
September 18, 2012

The United States Institute of Peace and the Asia Society were honored to host an engaging discussion with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on the democratic transition in Burma/Myanmar, the challenges that lie ahead, and the potential of a promising future.

June 5, 2012

The U.S. Institute of Peace, in collaboration with Vital Voices Global Partnership and the Royal Norwegian Embassy, explored the kinds of leadership that are most effective in societies undergoing upheaval and/or transition. Women leaders from Liberia, Pakistan, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Samoa and Mexico offered compelling accounts of their innovative leadership approaches in two sessions at USIP on June 5. These women, who have just been recognized as the 2012 honorees of the annual Vital Voices Global Leadership Awards, are leading change in their transitioning societies through civil society, political activities, and private business.

May 22, 2012

On May 22 USIP hosted a special screening of the Oscar-winning documentary “Saving Face,” followed by a conversation with filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy on the documentary, and more broadly on the state of Pakistan’s women and how acid attack violence presents an opportunity for a greater role for women in addressing Pakistan’s challenges.

May 21, 2012

USIP’s Center for Gender and Peacebuilding, in collaboration with Kate Spade New York and Women for Women International, convened experts to explore the impact of private business and civil society partnerships on women's empowerment in the post-conflict contexts of Afghanistan, Bosnia and Rwanda.

March 9, 2012

As the Syrian uprising enters its second year, uncertainty about the challenges confronting women and minorities looms especially large.  Women have played a critical role throughout the uprising, with activists like Suhair al-Attasi, Razan Zaitouneh, and others emerging as leaders of protest and resistance to the Assad regime.  Yet their contributions have often been overshadowed. Questions persist about whether women’s concerns and perspectives will be fully addressed, either in the current uprising or in a potential post-Assad Syria. How can Syrian women ensure that their voices are heard as the revolution unfolds and a new Syria takes shape? 

Countries: Syria | Issue Areas: Gender and Peacebuilding
February 16, 2012

The Embassy of Finland and USIP hosted a panel discussion titled "Women, Peace, and Security in Afghanistan: Prospects on the Way Forward." The discussion offered a timely follow-up to the International Afghanistan Conference held in Bonn in December 2011. The panelists representing the governments of Afghanistan, Finland and the United States, as well as Afghan civil society examined ways to better ensure an active role for women in the current peace processes and reconstruction efforts.

Countries: Afghanistan, Finland | Issue Areas: Gender and Peacebuilding
January 19, 2012

The U.S. Institute of Peace, in collaboration with the Institute for Inclusive Security, hosted a panel of experts to examine the ways in which diverse civil society actors, including youth and women, as well as the media, religious and business communities, confront real conflicts with collaborative problem-solving approaches.

December 6, 2011

On December 6, the U.S. Institute of Peace facilitated a discussion featuring two women NGO leaders from Iraq whose USIP-supported projects enable them to promote positive participatory roles for women as peacebuilders and provide mechanisms and strategies to combat discrimination and violence against women in Iraq.

November 29, 2011

On November 29, 2011, the U.S. Institute of Peace hosted a panel of distinguished experts who discussed the situation of women in Haiti and their role in reconstruction.  The event featured a delegation of women leaders from Haiti and an exhibition of photos taken by Haitian women depicting their lives in the tent cities around Port-au-Prince. 

October 25, 2011

USIP, in collaboration with the Institute for Inclusive Security, USAID, and Vital Voices, hosted a discussion with Ambassador Swanee Hunt and USAID’s Deputy Administrator Donald Steinberg on lessons emerging from the Bosnia conflict with a particular focus on the best ways to ensure a direct role for women in peacebuilding efforts worldwide. In addition, film producer Abigail Disney and film director Pamela Hogan presented their PBS documentary, “I Came to Testify,” that describes how a group of 16 women from Bosnia, victims of the war’s systematic rapes, broke through political and societal silence by stepping onto the witness stand at an international tribunal.