USDA Forest Service

Research & Development Treesearch

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All Publications For: RMRS Publications

  1. Estimating US federal wildland fire managers' preferences toward competing strategic suppression objectives (2012)
  2. Research and development supporting risk-based wildfire effects prediction for fuels and fire management: Status and needs (2013)
  3. The financial feasibility of delivering forest treatment residues to bioenergy facilities over a range of diesel fuel and delivered biomass prices (2013)
  4. Assessing the potential for log sort yards to improve financial viability of forest restoration treatments (2012)
  5. A productivity and cost comparison of two systems for producing biomass fuel from roadside forest treatment residues (2012)
  6. A comparison of producer gas, biochar, and activated carbon from two distributed scale thermochemical conversion systems used to process forest biomass (2013)
  7. A comparison of three erosion control mulches on decommissioned forest road corridors in the northern Rocky Mountains, United States (2012)
  8. Mechanisms of carbon storage in mountainous headwater rivers (2012)
  9. An evaluation of the hydrologic relevance of lateral flow in snow at hillslope and catchment scales (2013)
  10. Solutions for the diurnally forced advection-diffusion equation to estimate bulk fluid velocity and diffusivity in streambeds from temperature time series (2013)
  11. Boiling water scarification plus stratification improves germination of Iliamna rivularis (Malvaceae) seeds (2012)
  12. Does prompting for revision influence subjects' offers in willingness to accept - willingness to pay lab experiments? (2012)
  13. Perry Pinyon Pines Protection Project (2012)
  14. Improving germination of red elm (Ulmus rubra), gray alder (Alnus incana), and buffaloberry (Sheperdia canadensis) seeds with gibberellic acid (2012)
  15. Biology and control of Eriophyid mites with a case study of Aceria sp. on New Mexico olive (Forestiera pubescens Nutt. var. pubescens) (2012)
  16. Genetic and environmental influences on cold hardiness of native and introduced riparian trees (2012)
  17. Management implications of using tree shelters for restoration of high elevation spruce-fir forests in the Rocky Mountains (2012)
  18. Tamarisk coalition - native riparian plant materials program (2012)
  19. Eco-buffers: A high density agroforestry design using native species (2012)
  20. Restoration potentials and challenges for Sphaeralcea munroana (2012)
  21. The state and challenges of conservation nurseries in Afghanistan (2012)
  22. Applications of hydrogels in the nursery and during outplanting (2012)
  23. Roots of success: Marketing strategies for the 21st Century (2012)
  24. Developing native plant nurseries in emerging market areas (2012)
  25. The history and future of methyl bromide alternatives in the southern United States (2012)
  26. Using organic fertilizers in forest and native plant nurseries (2012)
  27. Soil fumigation: The critical use exemption, quarantine pre-shipment rules, re-registration decision, and their effect on the 2012 growing season (2012)
  28. Restoring the American chestnut tree (2012)
  29. Evaluating reforestation success on a surface mine in eastern Kentucky (2012)
  30. Reforesting unused surface mined lands by replanting with native trees (2012)
  31. Historical periods of tree planting in the South (2012)
  32. A history of tree planting in West Virginia (2012)
  33. An Integrated Social, Economic, and Ecologic Conceptual (ISEEC) framework for considering rangeland sustainability (2009)
  34. Post-fire rill and gully formation, Schultz Fire 2010, Arizona, USA (2012)
  35. Linking human and natural systems in the planning process (2012)
  36. Guidelines for collecting and maintaining archives for genetic monitoring (2011)
  37. Historical and contemporary DNA indicate fisher decline and isolation occurred prior to the European settlement of California (2012)
  38. Sample sizes and confidence intervals for wildlife population ratios (1983)
  39. Information sources [Chapter 12] (2012)
  40. Summary and conclusions [Chapter 11] (2012)
  41. Research recommendations [Chapter 10] (2012)
  42. Fish and aquatic organisms [Chapter 9] (2012)
  43. A preliminary view of water quality conditions of the Upper Verde River [Chapter 8] (2012)
  44. Spatial and temporal variation In streamside herbaceous vegetation of the Upper Verde River: 1996-2001 [Chapter 7] (2012)
  45. Woody vegetation of the Upper Verde River: 1996-2007 [Chapter 6] (2012)
  46. Channel morphology [Chapter 5] (2012)
  47. Watershed condition [Chapter 4] (2012)
  48. Verde River hydrology [Chapter 3] (2012)
  49. Historical and pictorial perspective of the Upper Verde River [Chapter 2] (2012)
  50. Introduction [Chapter 1] (2012)
  51. Appendix 2: Risk-based framework and risk case studies. Risk Assessment for two bird species in northern Wisconsin. (2012)
  52. Appendix 3: Western mountain initiative synthesis. Response of western mountain ecosystems to climatic variability and change: a synthesis from the western mountain initiative (2012)
  53. Climate change, human communities, and forests in rural, urban, and wildland-urban interface environments (2012)
  54. Effects of climatic variability and change (2012)
  55. Stream isotherm shifts from climate change and implications for distributions of ectothermic organisms (2013)
  56. Biogeochemistry of beetle-killed forests: Explaining a weak nitrate response (2013)
  57. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations-2011 (2012)
  58. Underestimates of sensible heat flux due to vertical velocity measurement errors in non-orthogonal sonic anemometers (2013)
  59. Modeling soil heating and moisture transport under extreme conditions: Forest fires and slash pile burns (2012)
  60. Integrating regeneration, genetic resistance, and timing of intervention for the long-term sustainability of ecosystems challenged by non-native pests - a novel proactive approach (2012)
  61. Toward integrated research, land management, and ecosystem protection in the Malpai Borderlands: Conference summary; 6-8 January 1999; Douglas, AZ (1999)
  62. Strategies for bird conservation: The Partners in Flight planning process; Proceedings of the 3rd Partners in Flight Workshop; 1995 October 1-5; Cape May, NJ (2000)
  63. Cooperative strategies for forest science management and leadership in an increasingly complex and globalized world: Proceedings of a workshop; 23- 26 August 1998; Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (1999)
  64. Revegetation with native species: Proceedings, 1997 Society for Ecological Restoration annual meeting; 1997 November 12-15; Fort Lauderdale, FL (1999)
  65. Threats to western United States riparian ecosystems: A bibliography (2012)
  66. Synthesis of Upper Verde River research and monitoring 1993-2008 (2012)
  67. Incident Management Organization succession planning stakeholder feedback (2013)
  68. Irrigation in the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico: A study and annotated bibliography of the development of irrigation systems (1998)
  69. Cross border waters: Fragile treasures for the 21st Century; Ninth U.S./Mexico Border States Conference on Recreation, Parks, and Wildlife; 1998, June 3-6 (1998)
  70. A guide to soil samplng and analysis on the National Forests of the Inland Northwest United States (1995)
  71. Disturbance ecology and forest management: A review of the literature (1996)
  72. Woodland expansion's influence on belowground carbon and nitrogen in the Great Basin U.S. (2011)
  73. Deep sequencing of amplicons reveals widespread intraspecific hybridization and multiple origins of polyploidy in big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata, Asteraceae) (2012)
  74. Fire spread characteristics determined in the laboratory (1966)
  75. Proceedings-symposium on whitebark pine ecosystems: Ecology and management of a high-mountain resource; 1989 March 29-31; Bozeman, MT (1990)
  76. Multiple resource evaluations on the Beaver Creek watershed: An Annotated Bibliography (1956-1996) (1998)
  77. Plant-herbivore interactions in Atriplex: current state of knowledge (1998)
  78. Miller Creek Demonstration Forest ecology activities - a teachers supplement to the field guide (1998)
  79. Forest reference conditions for ecosystem management in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico (1998)
  80. Riparian reference areas in Idaho: A catalog of plant associations and conservation sites (1999)
  81. Small mammals of the Bitterroot National Forest: A literature review and annotated bibliography (1999)
  82. Ground sample data for the Conterminous U.S. Land Cover Characteristics Database (1999)
  83. Response of transplanted aspen to irrigation and weeding on a Colorado reclaimed surface coal mine (2012)
  84. Vulnerability of U.S. water supply to shortage: a technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment (2012)
  85. The past as prelude to the future for understanding 21st-Century climate effects on Rocky Mountain trout (2012)
  86. Elephants in space and time (2005)
  87. Developing statistical wildlife habitat relationships for assessing cumulative effects of fuels treatments: Final Report for Joint Fire Science Program Project (2006)
  88. Detecting genotyping errors and describing black bear movement in northern Idaho (2006)
  89. A resistant-kernel model of connectivity for amphibians that breed in vernal pools (2007)
  90. A synoptic review of U.S. rangelands: a technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment (2012)
  91. A bioclimatic approach to predict global regions with suitable climate space for Puccina psidii (2012)
  92. Discovery of cryptic Armillaria solidipes genotypes within the Colorado Plateau (2012)
  93. Developing a prediction model for Armillaria solidipes in Arizona (2012)
  94. Is stumping a wise solution for the long-term: The problem of phenotype-environmental mismatch (2012)
  95. DNA-based identification of Armillaria isolates from peach orchards in Mexico state (2012)
  96. De novo assembly and transcriptome characterization of an Armillaria solidipes mycelial fan (2012)
  97. Defining phases of bedload transport using piecewise regression (2002)
  98. Container configuration influences western larch and big sagebrush seedling development (2012)
  99. Landscape-scale analysis of aboveground tree carbon stocks affected by mountain pine beetles in Idaho (2012)
  100. The role of landscape connectivity in planning and implementing conservation and restoration priorities (2012)
  101. Wildlife-associated recreation trends in the United States: A technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment (2012)
  102. Preliminary results from a survey of U.S. Forest Service wildfire managers' attitudes toward aviation personnel exposure and risk (2012)
  103. The effect of sampling rate on interpretation of the temporal characteristics of radiative and convective heating in wildland flames (2012)
  104. Measurements of convective and radiative heating in wildland fires (2012)
  105. Evaluating effectiveness of down-sampling for stratified designs and unbalanced prevalence in Random Forest models of tree species distributions in Nevada (2012)
  106. Forest Inventory and Analysis Database of the United States of America (FIA) (2012)
  107. Detecting post-fire salvage logging with Landsat change maps and national fire survey data (2012)
  108. Framework for comparing ecosystem impacts of developing unconventional energy resources on western US rangelands (2012)
  109. Maintaining site productivity during biofuel harvest operations (2012)
  110. Occurrence of the root-rot pathogen, Fusarium commune, in midwestern and western United States (2012)
  111. Management guide to ecosystem restoration treatments: two-aged lodgepole pine forests of central Montana, USA (2012)
  112. Spatial variability of wildland fuel characteristics in northern Rocky Mountain ecosystems (2012)
  113. Experimental Forests and climate change: views of long-term employees on ecological change and the role of Experimental Forests and Ranges in understanding and adapting to climate change (2012)
  114. Micropropagation, genetic engineering, and molecular biology of Populus (1997)
  115. The effect of fire on soil properties (1991)
  116. Restoration of plant cover on campsites in subalpine forests: Sawtooth Wilderness, Idaho (2012)
  117. Wildfire extent and severity correlated with annual streamflow distribution and timing in the Pacific Northwest, USA (1984-2005) (2011)
  118. Development and application of a soil organic matter-based soil quality index in mineralized terrane of the Western US (2012)
  119. Genecology and seed zones for Indian ricegrass collected in the Southwest US (2012)
  120. 2011 Annual Report: Monitoring and evaluation for conserving biological resources of the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area (2012)
  121. Examining soil parent material influence over Douglas-fir stem growth response to fertilization: Taking advantage of information from spatiotemporally distributed experiments (2012)
  122. A comprehensive guide to fuel management practices for dry mixed conifer forests in the northwestern United States (2012)
  123. Criterion IV: Social and economic indicators of rangeland sustainability (Chapter 5) (2010)
  124. Rangeland ecosystem goods and services: Values and evaluation of opportunities for ranchers and land managers (2011)
  125. Plestiodon obsoletus (Great Plains skink): Life history (2011)
  126. Riparian forest restoration: Conflicting goals, trade-offs, and measures of success (2012)
  127. Persistent wind-induced enhancement of diffusive CO2 transport in a mountain forest snowpack (2011)
  128. Bumble bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) community structure on two sagebrush steppe sites in southern Idaho (2011)
  129. A simulation-based evaluation of methods for inferring linear barriers to gene flow (2012)
  130. The fundamental equation of eddy covariance and its application in flux measurements (2012)
  131. Predicting live and dead basal area in bark beetle-affected forests from discrete-return LiDAR (2012)
  132. How well can we measure the vertical wind speed? Implications for fluxes of energy and mass (2012)
  133. Growth and activity of Sceloporus cowlesi (southwestern fence lizard) (2012)
  134. Coastal management at Ojo de Liebre, Baja California Sur (2000)
  135. Sustaining flows of critical resources: One example (Abstract) (2000)
  136. A regional plan to protect open spaces, water quality, fish and wildlife habitat (Abstract) (2000)
  137. Attributes of successful stock water ponds in southern Arizona (2000)
  138. Arizona watershed framework in the Verde River watershed (2000)
  139. Burned area emergency watershed rehabilitation: Program goals, techniques, effectiveness, and future directions in the 21st Century (2000)
  140. Soil and vegetation changes in a pinyon-juniper area in central Arizona after prescribed fire (2000)
  141. The role of fire in management of watershed responses (2000)
  142. Wetland storage to reduce flood damages in the Red River (2000)
  143. Restoration of Soldier Spring (2000)
  144. Restoration of White Springs (2000)
  145. Restoration of Gooseberry Creek (2000)
  146. Effects of watershed management practices on sediment concentrations in the southwestern United States: Management implications (2000)
  147. Land cover changes in central Sonora Mexico (2000)
  148. Water repellency of Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia Forest.) windbreaks in central Taiwan (2000)
  149. Agroforestry systems in the Sonora River Watershed, Mexico: An example of effective land stewardship (2000)
  150. Watershed management implications of agroforestry expansion on Minnesota's farmlands (2000)
  151. International Arid Lands Consortium: Better land stewardship in water and watershed management (2000)
  152. Research support for land management in the Southwestern Borderlands (2000)
  153. Applying EXCEL Solver to a watershed management goal-programming problem (2000)
  154. Simulating soil moisture change in a semiarid rangeland watershed with a process-based water-balance model (2000)
  155. Integrated landscape/hydrologic modeling tool for semiarid watersheds (2000)
  156. The Fire and Fire Surrogates Study: Providing guidelines for fire in future forest watershed management decisions (2000)
  157. Assessment of effects of canopy disturbance on plants in a pinion-juniper stand (Abstract) (2000)
  158. Fire-induced water repellency: An erosional factor in wildland environments (2000)
  159. Stream channel designs for riparian and wet meadow rangelands in the southwestern United States (2000)
  160. Evaluating the ecological economic success of riparian restoration projects in Arizona (Abstract) (2000)
  161. Watersheds and fisheries relationships: State of knowledge, southwestern United States (2000)
  162. Riparian-fisheries habitat responses to late spring cattle grazing (2000)
  163. Streambank response to simulated grazing (2000)
  164. Red flags: correlates of impaired species recovery (2012)
  165. Conserving genomic variability in large mammals: Effect of population fluctuations and variance in male reproductive success on variability in Yellowstone bison (2012)
  166. Studies on rock characteristics and timing of creep at selected landslide sites in Taiwan (2000)
  167. Soil erosion studies in buffelgrass pastures (2000)
  168. The role of dendrochronology in natural resource management (2000)
  169. Snowpack hydrology in the southwestern United States: Contributions to watershed management (2000)
  170. Ecological transition in Arizona's subalpine and montane grasslands (2000)
  171. Mesquite: A multi-purpose species in two locations of San Luis Potosi, Mexico (2000)
  172. Effects of mesquite control and mulching treatments on herbage production on semiarid shrub-grasslands (2000)
  173. Tree production in desert regions using effluent and water harvesting (2000)
  174. Arbuscule mycorrhizae: A linkage between erosion and plant processes in a southwest grassland (2000)
  175. Ensuring the common for the goose: Implementing effective watershed policies (2000)
  176. Responding to increased needs and demands for water (2000)
  177. Anticipating future landscape conditions: A case study (2000)
  178. Cibecue watershed projects: Then, now, and in the future (2000)
  179. The watershed-riparian connection: A recent concern? (2000)
  180. Sustaining flows of crucial watershed resources (2000)
  181. Securing clean water: A secret to success (2000)
  182. A sociocultural perspective on the development of U.S. Natural Resource Partnerships in the 20th Century (2000)
  183. Emerging tools and technologies in watershed management (2000)
  184. Documenting historical data and accessing it on the World Wide Web (2000)
  185. Lessons learned in watershed management: A retrospective view (2000)
  186. Cold hardiness in Wyoming big sagebrush seedlings: implications for nursery production and outplanting (2012)
  187. Seasonal soil CO2 flux under big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) (2011)
  188. Patterns of soil calcium and aluminum across the conterminous United States (Chapter 9) (2012)
  189. Effects of temperature on development, survival and reproduction of insects: Experimental design, data analysis and modeling (2012)
  190. Meeting wild bees' needs on Western US rangelands (2011)
  191. Genetic structure of Eurasian and North American Leymus (Triticeae) wildryes assessed by chloroplast DNA sequences and AFLP profiles (2011)
  192. Demographic processes limiting seedling recruitment in arid grassland restoration (2011)
  193. Managing soil nitrogen to restore annual grass-infested plant communities: Effective strategy or incomplete framework? (2011)
  194. Predicting germination in semi-arid wildland seedbeds. I. Thermal germination models (2011)
  195. Predicting germination in semi-arid wildland seedbeds II. Field validation of wet thermal-time models (2011)
  196. Environmental regulation of dormancy loss in seeds of Lomatium dissectum (2011)
  197. Ecophysiology and genetic variation in domestication of Sphaeralcea and Shepherdia species for the Intermountain West (2011)
  198. Herbicide tolerance in grasses and native forb species (2010)
  199. Limitations to postfire seedling establishment: The role of seeding technology, water availability, and invasive plant abundance (2010)
  200. Principles for ecologically based invasive plant management (2010)
  201. Breeding biologies, pollinators, and seed beetles of two prairie-clovers, Dalea ornata and Dalea searlsiae (Fabaceae: Amorpheae), from the Intermountain West, USA (2012)
  202. A collaborative program to provide native plant materials for the Great Basin (2012)
  203. Breeding biology and incremental benefits of outcrossing for the restoration wildflower, Hedysarum boreale Nutt. (Fabaceae) (2012)
  204. Inbreeding, Genetic Variation, and Invasiveness: The Strange Case of Bromus tectorum (2010)
  205. Changing perceptions of watershed management from a retrospective viewpoint (2000)
  206. Water and watershed management in India: Policy issues and priority areas for future research (2000)
  207. Integrated studies of Azraq Basin in Jordan (2000)
  208. Watershed management for disaster mitigation and sustainable development in Taiwan (2000)
  209. Basin of Mexico: A history of watershed mismanagement (2000)
  210. Contributions of watershed management research to ecosystem-based management in the Colorado River Basin (2000)
  211. Watershed management in the Pacific Northwest: The historical legacy (2000)
  212. Watershed management contributions to land stewardship: Case studies in the Southeast (2000)
  213. Resource integration and shared outcomes at the watershed scale (2000)
  214. Watershed management: A concept evolving to meet new needs (2000)
  215. Watershed management in the United States in the 21st Century (2000)
  216. Watershed challenges for the 21st Century: A global perspective for mountainous terrain (2000)
  217. Watershed management and sustainable development: Lessons learned and future directions (2000)
  218. Watershed management perspectives in the Southwest: Past, present, and future (2000)
  219. Watershed management in the 21st Century: National perspectives (2000)
  220. Global perspective of watershed management (2000)
  221. Contributions of the College of Agriculture, University of Arizona, to education, research, and technology transfer in watershed management (2000)
  222. Overview (2000)
  223. Searls' Prairie clover (Dalea searlsiae) tolerance to post-emergence herbicide applications (2010)
  224. Effect of fungicides on Wyoming big sagebrush seed germination (2011)
  225. Notice of release of Majestic Germplasm and Spectrum Germplasm Western prairie clover (2011)
  226. Seed-feeding insects impacting globemallow seed production (2012)
  227. Some insects affecting Penstemon seed production (2012)
  228. Index for characterizing post-fire soil environments in temperate coniferous forests (2012)
  229. Plant Guide: Searls' prairie clover (Dalea searlsiae [A. Gray] Barneby) (2011)
  230. Plant Guide: Fernleaf biscuitroot (Lomatium dissectum [Nutt.] Mathias and Constance) (2011)
  231. Plant Guide: Nineleaf biscuitroot (Lomatium triternatum [Pursh] Coulter and Rose) (2011)
  232. Plant Guide: Arrowleaf balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata [Pursh] Nutt.) (2012)
  233. Plant Guide: Yellow beeplant (Cleome lutea Hook) (2012)
  234. Plant Guide: Tapertip hawksbeard (Crepis acuminata Nutt.) (2012)
  235. Plant Guide: Blue penstemon (Penstemon cyaneus Pennell) (2012)
  236. Plant Guide: Gooseberryleaf globemallow (Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia [Hook. and Arn.] Rydb.) (2012)
  237. Implications of managing the timing and intensity of herbivory for conservation of Arizona leatherflower (2001)
  238. The communicative construction of safety in wildland firefighting (2012)
  239. Wildland fire science and management in the U.S.: Spanning the boundaries through the regional knowledge exchange network (Abstract) (2012)
  240. Safety climate in the federal fire management community: Influences of organizational, environmental, group, and individual characteristics (Abstract) (2012)
  241. Coal Canyon Fire: Serious Accident Investigation Report (2012)
  242. Next generation emotional intelligence (Abstract) (2012)
  243. Diamond Fire: Serious Accident Investigation Report (2012)
  244. A social network approach to understanding science communication among fire professionals (Abstract) (2012)
  245. Applying the best available science to fire management: Individual and organizational influences to success (Abstract) (2012)
  246. Pleasing some of the people some of the time: How authors, subjects, and readers assess the complex landscape of "audience" in wildland fire incident reviews (Abstract) (2012)
  247. Types and status of high reliability practices in the federal fire community (Abstract) (2012)
  248. Learning as a shared responsibility: Insights from a series of dialogic workshops with practitioners, leaders, and researchers (Abstract) (2012)
  249. Tips, techniques, and suggestions for improving learning from escaped prescribed fire reviews (Poster Abstract) (2012)
  250. Using escaped prescribed fire reviews to improve organizational learning (2012)
  251. Effect of suppression strategies on federal wildland fire expenditures (2012)
  252. Aquatic species invasions in the context of fire and climate change (2012)
  253. Fish life histories, wildfire, and resilience - A case study of rainbow trout in the Boise River, Idaho (2012)
  254. Genetic variation reveals influence of landscape connectivity on population dynamics and resiliency of western trout in disturbance-prone habitats (2012)
  255. Fire and fish: A synthesis of observation and experience (2012)
  256. Climate change, forests, fire, water, and fish: Building resilient landscapes, streams, and managers (2012)
  257. Distribution and taxonomic discussion of Tetraneuris verdiensis, an apparently rare edaphic endemic from the Verde Valley of Arizona (2001)
  258. Cultural influence as a factor in determining the distribution of a rare sage, Salvia dorrii subspecies mearnsii (2001)
  259. Distribution of Paradine plains cactus in pinyon-juniper woodland on the North Kaibab Ranger District, Kaibab National Forest (2001)
  260. The threat of increasing hybridization of an endangered plant species, Purshia subintegra, in the Verde Valley, Arizona (2001)
  261. Extinction risk of Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus in Holy Ghost Canyon with and without management intervention (2001)
  262. Dalmatian toadflax, an invasive exotic noxious weed, threatens Flagstaff pennyroyal community following prescribed fire (2001)
  263. Preliminary report on the reproductive biology of the threatened Chisos Mountain hedgehog cactus (2001)
  264. Quantitative genetics in natural populations: Means of monitoring natural biological processes (2001)
  265. From the greenhouse to the field: Cultivation requirements of Arizona cliffrose (Purshia subintegra) (2001)
  266. Seed ecology of a rare sage, Salvia dorrii ssp. mearnsii (2001)
  267. Pollination ecology of the rare orchid, Spiranthes diluvialis: Implications for conservation (2001)
  268. Response of a rare endemic, Penstemon clutei, to burning and reduced belowground competition (2001)
  269. A preliminary population study of alcove bog orchid (Platanthera zothecina) at Navajo National Monument, Arizona (2001)
  270. The status of Lepidospartum burgessii (Burgess Broomshrub or Gypsum Broomscale) (2001)
  271. The effects of canopy openings and population size on the persistence of Southwest columbines at risk of extinction (2001)
  272. The influence of interplant distance and number of flowers on seed set in dwarf bear-poppy (Arctomecon humilis) (2001)
  273. Tracking rare orchids (Orchidaceae) in Arizona (2001)
  274. Five-Year Monitoring Study of Siler's Pincushion Cactus (Pediocactus sileri) in Kane County, Utah (2001)
  275. Monitoring update on four listed plants on the Arizona Strip (2001)
  276. The demography of a small population of yellow columbines in the Organ Mountains (2001)
  277. Demography and monitoring of Welsh's milkweed (Asclepias welshii) at Coral Pink Sand Dunes (2001)
  278. Demographic monitoring of Wright fishhook cactus (2001)
  279. Results of a conservation agreement and strategy for Rabbit Valley gilia (Gilia caespitosa) (2001)
  280. Determining habitat potential and surveying for nine rare plant species in south-central Utah (2001)
  281. The white-margined penstemon (Penstemon albomarginatus Jones), a rare Mohave Desert species, and the Hualapai Mountains land exchange in Mohave County, Arizona (2001)
  282. Introducing two federally listed carbonate-endemic plants onto a disturbed site in the San Bernardino Mountains, California (2001)
  283. The role of landscape anomalies in regional plant conservation (2001)
  284. A case for conserving imperiled plants by ecological area (2001)
  285. National and international conservation efforts and their relevance to plant conservation in the Southwest (2001)
  286. Probabilistic assessment of wildfire hazard and municipal watershed exposure (2012)
  287. The science and opportunity of wildfire risk assessment (Chapter 6) (2012)
  288. Extent of coterminous US rangelands: Quantifying implications of differing agency perspectives (2011)
  289. Degradation and damages from utilizing ecosystem services in a river basin (2012)
  290. Carbon pools along headwater streams with differing valley geometry in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado (Abstract) (2012)
  291. Nutrient and carbon retention in riparian and hillslope forests after mountain pine beetle infestation and timber harvesting in Colorado (Abstract) (2012)
  292. Fusarium oxysporum protects Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) seedlings from root disease caused by Fusarium commune (2012)
  293. Effect of fall-applied nitrogen on growth, nitrogen storage, and frost hardiness of bareroot Larix olgensis seedlings (2012)
  294. Effects of weighting schemes on the identification of wildlife corridors generated with least-cost methods (2012)
  295. An assessment of forest cover and impervious surface area on family forests in the New York City Watershed (2012)
  296. Parcelization and land use: A case study in the New York City Watershed (2012)
  297. Water resources (Chapter 12) (2012)
  298. Growth and demography of Pinaleno high elevation forests (2010)
  299. What tree-ring reconstruction tells us about conifer defoliator outbreaks (2012)
  300. Mapping vegetation structure in the Pinaleno Mountains using lidar-phase 3: Forest inventory modeling (2012)
  301. The effects of bark beetle outbreaks on forest development, fuel loads and potential fire behavior in salvage logged and untreated lodgepole pine forests (2012)
  302. Beyond naturalness: Adapting wilderness stewardship to an era of rapid global change (2012)
  303. Estimating occupancy in large landscapes: Evaluation of amphibian monitoring in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (2012)
  304. Quantifying the threat of unsuppressed wildfires reaching the adjacent wildland-urban interface on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming (2012)
  305. Traditional wisdom and climate change: Contribution of wilderness stories to adaptation and survival (2012)
  306. Research Natural Areas of the Northern Region: Status and Needs Assessment (1996)
  307. Resource allocation for wildland fire suppression planning using a stochastic program (2011)
  308. Geomorphic analysis of the Middle Rio Grande-Elephant Butte Reach, New Mexico (2012)
  309. Methodology for predicting maximum velocity and shear stress in a sinuous channel with bendway weirs using 1-D HEC-RAS modeling results (2012)
  310. Methodology for calculating shear stress in a meandering channel (2012)
  311. Boundary shear stress along rigid trapezoidal bends (2012)
  312. Quantification of shear stress in a meandering native topographic channel using a physical hydraulic model (2012)
  313. Data report for completed spur-dike configurations within the native topography model (2012)
  314. Rill erosion in natural and disturbed forests: 1. Measurements (2010)
  315. Rill erosion in natural and disturbed forests: 2. Modeling approaches (2010)
  316. Predicting post-fire hillslope erosion in forest lands of the western United States (2011)
  317. Rill erosion rates in burned forests (2011)
  318. Wind erosion of soils burned by wildfire (2011)
  319. A weighted-means ordination of riparian birds in southeastern Wyoming (1985)
  320. Riparian ecosystems and their management: Reconciling conflicting uses (1985)
  321. Accounting for heterogeneity of public lands in hedonic property models (2012)
  322. Stakeholder understandings of wildfire mitigation: A case of shared and contested meanings (2012)
  323. Depositional characteristics of post-fire flooding following the Schultz Fire, San Francisco Peaks, Arizona (2011)
  324. Impacts of wildfire severity on hydraulic conductivity in forest, woodland, and grassland soils (Chapter 7) (2011)
  325. Post-fire rill and gully formation, Schultz Fire 2010, Arizona, USA (2011)
  326. Rock gabion, rock armoring, and culvert treatments contributing to and reducing erosion during post-wildfire flooding - Schultz Fire 2010 (2011)
  327. Geomorphic aspects of post-fire soil erosion - Schultz Fire 2010 (2011)
  328. Short- and long-term effects on fuels, forest structure, and wildfire potential from prescribed fire and resource benefit fire in southwestern forests, USA (2011)
  329. A mutualistic interaction between a fungivorous nematode and a fungus within the endophytic community of Bromus tectorum (2012)
  330. The future of our National Forests: Enhancing adaptive capacity (2012)
  331. Land-cover change and avian diversity in the conterminous United States (2012)
  332. Historical fire regime and forest variability on two eastern Great Basin fire-sheds (USA) (2012)
  333. Estimating aboveground carbon stocks of a forest affected by mountain pine beetle in Idaho using lidar and multispectral imagery (2012)
  334. Roost use by two sympatric species of Scotophilus in a natural environment (2010)
  335. Decline of red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) and Texas spiny softshells (Apalone spinifera emoryi) in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas (2012)
  336. The Exposure Index: Developing firefighter safety performance measures (2011)
  337. A real-time risk assessment tool supporting wildland fire decisionmaking (2011)
  338. Accommodating non-market values in evaluation of wildfire management in the United States: Challenges and opportunities (2011)
  339. Optimizing the location of fuel treatments over time at landscape scales (2011)
  340. OptFuels: Fuel treatment optimization (2011)
  341. Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Proceedings of the Ninth World Wilderness Congress Symposium (2011)
  342. Environmental decision support systems (EDSS) development - Challenges and best practices (2011)
  343. Effects of DTM resolution on slope steepness and soil loss prediction on hillslope profiles (2011)
  344. Stepping stones for biological invasion: A bioeconomic model of transferable risk (2011)
  345. The role of wilderness protection and societal engagement as indicators of well-being: An examination of change at the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (2011)
  346. Linking climate, gross primary productivity, and site index across forests of the western United States (2011)
  347. Viability of Blackbrush seed (Coleogyne ramosissima Torr. [Rosaceae]) following long-term storage (2012)
  348. Germination response of prairie dropseed and hairy goldaster to stratification and temperature (2012)
  349. Local economic importance of designated wilderness: Evidence in the literature (2011)
  350. Effects of forest cover and environmental variables on snow accumulation and melt (2011)
  351. Applying online WEPP to assess forest watershed hydrology (2011)
  352. Erosion processes and prediction in NW U.S. forests (2011)
  353. Geospatial application of the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Model (2011)
  354. Development of a GIS interface for WEPP Model application to Great Lakes forested watersheds (2011)
  355. Seasonal change of WEPP erodibility parameters on a fallow plot (2011)
  356. Probabilistic soil erosion modeling using the Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMIT) after wildfires (2011)
  357. Application of the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Model to simulate streamflow in a PNW forest watershed (2011)
  358. Applying WEPP technologies to western alkaline surface coal mines (2011)
  359. Seasonal variations in aerosol optical properties over China (2012)
  360. Creating historical range of variation (HRV) time series using landscape modeling: Overview and issues (chapter 8) (2012)
  361. Modeling historic variation and its application for understanding future variability (section 3) (2012)
  362. Direct multiangle solution for poorly stratified atmospheres (2012)
  363. Describing wildland surface fuel loading for fire management: A review of approaches, methods and systems (2012)
  364. Structural organization of process zones in upland watersheds of central Nevada and its influence on basin connectivity, dynamics, and wet meadow complexes (2012)
  365. Tools to aid post-wildfire assessment and erosion-mitigation treatment decisions (2012)
  366. Wildfire impacts on stream sedimentation: re-visiting the Boulder Creek Burn in Little Granite Creek, Wyoming, USA (2012)
  367. A two end-member model of wood dynamics in headwater neotropical rivers (2012)
  368. Predicting fire severity using surface fuels and moisture (2012)
  369. Burning questions for managers: Fuels management practices in riparian areas (2012)
  370. Watershed management in the central and southern Rocky Mountains: A summary of the status of our knowledge by vegetation types (1975)
  371. Watershed management problems and opportunities for the Colorado Front Range ponderosa pine zone: The status of our knowledge (1975)
  372. Economic value of big game hunting in southeast Alaska (1989)
  373. Nutritive value of mule deer forages on ponderosa pine summer range in Arizona (1975)
  374. Proceedings of the fire history workshop; October 20-24, 1980; Tucson, Arizona (1980)
  375. Estimation of wildfire size and risk changes due to fuels treatments (2012)
  376. Wildfire potential mapping over the state of Mississippi: A land surface modeling approach (2012)
  377. On the need for a theory of wildland fire spread (2012)
  378. Characteristics of information available on fire and invasive plants in the eastern United States (2012)
  379. Genetic relatedness and spatial associations of dusky-footed woodrats (Neotoma fuscipes) (2012)
  380. A comparison of two methods for estimating conifer live foliar moisture content (2012)
  381. Spatial scaling of wildland fuels for six forest and rangeland ecosystems of the northern Rocky Mountains, USA (2012)
  382. Profiling of poorly stratified smoky atmospheres with scanning lidar (2012)
  383. Chemical and dispersal characteristics of particulate emissions from forest fires in Siberia (2012)
  384. Breeding system and interaccessional hybridization of Purshia tridentata plants grown in a common garden (2012)
  385. Understanding the science of climate change: Talking points - Impacts to the Eastern Woodlands and Forests (2011)
  386. Understanding the science of climate change: Talking points - Impacts to the Pacific Islands (2011)
  387. Understanding the science of climate change: Talking points - impacts to the Pacific Coast (2012)
  388. Development of a reliable method for determining sex for a primitive rodent, the Point Arena mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa nigra) (2012)
  389. Forest conditions in the San Francisco Mountains Forest Reserve, Arizona (1904)
  390. Drought-driven disturbance history characterizes a southern Rocky Mountain subalpine forest (2012)
  391. Mycorrhizae in forest tree nurseries (2012)
  392. Integrated nursery pest management (2012)
  393. Idaho's Forest Resources, 2004-2009 (2012)
  394. GSD Update (No. 6) (2012)
  395. Airtankers and wildfire management in the US Forest Service: examining data availability and exploring usage and cost trends (2012)
  396. Coupling field and laboratory measurements to estimate the emission factors of identified and unidentified trace gases for prescribed fires (2012)
  397. Mountain pine beetle attack alters the chemistry and flammability of lodgepole pine foliage (2012)
  398. A sense of place: Ecoregional design at Mesa Verde National Park (2012)
  399. Armillaria species: Primary drivers of forest ecosystem processes and potential impacts of climate change (2012)
  400. Possibilities and limitations of using historic provenance tests to infer forest species growth responses to climate change (2012)
  401. Abies religiosa habitat prediction in climatic change scenarios and implications for monarch butterfly conservation in Mexico (2012)
  402. Virulence of Fusarium oxysporum and F. commune to Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menzeisii) seedlings (2012)
  403. Movement and capture efficiency of radio-tagged salmonids sampled by electrofishing (2012)
  404. Observation of dystocia in wild elk (2012)
  405. Potential water yield response following clearcut harvesting on north and south slopes in northern Idaho (1977)
  406. Computer simulation of white pine blister rust epidemics (1981)
  407. Listening and learning from traditional knowledge and western science: A dialogue on contemporary challenges of forest health and wildfire (2012)
  408. Indicator 1.04: Number of native forest-associated species (2011)
  409. Indicator 1.05: Number and status of native forest-associated species at risk, as determined by legislation or scientific assessment (2011)
  410. Indicator 1.07. Number and geographic distribution of forest-associated species at risk of losing genetic variation and locally adapted genotypes (2011)
  411. Indicator 1.08. Population levels of selected representative forest-associated species to describe genetic diversity (2011)
  412. Established native perennial grasses out-compete an invasive annual grass regardless of soil water and nutrient availability (2011)
  413. Development and evaluation of 200 novel SNP assays for population genetic studies of westslope cutthroat trout and genetic identification of related taxa (2012)
  414. Fuel loadings 5 years after a bark beetle outbreak in south-western USA ponderosa pine forests (2012)
  415. Weathered antlers as a source of DNA (2012)
  416. Estimating abundance of mountain lions from unstructured spatial sampling (2012)
  417. Fuel treatment impacts on estimated wildfire carbon loss from forests in Montana, Oregon, California, and Arizona (2012)
  418. Fish and other aquatic resource trends in the United States: A technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment (2012)
  419. Assessing the water needs of riparian and wetland vegetation in the western United States (2012)
  420. Decision support: Vulnerability, conservation, and restoration (Chapter 8) (2012)
  421. Invasive species and climate change (Chapter 7) (2012)
  422. Disturbance and Climate Change in the Interior West (Chapter 6) (2012)
  423. Climate change, animal species, and habitats: Adaptation and issues (Chapter 5) (2012)
  424. Plant vulnerabilities and genetic adaptation (Chapter 4) (2012)
  425. Climate change and arthropods: Pollinators, herbivores, and others (Chapter 3) (2012)
  426. Restoring and managing cold desert shrublands for climate change mitigation (Chapter 2) (2012)
  427. Modeling and predicting vegetation response of western USA grasslands, shrublands, and deserts to climate change (Chapter 1) (2012)
  428. Climate change in grasslands, shrublands, and deserts of the interior American West: a review and needs assessment (2012)
  429. Native fishes of arid lands: a dwindling resource of the desert southwest (1991)
  430. Snag habitat management: Proceedings of the symposium (1983)
  431. Does seeding after severe forest fires in western USA mitigate negative impacts on soils and plant communities? (2011)
  432. Burn severity mapping using simulation modeling and satellite imagery (2010)
  433. Brown carbon in tar balls from smoldering biomass combustion (2010)
  434. Forest Service Global Change Research Strategy, 2009-2019 (2009)
  435. Efforts to update firefighter safety zone guidelines (2009)
  436. Ethical implications of democratic theory for U.S. public participation in environmental impact assessment (2012)
  437. Mapping wilderness character: New tools for new concepts (2012)
  438. Geographic patterns of genetic variation and population structure in Pinus aristata, Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (2012)
  439. Do mountain pine beetle outbreaks change the probability of active crown fire in lodgepole pine forests? (2012)
  440. Piloted ignition of live forest fuels (2012)
  441. Introduction to the invited issue on carbon allocation of trees and forests (2012)
  442. Turbidity changes during culvert to bridge upgrades at Carmen Creek, Idaho (2012)
  443. Utility of remotely sensed imagery for assessing the impact of salvage logging after forest fires (2012)
  444. The effects of precipitation variability on C4 photosynthesis, net primary production and soil respiration in a Chihuahuan desert grassland (2012)
  445. GSD Update Update (No. 5) (2012)
  446. Cheating cheatgrass: New research to combat a wily invasive weed (2012)
  447. Vulnerability of species to climate change in the Southwest: threatened, endangered, and at-risk species at the Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona (2012)
  448. Forest habitat types of Montana (1977)
  449. Modeling firebrand transport in wildfires using HIGRAD/FIRETEC (2012)
  450. Using periodic line fires to gain a new perspective on multi-dimensional aspects of forward fire spread (2012)
  451. Incorporating field wind data into FIRETEC simulations of the International Crown Fire Modeling Experiment (ICFME): preliminary lessons learned (2012)
  452. Population genetic structure of the seed pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda on Bromus tectorum in western North America (2011)
  453. Fourmile Canyon Fire Findings (2012)
  454. Ten years after wildfires: How does varying tree mortality impact fire hazard and forest resiliency? (2012)
  455. Development and assessment of 30-meter pine density maps for landscape-level modeling of mountain pine beetle dynamics (2012)
  456. Montana's forest resources, 2003-2009 (2012)
  457. Mapping the potential for high severity wildfire in the western United States (2011)
  458. Fire and fish dynamics in a changing climate (2011)
  459. Foreword (2011)
  460. Estimated smoldering probability: a new tool for predicting ground fire in the organic soils on the North Carolina Coastal Plain (2011)
  461. 50 years of service: The Missoula Fire Sciences Lab (2011)
  462. Imagining wilderness (2012)
  463. Research to create public memory of wilderness (2012)
  464. Managing for wilderness experiences in the 21st Century: Responding to the recent wilderness critique (2012)
  465. Research needs for a better understanding of wilderness visitor experiences (2012)
  466. Potential roles of research in enhancing the performance of management in securing high quality visitor experiences in wilderness (2012)
  467. Frameworks for defining and managing the wilderness experience (2012)
  468. Humans apart from nature? Wilderness experience and the Wilderness Act (2012)
  469. The challenges and related strategies of planning for wilderness experiences (2012)
  470. Wilderness at arm's length: On the outside looking in at special provisions in wilderness (2012)
