed the Office of Defense Cooperation to renovate the Drvar school.
  • October 13, 2010

    The Face of Security – Can It Be Found In a School Opening?

    For much of our Army careers, defining security involved calculating the size of the military force that could be moved to and sustained in a particular area of the world on short notice; the larger the force equating to proportionally more security. However, attendance at two elementary school rededications in Vares and Fojnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), lead us to believe that perhaps this definition is far too simple.
  • September 24, 2010

    EUCOM, USACE help with Sava River flood mapping

    If you live near a river in Eastern Europe, you probably spent a horrific summer evacuating or preparing to evacuate due to floods. So, what better way to reach out to our partners than developing a plan to prevent and prepare for flooding, while promoting international cooperation?
  • September 25, 2009

    Harvest time; Harvesting Interagency Best Practices

    It is autumn, harvest time here in southern Germany. People are celebrating what has been planted in the spring with fests in Munich, Stuttgart and even in smaller towns like Garmisch-Partenkirchen where I have been for the last three days.
  • September 25, 2009

    Balkan Dreams

    As I fly back from a three day visit of the region, I certainly had ample opportunity to see firsthand all that he describes; yet today, there seems to me to be real hope in the region for cooperation and security alignment, perhaps for the first time in the more than two millenniums of recorded history.
  • September 11, 2009

    Phoenix Endeavor - a military spectrum management exercise

    You’ve seen quite a few posts here about USEUCOM’s Combined Endeavor (CE) exercise that is currently being conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, and the Netherlands. But what you may not have heard about is Phoenix Endeavor -- also known as PE -- which we believe is the world’s premier international military spectrum management exercise!
  • September 1, 2009

    Connecting Stuttgart to BiH

    Well, the Tandbergs worked between here and Stuttgart! What's a Tandberg? It is a point-to-point (or multipoint) teleconferencing tool used by many commercial firms as well as by many nations. The screen looks like a portrait-sized computer screen (in other words, a normal computer screen turned 90 degrees) and there's a camera embedded into the top of the screen. With this tool, individuals can sit at their desk and communicate with any number of others for video conferences.
  • September 1, 2009

    Transforming the Main Operating Base

    Things are going well as Kozara Barracks is being transformed into a large telecommunications site to support the Main Operating Base of Combined Endeavor 2009 (CE09). We are finalizing contracts, continuing to build the main operating base infrastructure, and installing several networks which will serve as the backbone for our daily communications during the communications interoperability testing. There are as many Bosnia and Herzogovina military support personnel on the ground here as there are members from the CE staff and early participants!
  • August 19, 2009

    Bosnia and Herzegovina Prepares for Combined Endeavor 2009

    During my recent visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, I saw first hand the great job our BiH partners are doing in Banja Luka as they prepare to host the US European Command’s communications interoperability exercise, Combined Endeavor 2009. The exercise, which will be held from Sep 4-17, is in its 15th year.

Videos RSS

  • June 8, 2012

    Immediate Response 2012: A look at week one

    Footage taken during the first week of Immediate Response 2012 (IR12) training event held in Slunj, Croatia from May 26 thru June 10, 2012. IR12 is a multinational tactical field training exercise that will involve more than 700 personnel primarily from the U.S. Army Europe's 2nd Cavalry Regiment and Croatian armed forces, with contingents from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Slovenia. Macedonia and Serbia will send observers to the exercise.
  • June 8, 2012

    Immediate Response 2012: So Pharr, So Good

    Pvt. Jacob Pharr with the with the 1st Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment distinguishes himself during training at Immediate Response 2012. Immediate Response 12 is a multinational tactical field exercise that involves more than 700 personnel from the U.S. Army Europe's 2nd Cavalry Regiment and Croatian land forces, with elements from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Slovenia. Macedonia and Serbia have brought observers.
  • June 8, 2012

    Immediate Response 2012: Slovenian Troops In A Fire Fight

    Pvt. Tonya Breznik of the Slovenian Armed Forces talks about the training going on during Immediate Response 2012 and how it relates to here experience serving in Afghanistan in support of the International Security Assistance Force there. Immediate Response 12 is a multinational tactical field exercise that involves more than 700 personnel from the U.S. Army Europe's 2nd Cavalry Regiment and Croatian land forces, with elements from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Slovenia. Macedonia and Serbia have brought observers.
  • June 6, 2012

    Responding to Disaster

    As Shared Resilience 2012 comes to an end in Bosnia-Herzegovina, civilian and military medical professionals test their skills that they trained on during the 2 week exercise.
  • June 1, 2012

    Shared Resilience: Mass Casualty Exercise

    43 international students enrolled in the Critical Lifesaving Skills for First Responders Course participate in a mass casualty exercise to demonstrate the skills they have learned. The course is part of the Shared Resilience 2012 exercise in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Produced by Air Force Staff Sgt. Michael Davis. Includes soundbites from Maj. Courtney Finkbeiner, instructor - Critical Life Saving Skills for First Responders Course.
  • May 31, 2012

    Building Tents and Partnerships

    U.S. Airmen from the 48th Medical Group at RAF Lakenheath working together with Bosnia-Herzegovina military members to build up a medical tent during exercise Shared Resilience 2012.
  • February 14, 2012

    U.S. assisting in Balkans during harsh winter

    The recent cold snap here has affected many countries across eastern Europe. SSgt Nathan Parry shows us how the United States is helping one country through a very difficult winter.
  • February 14, 2012

    Bosnia Military to Military Exchange

    Bosnia Military to Military Exchange. U.S. and NATO forces called in for disaster assistance and relief effort due to heavy snowfall and bitter cold temperatures in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
  • February 1, 2012

    U.S. EUCOM Chaplain (Col.) Brian Van Sickle speaks to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina local media.

    U.S. EUCOM Chaplain (Col.) Brian Van Sickle speaks to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina local media about the mission of the International Military Chiefs of Chaplains conference this year.
  • January 21, 2011

    Bosnian forces at work in Afghanistan

    Video from NATO about what the small contingent of Bosnian soldiers are doing to help NATO efforts in Afghanistan.