Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan Program Performance

The tables contain performance data, by fiscal year (October 1 through September 30), for the most recent ten fiscal years for the SBA’s major loan programs (Disaster, 7(a) Business Loans, 504 Certified Development Companies, Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Debenture and SBIC Participating Securities, and Direct Micro Loans) and aggregate totals for all of the other small guarantied and direct programs.  

Outstanding balances, approvals, and performance data are shown as of the end of each fiscal year for completed fiscal years and as of the end of the fiscal quarter for the tables that will be released in January, April, and July.  Below each table are several footnotes that explain the data reflected within the tables.

The tables listed below, with data through June 30, 2012, can be accessed by clicking on the title.

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