  471. Wilderness experience programs: A state-of-the-knowledge summary (2012)
  472. The influence of hand-held information and communication technology on visitor perceptions of risk and risk-related behavior (2012)
  473. The impact of technology on the wilderness experience: A review of common themes and approaches in three bodies of literature (2012)
  474. Wilderness experience quality: Effects of use density depend on how experience is conceived (2012)
  475. The effect of use density and length of stay on visitor experience in wilderness (2012)
  476. Wilderness experiences as sanctuary and refuge from society (2012)
  477. Naturalness, privacy, and restorative experiences in wilderness: An integrative model (2012)
  478. Visitors' conceptualizations of wilderness experiences (2012)
  479. Immediate conscious experience in wilderness: A phenomenological investigation (2012)
  480. Continued wilderness participation: Experience and identity as long-term relational phenomena (2012)
  481. Wilderness visitor experiences: Lessons from 50 years of research (2012)
  482. Using dendrochronology to measure radial growth of defoliated trees (1985)
  483. Two centuries of fire in a southwestern Virginia Pinus pungens community (1995)
  484. Prescribed burning to restore mixed-oak communities in southern Ohio: Effects on breeding-bird populations (2001)
  485. The status of our scientific understanding of lodgepole pine and mountain pine beetles - a focus on forest ecology and fire behavior (2008)
  486. The Four Corners timber harvest and forest products industry, 2007 (2012)
  487. A range-wide restoration strategy for whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) (2012)
  488. Wilderness visitor experiences: Progress in research and management; 2011 April 4-7; Missoula, MT (2012)
  489. The canopy camera (1962)
  490. Photo-based estimators for the Nevada photo-based inventory (2012)
  491. Fire effects on herbaceous plants and shrubs in the oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands (2012)
  492. Safety analysis report: A comparison of incidents from Safety Years 2006 through 2010, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Inventory and Monitoring Program (2012)
  493. Coldwater fish in wadeable streams [chapter 8] (2009)
  494. Using silviculture to influence carbon sequestration in southern Appalachian spruce-fir forests (2012)
  495. Comparative wood anatomy of some shrubs native to the Northern Rocky Mountains (1968)
  496. Bromus tectorum expansion and biodiversity loss on the Snake River Plain, southern Idaho, USA (1999)
  497. Seed biology of rush skeletonweed in sagebrush steppe (2000)
  498. Native shrub seed industries in the western United States and Australia: Status and outlook (2003)
  499. Developing native grass seed industries for revegetation in Australia and the western United States: A contrast in production and adoption (2003)
  500. Environmental effects on germination of Carex utriculata and Carex nebrascensis relative to riparian restoration (2004)
  501. Native plant community composition and genetic diversity associated with long-term weed invasions (2004)
  502. Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2011 Progress Report (2012)
  503. Development and use of plant resources for western wildlands (2001)
  504. 'Lassen' antelope bitterbrush: A browse plant for game and livestock ranges (1986)
  505. 'Umatilla' snow buckwheat for rangeland restoration in the interior Pacific Northwest (1997)
  506. Notice to release Anatone germplasm bluebunch wheatgrass (selected class natural population) (2003)
  507. Notice of release of Mountain Home germplasm Sandberg bluegrass (selected germplasm, natural track) (2011)
  508. Sustainable ranch management assessment guidebook: A communications tool for agencies, ranchers, and technical service providers (2011)
  509. A detrimental soil disturbance prediction model for ground-based timber harvesting (2012)
  510. Water quality, biodiversity, and codes of practice in relation to harvesting forest plantations in streamside management zones (2011)
  511. Understanding the effectiveness of vegetated streamside management zones for protecting water quality (Chapter 5) (2012)
  512. Raising native plants in nurseries: basic concepts (2012)
  513. A comparative gradient approach as a tool for understanding and managing urban ecosystems (2012)
  514. Foraging-habitat selection of Black-backed Woodpeckers in forest burns of southwestern Idaho (2012)
  515. Response of nesting northern goshawks to logging truck noise: Kaibab National Forest, Arizona (2012)
  516. Efficient species-level monitoring at the landscape scale (2012)
  517. Population-level compensation impedes biological control of an invasive forb and indirect release of a native grass (2012)
  518. Development of vegetation based soil quality indices for mineralized terrane in arid and semi-arid regions (2012)
  519. Do changes in soil properties after rooting by wild boars (Sus scrofa) affect understory vegetation in Swiss hardwood forests? (2012)
  520. Wood-boring insect abundance in fire-injured ponderosa pine (2011)
  521. Effects of mountain pine beetle on fuels and expected fire behavior in lodgepole pine forests, Colorado, USA (2012)
  522. Evaluating the sufficiency of protected lands for maintaining wildlife population connectivity in the northern Rocky Mountains (2012)
  523. Multi-taxa population connectivity in the northern Rocky Mountains (2012)
  524. Separating the effects of habitat area, fragmentation and matrix resistance on genetic differentiation in complex landscapes (2012)
  525. The influence of landscape characteristics and home-range size on the quantification of landscape-genetics relationships (2012)
  526. Effects of sample size, number of markers, and allelic richness on the detection of spatial genetic pattern (2012)
  527. Simulating natural selection in landscape genetics (2012)
  528. UNICOR: a species connectivity and corridor network simulator (2012)
  529. Simulating pattern-process relationships to validate landscape genetic models (2012)
  530. Population connectivity and genetic diversity of American marten (Martes americana) in the United States northern Rocky Mountains in a climate change context (2012)
  531. Simulating the effects of climate change on population connectivity of American marten (Martes americana) in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA (2012)
  532. Prediction of Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mouse) population dynamics in Montana, USA, using satellite-driven vegetation productivity and weather data (2012)
  533. UNICOR Users Manual (2011)
  534. CDPOP Users Manual (2011)
  535. Proceedings-symposium on cheatgrass invasion, shrub die-off, and other aspects of shrub biology and management; 1989 April 5-7; Las Vegas, NV (1990)
  536. A modified utilization gauge for western range grasses (1984)
  537. Proceedings-ecology and management of annual rangelands; 1992 May 18-21; Boise, ID (1994)
  538. The Geomorphic Road Analysis and Inventory Package (GRAIP) Volume 2: Office Procedures (2012)
  539. The Geomorphic Road Analysis and Inventory Package (GRAIP) Volume 1: Data Collection Method (2012)
  540. Social, cultural, and economic aspects of livestock ranching on the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests (2012)
  541. Climate projections FAQ (2012)
  542. FIRES: Fire Information Retrieval and Evaluation System-a program for fire danger rating analysis (1997)
  543. Field trip guide to the 2010 Schultz Fire Burn Area (2011)
  544. Depositional characteristics and sediment availability resulting from the post-Schultz Fire floods of 2010 (2011)
  545. Rock gabion, rip-rap, and culvert treatments: Successes and failures in post-fire erosion mitigation, Schultz Fire 2010 (2011)
  546. Rill and gully formation following the 2010 Schultz Fire (2011)
  547. Hydrologic impacts of high severity wildfire: Learning from the past and preparing for the future (2011)
  548. Rainfall and geomorphic aspects of post-fire soil erosion - Schultz Fire 2010 (2011)
  549. Rocky Mountain Research Station 2010 Research Accomplishments (2010)
  550. Rocky Mountain Research Station 2011 Annual Accomplishments (2011)
  551. Emissions measurements from vegetation fires: A comparative evaluation of methods and results (1993)
  552. Soil-disturbance field guide (2009)
  553. Rapid increase in log populations in drought-stressed mixed-conifer and ponderosa pine forests in northern Arizona (2012)
  554. Quantifying aboveground forest carbon pools and fluxes from repeat LiDAR surveys (2012)
  555. Short- and medium-term effects of fuel reduction mulch treatments on soil nitrogen availability in Colorado conifer forests (2012)
  556. Factors influencing the spatial and temporal dynamics of engelmann spruce mortality during a spruce beetle outbreak on the Markagunt Plateau, Utah (2012)
  557. Leaf area and structural changes after thinning in even-aged Picea rubens and Abies balsamea stands in Maine, USA (2012)
  558. The effects of drought and disturbance on the growth and developmental instability of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) (2012)
  559. Population genetic analysis of Bromus tectorum (Poaceae) indicates recent range expansion may be facilitated by specialist genotypes (2012)
  560. Permanent sample plots (1912)
  561. Darwin's naturalization hypothesis up-close: Intermountain grassland invaders differ morphologically and phenologically from native community dominants (2012)
  562. Mapping wilderness character in Death Valley National Park (2012)
  563. A comparison of geospatially modeled fire behavior and fire management utility of three data sources in the southeastern United States (2012)
  564. Wilderness campsite impacts: effect of amount of use (1982)
  565. Sampling procedure for lake or stream surface water chemistry (2012)
  566. Entrainment regimes and flame characteristics of wildland fires (2012)
  567. Nonmarket economic values of forest insect pests: An updated literature review (2012)
  568. Heat transfer and fire spread (1969)
  569. Still hot at 50 (2010)
  570. Modeling erosion under future climates with the WEPP model (2010)
  571. Experiencing the restorative components of wilderness environments: Does congestion interfere and does length of exposure matter? (2010)
  572. Magnitudes and timing of seasonal peak snowpack water equivalents in Arizona: A preliminary study of the possible effects of recent climatic change (2010)
  573. WEPP Model applications for evaluations of best management practices (2010)
  574. Evaluation of techniques to protect aspen suckers from ungulate browsing in the Black Hills (2010)
  575. A multi-trait test of the leaf-height-seed plant strategy scheme with 133 species from a pine forest flora (2010)
  576. The influence of an extensive dust event on snow chemistry in the southern Rocky Mountains (2010)
  577. Implementation of channel-routing routines in the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model (2010)
  578. Biological invasions on oceanic islands: Implications for island ecosystems and avifauna (2009)
  579. Managing invasive plants in natural areas: Moving beyond weed control (2009)
  580. Portable in-woods pyrolysis: Using forest biomass to reduce forest fuels, increase soil productivity, and sequester carbon (2009)
  581. Comparison of ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in Rocky Mountain savannas invaded and un-invaded by an exotic forb, spotted knapweed (2009)
  582. Mapping tradeoffs in values at risk at the interface between wilderness and non-wilderness lands (2009)
  583. Effects of time and rainfall on PCR success using DNA extracted from deer fecal pellets (2009)
  584. Tracking down worldwide Puccinia psidii dispersal (2011)
  585. Demographic projection of high-elevation white pines infected with white pine blister rust: a nonlinear disease model (2012)
  586. Research on climate impacts to forests began early at Fort Valley Experimental Forest (2012)
  587. The Nearctic species of Telmaturgus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) (2012)
  588. Ecological associations, dispersal ability, and landscape connectivity in the northern Rocky Mountains (2012)
  589. Multi scale habitat relationships of Martes americana in northern Idaho, U.S.A. (2012)
  590. Wildland fires and dwarf mistletoes: A literature review of ecology and prescribed burning (1975)
  591. Paleoclimate effects and geographic barriers shape regional population genetic structure of blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima: Rosaceae) (2012)
  592. Implications of fire management on cultural resources [Chapter 9] (2012)
  593. Effects of fire on intangible cultural resources: Moving toward a landscape approach [Chapter 8] (2012)
  594. The effects of fire on subsurface archaeological materials [Chapter 7] (2012)
  595. Fire effects on materials of the historic period [Chapter 6] (2012)
  596. Fire effects on rock images and similar cultural resources [Chapter 5] (2012)
  597. Fire effects on flaked stone, ground stone, and other stone artifacts [Chapter 4] (2012)
  598. Fire effects on prehistoric ceramics [Chapter 3] (2012)
  599. Fire behavior and effects: Principles for archaeologists [Chapter 2] (2012)
  600. Effects of fire on cultural resources-Introduction [Chapter 1] (2012)
  601. An assessment of climate change and the vulnerability of wildlife in the Sky Islands of the Southwest (2012)
  602. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on cultural resources and archaeology (2012)
  603. Breeding chorus indices are weakly related to estimated abundance of boreal chorus frogs (2011)
  604. Long-term observations of boreal toads at an ARMI apex site (2011)
  605. Temperature, hydric environment, and prior pathogen exposure alter the experimental severity of chytridiomycosis in boreal toads (2011)
  606. Contributions of ignitions, fuels, and weather to the spatial patterns of burn probability of a boreal landscape (2011)
  607. Low prevalence of chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in amphibians of U.S (2010)
  608. Effects of amphibian chytrid fungus on individual survival probability in wild boreal toads (2010)
  609. Non-native salmonids affect amphibian occupancy at multiple spatial scales (2010)
  610. Distribution limits of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis: A case study in the Rocky Mountains, USA (2009)
  611. Distribution and pathogenicity of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in boreal toads from the Grand Teton area of western Wyoming (2009)
  612. Evaluation of the MODIS LAI product using independent lidar-derived LAI: A case study in mixed conifer forest (2011)
  613. A database application for wilderness character monitoring (2012)
  614. Wilderness visitor experiences: A selective review of 50 years of research (2012)
  615. Integrating cultural resources and wilderness character (2012)
  616. Using wilderness character to improve wilderness stewardship (2012)
  617. The hidden consequences of fire suppression (2012)
  618. Spatial bottom-up controls on fire likelihood vary across western North America (2012)
  619. Modeling broad-scale patterns of avian species richness across the Midwestern United States with measures of satellite image texture (2012)
  620. Reconstructing fire history in central Mongolia from tree-rings (2012)
  621. Ancient barkpeeled trees in the Bitterroot Mountains, Montana: Legacies of native land use and implications for their protection (2012)
  622. Valuing mortality impacts of smoke exposure from major southern California wildfires (2012)
  623. Height-growth response to climatic changes differs among populations of Douglas-fir: A novel analysis of historic data (2012)
  624. North American vegetation model for land-use planning in a changing climate: A solution to large classification problems (2012)
  625. The hidden cost of wildfires: Economic valuation of health effects of wildfire smoke exposure in southern California (2012)
  626. Advances toward DNA-based identification and phylogeny of North American Armillaria species using elongation factor-1 alpha gene (2012)
  627. Investigating the influence of LiDAR ground surface errors on the utility of derived forest inventories (2012)
  628. Projected future suitable habitat and productivity of Douglas-fir in western North America (2012)
  629. A Fire Severity Mapping System (FSMS) for real-time management applications and long term planning: Developing a map of the landscape potential for severe fire in the western United States (2009)
  630. GIS tools, courses, and learning pathways offered by The National Interagency Fuels, Fire, and Vegetation Technology Transfer (NIFTT) (2009)
  631. FFI: What it is and what it can do for you (2009)
  632. Fire emissions in central Siberia (2009)
  633. The Fire Effects Information System - serving managers since before the Yellowstone fires (2009)
  634. Writing syntheses for managers: Lessons from the Rainbow Series and Fire Effects Information System (2009)
  635. Davis Fire: Fire behavior and fire effects analysis (2010)
  636. Fire Effects Information System: New engine, remodeled interior, added options (2010)
  637. Conservation education for Fire, Fuel and Smoke Program (2009)
  638. Determination of the smoke-plume heights with scanning lidar using alternative functions for establishing the atmospheric heterogeneity locations (2010)
  639. Integrating motion-detection cameras and hair snags for wolverine identification (2011)
  640. Biotic resistance via granivory: Establishment by invasive, naturalized, and native asters reflects generalist preference (2011)
  641. Trends in snag populations in drought-stressed mixed-conifer and ponderosa pine forests (1997-2007) (2012)
  642. Monitoring adaptive genetic responses to environmental change (2012)
  643. Mechanisms driving postfire abundance of a generalist mammal (2012)
  644. Individual identification of Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) using DNA from fecal pellets (2010)
  645. Compromising genetic diversity in the wild: Unmonitored large-scale release of plants and animals (2010)
  646. The quick and the deadly: Growth versus virulence in a seed bank pathogen (2010)
  647. Ecological genetics of the Bromus tectorum (Poaceae) - Ustilago Bullata (Ustilaginaceae): A role for frequency dependent selection? (2010)
  648. Local population differentiation in Bromus tectorum L. in relation to habitat-specific selection regimes (2010)
  649. Foreword (2010)
  650. Establishment Report: Even-Aged Yield Study, Plot 11 (1963)
  651. Landscape-level patterns of avian diversity in the Oregon Coast Range (2003)
  652. Patterns in the species-environment relationship depend on both scale and choice of response variables (2004)
  653. Hierarchical analysis of forest bird species-environment relationships in the Oregon Coast Range (2004)
  654. A multiscale landscape approach to predicting bird and moth rarity hotspots in a threatened pitch pine-scrub oak community (2004)
  655. Behavior of class-level landscape metrics across gradients of class aggregation and area (2004)
  656. Parsimony in landscape metrics: Strength, universality, and consistency (2008)
  657. Representing genetic variation as continuous surfaces: An approach for identifying spatial dependency in landscape genetic studies (2008)
  658. Campsite conditions in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana (1983)
  659. GSD Update (No. 4) (2012)
  660. Phylogeography of the rare Gymnocarpos przewalskii (Caryophyllaceae): indications of multiple glacial refugia in north-western China (2012)
  661. The Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory: A 50-year dedication to understanding wildlands and fire (2012)
  662. Changes in channel morphology over human time scales (chapter 32) (2012)
  663. Enhanced sediment delivery in a changing climate in semi-arid mountain basins: Implications for water resource management and aquatic habitat in the northern Rocky Mountains (2012)
  664. Critical mass flux for flaming ignition of wood as a function of external radiant heat flux and moisture content (2011)
  665. Photosynthetic response, survival, and growth of three ponderosa pine stocktypes under water stress enhanced by vegetative competition (2012)
  666. SIMPPLLE, version 2.5 user's guide (2012)
  667. Measuring cross sections using a sag tape: a generalized procedure (1979)
  668. Nationwide assessment of nonpoint source threats to water quality (2012)
  669. Historic and future extent of wildfires in the Southern Rockies Ecoregion, USA (2012)
  670. Estimates of carbon stored in harvested wood products from the United States Forest Service Northern Region, 1906-2010 (2012)
  671. Habitat use of the Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) during a long-term flood pulse in the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico (2012)
  672. A primer of nonresponse in the US Forest Inventory and Analysis program (2012)
  673. Diseases of lodgepole pine (1964)
  674. Mortality of aspen on the Gros Ventre elk winter range (1972)
  675. Climate change predicted to shift wolverine distributions, connectivity, and dispersal corridors (2011)
  676. Invasive Species Science Update (No. 5) (2011)
  677. Historical patterns in lichen communities of montane quaking aspen forests (2011)
  678. Shrub-steppe species germination trials and survival after outplanting on bare soils (2011)
  679. Target seedling strategies for intensively managed plantations in the Oregon Coast Range (2011)
  680. Outplanting strategies-GRO TRZ Consulting Incorporated (2011)
  681. Tissue culture of conifer seedlings-20 years on: Viewed through the lens of seedling quality (2011)
  682. Using essential oils to control moss and liverwort in containers (2011)
  683. Nursery cultural practices to achieve targets: A case study in western larch irrigation (2011)
  684. Seedling phenology and cold hardiness: Moving targets (2011)
  685. Targeting hardwoods (2011)
  686. Provenance variability in nursery growth of subalpine fir (2011)
  687. The role of plant water relations in achieving and maintaining the target seedling (2011)
  688. Seedling mineral nutrition, the root of the matter (2011)
  689. Repetitive Reaction and Restitution (R3) induction of drought hardiness in conifer container seedlings (2011)
  690. Seedling root targets (2011)
  691. Morphology targets: What do seedling morphological attributes tell us? (2011)
  692. Producing the target seed: Seed collection, treatment, and storage (2011)
  693. The target plant concept-a history and brief overview (2011)
  694. The use of Proline (Prothioconazole) to control pitch canker, Rhizoctonia foliage blight, and Fusiform rust in forest seedling nurseries and efforts to acquire registration (2011)
  695. Rehabilitating Afghanistan's natural resources (2011)
  696. Update on soil fumigation: MBr alternatives and reregistration decisions (2011)
  697. What's new with nurseries and reforestation projects at the Missoula Technology and Development Center? (2011)
  698. Historical forest seedling production in the southern United States: 2008 to 2009 planting season (2011)
  699. Who pays for tree improvement? (2011)
  700. Panel discussion: Marketing hardwoods at the George O. White State Forest Nursery (2011)
  701. Weyerhaeuser in Arkansas (2011)
  702. Forests and forestry in Arkansas during the last two centuries (2011)
  703. Modeling tree-level fuel connectivity to evaluate the effectiveness of thinning treatments for reducing crown fire potential (2012)
  704. Mixed-severity fire regimes in dry forests of southern interior British Columbia, Canada (2012)
  705. Use of expert knowledge to develop fuel maps for wildland fire management [chapter 11] (2012)
  706. Vegetation monitoring to detect and predict vegetation change: Connecting historical and future shrub/steppe data in Yellowstone National Park (2011)
  707. Modeling topographic influences on fuel moisture and fire danger in complex terrain to improve wildland fire management decision support (2011)
  708. Modeling effects of climate change and fire management on western white pine (Pinus monticola) in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA (2011)
  709. The Yellowstone sage belts 1958 to 2008: 50 years of change in the big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) communities of Yellowstone National Park (2011)
  710. The Wildland Fire Emission Inventory: Western United States emission estimates and an evaluation of uncertainty (2011)
  711. A review of fire interactions and mass fires (2011)
  712. Chemical and physical transformations of organic aerosol from the photo-oxidation of open biomass burning emissions in an environmental chamber (2011)
  713. Modified technique for processing multiangle lidar data measured in clear and moderately polluted atmospheres (2011)
  714. The wildland-urban interface fire problem (2010)
  715. Chemical smoke marker emissions during flaming and smoldering phases of laboratory open burning of wildland fuels (2010)
  716. Optical closure experiments for biomass smoke aerosols (2010)
  717. Disturbance effects on forest carbon dynamics (2012)
  718. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations - 2010 (2011)
  719. Thermochemical properties of flame gases from fine wildland fuels (1979)
  720. Hydrologic processes in the pinyon-juniper woodlands: A literature review (2012)
  721. Future scenarios: a technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment (2012)
  722. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness: Examining changes in use, users, and management challenges (2012)
  723. Relationships between moisture, chemistry, and ignition of Pinus contorta needles during the early stages of mountain pine beetle attack (2012)
  724. Intermountain Range plant names and symbols (1977)
  725. Forest habitat types of central Idaho (1981)
  726. Fire's effects on wildlife habitat - symposium proceedings; 1984 March 21; Missoula, MT (1985)
  727. Weight and density of crowns of Rocky Mountain conifers (1978)
  728. Approaches to predicting potential impacts of climate change on forest disease: An example with Armillaria root disease (2011)
  729. Approaches to predicting current and future distributions of Puccinia psidii in South America under climate change scenarios (2011)
  730. Reflections on the surface energy imbalance problem (2012)
  731. Criterion II: Indicators for conservation and maintenance of plant and animal resources on rangelands (Chapter 3) (2010)
  732. Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Rangeland Management (2010)
  733. Nesting characteristics of mourning doves in central New Mexico: Response to riparian forest change (2012)
  734. Fire and bark beetle interactions (2009)
  735. Bark beetles in a changing climate (2009)
  736. Profile models for estimating log end diameters in the Rocky Mountain Region (1989)
  737. Estimating merchantable tree volume in Oregon and Washington using stem profile models (1989)
  738. Nursery culture impacts cold hardiness in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) seedlings (2011)
  739. Overcoming dormancy and enhancing germination of Sphaeralcea munroana seeds (2011)
  740. Care and handling of container plants from storage to outplanting (2011)
  741. Nursery response of container Pinus palustris seedlings to nitrogen supply and subsequent effects on outplanting performance (2012)
  742. Place affinities, lifestyle mobilities and quality-of-life (2012)
  743. The effect of human-caused visual impacts on restorative character of an arid wildland recreation setting (2009)
  744. High-resolution interpolation of climate scenarios for Canada derived from general circulation model simulations (2011)
  745. GSD Update (No. 3) (2011)
  746. Bringing indices of species vulnerability to climate change into geographic space: an assessment across the Coronado national forest (2012)
  747. Developing a model framework for predicting effects of woody expansion and fire on ecosystem carbon and nitrogen in a pinyon-juniper woodland (2012)
  748. Methodology for calculating shear stress in a meandering channel (2010)
  749. Methodology for predicting maximum velocity and shear stress in a sinuous channel with bendway weirs using 1-D HEC-RAS modeling results (2011)
  750. Maximum outer-bank velocity reduction for vane-dike fields installed in channel bends (2011)
  751. Quantification of shear stress in a meandering native topographic channel using a physical hydraulic model (2011)
  752. Occurrence of the root-rot pathogen, Fusarium commune, in forest nurseries of the midwestern and western United States (2012)
  753. A novel plant-fungal mutualism associated with fire (2012)
  754. Field guide to sedge species of the Rocky Mountain Region: The genus Carex in Colorado, Wyoming, western South Dakota, western Nebraska, and western Kansas (2001)
  755. Estimating probabilities of infestation and extent of damage by the roundheaded pine beetle in ponderosa pine in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico (1997)
  756. Development and validation of a fixed-precision sequential sampling plan for estimating brood adult density of Dendroctonus pseudotsugae (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) (2000)
  757. Stand conditions associated with roundheaded pine beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) infestations in Arizona and Utah (2000)
  758. Within-stand spatial distribution of tree mortality caused by the Douglas-Fir beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) (2001)
  759. Attributes associated with probability of infestation by the pinon ips, Ips confusus, (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in pinon pine, Pinus edulis (2003)
  760. The banded elm bark beetle: A new threat to elms in North America (2005)
  761. Rate of woody residue incorporation into Northern Rocky Mountain forest soils (1981)
  762. Site treatments influence development of a young mixed-species western larch stand (1986)
  763. Overstory removal and residue treatments affect soil surface, air, and soil temperature: implications for seedling survival (1987)
  764. Influence of overstory removal and western spruce budworm defoliation on growth of advance conifer regeneration in Montana (1989)
  765. MTCLIM: a mountain microclimate simulation model (1989)
  766. Cost, performance, and esthetic impacts of an experimental forest road in Montana (1978)
  767. Nutrient losses from timber harvesting in a larch/ Douglas-fir forest (1979)
  768. Skyline logging productivity under alternative harvesting prescriptions and levels of utilization in larch-fir stands (1980)
  769. Logging residues in principal forest types of the Northern Rocky Mountains (1980)
  770. Tree damage from skyline logging in a western larch/Douglas-fir stand (1981)
  771. The future of arid grasslands: identifying issues, seeking solutions (1998)
  772. Early field performance of Acacia koa seedlings grown under subirrigation and overhead irrigation (2011)
  773. Growth, gas exchange, foliar nitrogen content, and water use of subirrigated and overhead irrigated Populus tremuloides Michx. seedlings (2011)
  774. RNGR: A national resource for reforestation, restoration, and nursery professionals (2011)
  775. Is climate change mitigation the best use of desert shrublands? (2011)
  776. Proceedings of the 16th Wildland Shrub Symposium: Threats to Shrubland Ecosystem Integrity; 2010 May 18-20 Logan, UT (2011)
  777. Applying the successional weed management model for revegetating a yellow starthistle-infested dryland pasture in the Chihuahuan Desert (2011)
  778. Flow structure through pool-riffle sequences and a conceptual model for their sustainability in gravel-bed rivers (2010)
  779. Climate change impact on salmonid spawning in low-gradient streams in central Idaho, USA (2010)
  780. Spatially explicit shallow landslide susceptibility mapping over large areas (2011)
  781. Both topography and climate affected forest and woodland burn severity in two regions of the western US, 1984 to 2006 (2011)
  782. Climate change effects on stream and river temperatures across the northwest U.S. from 1980-2009 and implications for salmonid fishes (2011)
  783. New tools for aquatic habitat modeling (2011)
  784. Nesting success and resource selection of Greater Sage-Grouse [chapter 8] (2011)
  785. Resource selection during brood-rearing by Greater Sage-Grouse [chapter 12] (2011)
  786. Netguns: a technique for capturing Black-backed Woodpeckers (2011)
  787. Living with wildfire in Larimer County, Colorado, 2007 (2011)
  788. Living with wildfire in Boulder County, Colorado, 2007 (2011)
  789. Idaho's forest products industry and timber harvest, 2006 (2012)
  790. Multicentury fire and forest histories at 19 sites in Utah and eastern Nevada (2011)
  791. Climate change on the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming: a synthesis of past climate, climate projections, and ecosystem implications (2012)
  792. Validating visual disturbance types and classes used for forest soil monitoring protocols (2012)
  793. Modeling wind adjustment factor and midflame wind speed for Rothermel's surface fire spread model (2012)
  794. Recovery of snow-bent young western larch (1979)
  795. Forest soil biology-timber harvesting relationships: a perspective (1979)
  796. Volume and weight characteristics of a typical Douglas-fir/ western larch stand, Coram Experimental Forest, Montana (1980)
  797. Weather summaries for Coram Experimental Forest, northwestern Montana-an International Biosphere Reserve (1984)
  798. A climatic handbook for Glacier National Park-with data for Waterton Lakes National Park (1986)
  799. Experimental forests, ranges, and watersheds in the Northern Rocky Mountains: a compendium of outdoor laboratories in Utah, Idaho, and Montana (1996)
  800. Logging residues under different stand and harvesting conditions, Rocky Mountains (1976)
  801. High resolution interpolation of climate scenarios for the conterminous USA and Alaska derived from general circulation model simulations (2011)
  802. How does western spruce budworm feeding affect western larch? (1973)
  803. Decaying organic materials and soil quality in the Inland Northwest: A management opportunity (1987)
  804. Evaluating growth performance of young stands (1966)
  805. A procedure for forecasting western larch seed crops (1966)
  806. Rooting of needle fascicles from western white pine seedlings (1968)
  807. Aspen sprout production and water use (1969)
  808. Esthetic evaluation of timber harvesting in the Northern Rockies - a progressive report (1976)
  809. Light burning and the nutrient value of forage (1980)
  810. V. Terrestrial vertebrates (2011)
  811. IV. Aquatics (2011)
  812. III. Insects (2011)
  813. II. Pathogens (2011)
  814. I. Plants (2011)
  815. Rocky Mountain Research Station invasive species visionary white paper (2011)
  816. Calculation of upper confidence bounds on proportion of area containing not-sampled vegetation types: An application to map unit definition for existing vegetation maps (2011)
  817. Pinyon-juniper woodlands in Zion National Park, Utah (2003)
  818. RCLUS, a new program for clustering associated species: A demonstration using a Mojave Desert plant community dataset (2006)
  819. The genus Kochia (Chenopodiaceae) in North America (2008)
  820. Assessment of range planting as a conservation practice [chapter 4] (2011)
  821. Stand development and population dynamics of curlleaf mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt.) woodlands in Utah's Bear River Mountains (2011)
  822. A general target for MVPs: Unsupported and unnecessary (2011)
  823. In Memory - George M. Byram: 1909-1996 (1996)
  824. Obituary: Frank Albini, 1936-2005 (2006)
  825. Using NDVI to assess departure from average greenness and its relation to fire business (1996)
  826. Bioenergy production systems and biochar application in forests: potential for renewable energy, soil enhancement, and carbon sequestration (2011)
  827. Ecological units of the Northern Region: Subsections (1997)
  828. Validation of smoke plume rise models using ground based lidar (2010)
  829. Tools, courses, and learning pathways offered by the National Interagency Fuels, Fire, and Vegetation Technology Transfer (2010)
  830. Progress towards a lightning ignition model for the Northern Rockies (2010)
  831. Prescribed fire applications in Forest and Woodlands: Integration of models and field studies to guide fire use (2010)
  832. An assessment of climate and fire danger rating in the Northern Rockies during the 1910 fire season (2010)
  833. Season ending events, a matter of perspective (2010)
  834. Firefighter Math - a web-based learning tool (2010)
  835. Using the Large Fire Simulator System to map wildland fire potential for the conterminous United States (2010)
  836. Numerical simulation of crown fire hazard following bark beetle-caused mortality in lodgepole pine forests (2010)
  837. Fire characteristics charts for fire behavior and U.S. fire danger rating (2010)
  838. Climate change and fire danger rating in the Northern Rockies (2010)
  839. The influence of an incomplete fuels treatment on fire behavior and effects in the 2007 Tin Cup Fire, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana (2010)
  840. Modern developments for ground-based monitoring of fire behavior and effects (2010)
  841. Large scale fire whirls: Can their formation be predicted? (2010)
  842. Initialization of high resolution surface wind simulations using NWS gridded data (2010)
  843. Climate change and fire regimes in the Sierra de Manantlan, Mexico (2010)
  844. In-situ characterization of wildland fire behavior (2010)
  845. The effect of terrain slope on firefighter safety zone effectiveness (2010)
  846. Do you BEHAVE? - Application of the BehavePlus fire modeling system (2010)
  847. Selection of fire spread model for Russian fire behavior prediction system (2010)
  848. Effects of fire on cultural resources (2010)
  849. Modeling the spatial distribution of forest crown biomass and effects on fire behavior with FUEL3D and WFDS (2010)
  850. Crown fuel spatial variability and predictability of fire spread (2010)
  851. A comparison of landscape planning approaches and practices for strategic fuel management in southern Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the USA (2010)
  852. Critical mass flux for flaming ignition of dead, dry wood as a function of external radiant heat flux and oxidizer flow velocity (2010)
  853. Modeling flame structure in wildland fires using the one-dimensional turbulence model (2010)
  854. Time to ignition is influenced by both moisture content and soluble carbohydrates in live Douglas fir and Lodgepole pine needles (2010)
  855. Design and construction of gas-fed burners for laboratory studies of flame structure (2010)
  856. Simulating spatial and temporally related fire weather (2010)
  857. Structure of diffusion flames from a vertical burner (2010)
  858. Continental-scale simulation of burn probabilities, flame lengths, and fire size distribution for the United States (2010)
  859. An examination of fuel particle heating during fire spread (2010)
  860. Barriers to implementation of risk management for federal wildland fire management agencies in the United States (2010)
  861. Characterization of convective heating in full scale wildland fires (2010)
  862. Firefighter Safety Zone: The effect of terrain slope of separation distance (2010)
  863. A portable system for characterizing wildland fire behavior (2010)
  864. Climate change impact on fire probability and severity in Mediterranean areas (2010)
  865. The impact of diverse types of biomass burning in a tropical country (2010)
  866. New global fire emission estimates and evaluation of volatile organic compounds (2010)
  867. A wildland fire emission inventory for the western United States - uncertainty across spatial and temporal scales (2010)
  868. Catastrophic fires in Russian forests (2010)
  869. Black carbon aerosol properties measured by a single particle soot photometer in emissions from biomass burning in the laboratory and field (2010)
  870. A prescribed fire emission factors database for land management and air quality applications (2010)
  871. Model assessing the impact of biomass burning on air quality and photochemistry in Mexico City (2010)
  872. Preliminary observations of organic gas-particle partitioning from biomass combustion smoke using an aerosol mass spectrometer (2010)
  873. Overview of the Fire Lab at Missoula Experiments (FLAME) (2010)
  874. Understanding the role of wildland fire, insects, and disease in predicting climate change effects on whitebark pine: Simulating vegetation, disturbance, and climate dynamics in a northern Rocky Mountain landscape (2010)
  875. Oxidative aging and secondary organic aerosol formation from simulated wildfire emissions (2010)
  876. Daily fire occurrence in northern Eurasia from 2002 to 2009 (2010)
  877. OH reactivity and potential SOA yields from volatile organic compounds and other trace gases measured in controlled laboratory biomass burns (2010)
  878. First results from a large, multi-platform study of trace gas and particle emissions from biomass burning (2010)
  879. The effect of fire intensity on soil respiration in Siberia boreal forest (2010)
  880. Measurements of trace gases and particles in fresh and aged smoke from a chaparral fire in California (2010)
  881. MODIS-derived terrestrial primary production [chapter 28] (2011)
  882. Trace gas and particle emissions from open biomass burning in Mexico (2011)
  883. VOC identification and inter-comparison from laboratory biomass burning using PTR-MS and PIT-MS (2011)
  884. Monitoring landscape change for LANDFIRE using multi-temporal satellite imagery and ancillary data (2011)
  885. Boreal forest fire emissions in fresh Canadian smoke plumes: C1-C10 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), CO2, CO, NO2, NO, HCN and CH3CN (2011)
  886. Linking 3D spatial models of fuels and fire: Effects of spatial heterogeneity on fire behavior (2011)
  887. Essentials of multiangle data-processing methodology for smoke polluted atmospheres (2011)
  888. Lidar monitoring of regions of intense backscatter with poorly defined boundaries (2011)
  889. Challenges and needs in fire management: A landscape simulation modeling perspective [chapter 4] (2011)
  890. Canyon grassland vegetation changes following fire in northern Idaho (2011)
  891. Review of vortices in wildland fire (2011)
  892. A simulation of probabilistic wildfire risk components for the continental United States (2011)
  893. A method for ensemble wildland fire simulation (2011)
  894. Characterization of flame radiosity in shrubland fires (2011)
  895. Case study of water-soluble metal containing organic constituents of biomass burning aerosol (2011)
  896. Airborne and ground-based measurements of the trace gases and particles emitted by prescribed fires in the United States (2011)
  897. The Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN): a high resolution global model to estimate the emissions from open burning (2010)
  898. Development and validation of a portable gas phase standard generation and calibration system for volatile organic compounds (2010)
  899. Understanding the science of climate change: Talking points - Impacts to the Great Lakes (2010)
  900. Use of prescribed burning for restoration and maintenance of ecological conditions: Predicting and managing fire injury and tree mortality (2010)
  901. Does raking basal duff affect tree growth rates or mortality? (2010)
  902. Use of the historic range of variability to evaluate ecosystem sustainability [chapter 24] (2010)
  903. Evaluating the effects of pinyon thinning treatments at a wildland urban interface (2010)
  904. An infrared spectral database for detection of gases emitted by biomass burning (2010)
  905. The Seeley Lake larch: Living link to indian and frontier history (2010)
  906. Emission factors for open and domestic biomass burning for use in atmospheric models (2010)
  907. Wildland fire management policy: Learning from the past and present and responding to future challenges (2009)
  908. Wildland fire management policy: Learning from the past and present and responding to future challenges (2009)
  909. Wildland fire decision support system air quality tools (2010)
  910. Challenges to implementing "best available science" (2010)
  911. Organizational learning contributes to guidance for managing wildland fires for multiple objectives (2010)
  912. Learning from escaped prescribed fire reviews [Abstract] (2011)
  913. Dialogue on safety (2011)
  914. Learning from escaped prescribed fire reviews (2011)
  915. Understanding the effects of fire management practices on forest health: Implications for weeds and vegetation structure (Project INT-F-04-01) [Chapter 14] (2011)
  916. Developing the U.S. Wildland Fire Decision Support System (2011)
  917. The Wildland Fire Decision Support System: Integrating science, technology, and fire management (2011)
  918. Psychological safety: The key to high performance in high stress, potentially traumatic environments (2011)
  919. Resilience and high performance: What the wildland fire community can learn from the U.S. Military (2011)
  920. Leadership development - trial by fire (2011)
  921. Enhancing fire science exchange: The Joint Fire Science Program's National Network of Knowledge Exchange Consortia (2011)
  922. Enhancing fire science exchange: The Northern Rockies Fire Science Network [poster] (2011)
  923. Fire science application and integration in support of decision making (2011)
  924. The Howling Prescribed Natural Fire - long-term effects on the modernization of planning and implementation of wildland fire management (2011)
  925. The pollen record of a 20th century spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis) outbreak in a Colorado subalpine forest, USA (2010)
  926. First report of an Armillaria root disease pathogen, Armillaria gallica, associated with several new hosts in Hawaii (2010)
  927. Genetic architecture and phenotypic plasticity of thermally-regulated traits in an eruptive species, Dendroctonus ponderosae (2011)
  928. Low temperature fluidized wood chip drying with monoterpene analysis (2011)
  929. First report of the white pine blister rust pathogen, Cronartium ribicola, in Arizona (2011)
  930. Multilocus genotypes indicate differentiation among Puccinia psidii populations from South America and Hawaii (2011)
  931. Prepupal diapause and instar IV developmental rates of the spruce beetle, Dendroctonus rufipennis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) (2011)
  932. Preliminary report on the ecology of Armillaria in the East Cascades of Oregon (2011)
  933. After 100 years, is coevolution relevant? In: Fairweather, Mary Lou; Palacios, Patsy, comps (2011)
  934. Rehabilitating downy brome (Bromus tectorum)-invaded scrublands using imazapic and seeding with native shrubs (2011)
  935. The canopy horizontal array turbulence study (2011)
  936. DNA-based identification and phylogeny of North American Armillaria species (2011)
  937. Blister rust in North America: What we have not learned in the past 100 years (2011)
  938. Temperature and soil organic matter decomposition rates - synthesis of current knowledge and a way forward (2011)
  939. Generation-scale movement patterns of cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus) in a stream network (2011)
  940. Place mapping and the role of spatial scale in understanding landowner views of fire and fuels management (2011)
  941. Planned diversity: The case for a system with several types of wilderness (2011)
  942. Visitor attitudes towards fire and wind disturbances in wilderness (2011)
  943. Scale-dependent controls on the area burned in the boreal forest of Canada, 1980-2005 (2011)
  944. Multi-scale evaluation of the environmental controls on burn probability in a southern Sierra Nevada landscape (2011)
