General Information
HR Advisor
HR Advisor: Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2011

General Information and Benefits

DDESS Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity

The DDESS Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity (DMEO) Program promotes excellence and quality in education by insuring an equal, fair, and diverse workforce environment that is free of any type of harassment.

The DDESS DMEO Program Manager and DMEO Counselor are located at the DDESS Area Service Center to provide Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) technical and professional support, advice, counsel, training, and guidance to the DDESS/DoDDS Cuba workforce. We can provide assistance with any of the DMEO processes or forms:

Our Vision

A barrier-free work environment where qualified applicants and employees have the freedom and opportunity to compete and participate to the fullest extent possible, at all levels within the organization.

Our Mission

Provide Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) technical and professional support, advice, counsel, training, and guidance to the DDESS/DoDDS-Cuba workforce in accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended and all applicable EEO regulatory guidelines which safeguard the workplace from discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, and reprisal.

Our Objective

Process all complaints of discrimination in a timely manner, resolve workplace disputes at the lowest possible level, implement Affirmative Employment Initiatives, and identify systemic barriers and discriminatory practices that impede cultivation of a diverse workforce.

Special Emphasis Programs