  945. Structural constraints to wilderness: Impacts on visitation and experience (2011)
  946. Wildlife scientists and wilderness managers finding common ground with noninvasive and nonintrusive sampling of wildlife (2011)
  947. Ecosystem services: Just another catch phrase? (2011)
  948. Capacity reconsidered: Finding consensus and clarifying differences (2011)
  949. Phase I: Climate change and connectivity: Assessing landscape and species vulnerability (2010)
  950. Empirical modeling of spatial and temporal variation in warm season nocturnal air temperatures in two North Idaho mountain ranges, USA (2010)
  951. Limiting factors and landscape connectivity: the American marten in the Rocky Mountains (2011)
  952. sGD software for estimating spatially explicit indices of genetic diversity (2011)
  953. Why replication is important in landscape genetics: American black bear in the Rocky Mountains (2011)
  954. Components of spatial information management in wildlife ecology: Software for statistical and modeling analysis [chapter 14] (2010)
  955. Introduction: Ecological knowledge, theory and information in space and time [chapter 1] (2010)
  956. Space and time in ecology: Noise or fundamental driver? [chapter 2] (2010)
  957. The problem of ecological scaling in spatially complex, nonequilibrium ecological systems [chapter 3] (2010)
  958. Landscape ecology: Past, present, and future [chapter 4] (2010)
  959. The Gradient Paradigm: A conceptual and analytical framework for landscape ecology [chapter 5] (2010)
  960. Data on distribution and abundance: Monitoring for research and management [chapter 6] (2010)
  961. Animal movement data: GPS telemetry, autocorrelation and the need for path-level analysis [chapter 7] (2010)
  962. Mapping landscape resistance to identify corridors and barriers for elephant movement in southern Africa [chapter 19] (2010)
  963. Habitat fragmentation effects depend on complex interactions between population size and dispersal ability: Modeling influences of roads, agriculture and residential development across a range of life-history characteristics [chapter 20] (2010)
  964. Current state of the art for statistical modeling of species distributions [chapter 16] (2010)
  965. Searls prairie clover (Dalea searlsiae) for rangeland revegetation: Phenotypic and genetic evaluations (2011)
  966. Predicted fates of ground-nesting bees in soil heated by wildfire: Thermal tolerances of life stages and a survey of nesting depths (2011)
  967. Specialist Osmia bees forage indiscriminately among hybridizing Balsamorhiza floral hosts (2011)
  968. Restoration strategies for a native perennial: Germination and seedling physiology of Sphaeralcea munroana (2011)
  969. Plant guide: Munro's globemallow (Sphaeralcea munroana) (2011)
  970. Building bridges between agencies, researchers, famers and non-governmental organizations to create collaborative native seed programs (2011)
  971. Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: FY2010 Progress Report (2011)
  972. Plant guide: Gray's biscuitroot (Lomatium grayi [J. M. Coult. & Rose.] J.M. Coult. & Rose) (2011)
  973. Farming for restoration: Building bridges for native seeds (2011)
  974. Breeding biology of the threadstalk milkvetch, Astragalus filipes (Fabaceae), with a review of the genus (2011)
  975. Capsule treatments to enhance seedling emergence of Gaura neomexicana ssp (2005)
  976. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of wildland collections of western and Searls prairie clovers for rangeland revegetation in the western USA (2010)
  977. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of western and prairie clover collections from the western USA (2010)
  978. Plant guide: Douglas' dusty-maiden (Chaenactic douglasii) (2010)
  979. Plant guide: Nineleaf biscuitroot (Lomatium triternatum) (2010)
  980. Plant guide: Hoary tansyaster (Machaeranthera canescens) (2010)
  981. Plant guide: Fernleaf biscuitroot (Lomatium dissectum [Nutt.] Mathias & Constance) (2010)
  982. Notice of release for Eagle Germplasm western yarrow (selected germplasm, natural track) (2011)
  983. Morphological, molecular and biological evidence reveal two cryptic species in Mecinus janthinus Germar (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), a successful biological control agent of Dalmatian toadflax, Linaria dalmatica (Lamiales, Plantaginaceae) (2011)
  984. Soil erosion model predictions using parent material/soil texture-based parameters compared to using site-specific parameters (2011)
  985. Resistance to invasion and resilience to fire in desert shrublands of North America (2011)
  986. Comparing five modelling techniques for predicting forest characteristics (2002)
  987. Ecohydrological consequences of drought- and infestation-triggered tree die-off: Insights and hypotheses (2012)
  988. Insecticidal activity of floral, foliar, and root extracts of Tagetes minuta (Asterales: Asteraceae) against adult mexican bean weevils (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) (1994)
  989. Suppression of bruchids infesting stored grain legumes with the predatory bug Xylocoris flavipes (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) (1997)
  990. Differential physiological responses of dalmatian toadflax, Linaria dalmatica L. Miller, to injury from two insect biological control agents: Implications for decision-making in biological control (2005)
  991. A retrospective analysis of known and potential risks associated with exotic toadflax-feeding insects (2005)
  992. Biology and biological control of Dalmatian and yellow toadflax (2005)
  993. Ecology and management of yellow toadflax [Linaria vulgaris (L.) Mill.] (2006)
  994. Influence of herbivory and competition on invasive weed fitness: Observed effects of Cyphocleonus achates (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and grass-seeding treatments on spotted knapweed performance (2006)
  995. Ecology and management of Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill.) (2006)
  996. Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica): New host for cucumber mosaic virus (2007)
  997. Ecology and management of saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima, T. chinensis and T. ramosissima x T. chinensis hybrids) (2007)
  998. Ecology and management of houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale L.) (2007)
  999. Releasing biocontrol agents: Risk assessment and overdue reform (2007)
  1000. External rostral characters for differentiation of sexes in the biological control agent Mecinus janthinus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (2007)
  1001. Long-term field evaluation of Mecinus janthinus releases against Dalmatian toadflax in Montana (USA) (2008)
  1002. Using hydrothermal time concepts to model seed germination response to temperature, dormancy loss, and priming effects in Elymus elymoides (2000)
  1003. A hydrothermal after-ripening time model for seed dormancy loss in Bromus tectorum L. (2006)
  1004. A stochastic population model for Lepidium papilliferum (Brassicaceae), a rare desert ephemeral with a persistent seed bank (2006)
  1005. Ecological significance of microsatellite variation in western North American populations of Bromus tectorum (2006)
  1006. A race for survival: Can Bromus tectorum seeds escape Pyrenophora semeniperda-caused mortality by germinating quickly? (2007)
  1007. Impact of the pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda on Bromus tectorum seedbank dynamics in North American cold deserts (2007)
  1008. Genetic variation and local adaptation at a cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invasion edge in western Nevada (2009)
  1009. Landscaping on the new frontier: Waterwise design for the Intermountain West (2009)
  1010. Predicting seed dormancy loss and germination timing for Bromus tectorum in a semi-arid environment using hydrothermal time models (2009)
  1011. Revision of the Nearctic species of Nepalomyia Hollis (= Neurigonella Robinson) (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Peloropeodinae) with a world catalog (2003)
  1012. Plant host finding by parasitic plants: A new perspective on plant to plant communication (2006)
  1013. Saltcedar and Russian olive control demonstration act science assessment (2010)
  1014. GSD Update (No. 1) (2011)
  1015. GSD Update (No. 2) (2011)
  1016. Taxonomic and nomenclatural rearrangements in Artemisia subgen. Tridentatae, including a redefinition of Sphaeromeria (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) (2011)
  1017. Transpirational water loss in invaded and restored semiarid riparian forests (2011)
  1018. Approaches to evaluating climate change impacts on species: A guide to initiating the adaptation planning process (2011)
  1019. Role of the U.S. Forest Service: Helping forests, grasslands, and wildlife adapt to shifts in climate (2011)
  1020. Soil and water characteristics in restored canebrake and forest riparian zones (2011)
  1021. Effects of stream discharge, alluvial depth and bar amplitude on hyporheic flow in pool-riffle channels (2011)
  1022. Transcriptome characterization and polymorphism detection between subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) (2011)
  1023. Endophytic fungal communities of Bromus tectorum: Mutualisms, community assemblages and implications for invasion (2011)
  1024. Assessing bioenergy harvest risks: Geospatially explicit tools for maintaining soil productivity in western US forests (2011)
  1025. Using nestling feathers to assess spatial and temporal concentrations of mercury in bald eagles at Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, USA (2011)
  1026. Fourmile Canyon: Living with wildfire (2011)
  1027. Natural polyploidization within tetraploid and hexaploid populations of the desert shrub Atriplex confertifolia (2011)
  1028. Síntesis del estado del conocimiento del ciclo de carbono en ecosistemas boscosos de los Estados Unidos (2010)
  1029. Landscape fire and wildlife habitat [chapter 9] (2011)
  1030. Growing pressures on Circumpolar North wilderness: A case for coordinated research and education (2002)
  1031. Wilderness and well-being: Complexity, time, and psychological growth (2002)
  1032. Alaska exceptionality hypothesis: Is Alaska wilderness really different? (2002)
  1033. Evaluating nature and wilderness in Iceland (2002)
  1034. Anthropogenic impacts on habitat structure and species richness in the west Siberian Arctic (2002)
  1035. Biodiversity in Finnish wilderness areas: Historical and cultural constraints to preserve species and habitats (2002)
  1036. Increasing value of wilderness: Protecting cultural heritage (2002)
  1037. Can traditional ecological knowledge and wilderness benefit one another? (2002)
  1038. Iceland's Central Highlands: Nature conservation, ecotourism, and energy resource utilization (2002)
  1039. Nature and tourism in Greenland (2002)
  1040. Planning in the human ecotone: Managing wild places on the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge (2002)
  1041. Collaboration across cultural boundaries to protect wild places: The British Columbia experience (2002)
  1042. Northwest Territories Protected Areas Strategy: How community values are shaping the protection of wild spaces and heritage places (2002)
  1043. Protected areas of the central Siberian Arctic: History, status, and prospects (2002)
  1044. Origin of political conflict in Arctic wilderness areas (2002)
  1045. Perspectives on wilderness in the Arctic (2002)
  1046. What to see and where to find it on the Priest River Experimental Forest Idaho (1951)
  1047. Frontiers of Forestry Research - Priest River Experimental Forest, 1911-1976 (1976)
  1048. Models of regeneration, tree growth, and current and potential ranges of tree and mammal species in the Eastern U.S. (1997)
  1049. The chemical characteristics of soil in control and experimentally thinned plots in mesic oak forests along a historical deposition gradient (1997)
  1050. Fire-scar formation and compartmentalization in oak (1999)
  1051. Spatial variability in soil nitrogen dynamics after prescribed burning in Ohio mixed-oak forests (2000)
  1052. Nonnative plant response to silvicultural treatments: A model based on disturbance, propagule pressure, and competitive abilities (2010)
  1053. Disturbance, resource pulses and invasion: short-term shifts in competitive effects, not growth responses, favour exotic annuals (2011)
  1054. Plant invasions, generalist herbivores, and novel defense weapons (2011)
  1055. Transcriptome sequencing, characterization, and polymorphism detection in subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisa tridentata) (2011)
  1056. 2010 Annual Report: Monitoring and evaluation for conserving biological resources of the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area (2011)
  1057. Homogenization of the soil surface following fire in semiarid grasslands (2011)
  1058. Influences of watershed geomorphology on extent and composition of riparian vegetation (2011)
  1059. Facilitation and interference of seedling establishment by a native legume before and after wildfire (2011)
  1060. Charcterization of meadow ecosystems based on watershed and valley segment/reach scale characteristics [chapter 7] (2011)
  1061. Meadow management and treatment options [chapter 8] (2011)
  1062. Meadow-stream processes and aquatic invertebrate community structure [chapter 6] (2011)
  1063. Meadow sensitivity to natural and anthropogenic disturbance [chapter 5] (2011)
  1064. Hydrologic processes influencing meadow ecosystems [chapter 4] (2011)
  1065. Geomorphic processes affecting meadow ecosystems [chapter 3] (2011)
  1066. Controls on meadow distribution and characteristics [chapter 2] (2011)
  1067. Introduction and overview [chapter 1] (2011)
  1068. Geomorphology, hydrology, and ecology of Great Basin meadow complexes - implications for management and restoration (2011)
  1069. Biology and ecology of sickleweed (Falcaria vulgaris) in the Fort Pierre National Grassland of South Dakota (2011)
  1070. Potential for spatial management of hunted mammal populations in tropical forests (2011)
  1071. Belowground ecosystems [chapter 9] (1995)
  1072. Fish fauna [chapter 8] (1995)
  1073. Plants, arthropods, and birds of the Rio Grande [chapter 7] (1995)
  1074. Pinyon-juniper woodlands [chapter 6] (1995)
  1075. Desert grassland and shrubland ecosystems [chapter 5] (1995)
  1076. Geology, climate, land, and water quality [chapter 4] (1995)
  1077. Human ecology and ethnology [chapter 3] (1995)
  1078. Environmental history [chapter 2] (1995)
  1079. Introduction: Ecosystem research in a human context [chapter 1] (1995)
  1080. Wilderness solitude: Beyond the social-spatial perspective (2001)
  1081. Limiting recreational use in wilderness: Research issues and management challenges in appraising their effectiveness (2001)
  1082. Use limits in wilderness: Assumptions and gaps in knowledge (2001)
  1083. Approaches to measuring quality of the wilderness experience (2001)
  1084. Carrying capacity as "informed judgment": The values of science and the science of values (2001)
  1085. Continued warming could transform Greater Yellowstone fire regimes by mid-21st century (2011)
  1086. Vulnerability of landscape carbon fluxes to future climate and fire in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (2011)
  1087. Relationships between tree height and carbon isotope discrimination (2011)
  1088. String of turquoise: The future of Sacred Mountain Peaks in the southwest U.S. (2011)
  1089. Natural and near natural tropical forest values (2011)
  1090. Examining visitors' behavioral intentions and behaviors in a Taiwan National Park (2011)
  1091. Wilderness: An unexpected second chance (2011)
  1092. Planning for people? An evaluation of objectives for managing visitors at wildlife refuges in the United States (2011)
  1093. Protecting marine parks and sanctuaries from aquatic nuisance species releases from ballast during emergency response events (2011)
  1094. The verification of wilderness area boundaries as part of a buffer zone demarcation process: A case study from the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site (2011)
  1095. The National Landscape Conservation System: A model for long term conservation of significant landscapes (2011)
  1096. Protection of the wilderness and aesthetic values of Antarctica: Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as a tool (2011)
  1097. Monitoring recreational impacts in wilderness of Kamchatka (on example of Kronotsky State Natural Biosphere Preserve) (2011)
  1098. How do you know things are getting better (or not?) Assessing resource conditions in National Parks and Protected Areas (2011)
  1099. Climate change and ecosystem services: The contribution of and impacts on federal public lands in the United States (2011)
  1100. Challenges in protecting the wilderness of Antarctica (2011)
  1101. Understanding the transformative aspects of the Wilderness and Protected Lands experience upon human health (2011)
  1102. Human relationships to fire prone ecosystems: Mapping values at risk on contested landscapes (2011)
  1103. Threats and changes affecting human relationships with wilderness: Implications for management (2011)
  1104. Roles of and threats to Yoruba traditional beliefs in wilderness conservation in southwest Nigeria (2011)
  1105. Wilderness - between the promise of hell and paradise: A cultural-historical exploration of a Dutch National Park (2011)
  1106. Public perception of the Antarctic Wilderness: Surveys from an educated, environmentally knowledgeable European community (2011)
  1107. El Toro Wilderness, Luqillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico (2011)
  1108. The socio-cultural value of New Zealand wilderness (2011)
  1109. Shared wilderness, shared responsibility, shared vision: Protecting migratory wildlife (2011)
  1110. "Europe's wild heart" - new transboundary wilderness in the middle of the Old Continent (2011)
  1111. The climate adaptation programs and activities of the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (2011)
  1112. Maloti Drakensberg Transfrontier Park joint management: Sehlabathebe National Park (Lesotho) and the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site (South Africa) (2011)
  1113. Understanding and building wilderness management partnerships with indigenous peoples and communities (2011)
  1114. Human-wildlife donflict and its implication for conservation around Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (2011)
  1115. From dominance to detente in the face of climate change: Agreements beyond boundaries with indigenous nations (2011)
  1116. Indigenous ecotourism in preserving and empowering Mayan natural and cultural values at Palenque, Mexico (2011)
  1117. The U.S. Forest Service Job Corps 28 Civilian Conservation Centers (2011)
  1118. The design and implementation of a conservation corps program in Nuristan, Afghanistan (2011)
  1119. The promise of youth service as a global conservation tool (2011)
  1120. Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Ninth World Wilderness Congress symposium; November 6-13, 2009; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico (2011)
  1121. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of risk perception and treatment options as related to wildfires in the USDA FS Region 3 National Forests (2011)
  1122. Formation of post-fire water-repellent layers in Monterrey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) plantations in south-central Chile (2010)
  1123. Water quality assessment of bioenergy production (2011)
  1124. Threats to riparian ecosystems in western North America: An analysis of existing literature (2011)
  1125. Maintaining the confidentiality of plot locations by exploiting the low sensitivity of forest structure models to different spectral extraction kernels (2011)
  1126. Recent rates of forest harvest and conversion in North America (2011)
  1127. Mapping wildfire and clearcut harvest disturbances in boreal forests with Landsat time series data (2011)
  1128. A comparative risk assessment framework for wildland fire management: the 2010 cohesive strategy science report (2011)
  1129. Stream temperature monitoring and modeling: Recent advances and new tools for managers (2011)
  1130. Flow regime, temperature, and biotic interactions drive differential declines of trout species under climate change [includes Supporting Information] (2011)
  1131. Role of climate and invasive species in structuring trout distributions in the interior Columbia River Basin, USA (2011)
  1132. Experimental fire in two different grassland ecosystems in the Southwestern United States (2011)
  1133. Subirrigation for production of native plants in nurseries - concepts, current knowledge, and implementation (2011)
  1134. Bird species and numbers of birds in oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands region including effects of burning (2011)
  1135. A reconnaissance of small mammal communities in Garland and Government prairies, Arizona (2011)
  1136. Habitat suitability and nest survival of white-headed woodpeckers in unburned forests of Oregon (2011)
  1137. Vertebrate predators have minimal cascading effects on plant production or seed predation in an intact grassland ecosystem (2011)
  1138. Modeling nest survival of cavity-nesting birds in relation to postfire salvage logging (2011)
  1139. Prediction of height increment for models of forest growth (1975)
  1140. A new synonymy in Erebomyia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) (2010)
  1141. Uncertainty and risk in wildland fire management: A review (2011)
  1142. A national cohesive wildland fire management strategy (2011)
  1143. Past and ongoing shifts in Joshua tree distribution support future modeled range contraction (2011)
  1144. Moderate-scale mapping methods of aspen stand types: a case study for Cedar Mountain in southern Utah (2011)
  1145. Ecological adaptations in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) populations: I. North Idaho and North-East Washington (1979)
  1146. Ecological adaptations in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) populations. III. Central Idaho (1983)
  1147. Adaptive variation in Pinus ponderosa from Intermountain Regions. I. Snake and Salmon River Basins (1986)
  1148. Ecological adaptations in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca). IV. Montana and Idaho near the Continental Divide (1988)
  1149. Ecological adaptations in Douglas-fir (Psuedotsuga menziesii var. glauca): a synthesis (1989)
  1150. Genetic differentiation among populations of Pinus ponderosa from the upper Colorado River Basin (1990)
  1151. A model of genetic variation for Pinus ponderosa in the Inland Northwest (U.S.A.): applications in gene resource management (1991)
  1152. Genetic variation in the Ponderosae of the Southwest (1993)
  1153. Introduction of ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir to Argentina (2001)
  1154. Adaptive variation in Pinus ponderosa from Intermountain regions. II. Middle Columbia River system (1986)
  1155. Recent trends in post-wildfire seeding in western US forests: costs and seed mixes (2011)
  1156. Erigeron mancus (Asteraceae) density as a baseline to detect future climate change in La Sal Mountain habitats (2010)
  1157. Density and elevational distribution of the San Francisco Peaks ragwort, Packera franciscana (Asteraceae), a threatened single-mountain endemic (2011)
  1158. Late Holocene geomorphic record of fire in ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forests, Kendrick Mountain, northern Arizona, USA (2011)
  1159. Molecular identification of Armillaria gallica from the Niobrara Valley Preserve in Nebraska (2011)
  1160. The Steiner Multigraph Problem: Wildlife corridor design for multiple species (2011)
  1161. The phylogenetic position of an Armillaria species from Amami-Oshima, a subtropical island of Japan, based on elongation factor and ITS sequences (2011)
  1162. Effects of fire management of southwestern natural resources (1990)
  1163. Fire effects in southwestern forests: Proceedings of the second La Mesa Fire symposium; 1994 March 29-31; Los Alamos, New Mexico (1996)
  1164. Plant defenses against parasitic plants show similarities to those induced by herbivores and pathogens (2010)
  1165. Effects of landscape features on the distribution and sustainability of ungulate hunting in northern Congo (2011)
  1166. Thirty years of weather change and effects on a grassland in the Peloncillo Mountains, New Mexico (2011)
  1167. Assessing environmental risks for established invasive weeds: Dalmatian (Linaria dalmatica) and yellow (L. vulgaris) toadflax in North America (2011)
  1168. A comparison of accuracy and cost of LiDAR versus stand exam data for landscape management on the Malheur National Forest (2011)
  1169. Conducting seedling stock type trials: A new approach to an old question (2011)
  1170. Evaluating potential fire behavior in lodgepole pine-dominated forests after a mountain pine beetle epidemic in north-central Colorado (2011)
  1171. Flight periodicity of the Douglas-fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Colorado, U.S.A (2011)
  1172. Understory vegetation response after 30 years of interval prescribed burning in two ponderosa pine sites in northern Arizona, USA (2010)
  1173. Laboratory measurements of trace gas emissions from biomass burning of fuel types from the southeastern and southwestern United States (2010)
  1174. Evaluating the remote sensing and inventory-based estimation of biomass in the western Carpathians (2011)
  1175. Abiotic and biotic influences on Bromus tectoreum invasion and Artemisia tridentata recovery after fire (2011)
  1176. Growth inhibition of Dalmatian toadflax, Linaria dalmatica (L.) Miller, in response to herbivory by the biological control agent Meeinus janthinus Germar (2011)
  1177. Climate Project Screening Tool (2011)
  1178. Pruning to manage white pine blister rust in the southern Rocky Mountains (2011)
  1179. Resource selection by elk at two spatial scales in the Black Hills, South Dakota (2011)
  1180. Photo guide for appraising downed woody fuels in Montana forests: Interior ponderosa pine, ponderosa pine - larch - Douglas-fir, larch - Douglas-fir, and interior Douglas-fir cover types (1981)
  1181. Photo guide for appraising downed woody fuels in Montana forests: lodgepole pine and Engelmann spruce - subalpine fir cover types (1981)
  1182. Ecological assessment of sagebrush grasslands in eastern Wyoming (2011)
  1183. Big sagebrush in pinyon-juniper woodlands: Using forest inventory and analysis data as a management tool for quantifying and monitoring mule deer habitat (2011)
  1184. Displacement of native riparian shrubs by woody exotics: Effects on arthropod and pollinator community composition (2011)
  1185. Incorporating historical ecosystem diversity into conservation planning efforts in grass and shrub ecosystems (2011)
  1186. Effects of spring prescribed fire in expanding pinyon-juniper woodlands on seedling establishment of sagebrush species (2011)
  1187. Vegetation dynamics at a Mojave Desert restoration site, 1992 to 2007 (2011)
  1188. Dynamics of western juniper woodland expansion into sagebrush communities in central Oregon (2011)
  1189. Guidelines for whitebark pine planting prescriptions (2011)
  1190. High elevation white pines educational website (2011)
  1191. Restoration planting options for limber pines in the southern Rocky Mountains (2011)
  1192. Limber pine seed and seedling planting experiment in Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada (2011)
  1193. Whitebark pine direct seeding trials in the Pacific Northwest (2011)
  1194. Highlights of the Forest Health Protection Whitebark Pine Restoration Program (2011)
  1195. No free lunch: Observations on seed predation, cone collection, and controlled germination of whitebark pine from the Canadian Rockies (2011)
  1196. Restoration of whitebark pine forests in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA (2011)
  1197. Whitebark and limber pine restoration and monitoring in Glacier National Park (2011)
  1198. The proactive strategy for sustaining five-needle pine populations: An example of its implementation in the southern Rocky Mountains (2011)
  1199. Inoculation and successful colonization of whitebark pine seedlings with native mycorrhizal fungi under greenhouse conditions (2011)
  1200. Exploring whitebark pine resilience in the crown of the continent (2011)
  1201. Investigating the optimality of proactive management of an invasive forest pest (2011)
  1202. Strategies, tools, and challenges for sustaining and restoring high elevation five-needle white pine forests in western North America (2011)
  1203. Rust resistance in seedling families of Pinus albicaulis and Pinus strobiformis and implications for restoration (2011)
  1204. Molecular dissection of white pine genetic resistance to Cronartium ribicola (2011)
  1205. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) applications in white pine blister rust resistance screening (2011)
  1206. Status of white pine blister rust and seed collections in california's high-elevation white pine species (2011)
  1207. Preliminary overview of the first extensive rust resistance screening tests of Pinus flexilis and Pinus aristata (2011)
  1208. Past and current investigations of the genetic resistance to cronartium ribicola in high-elevation five-needle pines (2011)
  1209. Histological observations on needle colonization by Cronartium ribicola in susceptible and resistant seedlings of whitebark pine and limber pine (2011)
  1210. Proceedings of the 15th wildland shrub symposium; June 17-19, 2008; Bozeman, MT (2011)
  1211. Can microscale meteorological conditions predict the impact of white pine blister rust in Colorado and Wyoming? (2011)
  1212. Re-measurement of whitebark pine infection and mortality in the Canadian Rockies (2011)
  1213. Annual observations of conspicuous canker activity on whitebark pine (2003 to 2007) (2011)
  1214. Valuing the forest for the trees: Willingness to pay for white pine blister rust management (2011)
  1215. Limber pine forests on the leading edge of white pine blister rust distribution in Northern Colorado (2011)
  1216. Monitoring white pine blister rust infection and mortality in whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem (2011)
  1217. A natural history of Cronartium ribicola (2011)
  1218. Establishment patterns of whitebark pine following fire in the Canadian Rockies (2011)
  1219. Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in Cascadia: A climate change prognosis (2011)
  1220. Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) assisted migration trial (2011)
  1221. Climate change response of great basin bristlecone pine in the Nevada NSF-EPSCoR Project ( (2011)
  1222. Influence of fire on mycorrhizal colonization of planted and natural whitebark pine seedlings: Ecology and management implications (2011)
  1223. Fuel and fire behavior in high-elevation five-needle pines affected by mountain pine beetle (2011)
  1224. Modeling climate changes and wildfire interactions: Effects on whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) and implications for restoration, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA (2011)
  1225. Fire and high-elevation, five-needle pine (Pinus aristata & P. flexilis) ecosystems in the southern Rocky Mountains: What do we know? (2011)
  1226. Disturbance ecology of high-elevation five-needle pine ecosystems in western North America (2011)
  1227. Geographic patterns of genetic variation, population structure and adaptive traits in Pinus aristata, Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (2011)
  1228. The U.S. Forest Service's renewed focus on gene conservation of five-needle pine species (2011)
  1229. Comparison of genetic diversity and population structure of Pacific Coast whitebark pine across multiple markers (2011)
  1230. Ex Situ gene conservation in high elevation white pine species in the United States-a beginning (2011)
  1231. A population genetic model for high-elevation five-needle pines: Projecting population outcomes in the presence of white pine blister rust (2011)
  1232. A sugar pine consensus map: Comparative mapping between the Pinus subgenus Pinus and the subgenus Strobus (2011)
  1233. Genetic variation of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) provenances and families from Oregon and Washington in juvenile height growth and needle color (2011)
  1234. Molecular genetic variation in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) in the Inland West (2011)
  1235. Conservation genetics of high elevation five-needle white pines (2011)
  1236. The use of verbenone to protect whitebark pine from mountain pine beetle (2011)
  1237. Protecting whitebark pines through a mountain pine beetle epidemic with verbenone-is it working? (2011)
  1238. Health of whitebark pine forests after mountain pine beetle outbreaks (2011)
  1239. Mountain pine beetle in high-elevation five-needle white pine ecosystems (2011)
  1240. Clark's nutcracker demography and habitat use in Bridger-Teton National Forest-preliminary analyses (2011)
  1241. Pre-dispersal seed predator dynamics at the northern limits of limber pine distribution (2011)
  1242. Sugar pine seed harvest by Clark's nutcracker: Annual use of a transient resource in Crater Lake National Park, Oregon (2011)
  1243. Seed dispersal in limber and southwestern white pine: Comparing core and peripheral populations (2011)
  1244. Regeneration and survival of whitebark pine after the 1988 Yellowstone fires (2011)
  1245. Limber pine health in the Canadian Rockies (2011)
  1246. Determining Clark's nutcracker use of whitebark pine communities in regard to stand health in Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (2011)
  1247. Altered species interactions and implications for natural regeneration in whitebark pine communities (2011)
  1248. Long-term monitoring of high-elevation white pine communities in Pacific West Region National Parks (2011)
  1249. Monitoring limber pine health in the Rocky Mountains and North Dakota (2011)
  1250. The relationship between whitebark pine health, cone production, and nutcracker occurrence across four National Parks (2011)
  1251. Native ectomycorrhizal fungi of limber and whitebark pine: Necessary for forest sustainability? (2011)
  1252. Synthesis of lower treeline limber pine (Pinus flexilis) woodland knowledge, research needs, and management considerations (2011)
  1253. The magnificent high-elevation five-needle white pines: Ecological roles and future outlook (2011)
  1254. The future of high-elevation, five-needle white pines in Western North America: Proceedings of the High Five Symposium (2011)
  1255. Post-harvest seedling recruitment following mountain pine beetle infestation of Colorado lodgepole pine stands: A comparison using historic survey records (2010)
  1256. Tree regeneration and future stand development after bark beetle infestation and harvesting in Colorado lodgepole pine stands (2011)
  1257. Rehabilitating slash pile burn scars in upper montane forests of the Colorado Front Range (2011)
  1258. The influence of wildfire extent and severity on streamwater chemistry, sediment and temperature following the Hayman Fire, Colorado (2011)
  1259. Combined effects of heat waves and droughts on avian communities across the conterminous United States (2010)
  1260. Applying species-energy theory to conservation: A case study for North American birds (2010)
  1261. Minimum viable populations: Is there a 'magic number' for conservation practitioners? (2011)
  1262. Wetland features and landscape context predict the risk of wetland habitat loss (2011)
  1263. A habitat overlap analysis derived from Maxent for Tamarisk and the South-western Willow Flycatcher (2011)
  1264. The 2002 Rodeo-Chediski Wildfire's impacts on southwestern ponderosa pine ecosystems, hydrology, and fuels (2011)
  1265. Detrimental soil disturbance associated with timber harvest systems on National Forests in the Northern Region (2011)
  1266. Empirical downscaling of daily minimum air temperature at very fine resolutions in complex terrain (2011)
  1267. Influence of bedrock geology on water chemistry of slope wetlands and headwater streams in the southern Rocky Mountains (2011)
  1268. Modeling the height of young forests regenerating from recent disturbances in Mississippi using Landsat and ICESat data (2011)
  1269. Differential responses of production and respiration to temperature and moisture drive the carbon balance across a climatic gradient in New Mexico (2011)
  1270. Baboquivari Mountain plants: Identification, ecology, and ethnobotany [book review] (2011)
  1271. Establishment and growth of container seedlings for reforestation: A function of stocktype and edaphic conditions (2011)
  1272. Hydrologic, abiotic and biotic interactions: plant density, windspeed, leaf size and groundwater all affect oak water use efficiency (2011)
  1273. Roads impact the distribution of noxious weeds more than restoration treatments in a lodgepole pine forest in Montana, U.S.A (2012)
  1274. Using a terrestrial ecosystem survey to estimate the historical density of ponderosa pine trees (2011)
  1275. Insects associated with ponderosa pine in Colorado (1980)
  1276. Silvicultural systems and cutting methods for ponderosa pine forests in the Front Range of the central Rocky Mountains (1986)
  1277. An Engelmann spruce seed source study in the central Rockies (1981)
  1278. An assessment methodology for determining historical changes in mountain streams (1998)
  1279. Allometry, nitrogen status, and carbon stable isotope composition of Pinus ponderosa seedlings in two growing media with contrasting nursery irrigation regimes (2011)
  1280. Post-stratified estimation: with-in strata and total sample size recommendations (2011)
  1281. Response of ponderosa pine stands to pre-commercial thinning on Nez Perce and Spokane Tribal forests in the Inland Northwest, USA (2011)
  1282. A System for Assessing Vulnerability of Species (SAVS) to Climate Change (2011)
  1283. Post-1900 mule deer irruptions in the Intermountain West: Principal cause and influences (1986)
  1284. Influence of logging and weather on elk distribution in western Montana (1979)
  1285. Forage quality in burned and unburned aspen communities (1989)
  1286. Determining potential wildlife benefits from wildfire in Arizona ponderosa pine forests (1978)
  1287. Range management in the chaparral type and its ecological basis: The status of our knowledge (1975)
  1288. Status and ecology of Mexican spotted owls in the Upper Gila Mountains recovery unit, Arizona and New Mexico (2011)
  1289. Ecology, diversity, and sustainability of the Middle Rio Grande Basin (1995)
  1290. Watershed-management aspects of thinned young lodgepole pine stands (1952)
  1291. Soil Survey: Fraser Alpine Area, Colorado (1962)
  1292. The effect of timber harvest on the Fool Creek watershed, 30 years later (1985)
  1293. The effect of partial and clearcutting on streamflow at Deadhorse Creek, Colorado (1987)
  1294. Bird-habitat relationships in subalpine riparian shrublands of the Central Rocky Mountains (1987)
  1295. Management of subalpine forests: Building on 50 years of research (1987)
  1296. Fire effects on tree overstories in the oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands Region (2011)
  1297. The Fraser Experimental Forest ... its work and aims (1960)
  1298. The Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado (1977)
  1299. The Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado: Research program and published research 1937-1985 (1985)
  1300. Flora of the Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado (1993)
  1301. Relationships between forest songbird populations and managed forests in Idaho (1994)
  1302. Potential effects of timber harvest and water management on streamflow dynamics and sediment transport (1994)
  1303. Sustainable ecological systems: implementing an ecological approach to land management (1994)
  1304. Vulnerability of amphibians to climate change: implications for rangeland management (2011)
  1305. A review of climate change effects on terrestrial rangeland birds (2011)
  1306. Site characteristics of intact shortgrass steppe in the southern Great Plains USA (2011)
  1307. Assessing plague risk and presence through surveys of small mammal flea communities (2011)
  1308. Land grants of New Mexico and the United States Forest Service (2011)
  1309. Abundance of wind scorpions (Solifugae: Eremobatidae) in riparian forests disturbed by grazing, fire, and flood in Central New Mexico, USA (2011)
  1310. Using QuickBird imagery to detect cover and spread of post-fire straw mulch after the 2006 Tripod Fire, Washington, USA (2011)
  1311. Tree responses to drought (2011)
  1312. Nest-site selection and nest survival of Lewis's woodpecker in aspen riparian woodlands (2011)
  1313. A molecular phylogenetic approach to western North America endemic Artemisia and allies (Asteraceae): Untangling the sagebrushes (2011)
  1314. The ploidy races of Atriplex confertifolia (chenopodiaceae) (2011)
  1315. Ecological adaptations in Douglas-fir populations. II. Western Montana (1982)
  1316. Geography, administrative roles, and users of Cimarron National Grassland (1996)
  1317. Birds of Cimarron National Grassland (1996)
  1318. Improving southwestern riparian areas through watershed management (1989)
  1319. Wildlife habitats and biological diversity in the Rocky Mountains and Northern Great Plains (1993)
  1320. Silvicultural effects on birds in the Rockies (1994)
  1321. Links between scale and neotropical migratory bird populations (1994)
  1322. Single-species versus multiple-species approaches for management (1995)
  1323. Conservation and management of Neotropical migrants landbirds in the Northern Rockies and Great Plains [book review] (1995)
  1324. Landbird migration along the Middle Rio Grande: Summary of banding data from spring and fall 1994 (1995)
  1325. The ecology of migrant birds: A neotropical perspective [book review] (1998)
  1326. Nest site selection in native and exotic trees by Black-chinned Hummingbirds (2002)
  1327. Predicting avian population responses to fuel removal in river woodlands of the southwestern United States (2003)
  1328. Microhabitat use by breeding Southwestern Willow Flycatchers on the Gila River, New Mexico (2003)
  1329. Controls on patterns of coarse organic particle retention in headwater streams (2003)
  1330. Fire and riparian ecosystems in landscapes of the western USA (2003)
  1331. Plant biomass and species composition along an environmental gradient in montane riparian meadows (2004)
  1332. Influence of herbivory on regrowth of riparian shrubs following a wildland fire (2006)
  1333. Riparian ecosystem consequences of water redistribution along the Colorado Front Range (2008)
  1334. Biodiversity and fire in shortgrass steppe (2001)
  1335. Impacts of wildfire on runoff and sediment loads at Little Granite Creek, western Wyoming (2011)
  1336. Forest resources of the Clearwater National Forest (2011)
  1337. Management of white grubs in forest nurseries (2010)
  1338. Soil fumigants-risk mitigation measures for reregistration (2010)
  1339. The forests of Michigan-from ice to axe to growth (2010)
  1340. Effects of pine sawdust, hardwood sawdust, and peat on bareroot soil properties (2010)
  1341. An overview of forestry in the Farm Bill and Natural Resources Conservation Service forestry resources (2010)
  1342. Determining irrigation distribution uniformity and efficiency for nurseries (2010)
  1343. Forest tree improvement at Michigan State University: Past, present, and future (2010)
  1344. Sulfometuron methyl: Its use in forestry and potential phytotoxicity (2010)
  1345. Effect of organic amendments on Douglas-fir transplants grown in fumigated versus non-fumigated soil (2010)
  1346. Equilibrium relative humidity as a tool to monitor seed moisture (2010)
  1347. Strategies and challenges for nursery production: Perspectives on where we're going and where we've been (2010)
  1348. Protocols for sagebrush seed processing and seedling production at the Lucky Peak Nursery (2010)
  1349. Detection and control of Fusarium oxysporum and Cylindrocarpon destructans in forest nursery soils (2010)
  1350. Influence of mineral nutrition on susceptibility and recovery of planted seedlings of ungulate browse (2010)
  1351. When Smokey says "No": Fire-less methods for growing plants adapted to cultural fire regimes (2010)
  1352. Green gold: The potential and pitfalls for North American medicinal plants in the US botanical supplements industry (2010)
  1353. An introduction to the Colorado Plateau Native Plant Initiative (2010)
  1354. Establishing, conducting, and maintaining mutually beneficial, collaborative research efforts with tribes (2010)
  1355. Protecting black ash from the emerald ash borer (2010)
  1356. Understory vegetation data quality assessment for the Interior West Forest and Inventory Analysis program (2011)
  1357. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations-2009 (2010)
  1358. Western yellow pine in Arizona and New Mexico (1911)
  1359. Field measurement of age in quaking aspen in the central Rocky Mountains (1987)
  1360. Pelleted biochar: chemical and physical properties show potential use as a substrate in container nurseries (2011)
  1361. Maintaining adequate nutrient supply - Principles, decision-support tools, and best management practices (2011)
  1362. Effects of wildfire on stream temperatures in the Bitterroot River basin, Montana (2011)
  1363. Using hyperspectral imagery to estimate forest floor consumption from wildfire in boreal forests of Alaska, USA (2011)
  1364. Cryptic postzygotic isolation in an eruptive species of bark beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) (2011)
  1365. Movement behavior explains genetic differentiation in American black bears (2010)
  1366. Upper Pleistocene Gulo gulo (Linne, 1758) remains from the Srbsko Chlum-Komin Hyena den cave in the Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic, with comparisons to contemporary wolverines (2010)
  1367. Burn severity of areas reburned by wildfires in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, USA (2010)
  1368. Counterintuitive effects of large-scale predator removal on a midlatitude rodent community (2010)
  1369. Methods for assessing fish populations (2010)
  1370. Barriers, invasion, and conservation of native salmonids in coldwater streams [Box 18.2] (2010)
  1371. Spectral analysis of charcoal on soils: Implications for wildland fire severity mapping methods (2010)
  1372. A method for assessing carbon stocks, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse-gas fluxes in ecosystems of the United States under present conditions and future scenarios (2010)
  1373. Nursery response of Acacia koa seedlings to container size, irrigation method, and fertilization rate (2011)
  1374. Wilderness fire management in a changing world (2006)
  1375. Influence of fire on native and nonnative salmonid populations and habitat in a western Montana basin (2011)
  1376. Bridging the gaps between non-invasive genetic sampling and population parameter estimation (2011)
  1377. Long-term effects of weed control with picloram along a gradient of spotted knapweed invasion (2011)
  1378. Geographic information system-based spatial analysis of sawmill wood procurement (2011)
  1379. Fire effects on the cheatgrass seed bank pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda (2011)
  1380. Ruffed grouse selection of drumming sites in the Black Hills National Forest (2011)
  1381. Occupancy modeling of ruffed grouse in the Black Hills National Forest (2011)
  1382. A perspective on thirty years of the Webb, Pearman and Leuning density corrections (2011)
  1383. An evaluation of underwater epoxies to permanently install temperature sensors in mountain streams (2011)
  1384. Fire effects on the mobilization and uptake of nitrogen by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) (2011)
  1385. Career stages in wildland firefighting: Implications for voice in risky situations (2011)
  1386. A comparison of two open source LiDAR surface classification algorighms (2011)
  1387. Progress Report Phase I: Use, access, and fire/fuels management attitudes and preferences of user groups concerning the Valles Caldera National Preserve (VCNP) and adjacent areas (2010)
  1388. The economic cost of adverse health effects from wildfire-smoke exposure: a review (2010)
  1389. The effects of wildfire and environmental amenities on property values in northwest Montana, USA (2010)
  1390. Advancing effects analysis for integrated, large-scale wildfire risk assessment (2011)
  1391. Heat waves measured with MODIS land surface temperature data predict changes in avian community structure (2011)
  1392. Built structure identification in wildland fire decision support (2011)
  1393. The FireBGCv2 landscape fire and succession model: a research simulation platform for exploring fire and vegetation dynamics (2011)
  1394. A critical review and analysis of the use of exposure- and flux-based ozone indices for predicting vegetation effects (2006)
  1395. Spatial and temporal corroboration of a fire-scar-based fire history in a frequently burned ponderosa pine forest (2010)
  1396. Traditional wisdom: Protecting relationships with wilderness as a cultural landscape (2011)
  1397. Holocene alluvial sequences, cumulic soils and fire signatures in the Middle Rio Puerco Basin at Guadalupe Ruin, New Mexico (2009)
  1398. Biological control of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) in the Salmon River Canyon of Idaho (2010)
  1399. Phylogeny of Salsoleae s.l. (Chenopodiaceae) based on DNA sequence data from ITS, psbB-psbH, and rbcL, with emphasis on taxa of northwestern China (2010)
  1400. Germination characteristics of prairie dropseed, blanketflower, and hairy goldaster in response to prechill and temperature treatments (2011)
  1401. Persistent effects of wildfire and debris flows on the invertebrate prey base of rainbow trout in Idaho streams (2011)
  1402. Sediment production and downslope sediment transport from forest roads in granitic watersheds (1996)
  1403. Surface fuel loadings within mulching treatments in Colorado coniferous forests (2010)
  1404. Tree mortality in drought-stressed mixed-conifer and ponderosa pine forests, Arizona, USA (2011)
  1405. The Forest Inventory and Analysis Database: Database description and users manual version 4.0 for Phase 2 (2010)
  1406. Case Study 3: Species vulnerability assessment for the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico (2011)
  1407. Addressing uncertainty in vulnerability assessments [chapter 5] (2011)
  1408. Scanning the conservation horizon: A guide to climate change vulnerability assessment (2011)
  1409. Review of fuel treatment effectiveness in forests and rangelands and a case study from the 2007 megafires in central, Idaho, USA (2011)
  1410. Habitat relationships of landbirds in the Northern Region, USDA Forest Service (1999)
  1411. Colorado's forest resources, 2002-2006 (2010)
  1412. How to generate and interpret fire characteristics charts for surface and crown fire behavior (2011)
  1413. Use of financial and economic analyses by federal forest managers for woody biomass removal (2011)
  1414. Habitat use by elk (cervus elaphus) within structural stages of a managed forest of the northcentral United States (2011)
  1415. Summary of the 2009 National Silviculture Workshop (2010)
  1416. Evaluating the ecological sustainability of a pinyon-juniper grassland ecosystem in northern Arizona (2010)
  1417. An empirical approach for estimating natural regeneration for the Forest Vegetation Simulator (2010)
  1418. FVS out of the box - assembly required (2010)
  1419. Calibration of state and transition models with FVS (2010)
  1420. Addressing climate change in the Forest Vegetation Simulator to assess impacts on landscape forest dynamics (2010)
  1421. Built for the future: New directions in silviculture research and demonstration at Montana's Lubrecht Experimental Forest (2010)
  1422. Stand density guides for predicting growth of forest tress of southwest Idaho (2010)
  1423. Site quality changes in response to slash retention and prescribed fire in thinned ponderosa pine forests (2010)
  1424. Variable-density thinning for parks and reserves: An experimental case study at Humboldt Redwoods State Park, California (2010)
  1425. The role of strategic forest inventories in aiding land management decision-making: Examples from the U.S (2010)
  1426. Consistent definition and application of Reineke's Stand Density Index in silviculture and stand projection (2010)
  1427. Estimating site index from tree species composition in mixed stands of upland eastern hardwoods: Should shrubs be included? (2010)
  1428. Ethanol production from woody biomass: Silvicultural opportunities for suppressed western conifers (2010)
  1429. Can portable pyrolysis units make biomass utilization affordable while using bio-char to enhance soil productivity and sequester carbon? (2010)
  1430. Emissions, energy return and economics from utilizing forest residues for thermal energy compared to onsite pile burning (2010)
  1431. Biomass utilization opportunities to achieve diverse silvicultural goals (2010)
  1432. The forest-bioenergy-carbon connection (2010)
  1433. The role of forests in energy and climate change - integrating objectives (2010)
  1434. Estimating long-term carbon sequestration patterns in even- and uneven-aged southern pine stands (2010)
  1435. Forest biomass and tree planting for fossil fuel offsets in the Colorado Front Range (2010)
  1436. Carbon benefits from fuel treatments (2010)
  1437. Carbon concentrations and carbon pool distributions in dry, moist, and cold mid-aged forests of the Rocky Mountains (2010)
  1438. Integrating climate change considerations into forest management tools and training (2010)
  1439. Ecosystem services and climate change: Understanding the differences and identifying opportunities for forest carbon (2010)
  1440. Remarks (2010)
  1441. Introduction (2010)
  1442. Evaluating indices that measure departure of current landscape composition from historical conditions (2011)
  1443. Field guide to diseases & insects of the Rocky Mountain Region (2010)
  1444. The national tree-list layer (2011)
  1445. Six-year post-fire mortality and health of relict ponderosa pines in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area, Montana (2011)
  1446. Inheritance of the bark reaction resistance mechanism in Pinus monticola infected by Cronartium ribicola (1986)
  1447. Numerical visitor capacity: a guide to its use in wilderness (2010)
  1448. Toward Gleasonian landscape ecology: From communities to species, from patches to pixels (2010)
  1449. Optimizing spatial and temporal treatments to maintain effective fire and non-fire fuels treatments at landscape scales (2010)
  1450. 2009 Climate Change Research Strategy: Rocky Mountain Research Station (2010)
  1451. Let it be: A hands-off approach to preserving wildness in protected areas [chapter 6] (2010)
  1452. Trust is a must: What is involved in trusting those who manage forest fires? (2010)
  1453. Living with fire: Fire ecology and policy for the twenty-first century [book review] (2010)
  1454. Accounting for respondent uncertainty to improve willingness-to-pay estimates (2010)
  1455. Insect infestation and residential property values: A hedonic analysis of the mountain pine beetle epidemic (2010)
  1456. Status and progress in large-scale assessment of biological diversity in the United States (2010)
  1457. Exploring environmental and economic trade-offs associated with aggregate recycling from decommissioned forest roads (2010)
  1458. Forest road erosion control using multiobjective optimization (2010)
  1459. Experimental forests and ranges as a network for for long-term data (2010)
  1460. Discretionary time of chinese college students: Activities and impact of SARS-induced constraints on choices (2011)
  1461. The role of risk perceptions in the risk mitigation process: The case of wildfire in high risk communities (2009)
  1462. Testing the effectiveness of certainty scales, cheap talk, and dissonance-minimization in reducing hypothetical bias in contingent valuation studies (2009)
  1463. Southwestern Region climate change trends and forest planning: A guide for addressing climate change in forest plan revision on southwestern National Forests and Grasslands (2009)
  1464. Estimation of livestock appropriation of net primary productivity in Texas Drylands (2009)
  1465. Climate scenarios for the conterminous United States at the county spatial scale using SRES scenarios B2 and PRISM climatology (2010)
  1466. Climate scenarios for the conterminous United States at the 5 arc minute grid spatial scale using SRES scenarios B2 and PRISM climatology (2010)
  1467. Historical climate data (1940-2006) for the conterminous United States at the county spatial scale based on PRISM climatology (2010)
  1468. Historical climate data (1940-2006) for the conterminous United States at the 5 arc minute grid spatial scale based on PRISM climatology (2010)
  1469. Climate scenarios for the conterminous United States at the county spatial scale using SRES scenarios A1B and A2 and PRISM climatology (2010)
  1470. Climate scenarios for the conterminous United States at the 5 arc minute grid spatial scale using SRES scenarios A1B and A2 and PRISM climatology (2010)
  1471. Economics of wildland fire management (2009)
  1472. Public views and attitudes concerning fire and fuels reduction strategies in the Valles Caldera National Preserve (VCNP) New Mexico (2010)
  1473. Predicting altered connectivity of patchy forests under group selection silviculture (2010)
  1474. Social learning in a policy-mandated collaboration: Community wildfire protection planning in the eastern United States (2010)
  1475. Living with wildfire in Colorado (2010)
  1476. Privacy functions and wilderness recreation: Use density and length of stay effects on experience (2010)
  1477. Improving wilderness stewardship through searchable databases of U.S. legislative history and legislated special provisions (2010)
  1478. Using respondent uncertainty to mitigate hypothetical bias in a stated choice experiment (2010)
  1479. Survey of Armillaria spp. in the Oregon East Cascades: Baseline data for predicting climatic influences on Armillaria root disease (2008)
  1480. Spurious correlations and inference in landscape genetics (2010)
  1481. Scale dependent inference in landscape genetics (2010)
  1482. Utility of computer simulations in landscape genetics (2010)
  1483. Development of post-fire crown damage mortality thresholds in ponderosa pine (2010)
  1484. Effectiveness of litter removal to prevent cambial kill-caused mortality in northern Arizona ponderosa pine (2010)
  1485. Effects of forest management practices and environment on occurrence of Armillaria species (2010)
  1486. Relationships between migration rates and landscape resistance assessed using individual-based simulations (2010)
  1487. CDPOP: A spatially explicit cost distance population genetics program (2010)
  1488. Impacts of beetle-induced forest mortality on carbon, water and nutrient cycling in the Rocky Mountains (2010)
  1489. Market perceptions and opportunities for native plant production on the southern Colorado Plateau (2010)
  1490. Applications of landscape genetics in conservation biology: concepts and challenges (2010)
  1491. Inferring landscape effects on gene flow: A new model selection framework (2010)
  1492. Kinetics of selenium release in mine waste from the Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale, Phosphoria Formation, Wooley Valley, Idaho, USA (2010)
  1493. Spatial scaling and multi-model inference in landscape genetics: Martes americana in northern Idaho (2010)
  1494. Climate change, aquatic ecosystems, and fishes in the Rocky Mountain West: implications and alternatives for management (2010)
  1495. Night roosts of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) wintering in northern Arizona (2009)
  1496. Neglect of genetic diversity in implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2009)
  1497. Landscape genetics [chapter 17] (2009)
  1498. Landscape genomics: A brief perspective [chapter 9] (2010)
  1499. Potential semiochemicals in urine from free ranging wolverines (Gulo gulo Pallas, 1780) (2009)
  1500. Facultative nest patch shifts in response to nest predation risk in the Brewer's sparrow: a "win-stay, lose-switch" strategy? (2010)
  1501. Bald eagle, United States [chapter 7] (2010)
  1502. Variability in nest density, occupancy, and home range size of western bluebirds after forest treatments (2010)
  1503. Quantifying the lag time to detect barriers in landscape genetics (2010)
  1504. Estimation of census and effective population sizes: the increasing usefulness of DNA-based approaches (2010)
  1505. Comments on Brodie and Post: Climate-driven declines in wolverine populations: Causal connection or spurious correlation? (2010)
  1506. Scale-dependent genetic structure of the Idaho giant salamander (Dicamptodon aterrimus) in stream networks (2010)
  1507. Effects of picloram application on community dominants vary with initial levels of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) invasion (2010)
  1508. Do male and female black-backed woodpeckers respond differently to gaps in habitat? (2010)
  1509. Rocky Mountain Research Station Part 1 [U.S. Forest Service scientists continue work with the Lincoln National Forest] (2010)
  1510. Rocky Mountain Research Station Part 2 [U.S. Forest Service scientists continue work with the Lincoln National Forest] (2010)
  1511. When are genetic methods useful for estimating contemporary abundance and detecting population trends? (2010)
  1512. Determining if there are lines of guava rust (Puccinia psidii) that could seriously impact ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha), in Hawaii (2010)
  1513. First report of Armillaria root disease caused by Armillaria tabescens on Araucaria araucana in Veracruz, Mexico (2010)
  1514. Biology and pathology of Ribes and their implications for management of white pine blister rust (2010)
  1515. Fertigation - Injecting soluble fertilizers into the irrigation system (2009)
  1516. Measurement of HONO, HNCO, and other inorganic acids by negative-ion proton-transfer chemical-ionization mass spectrometry (NI-PT-CIMS): application to biomass burning emissions (2010)
  1517. BehavePlus fire modeling system, version 5.0: Design and Features (2010)
  1518. Utah's forest resources, 2000-2005 (2010)
  1519. Effect of fire on a seed bank pathogen and on seeds of its host Bromus tectorum (2010)
  1520. Estimation procedures for understory biomass and fuel loads in sagebrush steppe invaded by woodlands (2010)
  1521. Growth and gas exchange of different ponderosa pine stock types on dry sites (2009)
  1522. Lessons from the Hayman Fire: Forest understory responses to the scarify-and-seed postfire rehabilitation treatment (2009)
  1523. Impacts of mixed severity wildfire on exotic plants in a Colorado ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir forest (2010)
  1524. An improved snow scheme for the ECMWF land surface model: Description and offline validation (2010)
  1525. An evaluation of three wood shred blends for post-fire erosion control using indoor simulated rain events on small plots (2010)
  1526. Improvement of distributed snowmelt energy balance modeling with MODIS-based NDSI-derived fractional snow-covered area data (2011)
  1527. Historical and modern disturbance regimes, stand structures, and landscape dynamics in pinyon-juniper vegetation of the Western U.S. (2009)
  1528. Induction and release of secondary dormancy under field conditions in Bromus tectorum (2010)
  1529. An evaluation of seed scarification methods of four native Lupinus species (2010)
  1530. Predicting velocity in bendway weir eddy fields (2010)
  1531. Ecological genetics of floret mass variation in Bromus tectorum (Poaceae) (2010)
  1532. Identification of novel QTL for sawfly resistance in wheat (2010)
  1533. Parasitic plants in agriculture: Chemical ecology of germination and host-plant location as targets for sustainable control: A review (2009)
  1534. Discovery of a gall-forming midge, Asphondylia pilosa Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), on Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link) Fabaceae) (2010)
  1535. Inundative release of Aphthona spp. flea beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) as a biological "herbicide" on leafy spurge in riparian areas (2010)
  1536. Native plant containers for restoration projects (2010)
  1537. Fertigation - Injecting soluble fertilizers into the irrigation system: Part 2 (2010)
  1538. Forest Nursery Notes, Volume 30, Issue 1 (2010)
  1539. Ribosomal DNA, heterochromatin, and correlation with genome size in diploid and polyploid North American endemic sagebrushes (Artemisia, Asteraceae) (2009)
  1540. Risk of impaired condition of watersheds containing National Forest lands (2010)
  1541. Conference Proceedings: Seed Ecology III - The Third International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment - "Seeds and Change"; June 20-June 24, 2010; Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (2010)
  1542. Combining a generic process-based productivity model classification method to predict the presence and absence species in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A (2009)
  1543. Validation of solar radiation surfaces from MODIS and reanalysis data over topographically complex terrain (2009)
  1544. Analysis of conifer mortality in Colorado using Forest Inventory and Analysis's annual forest inventory (2009)
  1545. Accuracy assessment with complex sampling designs (2010)
  1546. The influence of compositional and structural diversity on forest productivity (2010)
  1547. Occurrence and dominance of six Pacific Northwest conifer species (2010)
  1548. Population-wide mortality in multiple forest types in western North America: onset, extent, and severity of impacts as indicators of climatic influence (2010)
  1549. Underestimating risks to the Northern Spotted Owl in fire-prone forests (2010)
  1550. Characteristics of aspen infected with heartrot: Implications for cavity-nesting birds (2010)
  1551. Characteristics of pinyon-juniper woodlands in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument: Changes since Monument establishment and prospects for future monitoring (2010)
  1552. Lichen indicator [Section 4] (2009)
  1553. A model of ponderosa pine growth response to prescribed burning (1991)
  1554. Population structures of Astragalus filipes collections from western North America (2010)
  1555. Germination phenology of some Great Basin native annual forb species (2010)
  1556. Integrated management of carbon sequestration and biomass utilization opportunities in a changing climate: Proceedings of the 2009 National Silviculture Workshop; 2009 June 15-18; Boise, ID. (2010)
  1557. Compromise Programming in forest management (2010)
  1558. Forest thinning and subsequent bark beetle-caused mortality in Northeastern California (2010)
  1559. Invasion resistance and persistence: established plants win, even with disturbance and high propagule pressure (2010)
  1560. Minimal effectiveness of native and non-native seeding following three high-severity wildfire (2010)
  1561. Estimaciones de cambio climatico para Michoacan: Implicaciones para el sector agropecuario y forestal y para la conservacion de la Mariposa Monarca [In Spanish] (2009)
  1562. Lake and bulk sampling chemistry, NADP, and IMPROVE air quality data analysis on the Bridger-Teton National Forest (USFS Region 4) (2010)
  1563. Response of six non-native invasive plant species to wildfires in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA (2010)
  1564. Anthropogenic disturbance and the risk of flea-borne disease transmission (2010)
  1565. Regeneration of aspen by suckering on burned sites in western Wyoming (1991)
  1566. Height-age relationships for regeneration-size trees in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA (2010)
  1567. A severe epidemic of Marssonina leaf blight on quaking aspen in Northern Utah (1984)
  1568. Post-wildfire seeding in forests of the western United States: An evidence-based review (2010)
  1569. A visual training tool for the Photoload sampling technique (2010)
  1570. Monitoring ruffed grouse in the Black Hills: Protocol and user's manual for the occupancy spreadsheet program (2010)
  1571. Forestry-based biomass economic and financial information and tools: An annotated bibliography (2010)
  1572. Spline models of contemporary, 2030, 2060, and 2090 climates for Mexico and their use in understanding climate-change impacts on the vegetation (2010)
  1573. Effects of drought on avian community structure (2010)
  1574. Incorporating groundwater flow into the WEPP model (2010)
  1575. Fire and climate variation in western North America from fire-scar and tree-ring networks (2010)
  1576. Ameliorating conflicts among deer, elk, cattle and/or other ungulates and other forest uses: a synthesis (2010)
  1577. Golden eagle indifference to heli-skiing and military helicopters in northern Utah (2010)
  1578. Genetic diversity and structure of western white pine (Pinus monticola) in North America: A baseline study for conservation, restoration, and addressing impacts of climate change (2010)
  1579. An 800-year fire history (2010)
  1580. A comparison of techniques for assessing central tendency in left-censored data using PCB and p,p'DDE contaminant concentrations from Michigan's bald eagle biosentinel program (2010)
  1581. Evaluation of mountain beetle-infested lodgepole pine for cellulosic ethanol production by sulfite pretreatment to overcome recalcitrance of lignocellulose (2010)
  1582. Trait- and density-mediated indirect interactions initiated by an exotic invasive plant autogenic ecosystem engineer (2010)
  1583. Effects of prescribed fire on winter assemblages of birds in ponderosa pine forests of northern Arizona (2010)
  1584. Conservation of forest birds: Evidence of a shifting baseline in community structure (2010)
  1585. From vegetation zones to climatypes: Effects of climate warming on Siberian ecosystems (2010)
  1586. White-headed woodpecker nesting ecology after wildfire (2010)
  1587. Lack of native vegetation recovery following biological control of leafy spurge (2010)
  1588. Integrating fuel treatment into ecosystem management: A proposed project planning process (2010)
  1589. Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (2010)
  1590. Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus) (2010)
  1591. Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) (2010)
  1592. Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) (2010)
  1593. Barn Owl (Tyto alba) (2010)
  1594. Casual and accidental raptors (2010)
  1595. Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) (2010)
  1596. Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) (2010)
  1597. Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) (2010)
  1598. Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) (2010)
  1599. Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) (2010)
  1600. American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) (2010)
  1601. Zone-tailed Hawk (Buteo albonotatus) (2010)
  1602. Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents (2010)
  1603. Supplementary data: Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents (2010)
  1604. Macroscale hydrologic modeling of ecologically relevant flow metrics (2010)
  1605. Sustainable Agricultural Techniques: Native Plant Seed Production - Sulphur-flower Buckwheat Eriogonum umbellatum (ERUM) (2010)
  1606. Field guide for mapping post-fire soil burn severity (2010)
  1607. White pines, Ribes, and blister rust: a reveiw and synthesis (2010)
  1608. White pines, Ribes, and blister rust: integration and action (2010)
  1609. White pine blister rust in Korea, Japan and other Asian regions: comparisons and implications for North America (2010)
  1610. Current and future molecular approaches to investigate the white pine blister rust pathosystem (2010)
  1611. Snake, rattle, and roll: Investigating the snakes that live in the Bosque along the Middle Rio Grande (2010)
  1612. A geographically-referenced multiple-resource data management system for the oak savannas of the Malpai Borderland Region (2009)
  1613. Snowpack dynamics in an opening and a thinned stand in a ponderosa pine forest (2009)
  1614. Hillslope soil movement in the oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands Region (2009)
  1615. Water repellent soils following prescribed burning treatments and a wildfire in the oak savannas of the Malpai Borderlands Region (2009)
  1616. Geomorphic controls on Great Basin riparian vegetation at the watershed and process zone scales (2009)
  1617. Relationships among hydrogeomorphic processes and the distribution, age and stand characteristics of woody species in Great Basin upland riparian areas (2010)
  1618. Effects of resource availability and propagule supply on native species recruitment in sagebrush ecosystems invaded by Bormus tectorum (2010)
  1619. Influence of prescribed fire on ecosystem biomass, carbon, and nitrogen in a pinyon juniper woodland (2010)
  1620. GIS soil conservation planning: A case study of a pristine Central America watershed (2000)
  1621. Climate change and bark beetles of the western United States and Canada: Direct and indirect effects (2010)
  1622. Similarities in riparian bird communities among elevational zones in southeastern Wyoming (1986)
  1623. Bird-habitat relationships in riparian communities of southeastern Wyoming (1987)
  1624. Proceedings IV: Issues and technology in the management of impacted wildlife; February 6-8, 1989; Glenwood Springs, CO (1989)
  1625. Species abundances, guild dominance patterns, and community structure of breeding riparian birds (1989)
  1626. Programa de conservacion para aves migratorias neotropicales (1992)
  1627. Opportunities and goals of the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Program - Partners in Flight (1992)
  1628. Invasive Species Science Update (No. 4) (2010)
  1629. Recursive restriction estimation: an alternative to post-stratification in surveys of land and forest cover (2010)
  1630. Complex sample survey estimation in static state-space (2010)
  1631. Increasing the visability of watershed management as a land management profession (2000)
  1632. Dissemination of watershed management information through the World Wide Web (2000)
  1633. Channel morphology investigations using Geographic Information Systems and field research (2000)
  1634. Application of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems to ecosystem-based urban natural resource management (2000)
  1635. Water and land management: Some examples of USDA international programs (2000)
  1636. Application of Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV) in monitoring and detecting watershed land use change and problem areas (2000)
  1637. Application of time series analysis for assessing reservoir trophic status (2000)
  1638. Mining activities and arsenic in a Baja California Sur watershed (2000)
  1639. Rapid assessment of endemic bird areas in Michoacan, Mexico (1999)
  1640. Site-index curves for young-growth ponderosa pine in northern Arizona (1964)
  1641. Site index curves for Douglas-fir in New Mexico (1976)
  1642. New data sources and derived products for the SRER digital spatial database (2003)
  1643. Soil temperature and moisture dynamics after experimental irrigation on two contrasting soils on the Santa Rita Experimental Range: Implications for mesquite establishment (2003)
  1644. Cow weights and calf production for pasture 12-C Lehmann lovegrass grazing trials, 1982 to 1993 (2003)
  1645. Spectral reflectance and soil morphology characteristics of Santa Rita Experimental Range soils (2003)
  1646. Sweet resin bush on the Santa Rita Experimental Range: An eradication effort (2003)
  1647. Assessment of fire-damaged mesquite trees 8 years following an illegal burn (2003)
  1648. Soil and ecological sites of the Santa Rita Experimental Range (2003)
  1649. International Arid Lands Consortium: A synopsis of accomplishments (2003)
  1650. Effects of neighbor species and distance on 2- and 4-year survival of Lehmann lovegrass and native grasses (2003)
  1651. Historical and recent flora of the Santa Rita Experimental Range (2003)
  1652. Gambel and scaled quail diets on the Santa Rita Experimental Range (2003)
  1653. Mesquite removal and mulching treatment impacts on herbage production and selected soil chemical properties (2003)
  1654. Role of soil texture on mesquite water relations and response to summer precipitation (2003)
  1655. Multitemporal MODIS-EVI relationships with precipitation and temperature at the Santa Rita Experimental Range (2003)
  1656. Spread of a nonnative grass across southern Arizona: Multiple data sources to monitor change (2003)
  1657. Climate variability and plant response at the Santa Rita Experimental Range, Arizona (2003)
  1658. Archive and laboratory embedded in the landscape: Future of the Santa Rita Experimental Range (2003)
  1659. Hydrology and soil erosion (2003)
  1660. Revegetation practices on the Santa Rita Experimental Range (2003)
  1661. Cultural resources of the Santa Rita Experimental Range (2003)
  1662. Wildlife ecology and management, Santa Rita Experimental Range (1903 to 2002) (2003)
  1663. Vegetation management practices: Past and present (2003)
  1664. Rangeland livestock production: Developing the concept of sustainability on the Santa Rita Experimental Range (2003)
  1665. A century of vegetation change on the Santa Rita Experimental Range (2003)
  1666. Recognizing history in range ecology: 100 years of science and management on the Santa Rita Experimental Range (2003)
  1667. Gene expression polymorphisms and ESTs associated with gravitropic response of subterranean branch meristems and growth habit in Leymus wildryes (2008)
  1668. Genes controlling plant growth habit in Leymus (Triticeae): maize barren stalk1 (ba1), rice lax panicle, and wheat tiller inhibition (tin3) genes as possible candidates (2008)
  1669. Mindfulness as an organizational capability: Evidence from wildland firefighting (2008)
  1670. Overcoming dysfunctional momentum: Organizational safety as a social achievement (2009)
  1671. Ecosystem health in mineralized terrane: Data from podiform chromite (Chinese Camp mining district, California), quartz alunite (Castle Peak and Masonic mining districts, Nevada/California), and Mo/Cu porphyry (Battle Mountain mining district, Nevada) deposits (2010)
  1672. Addressing climate change in the forest vegetation simulator to assess impacts on landscape forest dynamics (2010)
  1673. Habitat suitability index models: Lark bunting (1987)
  1674. Effects of silvicultural treatments in the Rocky Mountains (1995)
  1675. A partly albino Wilson's Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla) (1997)
  1676. Amphibians and land use in the Chihuahuan Desert border region (1999)
  1677. Management strategies for the conservation of forest birds (1999)
  1678. Unusual nest sites for southwestern Willow Flycatchers (1999)
  1679. Multi-resource and multi-scale approaches for meeting the challenge of managing multiple species (1999)
  1680. Response (1999)
  1681. Breeding biology of Lucy's Warbler in southwestern New Mexico (2000)
  1682. Consistency of mist netting and point counts in assessing landbird species richness and relative abundance during migration (2002)
  1683. Breeding bird use of and nesting success in exotic Russian olive in New Mexico (2001)
  1684. Predicting mortality for five California conifers following wildfire (2010)
  1685. Understanding the science of climate change: Talking points - Impacts to the Gulf Coast (2010)
  1686. Understanding the science of climate change: Talking Points - Impacts to arid lands (2010)
  1687. Substrate controls on the longitudinal profile of bedrock channels: Implications for reach-scale roughness (2010)
  1688. Fuel reduction management practices in riparian areas of the western USA (2010)
  1689. Seed germination of roundleaf buffaloberry (Shepherdia rotundifolia) and silver buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea) in three substrates (2009)
  1690. Seasonal change in nutrient composition of spotted knapweed and preference by sheep (2010)
  1691. Crested wheatgrass control and native plant establishment in Utah (2010)
  1692. Native perennial forb tolerance to rates and mixtures of postemergence herbicides, 2009 (2010)
  1693. Native wildflower seed production with limited subsurface drip irrigation (2010)
  1694. Native perennial forb tolerance to repeated annual applications of postemergence herbicides, 2009 (2010)
  1695. Emergence of native plant seeds in response to seed pelleting, planting depth, scarification, and soil anti-crusting treatment, 2009 (2010)
  1696. Effects of nonindigenous invasive species on water quality and quantity (2010)
  1697. The role of the Forest Service in aquatic invasive species research (2010)
  1698. Terrestrial animals as invasive species and as species at risk from invasions (2010)
  1699. The role of the Forest Service in nonnative invasive plant research (2010)
  1700. Invasive forest pathogens: Summary of issues, critical needs, and future goals for Forest Service Research and Development (2010)
  1701. Invasive species overarching priorities to 2029 (2010)
  1702. Summary: Aspen decline in the West? (2001)
  1703. The effect of aspen wood characteristics and properties on utilization (2001)
  1704. Nitrogen mineralization in aspen/conifer soils after a natural fire (2001)
  1705. Multiple factors affect aspen regeneration on the Uncompahgre Plateau, west-central Colorado (2001)
  1706. Aspen response to prescribed fire and wild ungulate herbivory (2001)
  1707. Aspen regeneration in south-central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest (2001)
  1708. Quaking aspen reproduce from seed after wildfire in the mountains of southeastern Arizona (2001)
  1709. Dynamics of aspen root biomass and sucker production following fire (2001)
  1710. Manipulations to regenerate aspen ecosystems (2001)
  1711. Basic tree-ring sample preparation techniques for aging aspen (2001)
  1712. Aspen overstory recruitment in northern Yellowstone National Park during the last 200 years (2001)
  1713. Establishment of white spruce growth trial in an aspen understory (2001)
  1714. Modeling aspen responses to climatic warming and insect defoliation in western Canada (2001)
  1715. Is the wide distribution of aspen a result of its stress tolerance? (2001)
  1716. Aspen ecosystems: Objectives for sustaining biodiversity (2001)
  1717. Mycorrhizal fungi of aspen forests: Natural occurrence and potential applications (2001)
  1718. Adaptations of quaking aspen for defense against damage by herbivores and related environmental agents (2001)
  1719. Biodiversity: Aspen stands have the lead, but will nonnative species take over? (2001)
  1720. Aspen's ecological role in the West (2001)
  1721. Long-term aspen exclosures in the Yellowstone ecosystem (2001)
  1722. Landscape-scale dynamics of aspen in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado (2001)
  1723. Evaluation of burned aspen communities in Jackson Hole, Wyoming (2001)
  1724. Heartrot fungi's role in creating picid nesting sites in living aspen (2001)
  1725. Interaction among cervids, fungi, and aspen in northwest Wyoming (2001)
  1726. Aspen fencing in northern Arizona: A 15-year perspective (2001)
  1727. Model-based assessment of aspen responses to elk herbivory in Rocky Mountain National Park (2001)
  1728. Predicting nest success from habitat features in aspen forests of the central Rocky Mountains (2001)
  1729. Effects of ugulate browsing on aspen regeneration in northwestern Wyoming (2001)
  1730. Quaking aspen and the human experience: Dimensions, issues, and challenges (2001)
  1731. Restoration of aspen-dominated ecosystems in the Lake States (2001)
  1732. Hydrologic recovery of aspen clearcuts in northwestern Alberta (2001)
  1733. Aspen encroachment on meadows of the North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park (2001)
  1734. Prescribed fire, elk, and aspen in Grand Teton National Park (2001)
  1735. Aspen restoration in the Blue Mountains of northeast Oregon (2001)
  1736. Ecology and management of aspen: A Lake States perspective (2001)
  1737. Predation risk and elk-aspen foraging patterns (2001)
  1738. Sustaining aspen productivity in the Lake States (2001)
  1739. Persistence of aspen regeneration near the National Elk Refuge and Gros Ventre Valley Elk Feedgrounds of Wyoming (2001)
  1740. Changes in landscape patterns and associated forest succession on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado (2001)
  1741. Landscape dynamics of aspen and conifer forests (2001)
  1742. Foreword: "We already know all about aspen" (2001)
  1743. Future of the Middle Rio Grande (1999)
  1744. Native montane fishes of the Middle Rio Grande Ecosystem: Status, threats, and conservation (1999)
  1745. Use of saltcedar vegetation by landbirds migrating through the Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (1999)
  1746. Arthropods of native and exotic vegetation and their association with willow flycatchers and Wilson's warblers (1999)
  1747. Riparian dependence, biogeographic status, and likelihood of endangerment in landbirds of the Southwest (1999)
  1748. Biological diversity in montane riparian ecosystems: The case of the Mexican spotted owl (1999)
  1749. Status and migration of the Southwestern willow flycatcher in New Mexico (1999)
  1750. Bird migration through Middle Rio Grande riparian forests, 1994 to 1997 (1999)
  1751. Maternity roosts of bats at the Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge: A preliminary report (1999)
  1752. Integrated surface management for pipeline construction: The Mid-America Pipeline Company Four Corners Project (1999)
  1753. Using GIS technology to analyze and understand wet meadow ecosystems (1999)
  1754. Influence of mycorrhizal source and seeding methods on native grass species grown in soils from a disturbed site (1999)
  1755. Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research Program: Measuring ecosystem reponses to environmental change (1999)
  1756. Restoration and monitoring in the Middle Rio Grande Bosque: Current status of flood pulse related efforts (1999)
  1757. Establishment of Rio Grande cottonwood seedlings using micro-irrigation of xeric flood plain sites (1999)
  1758. River bar vegetation mowing response in the Middle Rio Grande (1999)
  1759. Restoration efforts in the Rio Grande Valley State Park (1999)
  1760. Vegetation classification on the Middle Rio Grande (1999)
  1761. Establishing riparian vegetation through use of a self-cleaning siphon system (1999)
  1762. Effects of livestock grazing on morphology, hydrology and nutrient retention in four riparian/stream ecosystems, New Mexico, USA (1999)
  1763. Applications for predicting precipitation and vegetation patterns at landscape scale using lightning strike data (1999)
  1764. Trial by fire: Restoration of Middle Rio Grande upland ecosystems (1999)
  1765. Analysis of change in pinon-juniper woodlands based on aerial photography, 1930's-1980's (1999)
  1766. Effect of spatial and temporal variablilty on water relations and growth in pinyon pine: III (1999)
  1767. A constructed wet meadow model for forested lands in the Southwest (1999)
  1768. Watershed health: An evaluation index for New Mexico (1999)
  1769. Response of vegetation, soil nitrogen, and sediment transport to a prescribed fire in semiarid grasslands (1999)
  1770. Methods for increasing biodiversity in wetland creation and restoration efforts (1999)
  1771. Albuquerque's constructed wetland pilot project for wastewater polishing (1999)
  1772. Salinity management in the Rio Grande Bosque (1999)
  1773. Upper Rio Grande water operations model: A tool for enhanced system management (1999)
  1774. Simulation of Rio Grande floodplain inundation Using FLO-2D (1999)
  1775. Watershed/river channel linkages: The Upper Rio Grande Basin and the Middle Rio Grande Bosque (1999)
  1776. Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Basin Coalition (1999)
  1777. "Southwest Strategy" update (1999)
  1778. Espanola/Canjilon Pilot Study: Economic, social, and cultural aspects of public land grazing on the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests (1999)
  1779. How great a thirst? Assembling a river restoration toolkit (1999)
  1780. Resolving resource conflict: A bigger pie (1999)
  1781. Water democracies on the Upper Rio Grande, 1598-1998 (1999)
  1782. Dynamic human landscapes of the Rio del Oso: Restoration and the simulation of past ecological conditions in the Upper Rio Grande Basin (1999)
  1783. Rio Grande Basin and the modern world: Understanding scale and context (1999)
  1784. Rio Grande ecosystems: Proceedings introduction (1999)
  1785. Is woody residue part of your plan for sustainable forestry? (2010)
  1786. Basal area growth for aspen suckers under simulated browsing on Cedar Mountain, southern Utah, western United States of America (2010)
  1787. Discussion of future cooperative actions and closing remarks (1996)
  1788. Management plan for the Rio Cebolla watershed Sandoval County and Rio Arriba County, New Mexico (1996)
  1789. Desired future condition: Fish habitat in southwestern riparian-stream habitats (1996)
  1790. Native aquatic plants and ecological condition of southwestern wetlands and riparian areas (1996)
  1791. GIS applications in riparian management (1996)
  1792. Channel bed particle size distribution procedure used to evaluate watershed cumulative effects for range permit re-issuance on the Santa Fe National Forest (1996)
  1793. Ecological condition of the East Fork of the Gila River and selected tributaries: Gila National Forest, New Mexico (1996)
  1794. Desirable functional processes: A conceptual approach for evaluating ecological condition (1996)
  1795. Effects of livestock management on Southwestern riparian ecosystems (1996)
  1796. The riparian species recovery plan: A status report (1996)
  1797. Reducing impacts of brood parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds on riparian-nesting migratory songbirds (1996)
  1798. Mitigation in riparian areas: Questions, concerns and recommendations (1996)
  1799. Restoring native riparian vegetation (1996)
  1800. Restoration guidelines for riparian areas using dormant stock "pole" cuttings (1996)
  1801. Using simple structures for flow dispersion in wet meadow restoration (1996)
  1802. Riparian restoration of Seiiorito Canyon, a tributary of the Rio Puerco (1996)
  1803. Albuquerque constructed wetlands pilot project: Summary and status of City of Albuquerque project, September 1995 (1996)
  1804. Panel - People and riparian ecosystems: Past, present, and future (1996)
  1805. Cooperative management of riparian forest habitats to maintain biological quality and ecosystem integrity (1996)
  1806. Public involvement and consensus building in the Verde River Watershed in central Arizona (1996)
  1807. The Arizona Riparian Area Advisory Committee: An experience in defining desired conditions (1996)
  1808. Riparian wetlands and visitor use management in Big Bend National Park, Texas (1996)
  1809. The citizen volunteer (1996)
  1810. Rio Grande Valley State Park maintenance, improvements, and developments (1996)
  1811. Rio Grande Basin Consortium: Mission, goals, and activities (1996)
  1812. Tribal experiences and lessons learned in riparian ecosystem restoration (1996)
  1813. Historic land use and grazing patterns in northern New Mexico (1996)
  1814. The influence of prehistoric Anasazi cobble-mulch agricultural features of northern Rio Grande landscapes (1996)
  1815. Summer bird/vegetation associations in Tamarisk and native habitat along the Pecos River, southeastern New Mexico (1996)
  1816. Bat species using water sources in pinyon-juniper woodlands (1996)
  1817. Distribution of Rio Grande cutthroat trout and its co-occurrence with the Rio Grande sucker and Rio Grande chub on the Carson and Santa Fe National Forests (1996)
  1818. Insects of the riparian (1996)
  1819. Willow establishment in relation to cattle grazing on an eastern Oregon stream (1996)
  1820. Geomorphic response of a montane riparian habitat to interactions of ungulates, vegetation, and hydrology (1996)
  1821. Effects of livestock grazing on nutrient retention in a headwater stream of the Rio Puerco Basin (1996)
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  1907. Response of advance lodgepole pine regeneration to overstory removal in eastern Idaho (1999)
  1908. Return of the giants: Restoring white pine ecosystems by breeding and aggressive planting of blister rust-resistant white pines (2001)
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  1911. Alnus maritime ssp. oklahomensis performance in non-irrigated landscapes in the Intermountain West (2008)
  1912. Assessment of range planting as a conservation practice (2009)
  1913. New species of Braggia (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on buckwheat in western North America (2009)
  1914. Equipment and strategies to enhance the post-wildfire establishment and persistence of Great Basin native plants (2009)
  1915. Green strips or vegetative fuel breaks (2009)
  1916. Historic fire regimes of eastern Great Basin (USA) mountains reconstructed from tree rings (2010)
  1917. Funding needed for assessments of weed biological control (2010)
  1918. Introduction to the featured collection on riparian ecosystems & buffers (2010)
  1919. Does tree harvesting in streamside management zones adversely affect stream turbidity? - preliminary observations from an Australian case study (2010)
  1920. Ecological impacts and management strategies for western larch in the face of climate-change (2010)
  1921. Hurleyella, a new genus of Nearctic Dolichopodidae (Diptera) (2010)
  1922. Capacity reconsidered: Finding consensus and clarifying differences (2010)
  1923. Large in-stream wood studies: A call for common metrics (2010)
  1924. An examination of flame shape related to convection heat transfer in deep-fuel beds (2010)
  1925. Fire and mice: Seed predation moderates fire's influence on conifer recruitment (2010)
  1926. Wildfire and management of forests and native fishes: Conflict or opportunity for convergent solutions? (2010)
  1927. The Container Tree Nursery Manual: Volume 7, Seedling processing, storage, and outplanting (2010)
  1928. Uniting ecological and genetic data for the conservation of wild ibex (2009)
  1929. A cross-comparison of field, spectral, and lidar estimates of forest canopy cover (2010)
  1930. Diversity of Frankia populations in root nodules of geographically isolated Arizona alder trees in central Arizona (United States) (2009)
  1931. Forest treatment residues for thermal energy compared with disposal by onsite burning: Emissions and energy return (2010)
  1932. Coarse woody debris assay in northern Arizona mixed-conifer and ponderosa pine forests (2010)
  1933. Above- and belowground responses to tree thinning depend on the treatment of tree debris (2009)
  1934. Evidence-based review of seeding in post-fire rehabilitation and native plant market feasibility (2009)
  1935. A numerical study of slope and fuel structure effects on coupled wildfire behaviour (2010)
  1936. Cheatgrass - native plant community interactions in an invaded southwestern forest (2010)
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  1938. Modeling predicts that redd trampling by cattle may contribute to population declines of native trout (2010)
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  1942. Growth, activity, and survivorship from three sympatric parthenogenic whiptails (family Teiidae) (2010)
  1943. A retrospective assessment of partial cutting to reduce spruce beetle-caused mortality in the southern Rocky Mountains (2010)
  1944. Semiochemical-mediated flight strategies of two invasive elm bark beetles: A potential factor in competitive displacement (2010)
  1945. A comparison of the performance and compatibility of protocols used by seven monitoring groups to measure stream habitat in the Pacific Northwest (2010)
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  1952. Mitigating old tree mortality in long-unburned, fire-dependent forests: a synthesis (2010)
  1953. An evaluation of pollination mechanisms for purple prairie-clover, Dalea purpurea (Fabaceae: Amorpheae) (2006)
  1954. Reproductive ecology of Astragalus filipes, a Great Basin restoration legume (2010)
  1955. Effects of fuel treatments on carbon-disturbance relationships in forests of the northern Rocky Mountains (2010)
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  1966. Alternative method to validate the seasonal land cover regions of the conterminous United States (1996)
  1967. Statistical properties of measures of association and the Kappa statistic for assessing the accuracy of remotely sensed data using double sampling (1996)
  1968. Investigations of possible contributions NDVI's have to misclassification in AVHRR data analysis (1996)
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  1972. Microbial enzyme activity, nutrient uptake and nutrient limitation in forested streams (2010)
  1973. Evaluation of alternative formulae for calculation of surface temperature in snowmelt models using frequency analysis of temperature observations (2010)
  1974. Ground roost resource selection for Merriam's wild turkeys (2010)
  1975. Prevalence of Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in reintroduced Gunnison's prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni) (2001)
  1976. Niche partitioning in the cestode communities of two elasmobranchs (2005)
  1977. Four new cestode species from the spiral intestine of the round stingray, Urobatis halleri, in the Northern Gulf of California, Mexico (2005)
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  1983. Applying ecological insights to increase productivity in tropical plantations (2010)
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  1988. Ecological responses by Mexican spotted owls to environmental variation in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico (2001)
  1989. Terrestrial-style slow-moving earthflow kinematics in a submarine landslide complex (2009)
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  2001. Small-mammal seed predation limits the recruitment and abundance of two perennial grassland forbs (2010)
  2002. Homebuyers and wildfire risk: A Colorado Springs case study (2010)
  2003. Subalpine vegetation pattern three decades after stand-replacing fire: Effects of landscape context and topography on plant community composition, tree regeneration, and diversity (2010)
  2004. The bioclimatic envelope of the wolverine (Gulo gulo): do climatic constraints limit its geographic distribution? (2010)
  2005. Fine fuel heating by radiant flux (2010)
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  2007. Do recreation motivations and wilderness involvement relate to support for wilderness management? A segmentation analysis (2010)
  2008. A method for mapping fire hazard and risk across multiple scales and its application in fire management (2010)
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  2010. Effects of biomass removal treatments on stand-level fire characteristics in major forest types of the northern Rocky Mountains (2010)
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  2024. A surface fuel classification for estimating fire effects (2009)
  2025. Tree squirrel habitat selection and predispersal seed predation in a declining subalpine conifer (2009)
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  2027. Sustaining visitor use in protected areas: Future opportunities in recreation ecology research based on the USA experience (2009)
  2028. Post-wildland fire desertification: Can rehabilitation treatments make a difference? (2009)
  2029. Linkages between forest soils and water quality and quantity (2009)
  2030. The flight periodicity, attack patterns, and life history of Dryocoetes confusus Swaine (Coleoptera: Curculionida: Scolytinae), the western basalm bark beetle, in north central Colorado (2009)
  2031. Flame interactions and burning characteristics of two live leaf samples (2009)
  2032. Tracking the footsteps of an invasive plant pathogen: Intercontinental phylogeographic structure of the white-pine-blister-rust fungus, Cronartium ribicola (2009)
  2033. Congruent climate-related genecological responses from molecular markers and quantitative traits for western white pine (Pinus monticola) (2009)
  2034. The effects of wildfire on native tree species in the Middle Rio Grande bosques of New Mexico (2009)
  2035. Shifting dominance of riparian Populus and Tamarix along gradients of flow alteration in western North American rivers (2010)
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  2040. Carbon pools and fluxes in small temperate forest landscapes: Variability and implications for sampling design (2010)
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  2071. Western forest diseases and climate relations: General considerations, dwarf mistletoe and stem rusts (2008)
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  2073. Determination of suitable climate space for Armillaria ostoyae in the Oregon East Cascades (2008)
  2074. Fuel and stand characteristics in p. pine infested with mountain pine beetle, Ips beetle, and southwestern dwarf mistletoe in Colorado's Northern Front Range (2008)
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  2076. Small-scale response in an avian community to a large-scale thinning project in the southwestern United States (2009)
  2077. Lessons learned from prescribed fire in ponderosa pine forests of the southern Sierra Nevada (2009)
  2078. Black-chinned hummingbird nest-site selection and nest survival in response to fuel reduction in a southwestern riparian forest (2009)
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  2084. Characteristics of endemic-level mountain pine beetle populations in south-central Wyoming (1998)
  2085. Competitive effects of bluebunch wheatgrass, crested wheatgrass, and cheatgrass on antelope bitterbrush seedling emergence and survival (1999)
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  2122. Hybridization between invasive populations of Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica) and yellow toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) (2009)
  2123. Bendway weirs: Could they create habitat for the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow (2009)
  2124. Effects of fire and mowing on expansion of reestablished black-tailed prairie dog colonies in Chihuahuan Desert grassland (2008)
  2125. A seed bank pathogen causes seedborne disease: Pyrenophora semeniperda on undispersed grass seeds in western North America (2008)
  2126. Effects of prescribed fire on recruitment of Juniperus and Opuntia in a semiarid grassland watershed (2008)
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  2128. The cingulum: A unique structure of some Dolichopodidae (2008)
  2129. The impacts of a stem boring weevil, Mecinus janthinus, on dalmatian toadflax, Linaria dalmatica (2008)
  2130. Ostryopsis davidiana seedlings inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi facilitate formation of mycorrhizae on Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings (2009)
  2131. Recovery plan for Scots pine blister rust caused by Cronartium flaccidum (Alb. & Schwein.) G. Winter and Peridermium pini (Pers.) Lev. [syn. C. asclepiadeum (Willd.) Fr., Endocronartium pini (Pers.) Y. Hiratsuka].  (2009)
  2132. Optimum storage and germination conditions for seeds of pickerelweed (Pontetieria cordata L.) from Florida (2009)
  2133. Ecology and management of tansy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea L.) (2009)
  2134. Using polymer-coated controlled-release fertilizers in the nursery and after outplanting (2009)
  2135. Cheatgrass facilitates spillover of a seed bank pathogen onto native grass species (2010)
  2136. Multi-scale nest-site selection by black-backed woodpeckers in outbreaks of mountain pine beetles (2009)
  2137. Nesting ecology of greater sage-grouse Centrocercus urophasianus at the eastern edge of their historic distribution (2009)
  2138. Multiple-scale roost habitat comparisons of female Merriam's wild turkeys in the southern Black Hills, South Dakota (2009)
  2139. Effects of all-terrain vehicles on forested lands and grasslands (2008)
  2140. Source-sink dynamics sustain central stonerollers (Campostoma anomalum) in a heavily urbanized catchment (2008)
  2141. Influence of trophic position and spatial location on polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) bioaccumulation in a stream food web (2008)
  2142. Improving erosion modeling on forest roads in the Lake Tahoe Basin: Small plot rainfall simulations to determine saturated hydraulic conductivity and interrill erodibility (2009)
  2143. Evaluating the efficacy of wood shreds for mitigating erosion (2009)
  2144. Learning from wilderness: The social dimension of fire management (2009)
  2145. Developing computer-based participatory approaches to mapping landscape values for landscape and resource management (2009)
  2146. A relatively nonrestrictive approach to reducing campsite impact: Caney Creek Wilderness, Arkansas (2009)
  2147. Initial impressions from the Northern California 2008 lightning siege: A report by a Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center Information Collection Team (2009)
  2148. Determinants of trust for public lands: Fire and fuels management on the Bitterroot National Forest (2009)
  2149. Quantifying the consequences of fire suppression in two California national parks (2009)
  2150. Catechin-metal interactions as a mechanism for conditional allelopathy by the invasive plant, Centaurea maculosa (2009)
  2151. Wildland-urban interface maps vary with purpose and context (2009)
  2152. Cold desert fire and invasive species management: Resources, strategies, tactics, and response (2009)
  2153. Priority research and management issues for the imperiled Great Basin of the western United States (2009)
  2154. Applying ecological concepts to the management of widespread grass invasions [Chapter 7] (2009)
  2155. Introduction to the special section on alternative futures for Great Basin ecosystems (2009)
  2156. The role of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in nitrogen availability, competition and plant invasion into the sagebrush steppe (2009)
  2157. Effects of water and nitrogen availability on nitrogen contribution by the legume, Lupinus argenteus Pursh (2009)
  2158. Influence of a native legume on soil N and plant response following prescribed fire in sagebrush steppe (2009)
  2159. A chronosequence feasibility assessment of emergency fire rehabilitation records within the intermountain western United States-final report to the Joint Fire Science Program-Project 08-S-08 (2009)
  2160. Soil carbon and nitrogen in a Great Basin pinyon-juniper woodland: Influence of vegetation, burning, and time (2009)
  2161. A landscape approach for ecologically based management of Great Basin shrublands (2009)
  2162. Long-term kinematics and sediment flux of an active earthflow, Eel River, California (2009)
  2163. Feeding preference of the Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) (2009)
  2164. Improving stream studies with a small-footprint green lidar (2009)
  2165. Remote sensing of channels and riparian zones with a narrow-beam aquatic-terrestrial LIDAR (2009)
  2166. The use of landscape fabric and supplemental irrigation to enhance survival and growth of woody perennials planted on reclaimed surface mine lands (2009)
  2167. The influence of silvicultural treatments and site conditions on American chestnut (Castanea dentata) seedling establishment in eastern Kentucky, USA (2009)
  2168. A probabilistic approach to modeling postfire erosion after the 2009 Australian bushfires (2009)
  2169. Emergency post-fire rehabilitation treatment effects on burned area ecology and long-term restoration (2009)
  2170. Greenback cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii stomias): A technical conservation assessment (2009)
  2171. Effects of DEM source and resolution on WEPP hydrologic and erosion simulation: A case study of two forest watersheds in northern Idaho (2009)
  2172. Adapting the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model for forest applications (2009)
  2173. Vegetation management in sensitive areas of the Lake Tahoe Basin: A workshop to evaluate risks and advance existing strategies and practices [Independent review panel report] (2009)
  2174. Recent findings related to measuring and modeling forest road erosion (2009)
  2175. Influence of moisture regime and tree species composition on nitrogen cycling dynamics in hardwood forests of Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, USA (2009)
  2176. Reopening abandoned forest roads in northern Idaho, USA: Quantification of runoff, sediment concentration, infiltration, and interrill erosion parameters (2009)
  2177. Temporal processes that contribute to nonlinearity in vegetation responses to ozone exposure and dose (2009)
  2178. Stand characteristics and downed woody debris accumulations associated with a mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) outbreak in Colorado (2009)
  2179. The use of hoop nets seeded with mature brook trout to capture conspecifics (2009)
  2180. In brief: Climate change and water: Perspectives from the Forest Service (2008)
  2181. Effects of three mulch treatments on initial postfire erosion in north-central Arizona (2008)
  2182. Do riparian plant community characteristics differ between Tamarix (L.) invaded and non-invaded sites on the upper Verde River, Arizona? (2009)
  2183. Southwest Ecological Restoration Institutes (SWERI) Biophysical Monitoring Workshop Report (2009)
  2184. The mountain pine beetle and whitebark pine waltz: Has the music changed? (2007)
  2185. Western forest diseases and climate relations: Root diseases and climate change (2008)
  2186. Identifying future research needs in landscape genetics: Where to from here? (2009)
  2187. Predicting mortality of ponderosa pine regeneration after prescribed fire in the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA (2009)
  2188. Separating duff and litter for improved mass and carbon estimates (2009)
  2189. Gradient modeling of conifer species using random forests (2009)
  2190. Disturbance impacts on understory plant communities of the Colorado Front Range (2009)
  2191. Effects of past logging and grazing on understory plant communities in a montane Colorado forest (2009)
  2192. First report of Armillaria sinapina, a cause of armillaria root disease, associated with a variety of forest tree hosts on sites with diverse climates in Alaska (2009)
  2193. Remote sensing for prediction of 1-year post-fire ecosystem condition (2009)
  2194. Whitebark pine planting guidelines (2009)
  2195. Surface metrics: An alternative to patch metrics for the quantification of landscape structure (2009)
  2196. Impacts of nonnative invasive species on US forests and recommendations for policy and management (2009)
  2197. Connecting phenological predictions with population growth rates for mountain pine beetle, an outbreak insect (2009)
  2198. Wolverine gene flow across a narrow climatic niche (2009)
  2199. Reply to discussion by David L. Rosgen: The role of observer variation in determining Rosgen stream types in northeastern Oregon mountain streams (2009)
  2200. A three-dimensional model for analyzing the effects of salmon redds on hyporheic exchange and egg pocket habitat (2009)
  2201. SNOWMIP2: An evaluation of forest snow process simulations (2009)
  2202. Airborn Ku-band polarimetric radar remote sensing of terrestrial snow cover (2009)
  2203. Survivor aspen: Can we predict who will get voted off the island? (2008)
  2204. A structurally based analytic model for estimation of biomass and fuel loads of woodland trees (2009)
  2205. Changes in timber haul emissions in the context of shifting forest management and infrastructure (2009)
  2206. The relative impact of harvest and fire upon landscape-level dynamics of older forests: Lessons from the Northwest Forest Plan (2008)
  2207. Remote sensing change detection tools for natural resource managers: Understanding concepts and tradeoffs in the design of landscape monitoring projects (2009)
  2208. Forest resources of the Medicine Bow National Forest (2008)
  2209. Population structure and genetic diversity in North American Hedysarum boreale Nutt. (2007)
  2210. Substrates and materials used for nesting by North American Osmia bees (Hymenoptera: Apiformes: Megachilidae) (2007)
  2211. A restoration practitioner's guide to the restoration gene pool concept (2007)
  2212. Making the decision to mitigate risk (2007)
  2213. Tolerance of seven native forbs to preemergence and postemergence herbicides (2007)
  2214. Reintroducing native plants to the American West (2007)
  2215. Plant guide: Parsnipflower buckwheat: Eriogonum heracleoides Nutt (2007)
  2216. Impacts of native grasses and cheatgrass on Great Basin forb development (2008)
  2217. Historical and modern disturbance regimes, stand structures, and landscape dynamics in pinon-juniper vegetation of the western U.S. (2008)
  2218. Characteristics of western juniper encroachment into sagebrush communities in central Oregon (2008)
  2219. Factors affecting Bromus tectorum seed bank carryover in western Utah (2008)
  2220. Vascular plants and a brief history of the Kiowa and Rita Blanca National Grasslands (2009)
  2221. Biological and physical influences on the carbon isotope content of CO2 in a subalpine forest snowpack, Niwot Ridge, Colorado (2009)
  2222. Isolation and characterization of 16 microsatellite loci in the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) (2009)
  2223. Potential for nest site competition between native and exotic tree squirrels (2009)
  2224. Mistletoe ecophysiology: Host-parasite interactions (2009)
  2225. A method for estimating white pine blister rust canker age on limber pine in the central Rocky Mountains (2009)
  2226. A comparison of habitat use and demography of red squirrels at the southern edge of their range (2009)
  2227. Spruce aphid, Elatobium abietinum (Walker): Life history and damage to Engelmann spruce in the Pinaleno Mountains, Arizona (2009)
  2228. Widespread increase of tree mortality rates in the western United States (2009)
  2229. Habitat selection is unaltered after severe insect infestation: Concerns for forest-dependent species (2009)
  2230. Severely insect-damaged forest: A temporary trap for red squirrels? (2009)
  2231. Importance of log size on host selection and reproductive success of Ips pini (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in ponderosa pine slash of northern Arizona and western Montana (2004)
  2232. Direct effects of fire on endangered Mount Graham red squirrels (2006)
  2233. Modeling contemporary climate profiles of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) and predicting responses to global warming (2006)
  2234. An Armillaria survey in Mexico: A basis for determining evolutionary relationships, assessing potentially invasive pathogens, evaluating future impacts of climate change, and developing international collaborations in forest pathology (2008)
  2235. Fine-scale analysis of Mount Graham red squirrel habitat following disturbance (2007)
  2236. Avian nestling predation by endangered Mount Graham red squirrel (2007)
  2237. Survival and sanitation of dwarf mistletoe-infected ponderosa pine following prescribed underburning (2008)
  2238. Editorial: Papers from the 7th International Conference on Dendrochronology - Cultural Diversity, Environmental Variability (2008)
  2239. Aspen decline on the Coconino National Forest (2008)
  2240. Expanded home ranges in a peripheral population: Space use by endangered Mt. Graham red squirrels (2008)
  2241. The use of GIS and modelling approaches in squirrel population management and conservation: A review (2008)
  2242. Perceived effects of setting attributes on visitor experiences in wilderness: Variation with situational context and visitor characteristics (2009)
  2243. Selection of species and sampling areas: The importance of inference (2009)
  2244. Novel weapons and invasion: Biogeographic differences in the competitive effects of Centaurea maculosa and its root exudate (±)-catechin (2009)
  2245. Germination responses of an invasive species in native and non-native ranges (2009)
  2246. Book review: The Wilderness Debate Rages On: Continuing the Great New Wilderness Debate (2009)
  2247. Root exudate is allelopathic in invaded community but not in native community: Field evidence for the novel weapons hypothesis (2009)
  2248. Grassland and shrubland habitat types of western Montana (1978)
  2249. Proceedings-management and productivity of western-montane forest soils (1991)
  2250. Coupled influences of topography and wind on wildland fire behaviour (2007)
  2251. Aspen, climate, and sudden decline in western USA (2009)
  2252. Response of small mammal populations to fuel treatment and precipitation in a ponderosa pine forest, New Mexico (2009)
  2253. The wildland-urban interface fire problem: A consequence of the fire exclusion paradigm (2008)
  2254. Using bark char codes to predict post-fire cambium mortality (2008)
  2255. Strong spectral variation of biomass smoke light absorption and single scattering albedo observed with a novel dual-wavelength photoacoustic instrument (2008)
  2256. Remote sensing data assimilation for a prognostic phenology model (2008)
  2257. A method for smoke marker measurements and its potential application for determining the contribution of biomass burning from wildfires and prescribed fires to ambient PM2.5 organic carbon (2008)
  2258. Relative importance of fuel management, ignition management and weather for area burned: Evidence from five landscape-fire-succession models (2009)
  2259. Trace gas and particle emissions from domestic and industrial biofuel use and garbage burning in central Mexico (2009)
  2260. Fire and fire ecology: Concepts and principles (2009)
  2261. Biomass burning and urban air pollution over the central Mexican Plateau (2009)
  2262. Modeling containment of large wildfires using generalized linear mixed-model analysis (2009)
  2263. Vegetation fires, smoke emissions, and dispersion of radionuclides in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (2009)
  2264. The use of historical range and variability (HRV) in landscape management (2009)
  2265. Spatial optimization of the pattern of fuel management activities and subsequent effects on simulated wildfires (2009)
  2266. Alternative method for determining the constant offset in lidar signal (2009)
  2267. Understanding the science of climate change: Talking points - Impacts to western mountains and forests (2009)
  2268. FFI: A software tool for ecological monitoring (2009)
  2269. Ignition delay of combustible materials in normoxic equivalent environments (2009)
  2270. Invasive pathogen threatens bird-pine mutualism: Implications for sustaining a high-elevation ecosystem (2009)
  2271. Biomass consumption and CO2, CO and main hydrocarbon gas emissions in an Amazonian forest clearing fire (2009)
  2272. Bark-peeling, food stress and tree spirits - the use of pine inner bark for food in Scandinavia and North America (2009)
  2273. Ice nuclei emissions from biomass burning (2009)
  2274. Soil moisture dynamics and smoldering combustion limits of pocosin soils in North Carolina, USA (2009)
  2275. Post-fire tree establishment patterns at the alpine treeline ecotone: Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA (2009)
  2276. Chemical composition of wildland fire emissions (2009)
  2277. A MODIS direct broadcast algorithm for mapping wildfire burned area in the western United States (2009)
  2278. Forest vegetation monitoring protocol for National Parks in the North Coast and Cascades Network (2009)
  2279. Emissions from biomass burning in the Yucatan (2009)
  2280. Emissions from biomass burning in the Yucatan (2009)
  2281. Wood CO2 efflux and foliar respiration for Eucalyptus in Hawaii and Brazil (2009)
  2282. Pollinating bees crucial to farming wildflower seed for U.S. habitat restoration (2008)
  2283. Mexican forest inventory expands continental carbon monitoring (2008)
  2284. Detecting defects in conifers with ground penetrating radar: Applications and challenges (2009)
  2285. Forest canopy height from Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) assessed with high resolution discrete return lidar (2009)
  2286. Coexisting with fire: Ecosystems, people, and collaboration (2009)
  2287. Mountain pine beetle-killed trees as snags in Black Hills ponderosa pine stands (2009)
  2288. Integrated reclamation: Approaching ecological function? (2009)
  2289. Optimal seeding depth of five forb species from the Great Basin (2009)
  2290. Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project FY08 Progress Report (2009)
  2291. Native wildflower seed production with limited subsurface drip irrigation (2009)
  2292. Native perennial forb tolerance to rates and mixtures of postemergence herbicides (2009)
  2293. Native perennial forb tolerance to repeated annual applications of postemergence herbicides (2009)
  2294. Plant guide: Hotrock penstemon: Penstemon deustus Douglas ex Lindl (2009)
  2295. Plant Guide: Royal penstemon: Penstemon speciosus Douglas ex Lindl (2009)
  2296. Seed zones for maintaining adapted plant populations (2007)
  2297. Physiological and morphological characterization of basalt milkvetch (Astragalus filipes): Basis for plant improvement (2008)
  2298. Breeding biologies, seed production and species-rich bee guilds of Cleome lutea and Cleome serrulata (Cleomaceae) (2008)
  2299. Hands beat machines for collecting native seed (2008)
  2300. Linking nitrogen partitioning and species abundance to invasion resistance in the Great Basin (2008)
  2301. Notice of release of NBR-1 Germplasm basalt milkvetch (2008)
  2302. Gene banks pay big dividends to agriculture, the environment, and human welfare (2008)
  2303. Native wildflowers grown for seed production show tolerance to conventional postemergence herbicides (2008)
  2304. Subsurface drip irrigation for native wildflower seed production (2008)
  2305. Scarification of basalt milkvetch (Astragalus filipes) seed for improved emergence (2008)
  2306. Calibrating the Truax Rough Rider seed drill for restoration plantings (2008)
  2307. Advancing ecological understandings through technological transformations in noninvasive genetics (2009)
  2308. The roles of nearest neighbor methods in imputing missing data in forest inventory and monitoring databases (2009)
  2309. Relationship of stand characteristics to drought-induced mortality in three Southwestern pinyon-juniper woodlands (2009)
  2310. Wolf survival and population trend using non-invasive capture-recapture techniques in the Western Alps (2009)
  2311. Recommendations for improved assessment of noise impacts on wildlife (2009)
  2312. Prescribed fire effects on wintering, bark-foraging birds in northern Arizona (2009)
  2313. The value of opinion in science and the Forest Service research organization (2009)
  2314. Modeling the effects of environmental disturbance on wildlife communities: avian responses to prescribed fire (2009)
  2315. Detection probabilities of woodpecker nests in mixed conifer forests in Oregon (2009)
  2316. Managing organic debris for forest health: Reconciling fire hazard, bark beetles, wildlife, and forest nutrition needs (2009)
  2317. The Northeastern area's objectives and beliefs responses regarding forests and grasslands: 2004 survey results (2009)
  2318. Health of Idaho's Forests: A Summary of conditions, issues and implications (1999)
  2319. Fire effects on belowground sustainability: A review and synthesis (1999)
  2320. A rule made to be broken: Research and education in Rocky Mountain National Park (2006)
  2321. Assessing connectivity in salmonid fishes with DNA microsatellite markers (2006)
  2322. A critical needs assessment for collaborative ecotourism development linked to protected areas in Cross River State, Nigeria (2007)
  2323. A tool to analyze environmental impacts of roads on forest watersheds (2007)
  2324. U.S. Forest Service Region 1 Lake Chemistry, NADP, and IMPROVE air quality data analysis (2009)
  2325. Reformulation of forest fire spread equations in SI units (1980)
  2326. A methodology for evaluation of parent-mutant competition using a generalized non-linear ecosystem model (1973)
  2327. Compatible taper equation for loblolly pine (1986)
  2328. Conditioning a segmented stem profile model for two diameter measurements (1988)
  2329. Retransformation bias in a stem profile model (1990)
  2330. Accuracy assessments and areal estimates using two-phase stratified random sampling, cluster plots, and the multivariate composite estimator (2000)
  2331. Bed load transport in gravel-bed rivers (2007)
  2332. Invasion by non-native brook trout in Panther Creek, Idaho: Roles of habitat quality, biotic resistance, and connectivity to source habitats (2007)
  2333. Effects of pore-scale dispersion, degree of heterogeneity, sampling size, and source volume on the concentration moments of conservative solutes in heterogeneous formations (2008)
  2334. Hyporheic exchange in mountain rivers II: Effects of channel morphology on mechanics, scales, and rates of exchange (2009)
  2335. A unifying criterion for the velocity reversal hypothesis in gravel-bed rivers (2009)
  2336. Chapter 6.-Use of airborne near-infrared LiDAR for determining channel cross-section characteristics and monitoring aquatic habitat in Pacific Northwest rivers: A preliminary analysis (2009)
  2337. Invasion versus isolation: Trade-offs in managing native salmonids with barriers to upstream movement (2009)
  2338. Correction to "A general power equation for predicting bed load transport rates in gravel bed rivers" (2007)
  2339. Hyporheic exchange in mountain rivers I: Mechanics and environmental effects (2009)
  2340. Three years of hillslope sediment yields following the Valley Complex fires, western Montana (2009)
  2341. Response of two terrestrial salamander species to spring burning in the Sierra Nevada, California (2009)
  2342. Application of a hierarchical framework for assessing environmental impacts of dam operation: changes in hydrology, channel hydraulics, bed mobility and recruitment of riparian trees in a western North American river (2009)
  2343. Numerically stable algorithm for combining census and sample estimates with the multivariate composite estimator (2009)
  2344. A new method to identify the fluvial regimes used by spawning salmonids (2009)
  2345. Long-term ecosystem nitrogen storage and soil nitrogen availability in post-fire lodgepole pine ecosystems (2009)
  2346. Solar radiation and forest fuel moisture (1943)
  2347. Morphology of the Middle Rio Grande from Cochiti Dam to Bernalillo Bridge, New Mexico (1998)
  2348. Analysis of equivalent widths of alluvial channels and application for instream habitat in the Rio Grande (2003)
  2349. Hydraulic modeling analysis of the Middle Rio Grande - Escondida Reach, New Mexico (2007)
  2350. Ecosystem consequences of regional pinyon mortality (2008)
  2351. Captures of Crawford's gray shrews (Notiosorex crawfordi) along the Rio Grande in central New Mexico (2009)
  2352. Case study: Equivalent widths of the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico (2009)
  2353. Series expansion of the modified Einstein Procedure (2009)
  2354. Impacts of habitat alterations and predispersal seed predation on the reproductive success of Great Basin forbs (2008)
  2355. Merriam's turkey poult survival in the Black Hills, South Dakota (2008)
  2356. Wyoming big sagebrush: Efforts towards development of target plants for restoration (2009)
  2357. Diversification of crested wheatgrass stands in Utah (2009)
  2358. Understanding social complexity within the wildland urban interface: A new species of human habitation? Environmental Management (2009)
  2359. Wet thermal accumulation modeling of germination of western U.S. rangeland species (2009)
  2360. Dynamic response of the thermometric net radiometer (2009)
  2361. Modeling moisture content of fine dead wildland fuels: Input to the BEHAVE fire prediction system (1986)
  2362. Wyoming's forest products industry and timber harvest, 2005 (2009)
  2363. Predicting success of prescribed fires in pinyon-juniper woodlands in Nevada (1979)
  2364. Predicting rate of fire spread (ROS) in Arizona oak chaparral: Field workbook (1976)
  2365. Predicting fire spread in Arizona's oak chaparral (1973)
  2366. A proposed periodic national inventory of land use land cover change (1986)
  2367. Preliminary results from a method to update timber resource statistics in North Carolina (1987)
  2368. Combining inventories of land cover and forest resources with prediction models and remotely sensed data (1989)
  2369. Monitoring landscape level processes using remote sensing of large plots (1991)
  2370. Kalman filter for statistical monitoring of forest cover across sub-continental regions (1991)
  2371. Kalman filter for statistical monitoring of forest cover across sub-continental regions (1991)
  2372. Accuracy assessment for the U.S. Geological Survey Regional Land-Cover Mapping Program: New York and New Jersey Region (2000)
  2373. The role of remote sensing in global forest assessment: A remote sensing background paper for Kotka IV expert consultation; 01.07-05.07.2002, Kotka, Finland (2002)
  2374. Integration of strategic inventory and monitoring programs for the forest lands, wood lands, range lands and agricultural lands of the United States (1999)
  2375. North American Science Symposium: Toward a unified framework for inventorying and monitoring forest ecosystem resources (1999)
  2376. Evaluating cypress sustainability - "FIA in the hot seat" (2009)
  2377. Calculation of upper confidence bounds on not-sampled vegetation types using a systematic grid sample: An application to map unit definition for existing vegetation maps (2009)
  2378. A comparison of forest height prediction from FIA field measurement and LiDAR data via spatial models (2009)
  2379. Field results for line intersect distance sampling of coarse woody debris (2009)
  2380. An assessment of the impact of FIA's default assumptions on the estimates of coarse woody debris volume and biomass (2009)
  2381. Correct county areas with sidebars for Virginia (2009)
  2382. A stem-map model for predicting tree canopy cover of Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plots (2009)
  2383. The role of pre-field operations at four forest inventory units: We can see the trees, not just the forest (2009)
  2384. Using interpreted large scale aerial photo data to enhance satellite-based mapping and explore forest land definitions (2009)
  2385. Combining FIA plot data with topographic variables: Are precise locations needed? (2009)
  2386. From genes to ecosystems: Measuring evolutionary diversity and community structure with Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data (2009)
  2387. Tree migration detection through comparisons of historic and current forest inventories (2009)
  2388. Summary and findings of the 2006 BLM Forest Lands Report (2009)
  2389. Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) and tree species richness in the eastern U.S.A. (2009)
  2390. Predicting forest attributes from climate data using a recursive partitioning and regression tree algorithm (2009)
  2391. A strategic assessment of biofuels development in the Western States (2009)
  2392. Mixed multi-scalar methods to assess wood biomass availability on family forests in Virginia's Southside (2009)
  2393. A real-time web-based optimal Biomass Site Assessment Tool (BioSAT): Module 1. An economic assessment of mill residues for the southern U.S. (2009)
  2394. Use of damage surveys and field inventories to evaluate oak and sugar maple health in the northern United States (2009)
  2395. Relationships between forest structure, composition, site, and spruce beetle occurrence in the Intermountain West (2009)
  2396. Improving North American forest biomass estimates from literature synthesis and meta-analysis of existing biomass equations (2009)
  2397. Testing ecoregions in Kentucky and Tennessee with satellite imagery and Forest Inventory data (2009)
  2398. Mapping upland hardwood site quality and productivity with GIS and FIA in the Blue Ridge of North Carolina (2009)
  2399. Using Landsat imagery and FIA data to examine wood supply uncertainty (2009)
  2400. Spatial-temporal models for improved county-level annual estimates (2009)
  2401. Opportunities to improve monitoring of temporal trends with FIA panel data (2009)
  2402. Tree-level imputation techniques to estimate current plot-level attributes in the Pacific Northwest using paneled inventory data (2009)
  2403. Vegetation inventory data: How much is enough? (2009)
  2404. Can live tree size-density relationships provide a mechanism for predicting down and dead tree resources? (2009)
  2405. From detection monitoring to evaluation monitoring - a case study involving crown dieback in northern white-cedar (2009)
  2406. The power of FIA Phase 3 Crown-Indicator variables to detect change (2009)
  2407. Lichens, ozone, and forest health - exploring cross-indicator analyses with FIA data (2009)
  2408. Determining landscape-level carbon emissions from historically harvested forest products (2009)
  2409. Estimating diesel fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions from forest road construction (2009)
  2410. Investigation into calculating tree biomass and carbon in the FIADB using a biomass expansion factor approach (2009)
  2411. Harmonizing estimates of forest land area from national-level forest inventory and satellite imagery (2009)
  2412. Mountain pine beetle infestations and Sudden Aspen Decline in Colorado: Can the Forest Inventory and Analysis annual inventory system address the issues? (2009)
  2413. An assessment of the relationship between emerald ash borer presence and landscape pattern (2009)
  2414. Combining forest inventory, satellite remote sensing, and geospatial data for mapping forest attributes of the conterminous United States (2009)
  2415. Wisconsin State Forests Continuous Forest Inventory: A look at the first year (2009)
  2416. Effects of plot size on forest-type algorithm accuracy (2009)
  2417. Inventory of trees in nonforest areas in the Great Plains states (2009)
  2418. Design tool for inventory and monitoring (2009)
  2419. Overview of the National Inventory and Monitoring Applications Center (NIMAC) (2009)
  2420. Trends in afforestation in southern Missouri (2009)
  2421. Analyzing Landsat time-series data across adjacent path/rows and across multiple cycles of FIA: Lessons learned in southern Missouri (2009)
  2422. Integrating Landsat-derived disturbance maps with FIA inventory data: Applications for state-Level forest resource assessments (2009)
  2423. Quantification of Lewis's Woodpecker habitat using Forest Inventory and Analysis data (2009)
  2424. A preliminary investigation of forest carbon changes associated with land-use change in northern New England (2009)
  2425. Development of issue-relevant state level analyses of fragmentation and urbanization (2009)
  2426. Estimating fine-scale land use change dynamics using an expedient photointerpretation-based method (2009)
  2427. Tree crown condition in Virginia before and after Hurricane Isabel (September 2003) (2009)
  2428. Monitoring and modeling terrestrial arthropod diversity on the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (2009)
  2429. Long Term Ecological Monitoring Program on the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska: An FIA adjunct inventory (2009)
  2430. EVALIDatorReports: Reporting beyond the FIADB (2009)
  2431. Using FIA data in the Forest Vegetation Simulator (2009)
  2432. Rapid assessment of wildfire damage using Forest Inventory data: A case in Georgia (2009)
  2433. Joint simulation of regional areas burned in Canadian forest fires: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach (2009)
  2434. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Symposium 2008; October 21-23, 2008; Park City, UT (2009)
  2435. Historical and modern roles of fire in pinyon-juniper (1999)
  2436. Proceedings: ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities within the Interior West; 1997 September 15-18; Provo, UT (1999)
  2437. Evaluation of forest snow processes models (SnowMKIP2) (2009)
  2438. Cultivar preferences of ovipositing wheat stem sawflies as influenced by the amount of volatile attractant (2009)
  2439. Livestock and elk grazing effects on stream morphology, brown trout population dynamics, movement, and growth rate, Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico (2009)
  2440. Soil compaction associated with cut-to-length and whole-tree harvesting of a coniferous forest (2009)
  2441. Ignition potential of muzzle-loading firearms: An exploratory investigation (2009)
  2442. A review of Erebomyia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with descriptions of three new species (2009)
  2443. Management for adaptation (2009)
  2444. Co-occurrence of the invasive banded and European elm bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in North America (2009)
  2445. Approaches to predicting potential impacts of climate change on forest disease: an example with Armillaria root disease (2009)
  2446. Fuel treatments, fire suppression, and their interaction with wildfire and its impacts: the Warm Lake experience during the Cascade Complex of wildfires in central Idaho, 2007 (2009)
  2447. Private-public collaboration to reintroduce fire into the changing ecosystems of the Southwestern Borderlands region (2009)
  2448. A plan for landscape fire restoration in the Southwestern Borderlands (2009)
  2449. Interpreting federal policy at the local level: the wildland-urban interface concept in wildfire protection planning in the eastern United States (2009)
  2450. Geographic approaches to biodiversity conservation: Implications of scale and error to landscape planning (2009)
  2451. Quantifying the multi-scale response of avifauna to prescribed fire experiments in the southwest United States (2009)
  2452. Wildland fire and organic discourse: Negotiating place and leisure identity in a changing wildland urban inteface (2009)
  2453. Research applications of ecosystem patterns (2009)
  2454. A soil burn severity index for understanding soil-fire relations in tropical forests [Chinese version] (2008)
  2455. Chapter 4: Variant descriptions (2003)
  2456. Chapter 3: User's guide (2003)
  2457. Chapter 2: Fire and Fuels Extension: Model description (2003)
  2458. Chapter 1: Purpose and applications (2003)
  2459. Chapter 11: Research needs (2000)
  2460. Chapter 10: Management recommendations (2000)
  2461. Chapter 9: The ecology of brown-headed cowbirds and their effects on southwestern willow flycatchers (2000)
  2462. Chapter 8: Demographic characteristics and population modeling (2000)
  2463. Chapter 7: Migration and winter ecology (2000)
  2464. Chapter 6: Breeding season ecology (2000)
  2465. Chapter 5: A survey of current breeding habitats (2000)
  2466. Chapter 4: The dynamic environmental history of southwest willow flycatcher habitat: A survey of changing riparian conditions through time (2000)
  2467. Chapter 3: Threats (2000)
  2468. Chapter 2: Population status on breeding grounds  (2000)
  2469. Chapter 1: Introduction of the conservation assessment concept (2000)
  2470. Chapter 8: The future (1999)
  2471. Chapter 7: Changing values of riparian ecosystems (1999)
  2472. Chapter 6: Creating a basis for watershed management in high elevation forests (1999)
  2473. Chapter 5: Interdisciplinary land use along the Mogollon Rim (1999)
  2474. Chapter 4: Managing chaparral in Yavapai County (1999)
  2475. Chapter 3: Providing water and forage in the Salt-Verde River Basin (1999)
  2476. Chapter 2: Beginning of water studies in the Central Arizona Highlands (1999)
  2477. Chapter 1: Central Arizona Highlands (1999)
  2478. Spatially and temporally variable fire regime on Rincon Peak, Arizona, USA (2009)
  2479. Occupancy modeling of ruffed grouse in the Black Hills National Forest (2009)
  2480. Ecology of greater sage-grouse in the Dakotas (2009)
  2481. Fire and vegetative trends in the Northern Rockies: interpretations from 1871-1982 photographs (1983)
  2482. Workshop proceedings: management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds (1980)
  2483. Getting to the future through silviculture-workshop proceedings; 1991 May 6-9; Cedar City, UT (1992)
  2484. A synthesis of postfire road treatments for BAER teams: methods, treatment effectiveness, and decisionmaking tools for rehabilitation (2008)
  2485. Sediment transport primer: estimating bed-material transport in gravel-bed rivers (2009)
  2486. Manual for computing bed load transport using BAGS (Bedload Assessment for Gravel-bed Streams) Software (2009)
  2487. Appraising fuels and flammability in western aspen: a prescribed fire guide (1986)
  2488. Fire ecology of the forest habitat types of central Idaho (1986)
  2489. Fire ecology of western Montana forest habitat types (1987)
  2490. Guide to understory burning in ponderosa pine-larch-fir forests in the Intermountain West (1987)
  2491. Silvics of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) (1989)
  2492. BEHAVE: fire behavior prediction and fuel modeling system - BURN subsystem, Part 2 (1989)
  2493. Abundance and species richness of snakes along the Middle Rio Grande riparian forest in New Mexico (2009)
  2494. Acorn storage: Can you really fool Mother Nature? (2009)
  2495. 2008 interim guidelines for growing longleaf pine seedlings in container nurseries (2009)
  2496. Stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus claytoni) impact on southern pine seedlings and response to a field test of cover crops (2009)
  2497. From lifting to planting: Root dip treatments affect survival of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) (2009)
  2498. Root-collar diameter and third-year survival of three bottomland hardwoods planted on former agricultural fields in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley (2009)
  2499. A century of progress in weed control in hardwood seedbeds (2009)
  2500. Weed management at ArborGen, South Carolina SuperTree Nursery (2009)
  2501. Hardwood weed control: Iowa Department of Natural Resources Forestry, Iowa State Nursery (2009)
  2502. Successes and failures in controlling weeds in hardwood seedbeds at the Arkansas Forestry Commission Baucum Forest Nursery (2009)
  2503. The Christmas tree industry in western North Carolina (2009)
  2504. Nursery profile: North Carolina Department of Forest Resources F.H. Claridge Nursery (2009)
  2505. Outlook for blight-resistant American chestnut trees (2009)
  2506. Effects of irrigation frequency and grit color on the germination of lodgepole pine seeds (2009)
  2507. Potential for boom-mounted remote sensing applications in seedling quality monitoring (2009)
  2508. Influence of container size on Wyoming big sagebrush seedling morphology and cold hardiness (2009)
  2509. Growing media trials at the Montana Conservation Seedling Nursery (2009)
  2510. Evaluation of three growing media substrates for western larch seedling production at the USDA Forest Service Coeur d'Alene Nursery (2009)
  2511. Growing reforestation conifer stock: Utilizing peat/sawdust medium (2009)
  2512. Comparing growth of ponderosa pine in two growing media (2009)
  2513. Growing media alternatives for forest and native plant nurseries (2009)
  2514. Biodiesel From waste cooking oil for heating, lighting, or running diesel engines (2009)
  2515. Using waste oil to heat a greenhouse (2009)
  2516. Geothermal energy for greenhouses (2009)
  2517. Using a wood stove to heat greenhouses (2009)
  2518. Improvements for energy conservation at the Coeur d'Alene Nursery (2009)
  2519. Greenhouse energy consumption (2009)
  2520. Growing and energy conservation (2009)
  2521. Post-wildfire recovery of riparian vegetation during a period of water scarcity in the southwestern USA (2009)
  2522. Pinon and juniper field guide: Asking the right questions to select appropriate management actions (2009)
  2523. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations-2008 (2009)
  2524. Interannual consistency in fractal snow depth patterns at two Colorado mountain sites (2008)
  2525. NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX 2002/03): Airborne remote sensing (2009)
  2526. NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX 2002/03): Ground-based and near-surface meteorological observations (2009)
  2527. NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX 2002/03): Field measurements of snowpack properties and soil moisture (2009)
  2528. Non-target effects of broadleaf herbicide on a native perennial forb: a demographic framework for assessing and minimizing impacts (2009)
  2529. Aspen succession and nitrogen loading: a case for epiphytic lichens as bioindicators in the Rocky Mountains, USA (2009)
  2530. Forest habitat types of eastern Idaho-western Wyoming (1983)
  2531. Aspen community types of the Intermountain Region (1988)
  2532. Saving West Coast salmon (2008)
  2533. Using hyperspectral imagery to predict post-wildfire soil water repellency (2008)
  2534. Post-fire erosion and the effectiveness of emergency rehabilitation treatments over time (2008)
  2535. The prediction of shallow landslide location and size using a multidimensional landslide analysis in a digital terrain model (2007)
  2536. Chapter 13: Tools for analysis (2007)
  2537. Chapter 2: Stream and riparian habitat analysis and monitoring with a high-resolution terrestrial-aquatic LiDAR (2009)
  2538. Instrumental record of debris flow initiation during natural rainfall: Implications for modeling slope stability (2009)
  2539. Variance approximations for assessments of classification accuracy (1994)
  2540. Acceptability of the Kalman filter to monitor pronghorn population size (1986)
  2541. Monitoring land/forest cover using the Kalman filter: A proposal (1988)
  2542. Influence of postfire salvage logging on black-backed woodpecker nest-site selection and nest survival (2009)
  2543. Environmental regulation of dormancy loss in seeds of Lomatium dissectum (Apiaceae) (2009)
  2544. Biodiversity and management of the madrean archipelago: the sky islands of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. 1994 Sept. 19-23; Tucson, AZ. (1995)
  2545. Floristics and physiognomy determine migrant landbird response to Tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima) invasion in riparian areas (2008)
  2546. Invasive Species Science Update (No. 3) (2009)
  2547. Perigynium removal and cold, moist stratification improve germination of Carex nebrascensis (Nebraska sedge) (2001)
  2548. A user's guide to nursery stock types (2003)
  2549. Collecting dormant hardwood cuttings for western riparian restoration projects (2006)
  2550. Simple methods for raising tree and shrub seedlings in Afghanistan (2008)
  2551. Simple methods for raising tree and shrub seedlings in Afghanistan [Dari version] (2008)
  2552. Observations on root disease of container whitebark pine seedlings treated with biological controls (2008)
  2553. Inoculating Acacia koa with Bradyrhizobium and applying fertilizer in the nursery: effects on nodule formation and seedling growth (2009)
  2554. Constraints on tree seedling establishment in montane grasslands of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico (2008)
  2555. Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica) response to wildfire in a Southwestern USA forest (2008)
  2556. Changes in forest structure after a large, mixed-severity wildfire in ponderosa pine forests of the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA (2008)
  2557. Soil sulfur amendments suppress Selenium uptake by alfalfa and western wheatgrass (2008)
  2558. Cross-scale drivers of natural disturbances prone to anthropogenic amplification: Dynamics of biome-wide bark beetle eruptions (2008)
  2559. Influence of host resistance on the genetic structure of the white pine blister rust fungus in the western United States (2008)
  2560. Long-term development of above- and below-ground carbon stocks following land-use change in subalpine ecosystems of the Swiss National Park (2008)
  2561. Rapid mortality of Populus tremuloides in southwestern Colorado, USA (2008)
  2562. Sudden aspen decline in southwest Colorado (2008)
  2563. Pre-fire treatment effects and post-fire forest dynamics on the Rodeo-Chediski burn area, Arizona (2005)
  2564. Influences of thinning, prescribed burning, and wildfire on soil processes and properties in southwestern ponderosa pine forests: A retrospective study (2006)
  2565. Pre-fire treatment effects and understory plant community response on the Rodeo-Chediski Fire, Arizona (2006)
  2566. Season mediates herbivore effects on litter and soil microbial abundance and activity in a semi-arid woodland (2007)
  2567. System-level strategies for conserving rare or little-known species (2007)
  2568. Science information for informing forest fuel management in dry forests of the western United States (2007)
  2569. Tree thinning treatments alter soil properties, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and understory plant communities (2007)
  2570. Invasive plants in Arizona's forests and woodlands (2007)
  2571. Pre-wildfire fuel treatments affect long-term ponderosa pine forest dynamics (2007)
  2572. Survival and sprouting responses of Chihuahua Pine after the Rodeo-Chediski Fire on the Mogollon Rim, Arizona (2007)
  2573. Species rarity: definition, causes, and classification (2007)
  2574. Changes in forest soils as the result of exotic diseases, timber harvest, and fire exclusion and their implications on forest restoration (2007)
  2575. Effectiveness of alternative management strategies in meeting conservation objectives (2007)
  2576. The FRAME Project - A collaborative modeling approach to natural resource management at Mesa Verde National Park (2008)
  2577. Attenuation of concentration fluctuations of water vapor and other trace gases in turbulent tube flow (2008)
  2578. Learning, connecting, reconnecting: Summary of the 2007 National Silviculture Workshop (2008)
  2579. Restoration of northern Rocky Mountain moist forests: Integrating fuel treatments from the site to the landscape (2008)
  2580. The effects of climate change on agriculture, land resources, water resources, and biodiversity in the United States (2008)
  2581. Determination of the particulate extinction-coefficient profile and the column-integrated lidar ratios using the backscatter-coefficient and optical-depth profiles (2007)
  2582. Aerosol single scattering albedo estimated across China from a combination of ground and satellite measurements (2007)
  2583. Validation and understanding of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer aerosol products (C5) using ground-based measurements from the handheld Sun photometer network in China (2007)
  2584. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) and Angstrom exponent of aerosols observed by the Chinese Sun Hazemeter Network from August 2004 to September 2005 (2007)
  2585. Relationships between energy release, fuel mass loss, and trace gas and aerosol emissions during laboratory biomass fires (2008)
  2586. Laboratory investigation of fire radiative energy and smoke aerosol emissions (2008)
  2587. Book review: Understanding human development in the western United States (2008)
  2588. Adapting to climate change in United States national forests (2009)
  2589. Detrital carbon pools in temperate forests: magnitude and potential for landscape-scale assessment (2009)
  2590. Associations of forest bird species richness with housing and landscape pattern across the United States (2007)
  2591. Building social capital in forest communities: Analysis of New Mexico's Collaborative Forest Restoration Program (2007)
  2592. Parallels in government and corporate sustainability reporting (2007)
  2593. Intra-regional amenities, wages, and home prices: The role of forests in the Southwest (2008)
  2594. Climate change assessments (2008)
  2595. Forestry, ecosystems, and wildlife: The differences are in the details (2008)
  2596. Challenges of socio-economically evaluating wildfire management on non-industrial private and public forestland in the western United States (2009)
  2597. Soil water repellency and infiltration in coarse-textured soils of burned and unburned sagebrush ecosystems (2008)
  2598. Fire effects on rangeland hydrology and erosion in a steep sagebrush-dominated landscape (2008)
  2599. Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) (2008)
  2600. Measuring effectiveness of three postfire hillslope erosion barrier treatments, western Montana, USA (2008)
  2601. Optimal fire and fuels management (2007)
  2602. Assess and enhance public trust (2007)
  2603. Social and economic value of riparian environments (2008)
  2604. What kind of cutting and thinning can prevent crown fires? (2008)
  2605. BEMRP: Beyond the bitterroot (2008)
  2606. What pollutes more: Burning logging scraps on-site or hauling them to boilers? (2008)
  2607. Wildfire, research, and a climate station (2008)
  2608. Mapping social and cultural values in the Mission Mountains (2008)
  2609. Are mice eating up all the pine seeds? (2008)
  2610. BEMRP and Jamaica? (2008)
  2611. Finding common ground: Montana forest restoration committee (2008)
  2612. The "spotlight" ... highlighting researchers at work: Krista Gebert: "The beauty of economics" (2008)
  2613. The "spotlight" ... highlighting researchers at work: Ward McCaughey: "Don't sweat the small stuff" (2008)
  2614. EcoReport (2007) (2007)
  2615. EcoReport (2008) (2008)
  2616. Field guide for identifying fuel loading models (2009)
  2617. Chapter 5: Accuracy assessment of maps of forest condition: Statistical design and methodological considerations (2003)
  2618. Accuracy and efficiency of area classifications based on tree tally (2001)
  2619. Modeling long-term fire-caused mortality of Douglas fir (1988)
  2620. Eight-year tree growth following prescribed underburning in a western Montana Douglas-fir/western larch stand (1988)
  2621. Chapter 16: Fire and nonnative plants-summary and conclusions (2008)
  2622. Chapter 15: Monitoring the effects of fire on nonnative invasive plant species (2008)
  2623. Chapter 14: Effects of fire suppression and postfire management activities on plant invasions (2008)
  2624. Chapter 13: Effects of fuel and vegetation management activities on nonnative invasive plants (2008)
  2625. Chapter 12: Gaps in scientific knowledge about fire and nonnative invasive plants (2008)
  2626. Chapter 11: Fire and nonnative invasive plants in the Hawaiian Islands bioregion (2008)
  2627. Chapter 10: Fire and nonnative invasive plants in the Northwest Coastal bioregion (2008)
  2628. Chapter 9: Fire and nonnative invasive plants in the Southwest Coastal bioregion (2008)
  2629. Chapter 8: Fire and nonnative invasive plants in the Interior West bioregion (2008)
  2630. Chapter 7: Fire and nonnative invasive plants in the Central bioregion (2008)
  2631. Chapter 6: Fire and nonnative invasive plants in the Southeast bioregion (2008)
  2632. Chapter 5: Fire and nonnative invasive plants in the Northeast bioregion (2008)
  2633. Chapter 4: Use of fire to manage populations of nonnative invasive plants (2008)
  2634. Chapter 3: Plant invasions and fire regimes (2008)
  2635. Chapter 2: Effects of fire on nonnative invasive plants and invasibility of wildland ecosystems (2008)
  2636. Chapter 1: Fire and nonnative invasive plants-introduction (2008)
  2637. Zuckia brandegei (Gray) Welsh & Stutz ex Welsh: siltbush (2008)
  2638. Yucca L.: yucca (2008)
  2639. Ulex europaeus L.: common gorse (2008)
  2640. Tamarix chinensis Lour.: saltcedar or five-stamen tamarisk (2008)
  2641. Syringa L.: lilac (2008)
  2642. Spiraea L.: spirea (2008)
  2643. Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneid.: jojoba (2008)
  2644. Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii (Hook. & Arn.) L. Benson: western soapberry (2008)
  2645. Salvia L.: sage (2008)
  2646. Rosa L.: rose, briar (2008)
  2647. Purshia DC. ex Poir.: bitterbrush, cliffrose (2008)
  2648. Philadelphus L.: mock orange (2008)
  2649. Phellodendron amurense Rupr.: Amur corktree (2008)
  2650. Penstemon Schmidel: penstemon, beardtongue (2008)
  2651. Morus L.: mulberry (2008)
  2652. Larix P. Mill.: larch (2008)
  2653. Kochia Roth: kochia (2008)
  2654. Holodiscus (K. Koch) Maxim.: ocean-spray (2008)
  2655. Hippophae rhamnoides L.: common seabuckthorn (2008)
  2656. Heteromeles arbutifolia (Lindl.) M. Roemer: Christmasberry (2008)
  2657. Grayia spinosa (Hook.) Moq.: spiny hopsage (2008)
  2658. Ginkgo biloba L.: ginkgo (2008)
  2659. Garrya Dougl. ex Lindl.: silktassel (2008)
  2660. Fremontodendron Coville: fremontia, flannelbush (2008)
  2661. Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl. ex Torr.: Apache-plume (2008)
  2662. Eriogonum Michx.: wild-buckwheat, buckwheatbrush (2008)
  2663. Ephedra L.: ephedra or Mormon-tea (2008)
  2664. Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link: Scotch broom (2008)
  2665. Cotoneaster Medik.: cotoneaster (2008)
  2666. Ribes L.: currant, gooseberry (2008)
  2667. Coleogyne ramosissima Torr.: blackbrush (2008)
  2668. Chrysothamnus Nutt.: rabbitbrush (2008)
  2669. Chamaebatiaria millefolium (Torr.) Maxim.: fernbush (2008)
  2670. Chamaebatia foliolosa Benth.: bearmat (2008)
  2671. Cercocarpus Kunth: mountain-mahogany (2008)
  2672. Ceratonia siliqua L.: carob (2008)
  2673. Carnegiea gigantea (Engelm.) Britton & Rose saguaro or giant cactus (2008)
  2674. Caragana arborescens Lam.: Siberian peashrub (2008)
  2675. Atriplex L.: saltbush (2008)
  2676. Artemisia L.: sagebrush (2008)
  2677. Arctostaphylos Adans.: manzanita (2008)
  2678. Mechanisms of plant survival and mortality during drought: Why do some plants survive while others succumb to drought? (2008)
  2679. Vegetation and environmental controls on soil respiration in a pinon-juniper woodland (2008)
  2680. Plant guide: Sharpleaf penstemon: Penstemon acuminatus Douglas ex Lindl. (2009)
  2681. Applying hydrology to land management on the Valles Caldera National Preserve (2009)
  2682. Evolutionary and ecological implications of genome size in the North American endemic sagebrushes and allies (Artemisia, Asteraceae) (2008)
  2683. Equations to convert compacted crown ratio to uncompacted crown ratio for trees in the Interior West (2009)
  2684. A process for selection and implementation of conservation approaches (2007)
  2685. Chapter 14: The impacts of climate change on forestry (2007)
  2686. Characterizing forest succession with lidar data: An evaluation for the Inland Northwest, USA (2009)
  2687. Chapter 11: Forestry (1997)
  2688. Chapter 17: Forecasting wildfire suppression expenditures for the United States Forest Service (2008)
  2689. Chapter 16: Incentives and wildfire management in the United States (2008)
  2690. Sustainable rangelands ecosystem goods and services (2008)
  2691. Procedures for estimation of the livestock ecological footprint of US drylands (2008)
  2692. Invasive species management: Ensuring the 'cure' is not worse than the condition (2007)
  2693. Ecology and management of diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa Lam.) (2008)
  2694. Regional ecological risk assessment for the introduction of Gambusia affinis (western mosquitofish) into Montana watersheds (2008)
  2695. Optimal Xylocoris flavipes (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) density and time of introduction for suppression of bruchid progeny in stored legumes (2008)
  2696. Predatory response of Xylocoris flavipes to bruchid pests of stored food legumes (2008)
  2697. Effects of dormant-season fire at three different fire frequencies in shortgrass steppe of the southern Great Plains (2008)
  2698. Influence of absorption by environmental water vapor on radiation transfer in wildland fires (2008)
  2699. Is there a link between anthropogenic disturbance and the diversity and abundance of rodent flea communities? (2008)
  2700. Traditional ranching heritage and cultural continuity in the southwestern United States (2008)
  2701. When are native species inappropriate for conservation planting? (2008)
  2702. Monitoring Idaho fescue grasslands in the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming, with a modified robel pole (2008)
  2703. Managing risk with chance-constrained programming (2007)
  2704. Chapter 15: Economic analysis of federal wildfire management programs (2008)
  2705. Forest amenities and location choice in the Southwest (2008)
  2706. Physical, biotic, and sampling influences on diel habitat use by stream-dwelling bull trout (2008)
  2707. Evaluating probability sampling strategies for estimating redd counts: an example with Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) (2008)
  2708. Soil quality is fundamental to ensuring healthy forests (2008)
  2709. Cicada emergence in southwestern riparian forest: Influences of wildfire and vegetation composition (2006)
  2710. Avian nest box selection and nest success in burned and unburned southwestern riparian forests (2007)
  2711. Spatio-temporal heterogeneity and habitat invasibility in sagebrush steppe ecosystems (2008)
  2712. Age-related seasonal variation in captures of stream-borne Boreal Toads (Bufo boreas boreas, Bufonidae) in western Montana (2009)
  2713. Pentimento: Fuels reduction and restoration in the Bosque of the Middle Rio Grande (2008)
  2714. Assessing wildfire risks at multiple spatial scales (2008)
  2715. Ecological effects of large fires on US landscapes: benefit or catastrophe? (2008)
  2716. Distribution and interaction of white-tailed deer and cattle in a semi-arid grazing system (2008)
  2717. White-tailed deer distribution in response to patch burning on rangeland (2008)
  2718. Canada lynx-bobcat (Lynx canadensis x L. rufus) hybrids at the southern periphery of lynx range in Maine, Minnesota and New Brunswick (2008)
  2719. Fuel-reduction treatment effects on avian community structure and diversity (2008)
  2720. Chapter 10: Avian community responses to forest thinning and prescribed surface fire, alone and in combination (2008)
  2721. Associations among breeding birds and gambel oak in Southwestern ponderosa pine forests (2008)
  2722. Chapter 6: Hair collection (2008)
  2723. First observed instance of polygyny in Flammulated Owls (2008)
  2724. Book reviews: The Goshawk - Robert Kenward (2008)
  2725. Predicting the effects of forest management on lynx populations (2008)
  2726. Home range size of Black-backed Woodpeckers in burned forests of southwestern Idaho (2007)
  2727. The effects of matrix structure on movement decisions of meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) (2007)
  2728. Genetic studies of Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis): genetic tagging and individual identification from feathers, and determining phylogeography, gene flow and population history for Goshawks in North America (2008)
  2729. Case study 6.1: DNA survey for fisher in northern Idaho (2008)
  2730. Exotic plant species diversity: Influence of roads and prescribed fire in Arizona ponderosa pine forests (2008)
  2731. Reducing fire potential in lodgepole pine by increasing timber utilization (1974)
  2732. Preliminary guidelines for prescribed burning under standing timber in western larch/douglas-fir forests (1977)
  2733. Using pheromones to protect heat-injured lodgepole pine from mountain pine beetle infestation (1994)
  2734. Sundance Fire: an analysis of fire phenomena (1968)
  2735. A mathematical model for predicting fire spread in wildland fuels (1972)
  2736. Forest regions of Montana (1979)
  2737. Predicting duff and woody fuel consumed by prescribed fire in the Northern Rocky Mountains (1985)
  2738. Applying ant colony optimization metaheuristic to solve forest transportation planning problems with side constraints (2008)
  2739. Accuracy and equivalence testing of crown ratio models and assessment of their impact on diameter growth and basal area increment predictions of two variants of the Forest Vegetation Simulator (2009)
  2740. A watershed-scale monitoring protocol for bull trout (2009)
  2741. Roots of research: Raphael Zon and the origins of forest experiment stations (2008)
  2742. Effects of ecological restoration alternative treatments on nonnative plant species establishment (2008)
  2743. Vascular plant checklist of the Chimney Spring and Limestone Flats Prescribed Burning Study Areas within ponderosa pine experimental forests in northern Arizona (2008)
  2744. Fort Valley's early scientists: A legacy of distinction (2008)
  2745. 93 Years of stand density and land-use legacy research at the Coulter Ranch Study Site (2008)
  2746. A century of cooperation: The Fort Valley Experimental Forest and the Coconino National Forest in Flagstaff (2008)
  2747. Total carbon and nitrogen in mineral soil after 26 years of prescribed fire: Long Valley and Fort Valley Experimental Forests (2008)
  2748. Ecological restoration experiments (1992-2007) at the G. A. Pearson Natural Area, Fort Valley Experimental Forest (2008)
  2749. Forest and range research on the "Wild Bill Plots" (1927-2007) (2008)
  2750. Tree ecophysiology research at Taylor Woods (2008)
  2751. Understanding ponderosa pine forest-grassland vegetation dynamics at Fort Valley Experimental Forest using phytolith analysis (2008)
  2752. Dynamics of buckbrush populations under simulated forest restoration alternatives (2008)
  2753. A century of meteorological observations at Fort Valley Experimental Forest: A cooperative observer program success story (2008)
  2754. The resin composition of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) attacked by the roundheaded pine beetle (Dendroctonus adjunctus) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) (2008)
  2755. Growth of a 45-year-old ponderosa pine plantation: An Arizona case study (2008)
  2756. The U.S. Geological Survey Paleomagnetics Laboratory at Fort Valley Experimental Forest-1970-1991 (2008)
  2757. Pine regeneration following wildland fire (2008)
  2758. Forest structure and tree recruitment changes on a permanent historical Cinder Hills plot over a 130-Year Period (2008)
  2759. Historical and contemporary lessons from ponderosa pine genetic studies at the Fort Valley Experimental Forest, Arizona (2008)
  2760. Early thinning experiments established by the Fort Valley Experimental Forest (2008)
  2761. Revisiting Pearson's climate and forest type studies on the Fort Valley Experimental Forest (2008)
  2762. Characteristics of buckbrush shrubs exposed to herbivores after seven years of protection (2008)
  2763. Removing the tree-ring width biological trend using expected basal area increment (2008)
  2764. The Hill plots: A rare long-term vegetation study (2008)
  2765. "Growing trees backwards": Description of a stand reconstruction model (2008)
  2766. Forty years later at Taylor Woods: Merging the old and new (2008)
  2767. Plant recruitment in a northern Arizona ponderosa pine forest: Testing seed- and leaf litter-limitation hypotheses (2008)
  2768. Memories of Fort Valley from 1938 to 1942 (2008)
  2769. The Fort Valley Experimental Forest, ponderosa pine, and wildlife habitat research (2008)
  2770. Forest pathology and entomology at Fort Valley Experimental Forest (2008)
  2771. Contributions of silvicultural studies at Fort Valley to watershed management of Arizona's ponderosa pine forests (2008)
  2772. Range management research, Fort Valley Experimental Forest (2008)
  2773. Fire and fuels research at Fort Valley and Long Valley Experimental Forests (2008)
  2774. Forest regeneration research at Fort Valley (2008)
  2775. Historical review of Fort Valley studies on stand management (2008)
  2776. "It was a young man's life": G. A. Pearson (2008)
  2777. Fort Valley studies: A natural laboratory for research and education (2008)
  2778. Opening remarks for the Fort Valley Centennial Celebration (2008)
  2779. Fort Valley Experimental Forest-A Century of Research 1908-2008 (2008)
  2780. Methods and materials for capturing and monitoring flammulated owls (1984)
  2781. Longevity records for male and female flammulated owls (1990)
  2782. Management of western coniferous forest habitat for nesting accipiter hawks (1983)
  2783. Nevada Photo-Based Inventory Pilot (NPIP) photo sampling procedures (2009)
  2784. Root desiccation and drought stress responses of bareroot Quercus rubra seedlings treated with a hydrophilic polymer root dip (2009)
  2785. Mitochondrial DNA evolution in the Anaxyrus boreas species group (2009)
  2786. Mechanical fuel treatment effects on vegetation in a New Mexico dry mixed conifer forest (2009)
  2787. Amphibian decline in Yellowstone National Park (2009)
  2788. The role of disturbance severity and canopy closure on standing crop of understory plant species in ponderosa pine stands in northern Arizona, USA (2009)
  2789. Comparison of respiratory and growth characteristics of two co-occurring shrubs from a cold desert, Coleogyne ramosissima (blackbrush) and Atriplex confertifolia (shadscale) (2009)
  2790. Cronartium ribicola resistance in whitebark pine, southwestern white pine, limber pine and Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine - preliminary screening results from first tests at Dorena GRC (2008)
  2791. Seasonal pheromone response by Ips pini in northern Arizona and western Montana, U.S.A. (2008)
  2792. Effect of wildfire and fireline construction on the annual depth of thaw in a black spruce permafrost forest in interior Alaska: a 36-year record of recovery (2008)
  2793. Interactions between western gall rust and its Pinus hosts, P. jeffreyi and P. contorta, in Sierra De San Pedro Martir National Park, Northern Baja California, Mexico (2008)
  2794. Special issue: Remote sensing applications for investigations of fire regime attributes (2007)
  2795. Some guidelines for helping natural resources adapt to climate change (2008)
  2796. The impact of pinyon mortality on ground-dwelling arthropod communities (2008)
  2797. Recreation visitor attitudes towards management-ignited prescribed fires in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, Montana (2008)
  2798. Characterizing forest fragments in boreal, temperate, and tropical ecosystems (2008)
  2799. Changing research needs in wilderness fire (2008)
  2800. User's guide to fish habitat: descriptions that represent natural conditions in the Salmon River Basin, Idaho (1995)
  2801. Natural falling of beetle-killed ponderosa pine (1985)
  2802. Summary and abstracts from Sudden Aspen Decline (SAD) Meeting; Fort Collins, Colorado, February 12-13, 2008 (2008)
  2803. Lichen community change in response to succession in aspen forests of the southern Rocky Mountains (2008)
  2804. Use of Landsat-based monitoring of forest change to sample and assess the role of disturbance and regrowth in the carbon cycle at continental scales (2007)
  2805. Infiltration, erosion, and vegetation recovery following road obliteration (2007)
  2806. Applications of satellite-derived disturbance information in support of sustainable forest management (2007)
  2807. Peatlands on National Forests of the Northern Rocky Mountains: ecology and conservation (1998)
  2808. Invasive plant architecture alters trophic interactions by changing predator abundance and behavior (2009)
  2809. Symbiotic regulation of plant growth, development and reproduction (2009)
  2810. Fire treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire severity in western U.S. forests (2009)
  2811. Nest observations of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) in Benton County, Oregon, with notes on their food habits (1970)
  2812. Distribution, density, and productivity of accipiter hawks breeding in Oregon (1978)
  2813. Brood division and postnesting behavior of Flammulated Owls (1987)
  2814. External human factors in incident management team decisionmaking and their effect on large fire suppression expenditures (2008)
  2815. The influence of conifer forest canopy cover on the accuracy of two individual tree measurement algorithms using lidar data (2008)
  2816. Corrigendum to "Nearest neighbor imputation of species-level, plot-scale forest structure attributes from LiDAR data" (2009)
  2817. Historic avalanches in the northern front range and the central and northern mountains of Colorado (1999)
  2818. Growth of ponderosa pine stands in relation to mountain pine beetle susceptibility (1999)
  2819. Modeling the effects of fire and climate change on carbon and nitrogen storage in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) stands (2009)
  2820. Population and harvest trends of big game and small game species: A technical document supporting the USDA Forest Service Interim Update of the 2000 RPA Assessment (2009)
  2821. Development of input data layers for the FARSITE fire growth model for the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Complex, USA (1998)
  2822. Fuel reduction in residential and scenic forests: A comparison of three treatments in a western Montana ponderosa pine stand (1998)
  2823. Chapter 29. Production and use of planting stock (2004)
  2824. Chapter 28. Establishing plants by transplanting and interseeding (2004)
  2825. Chapter 27. Seed testing requirements and regulatory laws (2004)
  2826. Chapter 26. Seed germination (2004)
  2827. Chapter 25. Shrub and forb seed production (2004)
  2828. Chapter 24. Seed collection, cleaning, and storage (2004)
  2829. Chapter 23. Shrubs of other families (2004)
  2830. Chapter 22. Rosaceous shrubs (2004)
  2831. Chapter 21. Composite shrubs (2004)
  2832. Chapter 20. Chenopod shrubs (2004)
  2833. Chapter 19. Forbs for seeding range and wildlife habitats (2004)
  2834. Chapter 18. Grasses (2004)
  2835. Chapter 17. Guidelines for restoration and rehabilitation of principal plant communities (2004)
  2836. Chapter 16. Management of restored and revegetated sites (2004)
  2837. Chapter 15. Plant pathology and managing wildland plant disease systems (2004)
  2838. Chapter 14. Nutritive principles in restoration and management (2004)
  2839. Chapter 13. Incorporating wildlife habitat needs into restoration and rehabilitation projects (2004)
  2840. Chapter 12. Seedbed preparation and seeding practices (2004)
  2841. Chapter 11. Vegetative manipulation with prescribed burning (2004)
  2842. Chapter 10. Herbicides for plant control (2004)
  2843. Chapter 9. Mechanical plant control (2004)
  2844. Chapter 8. Controlling plant competition (2004)
  2845. Chapter 7. Assessing soil factors in wildland improvement programs (2004)
  2846. Chapter 6. Climate and terrain (2004)
  2847. Chapter 5. Restoration or rehabilitation through management or artificial treatments (2004)
  2848. Chapter 4. Basic considerations for range and wildland revegetation and restoration (2004)
  2849. Chapter 3. Research background (2004)
  2850. Chapter 2. The Intermountain setting (2004)
  2851. Chapter 1. History of range and wildlife habitat restoration in the Intermountain West (2004)
  2852. Foreword (2004)
  2853. Bark beetle-caused mortality in a drought-affected ponderosa pine landscape in Arizona, USA (2009)
  2854. 2008 Strategic Framework Update (2009)
  2855. Strategic Framework (2003)
  2856. Stream dynamics: An overview for land managers (1980)
  2857. Chapter 6. Synthesis of management and research considerations (1995)
  2858. Chapter 5. Yellowstone cutthroat trout (1995)
  2859. Chapter 4. Bonneville cutthroat trout (1995)
  2860. Chapter 3. Rio Grande cutthroat trout (1995)
  2861. Chapter 2. Colorado River cutthroat trout (1995)
  2862. Chapter 1. Westslope cutthroat trout (1995)
  2863. Conservation assessment for inland cutthroat trout (1995)
  2864. Rocky Mountain Research Station 2005 Research Accomplishments (2006)
  2865. Rocky Mountain Research Station 2006 Research Accomplishments (2007)
  2866. Rocky Mountain Research Station 2007 Research Accomplishments (2008)
  2867. Rocky Mountain Research Station 2008 Research Accomplishments (2009)
  2868. Guidebook on LANDFIRE fuels data acquisition, critique, modification, maintenance, and model calibration (2009)
  2869. Simulation of the consequences of different fire regimes to support wildland fire use decisions (2007)
  2870. Factors in United States Forest Service district rangers' decision to manage a fire for resource benefit (2007)
  2871. The "adaptable human" phenomenon: Implications for recreation management in high-use wilderness (2008)
  2872. Does repeated human intrusion alter use of wildland sites by red squirrels? Multiyear experimental evidence (2008)
  2873. The matrix: A comparison of international wilderness laws (2008)
  2874. Regeneration of Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) and limber pine (Pinus flexilis) three decades after stand-replacing fires (2009)
  2875. Modeling small-scale variability in the composition of goshawk habitat on the Kaibab National Forest (2000)
  2876. Use of empirically derived source-destination models to map regional conservation corridors (2008)
  2877. NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX 2002/03): Spaceborne remote sensing (2008)
  2878. Modeling changes in rill erodibility and critical shear stress on native surface roads (2008)
  2879. Plant community diversity and composition provide little resistance to Juniperus encroachment (2008)
  2880. NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX 2002/03): Local scale observation site (2008)
  2881. What constitutes a natural fire regime? Insight from the ecology and distribution of coniferous forest birds in North America (2008)
  2882. Mesocell study area snow distributions for the Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX) (2008)
  2883. NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX 2002/03): Atmospheric analyses datasets (2008)
  2884. A wood-strand material for wind erosion control: effects on total sediment loss, PM10 vertical flux, and PM10 loss (2009)
  2885. Tree canopy types constrain plant distributions in ponderosa pine-Gambel oak forests, northern Arizona (2009)
  2886. An enquiry into the method of paired comparison: reliability, scaling, and Thurstone's Law of Comparative Judgment (2009)
  2887. Recent workforce trends and their effects on the silviculture program in British Columbia (2008)
  2888. Marketing: The roots of your business (2008)
  2889. Deployment of deer-resistant western redcedar (Thuja plicata) (2008)
  2890. Gene activity test determines cold tolerance in Douglas-fir seedlings (2008)
  2891. Somatic embryogenesis tissue culture for applying varietal forestry to conifer species (2008)
  2892. Physiological responses of planting frozen and thawed Douglas-fir seedlings (2008)
  2893. Fusarium species-a British Columbia perspective in forest seedling production (2008)
  2894. Effects of container size and copper treatment on western white pine seedling growth and survival (2008)
  2895. What's in your Douglas-fir bark? (2008)
  2896. Enhancing forest nursery education: Input from the 2007 Joint Meeting of the Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association and Forest Nursery Association of British Coumbia (2008)
  2897. Building trust-business essentials (2008)
  2898. Climate change, forests, and the forest nursery industry (2008)
  2899. Effects of fall fertilization on morphology and cold hardiness of red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) seedlings (2008)
  2900. Performance of nutrient-loaded red oak and white oak seedlings on mine lands in southern Indiana (2008)
  2901. Soils and nutrition: A forest nursery perspective (2008)
  2902. Seed storage and testing procedures used at Saratoga Tree Nursery, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (2008)
  2903. Seed storage and testing at Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Penn Nursery and Wood Shop (2008)
  2904. Tree seed handling, processing, testing, and storage at Hayward State Nursery, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (2008)
  2905. Methyl isothiocyanate and chloropicrin concentrations in bareroot forest nursery soils and above soil surface treatments following fumigation (2008)
  2906. Relating seed treatments to nursery performance: Experience with southern pines (2008)
  2907. Comments on alternatives to methyl bromide for quarantine purposes in forest nurseries (2008)
  2908. Diagnosing plant problems (2008)
  2909. Some thoughts about tree planting and nursery culture in New Hampshire (2008)
  2910. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations-2007 (2008)
  2911. Evaluating the effectiveness of contour-felled log erosion barriers as a post-fire runoff and erosion mitigation treatment in the western United States (2008)
  2912. Naphthalene, an insect repellent, is produced by Muscodor vitigenus, a novel endophytic fungus (2002)
  2913. Parasitism of the wheat stem sawfly (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) by Bracon cephi and B. liflogaster (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in wheat fields bordering tilled and untilled fallow in Montana (2002)
  2914. A new genus of long-legged flies displaying remarkable wing directional asymmetry (2004)
  2915. Within-field spatial distribution of Cephus cinctus (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) larvae in Montana wheat fields (2005)
  2916. Spatial distributions of Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) and its braconid parasitoids in Montana wheat fields (2005)
  2917. Volatile chemical cues guide host location and host selection by parasitic plants (2006)
  2918. Behavioural responses of wheat stem sawflies to wheat volatiles (2008)
  2919. Parasitism by Cuscuta pentagona attenuates host plant defenses against insect herbivores (2008)
  2920. Impact of non-native plant removal on lizards in riparian habitats in the southwestern United States (2008)
  2921. Prescribed fire effects on bark beetle activity and tree mortality in southwestern ponderosa pine forests (2008)
  2922. Holocene records of Dendroctonus bark beetles in high elevation pine forests of Idaho and Montana, USA (2008)
  2923. Wilderness restoration: From philosophical questions about naturalness to tests of practical techniques (2008)
  2924. Searching for solitude in the wilderness of southeast Alaska (2008)
  2925. Sediment concentration and turbidity changes during culvert removals (2008)
  2926. Two subspecies and a hybrid of big sagebrush: Comparison of respiration and growth characteristics (2008)
  2927. Estimating the avoided fuel-reatment costs of wildfire (2008)
  2928. Distribution of fine roots of ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir in a central Idaho forest (2008)
  2929. A soil burn severity index for understanding soil-fire relations in tropical forests (2008)
  2930. Comparing simulated and measured sensible and latent heat fluxes over snow under a pine canopy to improve an energy balance snowmelt model (2008)
  2931. Using anecdotal occurrence data for rare or elusive species: The illusion of reality and a call for evidentiary standards (2008)
  2932. Personal and organizational influences to the use of fire and fuels research by federal agency managers (2008)
  2933. Nest-site selection by cavity-nesting birds in relation to postfire salvage logging (2009)
  2934. Digital voice recording: An efficient alternative for data collection (2009)
  2935. Historical wildfire impacts on ponderosa pine tree overstories: An Arizona case study (2008)
  2936. Tradeoffs in overstory and understory aboveground net primary productivity in southwestern ponderosa pine stands (2008)
  2937. Misclassification bias in areal estimates (1992)
  2938. Calibration of remotely sensed proportion or area estimates for misclassification error (1992)
  2939. Application of Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data to estimate the amount of old growth forest and snag density in the Northern Region of the National Forest System (2004)
  2940. The Tao of treating weeds: Reaching for restoration in the northern Rocky Mountains (2008)
  2941. Effect of nursery storage and site preparation techniques on field performance of high-elevation Pinus contorta seedlings (2008)
  2942. Objectives and considerations for wildland fuel treatment in forested ecosystems of the interior western United States (2008)
  2943. Fire, native species, and soil resource interactions influence the spatio-temporal invasion pattern of Bromus tectorum (2008)
  2944. Integrating soil ecological knowledge into restoration management (2008)
  2945. Factors influencing large wildland fire suppression expenditures (2008)
  2946. Geomorphic controls on salmon nesting patterns described by a new, narrow-beam terrestrial-aquatic lidar (2008)
  2947. Evaluating spatially explicit burn probabilities for strategic fire management planning (2008)
  2948. Influences of wildfire and channel reorganization on spatial and temporal variation in stream temperature and the distribution of fish and amphibians (2007)
  2949. Competition and predation as mechanisms for displacement of greenback cutthroat trout by brook trout (2007)
  2950. A fuel treatment reduces fire severity and increases suppression efficiency in a mixed conifer forest (2007)
  2951. Development and analysis of a 12-year daily 1-km forest fire dataset across North America from NOAA/AVHRR (2007)
  2952. Anticipated climate warming effects on bull trout habitats and populations across the interior Columbia River basin (2007)
  2953. Application of the Kano-Hamilton multiangle inversion method in clear atmospheres (2007)
  2954. BehavePlus fire modeling system: Past, present, and future (2007)
  2955. Emissions from laboratory combustion of wildland fuels: Emission factors and source profiles (2007)
  2956. Spatial distribution of water supply in the coterminous United States (2008)
  2957. Nonmarket resource valuation in the postfire environment (2008)
  2958. A striking profile: Soil ecological knowledge in restoration management and science (2008)
  2959. Home destruction examination: Grass Valley Fire, Lake Arrowhead, California (2008)
  2960. Fire history and fire management implications in the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, interior Alaska (2008)
  2961. Effects of nitrogen availability and cheatgrass competition on the establishment of Vavilov Siberian wheatgrass (2008)
  2962. Abundance and reproduction of toads (Bufo) along a regulated river in the southwestern United States: Importance of flooding in riparian ecosystems (2008)
  2963. Can prescribed fire be used to maintain fuel treatment effectiveness over time in Black Hills ponderosa pine forests? (2008)
  2964. An improved extraction method to increase DNA yield from molted feathers (2008)
  2965. Reliability of individual valuations of public and private goods: Choice consistency, response time, and preference refinement (2008)
  2966. Modeling future plant distributions on the Colorado Plateau: An example using Pinus edulis (2008)
  2967. Sustainability of wild pistachio (Pistacia atlantica Desf.) in Zagros forests, Iran (2008)
  2968. Seedling growth and heavy metal accumulation of candidate woody species for revegetating Korean mine spoils (2008)
  2969. Forest ecology and biogeography of the Uinta Mountains, USA (2007)
  2970. Validation of endoscopy for determination of maturity in small salmonids and sex of mature individuals (2007)
  2971. The Jungle Prescribed Fire review: An experiment in learning (2007)
  2972. A density management diagram for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.): A tool for assessing the forest's protective effect (2008)
  2973. The tropical forest and fire emissions experiment: Laboratory fire measurement and synthesis of campaign data (2008)
  2974. Applying the concept of wilderness character to national forest planning, monitoring, and management (2008)
  2975. Middle Rio Grande Basin Research Report 2008 (2008)
  2976. Why don't our stands grow even faster? Control of production and carbon cycling in eucalypt plantations (2008)
  2977. Tree age, disturbance history, and carbon stocks and fluxes in subalpine Rocky Mountain forests (2008)
  2978. Forest resources of the Shoshone National Forest (2008)
  2979. Forest resources of the Bighorn National Forest (2008)
  2980. Forest resources of the Gila National Forest (2008)
  2981. First records of the Brown Creeper breeding along the middle Rio Grande in central New Mexico (2008)
  2982. Invasive Species Science Update (No. 2) (2008)
  2983. Invasive Species Science Update (No. 1) (2008)
  2984. Problems in place: Using discursive social psychology to investigate the meanings of seasonal homes (2008)
  2985. Place, leisure, and well-being (2008)
  2986. Merriam's turkey nest survival and factors affecting nest predation by mammals (2008)
  2987. Influence of climate and land use on historical surface fires in pine-oak forests, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico (2003)
  2988. Vegetative characteristics and relationships in the oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands (2008)
  2989. Managing Gambel oak in southwestern ponderosa pine forests: the status of our knowledge (2008)
  2990. Effects of phosphorus and nitrogen manipulations on tallgrass prairie restoration (2002)
  2991. Mapuche medicinal plants: Proposition in their propagation (2002)
  2992. Design and layout of a small commercial greenhouse operation (2002)
  2993. Red Lake Forestry Greenhouse Program (2002)
  2994. The 'Ahakhav Native Plant Nursery on the Colorado River Indian Reservation: Growing trees and shrubs for southwest restoration (2002)
  2995. Naturally occurring plants used on the Hopi Indian Reservation for medicine and food (2002)
  2996. Native Americans and their plants: Linking the past with the future (2002)
  2997. Trees are the solution to wastewater treatment for small communities (2002)
  2998. Influence of site preparation and stock size on the establishment of Arizona cypress plantings in the Middle Rio Grande Region (2002)
  2999. Percussion as an alternative scarification for New Mexico locust and black locust seeds (2002)
  3000. Slow-release fertilizers 101 (2002)
  3001. Forest nursery production in the United Kingdom: Case study Maelor Nurseries Ltd. (2002)
  3002. Quantity-based versus quality-based pricing: Developing the niche pine seedling (2002)
  3003. Nursery practices in Tennessee (2002)
  3004. Restoration of riparian areas within the Megram Fire (2002)
  3005. Outplanting long tubes with the expandable stinger: A new treatment for riparian restoration (2002)
  3006. Riparian restoration in the Southwest: Species selection, propagation, planting methods, and case studies (2002)
  3007. Uses of the Westrup brush machine (2002)
  3008. Forest nurseries in Venezuela: Current efforts and future perspectives (2002)
  3009. Use of a beneficial strain of Trichoderma to protect Pinus sylvestris seedlings (2002)
  3010. Propagating native plants at the National Tropical Botanical Garden (2002)
  3011. A tour of forest nurseries in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia and American Samoa (2002)
  3012. The Federal Forest Stewardship Program and its implications for sustainable forestry on private forest ownerships in the United States (2002)
  3013. Nursery practices in Sweden (2002)
  3014. Propagating hardwood seedlings in Louisiana (2002)
  3015. Native plant propagation and habitat restoration at Hakalau Forest National Wildlie Refuge, Hawaii (2002)
  3016. Propagation of tidal marsh species native to the San Francisco Bay (2002)
  3017. Effect of different forms of fungal biopreparation for increasing quality of Picea obovata seedlings (2002)
  3018. Determination of the season-acclimation of photosynthetic apparatus by heat-induced changes in chlorophyll fluorescence (2002)
  3019. Pesticides used in forest nursery management in the United States and the impact of the Food Quality Protection Act and other regulatory actions (2002)
  3020. Propagation of dry tropical forest trees in Mexico (2002)
  3021. Forest seedling production in Israel (2002)
  3022. Around the world nursery inoculations and conifer establishment using Rhizopogon mycorrhizal fungi (2002)
  3023. Forest nursery management in Chile (2002)
  3024. Forest nursery pest management in Cuba (2002)
  3025. Mycorrhizal fungi and trees - a successful reforestation alternative for mineland reclamation (2002)
  3026. Approach and rationale to developing an IPM program: Examples of insect management in British Columbia reforestation nurseries (2002)
  3027. Fall versus spring transplanting of container seedlings: A comparison of seedling morphology (2002)
  3028. Seed enhancement/upgrading techniques: Read the seed (2002)
  3029. George O. White State Park Forest Nursery - Licking, Missouri (2002)
  3030. Nursery and afforestation practices in Inner Mongolia, China (2002)
  3031. Slash X Honduras Caribbean pine hybrids: An overview of nursery production systems in Southeast Queensland, Australia (2002)
  3032. Nursery practices with exotic conifers in Patagonia, Argentina, and some reasons to afforest the region with these species (2002)
  3033. Clonal propagation of eucalyptus in Brazilian nurseries (2002)
  3034. Chemical root pruning of conifer seedlings in Mexico (2002)
  3035. Forest nursery history in western Canada with special emphasis on the province of British Columbia (2002)
  3036. Nursery practices and research in Ontario (2002)
  3037. Nursery practices in western Canada (2002)
  3038. Developing microbial inoculants for native Hawaiian trees (2002)
  3039. Opening remarks presented to the Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Conference (2002)
  3040. The Minnesota Tree Improvement Cooperative (2002)
  3041. Menominee Tribal Enterprises forest regeneration efforts (2002)
  3042. Tree planting incentive programs: How you can make these programs work for you (2002)
  3043. Red oak propagation at the Griffith State Nursery, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin (2002)
  3044. Slow release fertilizers in bareroot nurseries (2002)
  3045. Comparison of tillage equipment for improving soil conditions and root health in bareroot nurseries (2002)
  3046. Trends in nursery research and production (2002)
  3047. Strategic plans for the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (2002)
  3048. Operational rooted cuttings in southern pines (2002)
  3049. A comparison of bareroot and containerized seedling production (2002)
  3050. Fungi associated with longleaf pine containers before and after cleaning (2002)
  3051. Seedling production and pest problems at a South Georgia nursery (2002)
  3052. Chloropicrin, EPTC, and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria for managing soilborne pests in pine nurseries (2002)
  3053. Rocky Mountain juniper study: Preliminary results  (2002)
  3054. Global Positioning System (GPS): Current status and possible nursery uses (2002)
  3055. Use of the Geographic Information System (GIS) in nurseries (2002)
  3056. Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry weed control program (2002)
  3057. Towner State Nursery weed control program for field-grown conifer nursery stock (2002)
  3058. Something new - the Native Plants Journal (2002)
  3059. The IR-4 Program - how it can benefit nurseries (2002)
  3060. Plant materials for riparian revegetation (2002)
  3061. Douglas-fir container stock grown with fertilizer-amended media: Some preliminary results (2002)
  3062. Fertilizer application equipment for bareroot and container nurseries (2002)
  3063. Using soil test results to determine fertilizer applications (2002)
  3064. Root production method system (2002)
  3065. The science and application of forest carbon projects (2002)
  3066. Using electrolyte leakage tests to determine lifting windows and detect tissue damage (2002)
  3067. Installing a practical research project and interpreting research results (2002)
  3068. The Cascade Forestry Service Nursery (2002)
  3069. Disturbance and rehabilitation of cold to warm desert transitional shrublands in southwestern Utah (2008)
  3070. Great Basin cold desert shrublands and the Desert Experimental Range (2008)
  3071. Microsite and time since prescribed fire's influence on soil microbiology in a pinyon woodland (2008)
  3072. 20 Years of natural recovery after wildfire on northern Nevada rangelands (2008)
  3073. Very Large Scale Aerial (VLSA) imagery for assessing postfire bitterbrush recovery (2008)
  3074. Trend of mountain big Sagebrush crown cover and ground cover on burned sites, Uinta Mountains and West Tavaputs Plateau, Utah (2008)
  3075. Trout Creek 1999 Burn (2008)
  3076. A survey of vegetation and wildland fire hazards on the Nevada Test Site (2008)
  3077. Reproductive biology of Larrea tridentata: A comparison between core shrubland and isolated grassland plants at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (2008)
  3078. Mule deer and elk winter diet as an indicator of habitat competition (2008)
  3079. Browse evaluation of tall shrubs based on the direct measurement of a management objective (2008)
  3080. Vole-driven restoration of a parariparian meadow complex on the Colorado Plateau (south-central Utah) (2008)
  3081. Wildfire rehabilitation success with and without chaining on the Henry Mountains, Utah (2008)
  3082. Genetic characterization of uncultured fungal endophytes from Bouteloua eriopoda and Atriplex canescens (2008)
  3083. Symbiotic fungi that influence vigor, biomass and reproductive potential of native bunch grasses for remediation of degraded semiarid rangelands (2008)
  3084. Effects of fire and restoration seeding on establishment of squarrose knapweed (Centaurea virgata var. squarrosa) (2008)
  3085. Medusahead: Available soil N and microbial communities in native and invasive soils (2008)
  3086. Spatial and temporal seed dispersal of squarrose knapweed (Centaurea virgata Lam. ssp. squarrosa (Willd.) Gugler) in west central Utah, a case study (2008)
  3087. Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) biocontrol using indigenous fungal pathogens (2008)
  3088. Controlling cheatgrass in winter range to restore habitat and endemic fire (2008)
  3089. The effect of herbaceous species removal, fire and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) on soil water availability in sagebrush steppe (2008)
  3090. The indirect effects of cheatgrass invasion: Grasshopper herbivory on native grasses determined by neighboring cheatgrass abundance (2008)
  3091. Invasion of the exotic grasses: Mapping their progression via satellite (2008)
  3092. Cheatgrass and red brome; the history and biology of two invaders (2008)
  3093. Shah-Kan-Daw: Anthropogenic simplification of semi-arid vegetation structure (2008)
  3094. Shrublands under fire: Disturbance and recovery in a changing world (2008)
  3095. A calibration model for screen-caged Peltier thermocouple psychrometers (1982)
  3096. Pinon-juniper management research at Corona Range and Livestock Research Center in Central New Mexico (2008)
  3097. Sustainable development through biomass utilization: A practical approach (2008)
  3098. The essence of fire regime-condition class assessment (2008)
  3099. Assessment of drought related mortality in pinyon-juniper and ponderosa pine forests using Forest Inventory and Analysis data (2008)
  3100. Stand level impacts of Ips and Dendroctonus bark beetles in pine forest types of northern Arizona (2008)
  3101. Landscape-level changes (2008)
  3102. The irrationality of continued fire suppression: A partial analysis of the costs and benefits of restoration-based fuel reduction treatments vs. no treatment (2008)
  3103. Home range and habitat selection patterns of mule deer in a restoration-treated ponderosa pine forest (2008)
  3104. Restoration of southwestern ponderosa pine forests: Implications and opportunities for wildlife (2008)
  3105. Changes in canopy fuels and fire behavior after ponderosa pine restoration treatments: A landscape perspective (2008)
  3106. Cheatgrass encroachment on a ponderosa pine ecological restoration project in northern Arizona, U. S. A. (2008)
  3107. Restoration of the ponderosa pine ecosystem and its understory (2008)
  3108. The effects of hazardous fuel reduction treatments in the wildland urban interface on the activity of bark beetles infesting ponderosa pine (2008)
  3109. Forest restoration and fuels reduction in ponderosa pine and dry mixed conifer in the Southwest (2008)
  3110. Influence of elevation on bark beetle community structure in ponderosa pine stands of northern Arizona (2008)
  3111. Energy from the woodlands (2008)
  3112. Identifying markets for pinyon pine in the Four Corners Region (2008)
  3113. Using small diameter trees for wood fiber-plastic composites (2008)
  3114. Uses of pinyon and juniper (2008)
  3115. Grazing management for healthy watersheds (2008)
  3116. Wildlife management in southwestern Pinon-juniper woodlands (2008)
  3117. Why is cultural resource site density high in the pinon-juniper woodland? (2008)
  3118. Restoration of juniper savanna on the pueblo of Santa Ana, Sandoval County, New Mexico (2008)
  3119. Diablo trust pinon-juniper restoration sites: Restoring structure to woodlands and savannas (2008)
  3120. Ecology and management of pinyon-juniper ecosystems in the Bureau of Indian Affairs Southwestern Region (2008)
  3121. Mechanical treatment methods in the pinon-juniper type (2008)
  3122. Mesa prescribed fire (2008)
  3123. Removal of pinyon-juniper woodlands on the Colorado Plateau (2008)
  3124. A demonstration project to test ecological restoration of a pinyon-juniper ecosystem (2008)
  3125. Effects of invasive plants on public land management of pinyon-juniper woodlands in Arizona (2008)
  3126. Preliminary thinning guidelines using stand density index for the maintenance of uneven-aged pinyon-juniper ecosystems (2008)
  3127. Silviculture and multi-resource management case studies for southwestern pinyon-juniper woodlands (2008)
  3128. Variation among pinyon-juniper woodlands: A cautionary note (2008)
  3129. Variation in herbaceous vegetation and soil moisture under treated and untreated oneseed juniper trees (2008)
  3130. Belowground carbon distribution in a pinon-juniper / short grass prairie site (2008)
  3131. Rainfall, soil moisture, and runoff dynamics in New Mexico pinon-juniper woodland watersheds (2008)
  3132. Ecohydrology of pinon-juniper woodlands in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Runoff, erosion, and restoration (2008)
  3133. Impacts of pinyon-juniper treatments on water yields: A historical perspective (2008)
  3134. Do bark beetle sprays prevent Phloeosinus species from attacking cypress and juniper? (2008)
  3135. Piñon mortality from 2001 to 2005: Causes and management strategies (2008)
  3136. Attributes associated with probability of infestation by the pinon Ips, Ips confusus, (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in pinon pine, Pinus edulis (2008)
  3137. Pinon pine mortality event in the Southwest: An update for 2005 (2008)
  3138. Drought induced tree mortality and ensuing bark beetle outbreaks in southwestern pinyon-juniper woodlands (2008)
  3139. Historic vegetation changes in Lincoln County, New Mexico: The Albuquerque Banquet Presentation (2008)
  3140. A native plant development program for the Colorado Plateau (2008)
  3141. Description and prediction of individual tree biomass on pinon (Pinus edulis) in northern New Mexico (2008)
  3142. Growth and yield of southwest pinyon-juniper woodlands: Modeling growth and drought effects (2008)
  3143. Southwestern U. S. juniper savanna and piñon-juniper woodland communities: Ecological history and natural range of variability (2008)
  3144. Ecology of pinon-juniper vegetation in the Southwest and Great Basin (2008)
  3145. Managing Intermountain rangelands - sagebrush-grass ranges (1982)
  3146. Proceedings-Shrublands under fire: disturbance and recovery in a changing world; 2006 June 6-8; Cedar City, UT (2008)
  3147. Climate of Priest River Experimental Forest, northern Idaho (1983)
  3148. An annotated bibliography of the hydrology and fishery studies of the South Fork Salmon River (1987)
  3149. Climate of the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness, central Idaho (1988)
  3150. Vascular plants of west-central Montana-identification guidebook (1991)
  3151. R1/R4 (Northern/Intermountain Regions) fish and fish habitat standard inventory procedures handbook (1997)
  3152. Effects of the Gates Park Fire on recreation choices (1992)
  3153. Larch dwarf mistletoe not found on alpine larch (1995)
  3154. An indirect dispersal pathway for spotted knapweed seeds via deer mice and great-horned owls (2001)
  3155. Effects of a spring prescribed burn on the soil seed bank in sagebrush steppe exhibiting pinyon-juniper expansion (2008)
  3156. Distribution of Ribes, an alternate host of white pine blister rust, in Colorado and Wyoming (2008)
  3157. Nest success of Black-backed Woodpeckers in forests with mountain pine beetle outbreaks in the Black Hills, South Dakota (2008)
  3158. Hierarchical den selection of Canada lynx in western Montana (2008)
  3159. Ecology, management, and restoration of pinon-juniper and ponderosa pine ecosystems: combined proceedings of the 2005 St. George, Utah and 2006 Albuquerque, New Mexico workshops (2008)
  3160. Leatherback sea turtle stewardship to attain local, regional, and global marine conservation and management (2007)
  3161. How the National Marine Sanctuaries Act diverged from the Wilderness Act model and lost its way in the land of multiple use (2007)
  3162. Use of Clostridium perfringens as a fecal indicator to detect intertidal disposal at backcountry marine campsites in Prince William Sound, Alaska (2007)
  3163. Three Rivers: Protecting the Yukon's Great Boreal Wilderness (2007)
  3164. Field testing existence values for riparian ecosystems (2007)
  3165. Are wildland watersheds safest and best? (2007)
  3166. Wilderness, water, and quality of life in the Bitterroot Valley (2007)
  3167. Salmon theology: Return to traditional reasoning (2007)
  3168. Wilderness restoration: Bureau of Land Management and the Student Conservation Association in the California Desert District (2007)
  3169. Some practical considerations in restoration of wilderness geodiversity: Insights from Lake Pedder, Tasmania (2007)
  3170. Protecting biodiversity in situ in the Amazonian Region of Brazil (2007)
  3171. Wilderness and wild lands in the Northern Appalachian Region of North America: An ecological perspective (2007)
  3172. Ecological restoration of degraded wilderness ecosystems: Removing exotic plants and introducing prescribed fire to restore natural diversity in two National Park wilderness areas (2007)
  3173. Managing for ecological integrity in protected wildlands: Key management challenges and research priorities in British Columbia (2007)
  3174. Living in interesting times: Selected implications of landscape ecology for conservation science (2007)
  3175. Toda relationship with nature as an indication of ecosystem health (2007)
  3176. Psychophysiological responses and restorative values of wilderness environments (2007)
  3177. Relationships to place in wildland resources management: Developing an effective research approach (2007)
  3178. Defining values in place: A practical application for visitor management in protected areas (2007)
  3179. White lions: Reintroduction to their natural and spiritual homelands (2007)
  3180. The "wilderness knot" (2007)
  3181. Crossing the divide (2007)
  3182. Spiritual revelation in wilderness under down-under (2007)
  3183. Historic voyage as a catalyst for inspiring change (2007)
  3184. Outdoor programs and environmental beliefs: Investigating the stability of outcomes and levels of salience (2007)
  3185. Comparing the wilderness message of U.S. land management agencies (2007)
  3186. Paddling the Big Sky: Reflections on place-based education and experience (2007)
  3187. Restoring youth: Restoring relationships to wildlife and wild places (2007)
  3188. Nature is the home of culture-friluftsliv is a way home (2007)
  3189. Wilderness education: The ultimate commitment to quality wilderness stewardship (2007)
  3190. Tracking progress: Applying the Forest Service 10 Year Wilderness Stewardship Challenge as a model of performance management (2007)
  3191. Visitors' experience and lack of knowledge of minimum impact techniques in the highlands of Brazil's Itatiaia National Park (2007)
  3192. Wilderness recreation participation: Projections for the next half century (2007)
  3193. Shrinking wild lands: Assessing human intrusion in the Highlands of Scotland, 1870 to 2004, using Geographical Information Systems (2007)
  3194. Measurement of water quality of high-altitude wilderness streams: Cloud Peak Wilderness, Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming (2007)
  3195. Using the minimum requirement concept to manage research in the Yosemite Wilderness (2007)
  3196. Protecting the protectors of wilderness (2007)
  3197. Inter-observer agreement of a multi-parameter campsite monitoring program on the Dixie National Forest, Utah (2007)
  3198. Wilderness stewardship challenges in the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site (2007)
  3199. A look inside the dynamics of trust: A guide for managers (2007)
  3200. Identifying threats, values, and attributes in Brazilian wilderness areas (2007)
  3201. Use of stock to maintain and construct trails in the eastern United States (2007)
  3202. Commander islands as the significant point for monitoring some dangerous changes in the Beringia ecosystem (2007)
  3203. Expansion of the wilderness values scale with three sub-scales: Personal maintenance, expression and learning, and societal maintenance (2007)
  3204. Managing consumptive and nonconsumptive use in the United States largest wilderness (2007)
  3205. Developing additional capacity for wilderness management: An international exchange program between South Africa and United States wilderness rangers (2007)
  3206. Identifying core habitat and connectivity for focal species in the interior cedar-hemlock forest of North America to complete a conservation area design (2007)
  3207. Designating wilderness areas: A framework for examining lessons from the States (2007)
  3208. Rewilding in England and Wales: A review of recent developments, issues, and concerns (2007)
  3209. Challenges of nature conservation in postsocialist Bulgaria: A view from the Rhodope Mountains (2007)
  3210. Transboundary natural area protection: Broadening the definition of national security (2007)
  3211. Some biodiversity points and suggestions for the Myanmar Protected Area System (2007)
  3212. Transboundary protected area proposals along the Southern Andes of Chile and Argentina: Status of current efforts (2007)
  3213. Tanzania wilderness areas (2007)
  3214. Action toward wilderness protection in Australia (2007)
  3215. A proposal for a Pamir International Peace Park (2007)
  3216. Conservation planning in a tropical wilderness: Opportunities and threats in the Guianan Ecoregion Complex (2007)
  3217. NatureLinks: Protected areas, wilderness, and landscape connectivity in South Australia, Australia (2007)
  3218. Wilderness and the paradox of individual freedom (2007)
  3219. Prospects for natural world heritage sites in the Northwest Pacific Region (2007)
  3220. Land claims as a mechanism for wilderness protection in the Canadian Arctic (2007)
  3221. Special offer-7 days fly and drive Antarctica: The role of wilderness protection in deciding whether (semi) permanent tourist facilities in Antarctica should be prohibited (2007)
  3222. Tourism in rural Alaska (2007)
  3223. Studying boat-based bear viewing: Methodological challenges and solutions (2007)
  3224. Advocating for Antarctic wilderness: Short-term visits and human values (2007)
  3225. Managing recreational experiences in Arctic National Parks: A process for identifying indicators (2007)
  3226. Arctic and wilderness travel-hosts and guests: The territory of Nunavut, Canada (2007)
  3227. Wilderness discount on livestock compensation costs for imperiled gray wolf Canis lupus (2007)
  3228. Between wilderness and the middle landscape: A rocky road (2007)
  3229. Economic value of ecosystem conservation in Japan: Reduction of starting point bias by bid effect function (2007)
  3230. Wild mountains, wild rivers: Keeping the sacred origins (2007)
  3231. Balancing conservation management and tourism development with wilderness stewardship in the Kruger National Park, South Africa (2007)
  3232. Citizen monitoring and restoration: Volunteers and community involvement in wilderness stewardship (2007)
  3233. Socio-ecosystems and urban habitats (2007)
  3234. Friends of the Inyo: Eastern Sierra Wilderness Stewardship Project (2007)
  3235. Creating institutions of care: The case for democratic forest trusts (2007)
  3236. Making connections beyond the choir (2007)
  3237. The Heritage Park model: A partnership approach to park expansion in poor rural areas (2007)
  3238. Community conservation adjacent to Ruaha National Park, Tanzania (2007)
  3239. Two countries, one forest: Working beyond political boundaries in the Northern Appalachian/Acadian Forest (2007)
  3240. Community involvement in planning and management for outdoor recreation in New Zealand protected areas (2007)
  3241. Wild cemeteries? (2007)
  3242. People and watersheds: The case of the totem fish of the North Pacific (2007)
  3243. Traditional ecological knowledge: Applying principles of sustainability to wilderness resource management (2007)
  3244. Economics of wild salmon ecosystems: Bristol Bay, Alaska (2007)
  3245. Subsistence, tourism, and research: Layers of meaning in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve (2007)
  3246. A GIS-based method to evaluate undeveloped BLM lands in Alaska (2007)
  3247. The virtues of localism and arctic wilderness politics (2007)
  3248. A history of Alaska wilderness (2007)
  3249. Wilderness insights From Alaska: Past, present, and future (2007)
  3250. Development of external regeneration models for FVS: Another wrench in the toolkit (2008)
  3251. Development of FVSOntario: A Forest Vegetation Simulator Variant and application software for Ontario (2008)
  3252. Building the ECON extension: Functionality and lessons learned (2008)
  3253. Predicting the recruitment of established regeneration into the sapling size class following partial cutting in the Acadian Forest Region: Using long-term observations to assess the performance of FVS-NE (2008)
  3254. Evaluating growth models: A case study using PrognosisBC (2008)
  3255. Improving longleaf pine mortality predictions in the Southern Variant of the Forest Vegetation Simulator (2008)
  3256. Inventory-based sensitivity analysis of the Large Tree Diameter Growth Submodel of the Southern Variant of the FVS (2008)
  3257. Aggregating pixel-level basal area predictions derived from LiDAR data to industrial forest stands in North-Central Idaho (2008)
  3258. Forest Vegetation Simulator translocation techniques with the Bureau of Land Management's Forest Vegetation Information system database (2008)
  3259. Forest inventory and analysis data for FVS modelers (2008)
  3260. Landscape analysis software tools (2008)
  3261. Use of FVS for a forest-wide inventory on the Spokane Indian Reservation (2008)
  3262. Development of state and transition model assumptions used in National Forest Plan revision (2008)
  3263. Preliminary results of the FVS gypsy moth event monitor using remeasurement plot data from Northern West Virginia (2008)
  3264. Comparison of FVS projection of oak decline on the Mark Twain National Forest to actual growth and mortality as measured over three FIA inventory cycles (2008)
  3265. Western root disease model simulation versus plot remeasurement: 11 years of change in stand structure and density induced by Armillaria root disease in Central Oregon (2008)
  3266. Modeling bark beetles and fuels on landscapes: A demonstration of ArcFuels and a discussion of possible model enhancements (2008)
  3267. Incorporating landscape fuel treatment modeling into the Forest Vegetation Simulator (2008)
  3268. Effects of using visualization and animation in presentations to communities about forest succession and fire behavior potential (2008)
  3269. The Kane Experimental Forest carbon inventory: Carbon reporting with FVS (2008)
  3270. FVS and global Warming: A prospectus for future development (2008)
  3271. Vegetation simulation and our changing world: Keynote address (2008)
  3272. Third Forest Vegetation Simulator Conference; 2007 February 13-15; Fort Collins, CO (2008)
  3273. Soil compaction monitoring of the Pool Timber Sale, Rio Grande National Forest, Colorado, 16 years after logging (2008)
  3274. Response of Douglas-fir advance regeneration to overstory removal (2008)
  3275. Estimating soil seed bank characteristics in ponderosa pine forests using vegetation and forest-floor data (2008)
  3276. Roots of research: Raphael Zon and the origins of forest experiment stations (P-53) (2008)
  3277. Effects of ecological restoration alternative treatments on nonnative plant species establishment (P-53) (2008)
  3278. Vascular plant checklist of the Chimney Spring and Limestone Flats prescribed burning study areas within ponderosa pine experimental forests in northern Arizona (P-53) (2008)
  3279. Fort Valley's early scientists: A legacy of distinction (P-53) (2008)
  3280. 93 years of stand density and land-use legacy research at the Coulter Ranch Study Site (P-53) (2008)
  3281. A century of cooperation: The Fort Valley Experimental Forest and the Coconino National Forest in Flagstaff (P-53) (2008)
  3282. Total carbon and nitrogen in mineral soil after 26 years of prescribed fire: Long Valley and Fort Valley Experimental Forests (P-53) (2008)
  3283. Ecological restoration experiments (1992-2007) at the G.A. Pearson Natural Area, Fort Valley Experimental Forest (P-53) (2008)
  3284. Forest and range research on the "Wild Bill Plots" (1927-2007) (P-53) (2008)
  3285. Tree ecophysiology research at Taylor Woods (P-53) (2008)
  3286. Understanding ponderosa pine forest-grassland vegetation dynamics at Fort Valley Experimental Forest using phytolith analysis (P-53) (2008)
  3287. Dynamics of buckbrush populations under simulated forest restoration alternatives (P-53) (2008)
  3288. A century of meteorological observations at Fort Valley Experimental Forest: A cooperative observer program success story (P-53) (2008)
  3289. The resin composition of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) attacked by the roundheaded pine beetle (Dendroctonus adjunctus) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) (P-53) (2008)
  3290. Growth of a 45-year-old ponderosa pine plantation: An Arizona case study (P-53) (2008)
  3291. The U.S. Geological Survey Paleomagnetics Laboratory at Fort Valley Experimental Forest-1970-1991 (P-53) (2008)
  3292. Pine regeneration following wildland fire (P-53) (2008)
  3293. Forest structure and tree recruitment changes on a permanent historical Cinder Hills plot over a 130-year period (P-53) (2008)
  3294. Historical and contemporary lessons from ponderosa pine genetic studies at the Fort Valley Experimental Forest, Arizona (P-53) (2008)
  3295. Early thinning experiments established by the Fort Valley Experimental Forest (P-53) (2008)
  3296. A visual progression of the Fort Valley Restoration Project treatments using remotely sensed imagery (P-53) (2008)
  3297. Revisiting Pearson's climate and forest type studies on the Fort Valley Experimental Forest (P-53) (2008)
  3298. Characteristics of buckbrush shrubs exposed to herbivores after seven years of protection (P-53) (2008)
  3299. The Hill plots: A rare long-term vegetation study (P-53) (2008)
  3300. "Growing trees backwards": Description of a stand reconstruction model (P-53) (2008)
  3301. Forty years later at Taylor Woods: Merging the old and new (P-53) (2008)
  3302. Plant recruitment in a northern Arizona ponderosa pine forest: Testing seed- and leaf litter-limitation hypotheses (P-53) (2008)
  3303. Memories of Fort Valley From 1938 to 1942 (P-53) (2008)
  3304. The Fort Valley Experimental Forest, ponderosa pine, and wildlife habitat research (P-53) (2008)
  3305. Contributions of silvicultural studies at Fort Valley to watershed management of Arizona's ponderosa pine forests (P-53) (2008)
  3306. Range management research, Fort Valley Experimental Forest (P-53) (2008)
  3307. Fire and fuels research at Fort Valley and Long Valley Experimental Forests (P-53) (2008)
  3308. Forest regeneration research (P-53) (2008)
  3309. Historical review of Fort Valley studies on stand management (P-53) (2008)
  3310. "It was a young man's life": G.A. Pearson (P-53) (2008)
  3311. Opening remarks for the Fort Valley Centennial Celebration (P-53) (2008)
  3312. Nursery Task Force update (2007)
  3313. Methyl bromide and the Montreal Protocol: An update on the critical use exemption and quarantine pre-shipment process (2007)
  3314. Pesticide related issues in forest tree nurseries (2007)
  3315. Comparing cold-stored and freshly lifted water oak (Quercus nigra) seedlings based on physiological parameters (2007)
  3316. Field performance of Nuttall oak on former agricultural fields: Initial effects of nursery source and competition control (2007)
  3317. Container longleaf pine seedling morphology in response to varying rates of nitrogen fertilization in the nursery and subsequent growth after outplanting (2007)
  3318. Selected nursery projects at the Missoula Technology and Development Center (2007)
  3319. New pine planting strategies for the Western Gulf States (2007)
  3320. Pitch canker of southern pines and recent cases in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas (2007)
  3321. Detection and management of stunt and stubby root nematodes in a southern forest nursery (2007)
  3322. Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act: Forestry contractors' model operating plan (2007)
  3323. Seadust wildlife controllant and other techniques to protect forest plantations (2007)
  3324. Roadside revegetation: A new frontier for native plant growers (2007)
  3325. Using a steamroom to sterilize pallets of Styroblock seedling containers (2007)
  3326. The plant growth enhancing and biocontrol mechanisms of Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108 and its use in nursery and greenhouse production (2007)
  3327. Potential for using Fusarium to control Fusarium disease in forest nurseries (2007)
  3328. Miniplug transplants: Producing large plants quickly (2007)
  3329. The density effect: Red/far red signaling and douglas-fir seedling growth in a variable density field test (2007)
  3330. Blackout cloth for dormancy induction (2007)
  3331. E-media and crop nutrition monitoring (2007)
  3332. An introduction to subirrigation in forest and conservation nurseries and some preliminary results of demonstrations (2007)
  3333. Greenhouse germination trials of pelletized western redcedar and red alder seeds (2007)
  3334. Innovative cold tolerance test for conifer seedlings (2007)
  3335. Morphological and physiological evaluations of seedling quality (2007)
  3336. Divergent patterns of abundance and age-class structure of headwater stream tadpoles in burned and unburned watersheds (2006)
  3337. Responses of pond-breeding amphibians to wildfire: Short-term patterns in occupancy and colonization (2007)
  3338. Assessing high reliability practices in the wildland fire community (2008)
  3339. High reliability organizing implementation at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (2008)
  3340. The U.S. Geological Survey and wilderness research (2008)
  3341. Post-breeding habitat use by adult boreal toads (Bufo boreas boreas) after wildfire in Glacier National Park, USA (2008)
  3342. Wildfire effects on water temperature and selection of breeding sites by the boreal toad (Bufo boreas) in seasonal wetlands (2008)
  3343. Distribution and environmental limitations of an amphibian pathogen in the Rocky Mountains, USA (2008)
  3344. Saprolegniaceae identified on amphibian eggs throughout the Pacific Northwest, USA, by internal transcribed spacer sequences and phylogenetic analysis (2008)
  3345. On the outside looking in: Fly-in recreation day use visitor experiences in the south district of Denali National Park and Preserve (2008)
  3346. Transpiration of oak trees in the oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands region (2008)
  3347. Characteristics and behavior of a cool-season prescribed fire in the oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands (2008)
  3348. Comparing bedload conditions in the Cascabel watersheds, Coronado National Forest (2008)
  3349. Hydrology and erosion impacts of mining derived coastal sand dunes, Chanaral Bay, Chile (2008)
  3350. Climate change impacts on municipal, mining, and agricultural water supplies in Chile (2008)
  3351. International co-operative program on assessment and monitoring of air pollution effects on forests: The Sierra Ancha Experimental Forest, Arizona (2008)
  3352. How useful is LiDAR in establishing a stream gauging network in a tropical experimental forest (2008)
  3353. Probability density function of non-reactive solute concentration in heterogeneous porous formations (2007)
  3354. Analyzing tradeoffs between the threat of invasion by brook trout and effects of intentional isolation for native westslope cutthroat trout (2007)
  3355. Performance of bed-load transport equations relative to geomorphic significance: Predicting effective discharge and its transport rate (2008)
  3356. Discussion of "Evaluating vertical velocities between the stream and the hyporheic zone from temperature data" by Seydell, I., Wawra, B.E., and Zanke, U.C.E. (2008)
  3357. Net energy output from harvesting small-diameter trees using a mechanized system (2008)
  3358. Production and cost of harvesting, processing, and transporting small-diameter (< 5 inches) trees for energy (2008)
  3359. The role of observer variation in determining Rosgen stream types in northeastern Oregon mountain streams (2008)
  3360. Bull trout recovery: Monitoring and evaluation guidance (2008)
  3361. Critical conditions for rill initiation (2008)
  3362. Impacts of non-native plant removal on vertebrates along the Middle Rio Grande (New Mexico) (2008)
  3363. Climate change impacts on northwestern and intermountain United States rangelands (2008)
  3364. Discrete return lidar-based prediction of leaf area index in two conifer forests (2008)
  3365. Biophysical controls on surface fuel litterfall and decomposition in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA (2008)
  3366. Influences of body size and environmental factors on autumn downstream migration of bull trout in the Boise River, Idaho (2008)
  3367. US Forest Service bark beetle research in the western United States: Looking toward the future (2008)
  3368. Soil nitrogen accretion along a floodplain terrace chronosequence in northwest Alaska: Influence of the nitrogen-fixing shrub Shepherdia Canadensis (2008)
  3369. A comparison of five sampling techniques to estimate surface fuel loading in montane forests (2008)
  3370. Hydrological response to timber harvest in northern Idaho: Implications for channel scour and persistence of salmonids (2008)
  3371. Deer mouse predation on the biological control agent, Urophora spp., introduced to control spotted knapweed (1999)
  3372. Landscape genetics: combining landscape ecology and population genetics (2003)
  3373. Modeling landscapes and past vegetation patterns of New Mexico's Rio Del Oso Valley (2005)
  3374. A comparison of coarse bedload transport measured with bedload traps and Helley Smith samplers (2008)
  3375. Traps and attractants for wood-boring insects in ponderosa pine stands in the Black Hills, South Dakota (2008)
  3376. Conservation status of imperiled North American freshwater and diadromous fishes (2008)
  3377. Genetic and endocrine tools for carnivore surveys (2008)
  3378. Condition of live fire-scarred ponderosa pine trees six years after removing partial cross sections (2001)
  3379. Condition of live fire-scarred ponderosa pine eleven years after removing partial cross-sections (2008)
  3380. Grassland bird densities in seral stages of mixed-grass prairie (2004)
  3381. Elk responses to humans in a densely roaded area (2005)
  3382. Comparison of methods to estimate population densities of black-tailed prairie dogs (1999)
  3383. Dynamics of a threatened orchid in flooded wetlands (1999)
  3384. Recent biodiversity patterns in the Great Plains: Implications for restoration and management (1999)
  3385. Characteristics of white-tailed deer fawn beds, Black Hills, South Dakota (1999)
  3386. Habitat of birds in ponderosa pine and aspen/birch forest in the Black Hills, South Dakota (2000)
  3387. Avian use of successional cottonwood (Populus deltoides) woodlands along the middle Missouri River (2004)
  3388. Seasonal migration and home ranges of female elk in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming (2005)
  3389. Pre-incubation movements of female wild turkeys relative to nest initiation in South Dakota (2005)
  3390. Rocky Mountain Riparian Digest (2008)
  3391. Double sampling for stratification: a forest inventory application in the Interior West (1998)
  3392. Multistage remote sensing: toward an annual national inventory (1999)
  3393. Classification accuracy for stratification with remotely sensed data (2003)
  3394. A survey of effects of intentional burning on fuels and timber stands of ponderosa pine in Arizona (1960)
  3395. Estimated carrying capacity for cattle competing with prairie dogs and forage utilization in western South Dakota (1988)
  3396. The value of Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) woodlands in South Dakota as small mammal habitat (1988)
  3397. Crossdated fire histories (1650-1900) from ponderosa pine-dominated forests of Idaho and western Montana (2008)
  3398. Linking wilderness research and management-volume 5. Understanding and managing backcountry recreation impacts on terrestrial wildlife: an annotated reading list (2008)
  3399. Growth, resource storage, and adaptation to drought in California and eastern Mediterranean oak seedlings (2008)
  3400. Human impacts on regional avian diversity and abundance (2008)
  3401. Rejoinder to Harrison (2008): The myth of plant species saturation (2008)
  3402. The myth of plant species saturation (2008)
  3403. Forest structure estimation and pattern exploration from discrete return lidar in subalpine forests of the Central Rockies (2008)
  3404. Summer movements of boreal toads (Bufo boreas boreas) in two western Montana basins (2008)
  3405. Analysis of trade-offs between threats of invasion by nonnative brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and intentional isolation for native westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) (2008)
  3406. Venture capital: States suffer as suppression expenses climb (2008)
  3407. Personal, societal, and ecological values of wilderness: Sixth World Wilderness Congress proceedings on research, management, and allocation, volume I (1998)
  3408. Guidelines on the use of molecular genetics in reintroduction programs (2005)
  3409. Lack of genetic differentiation in aggressive and secondary bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) from Arizona (2008)
  3410. Scientist contributions (2008)
  3411. Synoptic climatology of the long-distance dispersal of white pine blister rust I. Development of an upper level synoptic classification (2008)
  3412. Synoptic climatology of the long-distance dispersal of white pine blister rust II. Combination of surface and upper level conditions (2008)
  3413. Nearest neighbor imputation of species-level, plot-scale forest structure attributes from LiDAR data (2008)
  3414. Fine-scale variation of historical fire regimes in sagebrush-steppe and juniper woodland: An example from California, USA (2008)
  3415. Multi-season climate synchronized forest fires throughout the 20th century, Northern Rockies, USA (2008)
  3416. Mitigating exotic impacts: restoring native deer mouse populations elevated by an exotic food subsidy (2008)
  3417. Northern goshawk habitat: an intersection of science, management, and conservation (2008)
  3418. Why sampling scheme matters: the effect of sampling scheme on landscape genetic results (2008)
  3419. A smoothed residual based goodness-of-fit statistic for nest-survival models (2008)
  3420. Viviendo Con Incendios: Una guia para los duenos de casas en Nuevo Mexico [Living with Fire: A Guide for the Homeowner-New Mexico] (2008)
  3421. Evaluation of funnel traps for characterizing the bark beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) communities in ponderosa pine forests of North-Central Arizona (2008)
  3422. Weed biocontrol insects reduce native plant recruitment through second-order apparent competition (2008)
  3423. The 'Appar' flax release: Origin, distinguishing characteristics, and use; and a native alternative (2008)
  3424. National Wilderness Preservation System database: key attributes and trends, 1964 through 1999 (2000)
  3425. Forest resources of the Black Hills National Forest (2002)
  3426. Gambel oak growth forms: Management opportunities for increasing ecosystem diversity (2008)
  3427. Changes in Gambel oak densities in southwestern ponderosa pine forests since Euro-American settlement (2008)
  3428. Pluralities of place: A user's guide to place concepts, theories, and philosophies in natural resource management (2008)
  3429. Is this a one-night stand or the start of something meaningful? Developing relationships to place in National Park backcountry. (2007)
  3430. Topography affected landscape fire history patterns in southern Arizona, USA (2008)
  3431. Spatial and temporal variability in fire occurrence within the Las Bayas Forestry Reserve, Durango, Mexico (2008)
  3432. Fire and stand history in two limber pine (Pinus flexilis) and Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) stands in Colorado (2008)
  3433. Diversity-invasibility across an experimental disturbance gradient in Appalachian forests (2008)
  3434. Living artifacts: The ancient ponderosa pines of the West (2008)
  3435. Classification and regression trees (2008)
  3436. A comparison of the performance of threshold criteria for binary classification in terms of predicted prevalence and Kappa (2008)
  3437. Effects of competitor spacing in a new class of individual-tree indices of competition: semidistance-independent indices computed for Bitterlich versus fixed-area plots (2008)
  3438. Modeling effects of overstory density and competing vegetation on tree height growth (2007)
  3439. Stability of exotic annual grasses following restoration efforts in southern California coastal sage scrub (2008)
  3440. Composition of soil seed banks in southern California coastal sage scrub and adjacent exotic grassland (2008)
  3441. Unusual holocene alluvial record from Rio Del Osos, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Paleoclimatic and archaeologic significance (2007)
  3442. Time-lapse photography to monitor riparian meadow use (1998)
  3443. Poisson sampling - The adjusted and unadjusted estimator revisited (1998)
  3444. Logging truck noise near nesting northern goshawks (1998)
  3445. Data estimation and prediction for natural resources public data (1998)
  3446. Management and techniques for riparian restorations: roads field guide, vol. II (2002)
  3447. Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii): status-of-knowledge outline with references (1995)
  3448. Quantifying the abundance of co-occurring conifers along Inland Northwest (USA) climate gradients (2008)
  3449. Wildland fire in ecosystems: fire and nonnative invasive plants (2008)
  3450. National forests (2008)
  3451. Executive summary (2008)
  3452. Evaluation of the Barr & Stroud FP15 and Criterion 400 laser dendrometers for measuring upper stem diameters and heights (1999)
  3453. Forests and carbon storage (2008)
  3454. Chondrilla juncea L.: Post-fire invasiveness in Artimesia tridentata communities of western north America (2008)
  3455. Native plant development and restoration program for the Great Basin, USA (2008)
  3456. Fort Valley Experimental Forest-A Century of Research 1908-2008 (P-53) (2008)
  3457. BehavePlus fire modeling system, version 5.0: Variables (2009)
  3458. Chapter 6 - Synthesis (2008)
  3459. Chapter 3 - Land resources: Forest and arid lands (2008)
  3460. Chapter 1 - Introduction (2008)
  3461. Executive summary (2008)
  3462. Decay of subalpine fir in Colorado (1960)
  3463. Decay of aspen in Colorado (1959)
  3464. Effects of partial cutting on diseases, mortality, and regeneration of Rocky Mountain aspen stands (1982)
  3465. Growth and decay losses in Colorado aspen (1977)
  3466. Development of spruce-fir stands following spruce beetle outbreaks (1974)
  3467. Indicators and associated decay of Engelmann spruce in Colorado (1966)
  3468. Progress report on the rate of deterioration of beetle-killed Engelmann spruce in Colorado (1959)
  3469. Extent of decay associated with Fomes igniarius sporophores in Colorado aspen (1963)
  3470. Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences: Second International Symposium (1996)
  3471. Aquatic and wetland vascular plants of the northern Great Plains (1993)
  3472. Management of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals in North America: Proceedings of the symposium (1988)
  3473. The American public's objectives and beliefs regarding forests and grasslands: 2004 survey results (2008)
  3474. Keeping it wild: an interagency strategy to monitor trends in wilderness character across the National Wilderness Preservation System (2008)
  3475. Wilderness visitors, experiences, and management preferences: How they vary with use level and length of stay (2008)
  3476. Ponderosa pine mortality resulting from a mountain pine beetle outbreak (1982)
  3477. A review of disease related conflicts between domestic sheep and goats and bighorn sheep (2008)
  3478. Estimating canopy cover in forest stands used by Mexican spotted owls: Do stand-exam routines provide estimates comparable to field-based techniques? (2008)
  3479. Sagebrush systematics and distribution (2000)
  3480. The geography of private forests that support at-risk species in the conterminous United States (2008)
  3481. A novel approach for assessing density and range-wide abundance of prairie dogs (2008)
  3482. Large area mapping of southwestern forest crown cover, canopy height, and biomass using the NASA Multiangle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (2008)
  3483. Mapping U.S. forest biomass using nationwide forest inventory data and moderate resolution information (2008)
  3484. Forest disturbance and North American carbon flux (2008)
  3485. Remote sensing-based predictors improve distribution models of rare, early successional and boradleaf tree species in Utah (2007)
  3486. Geographic patterns of at-risk species: A technical document supporting the USDA Forest Service Interim Update of the 2000 RPA Assessment (2008)
  3487. National proceedings: forest and conservation nursery associations-1999, 2000, and 2001 (2002)
  3488. Demographic and habitat requirements for conservation of bull trout (1993)
  3489. Effect of a controlled burn on the thermophysical properties of a dry soil using a new model of soil heat flow and a new high temperature heat flux sensor (2004)
  3490. Multi-season climate synchronized historical fires in dry forests (1650-1900), Northern Rockies, USA (2008)
  3491. Long-term impacts of prescribed burns on soil thermal conductivity and soil heating at a Colorado Rocky Mountain site: a data/model fusion study (2008)
  3492. Foliar and ecosystem respiration in an old-growth tropical rain forest (2008)
  3493. Forage adaptability trials for forage and seed production in Bolivia; effect of 5 herbicides on 7 native Utah forbs (2006)
  3494. Potential of basalt milkvetch (Astragalus filipes Torr. Ex A. Gray) populations and rhizobial strains for revegetation and restoration of Intermountain West rangelands (2007)
  3495. DNA barcoding of western North American taxa: Leymus (Poaceae) and Lepidium (Brassicaceae) (2007)
  3496. Beneficial fungal interactions resulting in accelerated germination of Astragalus utahensis, a hard-seeded legume (2007)
  3497. DNA markers and gene expression polymorphisms associated with growth habit quantitative trait loci in Leymus wildryes (2007)
  3498. Competition for soil nitrate and invasive weed resistance of three shrub-steppe growth forms (2007)
  3499. Genetic structuring of Coues white-tailed deer in the southwestern United States (2006)
  3500. Effects of prescribed fire on wintering, bark-foraging birds in northern Arizona (2006)
  3501. Erosion over time on severely disturbed granitic soils: a model (1974)
  3502. Death of an ecosystem: perspectives on western white pine ecosystems of North America at the end of the twentieth century (2008)
  3503. BEHAVE: fire behavior prediction and fuel modeling system--FUEL subsystem (1984)
  3504. The 1978 National Fire-Danger Rating System: technical documentation (1984)
  3505. Wilderness fire management planning guide (1984)
  3506. Forest succession on four habitat types in western Montana (1985)
  3507. BEHAVE: fire behavior prediction and fuel modeling system-BURN Subsystem, part 1 (1986)
  3508. Prescribed fire opportunities in grasslands invaded by Douglas-fir: state-of-the-art guidelines (1986)
  3509. The importance of competition in the isolation and establishment of Helianthus paradoxus (Asteraceae) (2007)
  3510. A tale of two cacti-the complex relationship between peyote (Lophophora williamsii) and endangered star cactus (Astrophytum asterias) (2007)
  3511. Conservation implications of spur length variation in long-spur columbines (Aquilegia longissima) (2007)
  3512. Knowlton's cactus (Pediocactus knowltonii): Eighteen years of monitoring and recovery actions (2007)
  3513. Effects of a natural fire on a Kuenzler's hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri) and nylon hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus viridiflorus) population in Southeastern New Mexico (2007)
  3514. Initial response of Arabis johnstonii Munz to fire (2007)
  3515. Patterns of growth and mortality in the endangered Nichol's Turk's Head Cactus (Echinocactus horizonthalonius var. nicholii L. Benson; Cactaceae) in Southeastern Arizona (2007)
  3516. Relationships between rare plants of the White Mountains and the late Cenozoic geology of the Colorado Plateau (2007)
  3517. Geologic associations of Arizona willow in the White Mountains, Arizona (2007)
  3518. Dune communities of SE Colorado: Patterns of rarity, disjunction and succession (2007)
  3519. Interagency Rare Plant Team inventory results - 1998 through 2003 (2007)
  3520. Determining the population boundaries of a narrowly endemic perennial plant, Lane Mountain milk-vetch, in San Bernardino County, California (2007)
  3521. Further elucidation of the taxonomic relationships and geographic distribution of Escobaria sneedii var. sneedii, E. sneedii var. leei, and E. guadalupensis (Cactaceae) (2007)
  3522. Penstemon lanceolatus Benth. or P. ramosus Crosswhite in Arizona and New Mexico, a peripheral or endemic species? (2007)
  3523. A tale of two rare wild buckwheats (Eriogonum subgenus Eucycla (Polygonaceae)) from Southeastern Arizona (2007)
  3524. Southwestern rare and endangered plants: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference (2007)
  3525. Estimating wildfire behavior and effects (1976)
  3526. Handbook for predicting slash weight of western conifers (1977)
  3527. A method for determining fire history in coniferous forests in the Mountain West (1977)
  3528. Planning and evaluating prescribed fires--a standard procedure (1978)
  3529. Fire ecology of Montana forest habitat types east of the Continental Divide (1983)
  3530. Prescribed fire, soil, and plants: burn effects and interactions in the central Great Basin (2008)
  3531. Measurements of the effects of forest cover upon the conservation of snow waters (1909)
  3532. Papers on climatology in relation to agriculture, transportation, water resources, etc.: The Coconino Forest Experiment Station near Flagstaff, Ariz. (1910)
  3533. A meteorological study of parks and timbered areas in the western yellow-pine forests of Arizona and New Mexico (1913)
  3534. Criterion 1: Conservation of biological diversity - Indicator 6: The number of forest dependent species (2003)
  3535. Criterion 1: Conservation of biological diversity - Indicator 7: The status (threatened, rare, vulnerable, endangered, or extinct) of forest dependent species at risk of not maintaining viable breeding populations, as determined by legislation or scientific assessment (2003)
  3536. Criterion 1: Conservation of biological diversity - Indicator 8: The number of forest dependent species that occupy a small portion of their former range (2003)
  3537. Exercise 12: Creating a stage-based deterministic PVA model - the western prairie fringed orchid (2003)
  3538. Exercise 13: The concept and use of elasticity in population viability models (2003)
  3539. Exercise 14: Using stochastic models to incorporate spatial and temporal variability (2003)
  3540. Exercise 15: Conservation and management issues and applications in population viability analysis (2003)
  3541. Exotic invasive plants (2003)
  3542. Criterion 1: Conservation of biological diversity - Indicator 9: Population levels of representative species from diverse habitats monitored across their range (2003)
  3543. Editorial: Welcome to the new Journal of Wildlife Management (2006)
  3544. Editorial: Tread lightly or carry a big stick? (2006)
  3545. Editorial: By the time you read this ... (2006)
  3546. Editorial: Getting it right (2007)
  3547. Editorial: How to be impactful (2007)
  3548. Editorial: Is this truly an international journal? (2007)
  3549. Editorial: Out with the old (2007)
  3550. Influence of summer biogeography on wood warbler stopover abundance (1999)
  3551. Effects of sampling design on age ratios of migrants captured at stopover sites (2000)
  3552. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the study of avian and mammalian trophic ecology (2000)
  3553. Influence of small-scale disturbances by kangaroo rats on Chihuahuan Desert ants (2000)
  3554. Density-dependent mass gain by Wilson's Warblers during stopover (2002)
  3555. Insights into Wilson's Warbler migration from analyses of hydrogen stable-isotope ratios (2002)
  3556. Geography of spring landbird migration through riparian habitats in southwestern North America (2005)
  3557. Seed production of native forbs shows little response to irrigation in a wet year (2007)
  3558. Using simulated historical time series to prioritize fuel treatments on landscapes across the United States: The LANDFIRE prototype project (2007)
  3559. The distribution and incidence of white pine blister rust in central and southeastern Wyoming and northern Colorado (2007)
  3560. Diverse recreation experiences at Denali National Park and Preserve (2007)
  3561. Gobbling of Merriam's turkeys in relation to nesting and occurrence of hunting in the Black Hills, South Dakota (2007)
  3562. Survival and cause-specific mortality of Merriam's turkeys in the southern Black Hills (2007)
  3563. Post-fire burn severity and vegetation response following eight large wildfires across the Western United States (2007)
  3564. Mapping ground cover using hyperspectral remote sensing after the 2003 Simi and Old wildfires in southern California (2007)
  3565. Return rate, fidelity, and dispersal in a breeding population of flammulated owls (Otus flammeolus) (2007)
  3566. Aeolian and fluviolacustrine landforms and prehistoric human occupation on a tectonically influenced floodplain margin, the Méma, central Mali (2007)
  3567. Variation in ant populations with elevation, tree cover, and fire in a pinyon-juniper-dominated watershed (2007)
  3568. Tritrophic effects of birds and ants on a canopy food web, tree growth, and phytochemistry (2007)
  3569. Assessing accuracy of point fire intervals across landscapes with simulation modelling (2007)
  3570. The scotopic visual sensitivity of four species of trout: A comparative study (2007)
  3571. Preparing the landscape for invasion - Early intervention approaches for threatened high elevation white pine ecosystems (2007)
  3572. Proactive intervention to sustain high-elevation pine ecosystems threatened by white pine blister rust (2007)
  3573. Comparison of fire scars, fire atlases, and satellite data in the northwestern United States (2007)
  3574. Developing a framework for evaluating proposals for research in wilderness: Science to protect and learn from parks (2007)
  3575. Effects of prescribed burns on wintering cavity-nesting birds (2006)
  3576. Geologic influences on Apache trout habitat in the White Mountains of Arizona (2006)
  3577. Threats, status & management options for bristlecone pines and limber pines in Southern Rockies (2006)
  3578. White pine blister rust in high-elevation white pines: Screening for simply-inherited, hypersensitive resistance (2006)
  3579. Southwestern willow flycatchers (Empidonax traillii extimus) in a grazed landscape: factors influencing brood parasitism (2007)
  3580. Colonization of the eastern bluebird along the Rio Grande in New Mexico (2007)
  3581. Carbon allocation in forest ecosystems (2007)
  3582. Evaluation of a post-fire tree mortality model for western US conifers (2007)
  3583. The relationship of multispectral satellite imagery to immediate fire effects (2007)
  3584. Prescribed fire, snag population dynamics, and avian nest site selection (2008)
  3585. Wildland fire use barriers and facilitators (2008)
  3586. Climate effects on historical fires (1630-1900) in Utah (2008)
  3587. Twenty years of change on campsites in the backcountry of Grand Canyon National Park (2008)
  3588. PresenceAbsence: An R package for presence absence analysis (2008)
  3589. Influence of temperature on spring flight initiation for southwestern ponderosa pine bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) (2008)
  3590. Climate drivers of regionally synchronous fires in the inland northwest (1651-1900) (2008)
  3591. Climate change effects on historical range and variability of two large landscapes in western Montana, USA (2008)
  3592. Effects of fire severity and pre-fire stand treatment on plant community recovery after a large wildfire (2008)
  3593. Decades-old silvicultural treatments influence surface wildfire severity and post-fire nitrogen availability in a ponderosa pine forest (2008)
  3594. Susceptibility of ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa (Dougl. Ex Laws.), to mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, attack in uneven-aged stands in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming USA (2008)
  3595. Origin of the flax cultivar 'Appar' and its position within the Linum perenne complex (2008)
  3596. Effect of conifer encroachment into aspen stands on understory biomass (2008)
  3597. Production and carbon allocation in a clonal Eucalyptus plantation with water and nutrient manipulations (2008)
  3598. Influence of elevation on bark beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) community structure and flight periodicity in ponderosa pine forests of Arizona (2008)
  3599. Ecology of whirling disease in arid lands with an emphasis on Tibufex tubifex (2006)
  3600. Mountains (2006)
  3601. Defining, valuing and providing ecosystem goods and services (2007)
  3602. An ecosystem approach to determining effects of prescribed fire on southwestern borderlands oak savannas: A baseline study (2007)
  3603. Hydrology of southwestern encinal oak ecosystems: A review and more (2007)
  3604. Investigating potential effects of heli-skiing on golden eagles in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah (2007)
  3605. Hillslope erosion rates in the oak savannas of the southwestern borderlands region (2007)
  3606. Understanding global fire dynamics by classifying and comparing spatial models of vegetation and fire (2007)
  3607. Spatio-temporal distribution of white-tailed deer (Odocioleus virginianus) relative to prescribed burns on rangeland in south Texas (2007)
  3608. The pollination ecology of Hedysarum boreale Nutt. (Fabaceae) and evaluation of its pollinating bees for restoration seed production (2007)
  3609. Fuel and stand characteristics in ponderosa pine infested with mountain pine beetle, Ips spp., and southwestern dwarf mistletoe in Colorado's northern Front Range (2008)
  3610. Montana's forest products industry and timber harvest, 2004 (2008)
  3611. Fire effects on Gambel oak in southwestern ponderosa pine-oak forests (2008)
  3612. Dutchwoman Butte revisited: Examining paradigms for livestock grazing exclusion (2007)
  3613. Colorado River cutthroat trout: a technical conservation assessment (2008)
  3614. Options for the management of white pine blister rust in the Rocky Mountain Region (2008)
  3615. Surface fuel litterfall and decomposition in the northern Rocky Mountains, U.S.A. (2008)
  3616. A photographic utilization guide for key riparian graminoids (1994)
  3617. Leisure identities, globalization, and the politics of place (2002)
  3618. Post-utilitarian forestry: What's place got to do with it? (2002)
  3619. Environmental psychology: Human responses and relationships to natural landscapes (2004)
  3620. Home and away? Creating identities and sustaining places in a multicentered world (2006)
  3621. Leisure, environment, and the quality of life (2006)
  3622. Wildland-urban interface resident's views on risk and attribution (2008)
  3623. Sense of place: An elusive concept that is finding a home in ecosystem management (1998)
  3624. Support for wilderness recreation fees: The influence of fee purpose and day versus overnight use (1999)
  3625. Structural equation modeling of users' response to wilderness recreation fees (1999)
  3626. Environmental psychology: Mapping landscape meanings for ecosystem management (1999)
  3627. Anatomy of the academy: Dissecting the past, resecting the future (2000)
  3628. Collecting and analyzing qualitative data: Hermeneutic principles, methods and case examples (2002)
  3629. An hermeneutic approach to studying the nature of wilderness experiences (1998)
  3630. Back to the future? Tourism, place, and sustainability (1998)
  3631. Increasing state market share through regional positioning (2000)
  3632. Demographic influences on environmental value orientations and normative beliefs about national forest management (2001)
  3633. Snapshots of what, exactly? A comment on methodological experimentation and conceptual foundations in place research (2007)
  3634. Wilderness values: Perspectives from non-economic social science (2007)
  3635. Personal and social meanings of wilderness: Constructing and contesting places in a global village (2000)
  3636. Handbook for inventorying surface fuels and biomass in the Interior West (1981)
  3637. Wildfire effects on a ponderosa pine ecosystem: An Arizona case study (1977)
  3638. Adaptation of growth and respiration of three varieties of Caragana to environmental temperature (2008)
  3639. Do forest community types provide a sufficient basis to evaluate biological diversity? (2008)
  3640. yaImpute: An R package for kNN imputation (2008)
  3641. First direct landscape-scale measurement of tropical rain forest Leaf Area Index, a key driver of global primary productivity (2008)
  3642. Factors influencing woodlands of southwestern North Dakota (1987)
  3643. Age structure and expansion of pinon-juniper woodlands: a regional perspective in the Intermountain West (2008)
  3644. New procedure for sampling infiltration to assess post-fire soil water repellency (2008)
  3645. Shrubland ecosystem genetics and biodiversity: proceedings (2001)
  3646. Great Basin rare and vulnerable species (2008)
  3647. Great Basin aspen ecosystems (2008)
  3648. Great Basin sagebrush ecosystems (2008)
  3649. Great Basin riparian and aquatic ecosystems (2008)
  3650. Great Basin insect outbreaks (2008)
  3651. Great Basin wildlife disease concerns (2008)
  3652. Invasive plant species and the Great Basin (2008)
  3653. Fire and the Great Basin (2008)
  3654. Climate change and the Great Basin (2008)
  3655. Energy development in the Great Basin (2008)
  3656. Water resources in the Great Basin (2008)
  3657. Public perceptions of land management in the Great Basin (2008)
  3658. Urbanization and changing land use in the Great Basin (2008)
  3659. Introduction (2008)
  3660. Collaborative management and research in the Great Basin - examining the issues and developing a framework for action (2008)
  3661. Riparian and wetland plant community types of the Shoshone National Forest (2001)
  3662. Use of monitoring and adaptive management to promote regeneration on the Allegheny National Forest (2001)
  3663. Integrated inventory and monitoring (2001)
  3664. Preliminary evaluation of environmental variables affecting diameter growth of individual hardwoods in the Southern Appalachian Mountains (2001)
  3665. Developing desired future conditions with the landscape management system: A case study of the Gotchen Late Successional Reserve (2001)
  3666. Understanding the connection between historic range of variation, current social values and developing desired conditions (2001)
  3667. Vegetative conditions and management options in even-age stands on the Monongahela National Forest (2001)
  3668. Simulating historical disturbance regimes and stand structures in old-forest ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests (2001)
  3669. Changes in plant communities after planting and release of conifer seedlings: Early findings (2001)
  3670. Range and variation in landscape patch dynamics: Implications for ecosystem management (2001)
  3671. Overview of developing desired conditions: Short-term actions, long-term objectives (2001)
  3672. Disturbance ecology in the Northern Rockies: One perspective (2001)
  3673. The role of the silviculturist at multiple scales (2001)
  3674. Proceedings: National silvicultural workshop (2001)
  3675. Southwestern rare and endangered plants: Proceedings of the Third Conference (2001)
  3676. A chance constraint estimation approach to optimizing resource management under uncertainty (2007)
  3677. Habitat suitability models for cavity-nesting birds in a postfire landscape (2007)
  3678. Research Natural Areas on National Forest System lands in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, and Western Wyoming: A guidebook for scientists, managers, and educators (2001)
  3679. Representativeness assessment of research natural areas on National Forest System lands in Idaho (2000)
  3680. Photo guide for appraising downed woody fuels in Montana forests: Grand fir - larch - Douglas-fir, western hemlock, western redcedar - western hemlock, and western redcedar cover types (1981)
  3681. Juniper seed sources in the Great Plains (2000)
  3682. Riparian buffer design guidelines for water quality and wildlife habitat functions on agricultural landscapes in the Intermountain West: Case Study (2008)
  3683. Riparian buffer design guidelines for water quality and wildlife habitat functions on agricultural landscapes in the Intermountain West: Appendix C (2008)
  3684. Riparian buffer design guidelines for water quality and wildlife habitat functions on agricultural landscapes in the Intermountain West (2008)
  3685. Guide to the willows of Shoshone National Forest (2001)
  3686. Arid and semiarid land stewardship: A 10-year review of accomplishments and contributions of the lnternational Arid Lands Consortium (2001)
  3687. Assessing the accuracy of respondents reports of the location of their home relative to a national forest boundary and forest cover (2005)
  3688. Describing change in visitors and visits to the "Bob" (2007)
  3689. Changing relationships with wilderness: A new focus for research and stewardship (2007)
  3690. Cross-scale analysis of fire regimes (2007)
  3691. New relationships with wilderness (2007)
  3692. An outside assessment of wilderness research in the Forest Service (2007)
  3693. The prevalence and significance of displacement for wilderness recreation management and research (2007)
  3694. Giving voice to wildlands visitors: Selecting indicators to protect and sustain experiences in the eastern arctic of Nunavut (2007)
  3695. Communication barriers to applying federal research in support of land management in the United States (2007)
  3696. Emerging adults and the future of wild nature (2007)
  3697. Nutrient availability in rangeland soils: influence of prescribed burning, herbaceous vegetation removal, overseeding with Bromus tectorum, season, and elevation (2007)
  3698. Prescribed fire in a Great Basin sagebrush ecosystem: Dynamics of soil extractable nitrogen and phosphorus (2007)
  3699. Prediction of cheatgrass field germination potential using wet thermal accumulation (2007)
  3700. Spatial and temporal variability in stream sediment loads using examples from the Gros Ventre Range, Wyoming, USA (2007)
  3701. Interactions of elevation, aspect, and slope in models of forest species composition and productivity (2007)
  3702. Spatial analysis of effects of mowing and burning on colony expansion in reintroduced black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) (2008)
  3703. A case for classifying the Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) as an omnivore (2007)
  3704. The effects of forest residual debris disposal on perennial grass emergence, growth, and survival in a ponderosa pine ecotone (2007)
  3705. Defining old growth for fire-adapted forests of the Western United States (2007)
  3706. Establishing native plants in crested wheatgrass stands using successional management (2007)
  3707. The role of old-growth forests in frequent-fire landscapes (2007)
  3708. Chapter 6: Research needs for the conservation of the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl in Arizona (2000)
  3709. Chapter 5: Research on the ferruginous pygmy-owl in Southern Texas: Methodology and applications (2000)
  3710. Chapter 4: The ferruginous pygmy-owl in the tropics and at the northern end of its range: Habitat relations and requirements (2000)
  3711. Chapter 3: The status of the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl in Arizona: Population surveys and habitat assessment (2000)
  3712. Chapter 2: A historical perspective on the population decline of the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl in Arizona (2000)
  3713. Chapter 1: The cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl: Taxonomy, distribution, and natural history (2000)
  3714. Introduction (2000)
  3715. Ecology and conservation of the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl in Arizona (2000)
  3716. Bird communities of gambel oak: a descriptive analysis (2000)
  3717. Reliability of confidence intervals calculated by bootstrap and classical methods using the FIA 1-ha plot design (2000)
  3718. Constructing temporary sampling platforms for hydrologic studies (2000)
  3719. Annual design-based estimation for the annualized inventories of forest inventory and analysis: sample size determination (2000)
  3720. A field guide for forest indicator plants, sensitive plants, and noxious weeds of the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming (2001)
  3721. Methods for evaluating stream, riparian, and biotic conditions (1983)
  3722. Snowpack-runoff relationships for mid-elevation snowpacks on the Workman Creek watersheds of Central Arizona (2002)
  3723. Stripcut-thinning of ponderosa pine stands: An Arizona case study (2001)
  3724. Modeling large woody debris recruitment for small streams of the Central Rocky Mountains (2000)
  3725. Determining atmospheric deposition in Wyoming with IMPROVE and other national programs (2000)
  3726. Environmental characteristics of the Grand Fir Mosaic and adjacent habitat types (2000)
  3727. Stream channel responses to streamflow diversion on small streams of the Snake River drainage, Idaho (2000)
  3728. Beginnings of range management: Albert F. Potter, first Chief of Grazing, U.S. Forest Service, and a photographic comparison of his 1902 Forest Reserve Survey in Utah with conditions 100 years later (2005)
  3729. Assessing post-fire values-at-risk with a new calculation tool (2007)
  3730. Personal, societal, and ecological values of wilderness: Sixth World Wilderness Congress proceedings on research, management, and allocation, Volume II (2000)
  3731. Reduction of soil erosion on forest roads (1989)
  3732. Predicting wildfires (2007)
  3733. Sex and the lonely Atriplex (2007)
  3734. Monitoring with a modified Robel pole on meadows in the central Black Hills of South Dakaota (2007)
  3735. Goshawk status and management: What do we know, what have we done, where are we going? (2006)
  3736. Mastication: A fuel reduction and site preparation alternative (2006)
  3737. IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 1 (2006)
  3738. Using basic geographic information systems functionality to support sustainable forest management decision making and post-decision assessments (2006)
  3739. Factors influencing epiphytic lichen communities in aspen-associated forests of the Bear River Range, Idaho and Utah (2007)
  3740. Investigation into seed collection practices and shrub manipulations to improve sustainable seed yield in wildland stands of bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) (2007)
  3741. Improving sustainable seed yield in Wyoming big sagebrush (2007)
  3742. A multiscale curvature algorithm for classifying discrete return LiDAR in forested environments (2007)
  3743. Lessons learned from Rapid Response Research on wildland fires (2007)
  3744. Postfire soil burn severity mapping with hyperspectral image unmixing (2007)
  3745. Production of Landsat ETM+ reference imagery of burned areas within Southern African savannahs: comparison of methods and application to MODIS (2007)
  3746. Evaluation of linear spectral unmixing and deltaNBR for predicting post-fire recovery in a North American ponderosa pine forest (2007)
  3747. Estimating forest canopy bulk density using six indirect methods (2005)
  3748. Analysis of algorithms for predicting canopy fuel (2003)
  3749. Estimating canopy fuels in conifer forests (2002)
  3750. Idaho forestry best management practices: compilation of research on their effectiveness (1996)
  3751. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations - 2006 (2007)
  3752. Forest health monitoring in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya and Tanzania: A baseline report on selected forest reserves (2005)
  3753. Monitoring the health of selected eastern arc forests in Tanzania (2006)
  3754. Aspen indicator species in lichen communities in the Bear River range of Idaho and Utah (2007)
  3755. Evaluating kriging as a tool to improve moderate resolution maps of forest biomass (2007)
  3756. Forest Inventory and Analysis in the United States: Remote sensing and geospatial activities (2007)
  3757. Habitat classification modelling with incomplete data: Pushing the habitat envelope (2007)
  3758. Sources and patterns of wolverine mortality in western Montana (2007)
  3759. DNA markers for identifying individual snowshoe hares using field-collected pellets (2007)
  3760. Inferring geographic isolation of wolverines in California using historical DNA (2007)
  3761. Reproductive responses of northern goshawks to variable prey populations (2007)
  3762. Wolverine conservation and management (2007)
  3763. The influence of white pine blister rust on seed dispersal in whitebark pine (2007)
  3764. Determining landscape extent for succession and disturbance simulation modeling (2007)
  3765. An economical wireless cavity-nest viewer (2007)
  3766. Seasonal habitat associations of the wolverine in central Idaho (2007)
  3767. Classifying and comparing spatial models of fire dynamics (2007)
  3768. Distribution and broadscale habitat relations of the wolverine in the contiguous United States (2007)
  3769. Selected yield tables for plantations and natural stands in Inland Northwest Forests (1988)
  3770. Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Eighth World Wilderness Congress symposium (2007)
  3771. The influence of partial cutting on mountain pine beetle-caused tree mortality in Black Hills ponderosa pine stands (2007)
  3772. Fire frequency effects on fuel loadings in pine-oak forests of the Madrean Province (2001)
  3773. Diesel fuel oil for increasing mountain pine beetle mortality in felled logs (2002)
  3774. Chapter 6 - Creosotebush, blackbrush, and interior chaparral shrublands (2007)
  3775. Chapter 5 - Big and black sagebrush landscapes (2007)
  3776. Chapter 4 - Pinyon/juniper woodlands (2007)
  3777. Chapter 3 - Aspen (2007)
  3778. Chapter 2 - Ponderosa pine, mixed conifer, and spruce-fir forests (2007)
  3779. Chapter 1 - Introduction (2007)
  3780. Fire ecology and management of the major ecosystems of southern Utah (2007)
  3781. Disturbance and climate change in United States/Mexico borderland plant communities: a state-of-the-knowledge review (2000)
  3782. Chapter 17. Information needs: Great gray owls (1994)
  3783. Chapter 16. Conservation status of great gray owls in the United States (1994)
  3784. Chapter 15. Dynamics of forest communities used by great gray owls (1994)
  3785. Chapter 14. Review of technical knowledge: Great gray owls (1994)
  3786. Chapter 13. Current management situation: Great gray owls (1994)
  3787. Chapter 12. Information needs: Boreal owls (1994)
  3788. Chapter 11. Conservation status of boreal owls in the United States (1994)
  3789. Chapter 10. Dynamics of subalpine forests (1994)
  3790. Chapter 9. Review of technical knowledge: Boreal owls (1994)
  3791. Chapter 8. Current management situation: Boreal owls (1994)
  3792. Chapter 7. Information needs: Flammulated owls (1994)
  3793. Chapter 6. Conservation status of flammulated owls in the United States (1994)
  3794. Chapter 5. Dynamics of ponderosa and Jeffrey pine forests (1994)
  3795. Chapter 4. Review of technical knowledge: Flammulated owls (1994)
  3796. Chapter 3. Current management situation: Flammulated owls (1994)
  3797. Chapter 2. Methods and terminology used with studies of habitat associations (1994)
  3798. Chapter 1. Approach: The flammulated, boreal, and great gray owl assessments (1994)
  3799. Flammulated, boreal, and great gray owls in the United States: A technical conservation assessment (1994)
  3800. A bank-operated traveling-block cableway for stream discharge and sediment measurements (2000)
  3801. Social and economic issues of the Hayman Fire (2003)
  3802. Postfire rehabilitation of the Hayman Fire (2003)
  3803. Home destruction within the Hayman Fire perimeter (2003)
  3804. Ecological effects of the Hayman Fire - Part 8: Effects on species of concern (2003)
  3805. Ecological effects of the Hayman Fire - Part 7: Key invasive nonnative plants  (2003)
  3806. Ecological effects of the Hayman Fire - Part 6: Fire-induced changes in aquatic ecosystems (2003)
  3807. Ecological effects of the Hayman Fire - Part 5: Historical aquatic systems (2003)
  3808. Ecological effects of the Hayman Fire - Part 4: Forest succession (2003)
  3809. Ecological effects of the Hayman Fire - Part 3: Soil properties, erosion, and implications for rehabilitation and aquatic ecosystems (2003)
  3810. Ecological effects of the Hayman Fire - Part 2: Historical (pre-1860) and current (1860-2002) forest and landscape structure (2003)
  3811. Ecological effects of the Hayman Fire - Part 1: Historical (pre-1860) and current (1860-2002) fire regimes (2003)
  3812. Fire behavior, fuel treatments, and fire suppression on the Hayman Fire - Part 6: Daily emissions (2003)
  3813. Fire behavior, fuel treatments, and fire suppression on the Hayman Fire - Part 5: Fire suppression activities (2003)
  3814. Fire behavior, fuel treatments, and fire suppression on the Hayman Fire - Part 4: Relation of roads to burn severity (2003)
  3815. Fire behavior, fuel treatments, and fire suppression on the Hayman Fire - Part 3: Effects of fuel treatments on fire severity (2003)
  3816. Fire behavior, fuel treatments, and fire suppression on the Hayman Fire - Part 2: Description and interpretations of fire behavior (2003)
  3817. Fire behavior, fuel treatments, and fire suppression on the Hayman Fire - Part 1: Fire weather, meteorology, and climate (2003)
  3818. Fire behavior, fuel treatments, and fire suppression on the Hayman Fire (2003)
  3819. Hayman Fire case study: Summary (2003)
  3820. Concluding remarks (1999)
  3821. Relevance of Lick Creek ecosystem-based management treatments to National Forest management (1999)
  3822. Effects of ecosystem-based management treatments (1999)
  3823. Ecosystem-based management treatments (1999)
  3824. Interpretations of vegetative change through 1989: The photopoints (1999)
  3825. Natural regeneration response to initial treatments (1999)
  3826. Historical silvicultural treatments (1999)
  3827. Natural forest succession and fire history (1999)
  3828. The setting and historical background (1999)
  3829. Introduction (1999)
  3830. Predicting postfire Douglas-fir beetle attacks and tree mortality in the northern Rocky Mountains (2007)
  3831. Winter habitat selection patterns of Merriam's turkeys in the southern Black Hills, South Dakota (2007)
  3832. Handbook for inventorying downed woody material (1974)
  3833. Using social science to understand and improve wildland fire organizations: an annotated reading list (2007)
  3834. Postfire invasion potential of rush skeletonweed (Chondrilla juncea) (2007)
  3835. Forest bioenergy system to reduce the hazard of wildfires: White Mountains, Arizona (2007)
  3836. The role of fire in managing for biological diversity on native rangelands of the Northern Great Plains (1997)
  3837. Black-tailed prairie dog status and future conservation planning (1997)
  3838. A neotropical migratory bird prioritization for National Forests and Grasslands (1997)
  3839. Conserving biodiversity on native rangelands: Symposium proceedings (1997)
  3840. Analysis of the risk management decisionmaking processes and the decision support systems in the wildland fire agencies (2007)
  3841. San Diego Declaration on Climate Change and Fire Management: Ramifications for fuels management (2007)
  3842. Critical elements in the development and implementation of Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) (2007)
  3843. Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics, and Ecology (FUSEE): Torchbearers for a new fire management paradigm (2007)
  3844. Efficacy of the California Bureau of Land Management Community Assistance and Hazardous Fuels Programs (2007)
  3845. Educating and engaging the business sector in reducing wildfire property losses (2007)
  3846. Integrating climatic and fuels information into National Fire Risk Decision Support Tools (2007)
  3847. Verification of the WFAS Lightning Efficiency Map (2007)
  3848. New technology in postfire rehab (2007)
  3849. Innovations in fuels management: Demonstrating success in treating a serious threat of wildfire in Northern Minnesota (2007)
  3850. Application of ground-based LIDAR for fine-scale forest fuel modeling (2007)
  3851. Fire history and age structure analysis in the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge: Establishing reference conditions in a remnant oak savanna woodland (2007)
  3852. Fire behavior sensor package remote trigger design (2007)
  3853. Soil physical property response to prescribed fire in two young longleaf pine stands on the Western Gulf Coastal Plain (2007)
  3854. Fire and fire surrogate treatments in mixed-oak forests: Effects on herbaceous layer vegetation (2007)
  3855. Assessing the effectiveness of seeding and fertilization treatments for reducing erosion potential following severe wildfires (2007)
  3856. Cascading disaster models in postburn flash flood (2007)
  3857. Internet VSMOKE: A user-oriented system for smoke management (2007)
  3858. Development and demonstration of smoke plume, fire emissions, and pre- and postprescribed fire fuel models on North Carolina Coastal Plain forest ecosystems (2007)
  3859. Validation of BlueSky Smoke Prediction System using surface and satellite observations during major wildland fire events in Northern California (2007)
  3860. Visualization and modeling of smoke transport over landscape scales (2007)
  3861. Smoke monitoring network on 2006 Northern California fires (2007)
  3862. Use of historic images as a tool for estimating haze levels-natural visibility and the role of fire (2007)
  3863. FireSmart®-ForestWise: Managing Wildlife and Wildfire Risk in the Wildland/Urban Interface-a Canadian Case Study (2007)
  3864. Comparing the effectiveness of thinning and prescribed fire for modifying structure in dry coniferous forests (2007)
  3865. Role of fire in restoration of a ponderosa pine forest, Washington (2007)
  3866. Testing the modeled effectiveness of an operational fuel reduction treatment in a small Western Montana interface landscape using two spatial scales (2007)
  3867. Calculating accurate aboveground dry weight biomass of herbaceous vegetation in the Great Plains: A comparison of three calculations to determine the least resource intensive and most accurate method (2007)
  3868. Fuels management on the National Forests in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina (2007)
  3869. Presettlement fire regime and vegetation mapping in Southeastern Coastal Plain forest ecosystems (2007)
  3870. Fine scale vegetation classification and fuel load mapping for prescribed burning (2007)
  3871. Preliminary results of fire behavior in maquis fuels under varying weather and slope conditions in turkey (2007)
  3872. Mathematical modeling of forest fire initiation in three dimensional setting (2007)
  3873. Bucklands Crossing firefighter burnover-a case study of fire behaviour and firefighter safety implications (2007)
  3874. Fuel dynamics and fire behaviour in Australian mallee and heath vegetation (2007)
  3875. Role of buoyancy and heat release in fire modeling, propagation, and instability (2007)
  3876. Relationships between prefire composition, fire impact, and postfire legacies in the boreal forest of Eastern Canada (2007)
  3877. Moisture dynamics in masticated fuelbeds: A preliminary analysis (2007)
  3878. Combining turbulent kinetic energy and Haines Index predictions for fire-weather assessments (2007)
  3879. Fire behavior modeling to assess net benefits of forest treatments on fire hazard mitigation and bioenergy production in Northeastern California (2007)
  3880. Influence of radiation absorption by environmental water vapor on radiation transfer in wildland fires (2007)
  3881. Differences in simulated fire spread over Askervein Hill using two advanced wind models and a traditional uniform wind field (2007)
  3882. Uncertainty quantification in Rothermel's Model using an efficient sampling method (2007)
  3883. Ignition and flame travel on realistic building and landscape objects in changing environments (2007)
  3884. Modification of VanWagner's canopy fire propagation model (2007)
  3885. Influence of slope on fire spread rate (2007)
  3886. Technical background of the FireLine Assessment MEthod (FLAME) (2007)
  3887. Wildfires, weather, and productivity (2007)
  3888. Introduction-2nd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference: The fire environment-innovations, management, and policy (2007)
  3889. The fire environment--innovations, management, and policy; conference proceedings (2007)
  3890. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration: social issues fact sheet 19: Impacts of wildland fire on communities (2007)
  3891. Effects of forest roads on habitat quality for Ovenbirds in a forested landscape (1999)
  3892. Small mammal communities and habitat selection in Northern Rocky Mountain bunchgrass: Implications for exotic plant invasions (2001)
  3893. Hydraulic analysis and double mass curves of the Middle Rio Grande from Cochiti to San Marcial, New Mexico (2004)
  3894. Hydraulic modeling and meander migration of the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico (2004)
  3895. Modeling forest planning trade-offs on the Colorado Front Range using MAGIS, an optimization, spatial decision support system (2005)
  3896. Textural analysis of high resolution imagery to quantify bush encroachment in Madikwe Game Reserve, South Africa, 1955-1996 (2001)
  3897. Fire scar mapping in a southern African savanna (1998)
  3898. Rangeland mismanagement in South Africa: Failure to apply ecological knowledge (1999)
  3899. Deforestation in Mwanza District, Malawi, from 1981 to 1992 as determined from Landsat MSS imagery (2000)
  3900. Textural analysis of historical aerial photography to characterize woody plant encroachment in South African savanna (1998)
  3901. Linking the conservation of culture and nature: A case study of sacred forests in Zimbabwe (2001)
  3902. Remote sensing of vegetation fires and its contribution to a fire management information system (2004)
  3903. Predicting plot basal area and tree density in mixed-conifer forest from lidar and Advanced Land Imager (ALI) data (2005)
  3904. Ergosterol content of fungi associated with Dendroctonus ponderosae and Dendroctonus rufipennis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) (2006)
  3905. Visitor and recreation impact monitoring: Is it lost in the gulf between science and management? (2006)
  3906. Vitally important: The role of demography in assessing the current and future status of black-tailed prairie dogs (2006)
  3907. Amphibians and wildfire in the U.S. Northwest (2006)
  3908. Linking parasitic plant-induced host morphology to tritrophic interactions (2006)
  3909. Hydraulic modeling analysis of the Middle Rio Grande River from Cochiti Dam to Galisteo Creek, New Mexico (2006)
  3910. Assessing post-fire Douglas-fir mortality and Douglas-fir beetle attacks in the northern Rocky Mountains (2007)
  3911. Half a century of research - Fort Valley Experimental Forest 1908-1958 (1958)
  3912. Can we restore the fire process? What awaits us if we don't? (1996)
  3913. Integrating fire management into land management planning for west-side forests (1996)
  3914. Applying stand replacement prescribed fires in Alaska (1996)
  3915. Restoring fire to mixed conifer forests in the Northern Cascades (1996)
  3916. Fire regimes and restoration needs in southwest Oregon (1996)
  3917. Fire in restoration of Oregon white oak woodlands (1996)
  3918. Forests of the Oregon Coast Range-considerations for ecological restoration (1996)
  3919. Fire history and landscape restoration in Douglas-fir ecosystems of western Oregon (1996)
  3920. Dealing with public concerns in restoring fire to the forest (1996)
  3921. Examples of fire restoration in Glacier National Park (1996)
  3922. Whitebark pine ecosystem restoration in western Montana (1996)
  3923. Restoring historic landscape patterns through management: Restoring fire mosaics on the landscape (1996)
  3924. Determination of fire-initiated landscape patterns: Restoring fire mosaics on the landscape (1996)
  3925. Restoring recreational and residential forests (1996)
  3926. Reestablishing fire-adapted communities to riparian forests in the ponderosa pine zone (1996)
  3927. Prescribed fire applications: Restoring ecological structure and process in ponderosa pine forests (1996)
  3928. Silvicultural applications: Restoring ecological structure and process in ponderosa pine forests (1996)
  3929. The concept: Restoring ecological structure and process in ponderosa pine forests (1996)
  3930. The role of fire in Research Natural Areas in the Northern Rockies and Pacific Northwest (1996)
  3931. Restoration of fire in National Parks (1996)
  3932. Smoke considerations for using fire in maintaining healthy forest ecosystems (1996)
  3933. Dynamically incorporating late-successional forest in sustainable landscapes (1996)
  3934. Coarse-scale restoration planning and design in Interior Columbia River Basin ecosystems: An example for restoring declining whitebark pine forests (1996)
  3935. Fire regimes and approaches for determining fire history (1996)
  3936. Restoring fire to ecosystems: Methods vary with land management goals (1996)
  3937. The seminal role of fire in ecosystem management-impetus for this publication (1996)
  3938. A comprehensive guide to fuels treatment practices for ponderosa pine in the Black Hills, Colorado Front Range, and Southwest (2007)
  3939. Dam impacts on and restoration of an alluvial river-Rio Grande, New Mexico (2003)
  3940. The Forest Vegetation Simulator: A review of its structure, content, and applications (2005)
  3941. Interpreting, measuring, and modeling soil respiration (2005)
  3942. Invasion by nonnative brook trout in Panther Creek, Idaho: Roles of habitat quality, connectivity, and biotic resistance (2006)
  3943. Complex interactions shaping aspen dynamics in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (2006)
  3944. Constrained range expansion and climate change assessments (2006)
  3945. Height growth determinants in pines: A case study of Pinus contorta and Pinus monticola (2006)
  3946. Understanding place meanings for wilderness: Personal and community values at risk (2006)
  3947. Application of two regression-based methods to estimate the effects harvest on forest structure using Landsat data (2006)
  3948. Further advances in predicting species distributions (2006)
  3949. Predicting tree species presence and basal area in Utah: A comparison of stochastic gradient boosting, generalized additive models, and tree-based methods (2006)
  3950. Evidence of biased processing of natural resource-related information: A study of attitudes toward drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (2006)
  3951. National Fire Plan Research and Development 2004-2005 accomplishment report (2007)
  3952. Photographic handbook for comparing burned and unburned sites within a dry forested and grassland mosiac: a tool for communication, calibration, and monitoring post-fire effects (2007)
  3953. Vegetation and soil effects from prescribed, wild, and combined fire events along a ponderosa pine and grassland mosaic (2007)
  3954. Eighty-eight years of change in a managed ponderosa pine forest (1999)
  3955. Design and analysis for thematic map accuracy assessment: Fundamental principles (1998)
  3956. Gene flow in complex landscapes: Testing multiple hypotheses with causal modeling (2006)
  3957. Stand characteristics and Ips typographus (L.) (Col., Curculionidae, Scolytinae) infestation during outbreak in northeastern Poland (2006)
  3958. Partitioning error components for accuracy-assessment of near-neighbor methods of imputation (2007)
  3959. First report of the white pine blister rust fungus, Cronartium ribicola, on Pedicularis bracteosa (2007)
  3960. Field assessment of wood stake decomposition in forest soil (2007)
  3961. Western gall rust -- A threat to Pinus radiata in New Zealand (2007)
  3962. Measuring the efficacy of a wildfire education program in Colorado Springs (2007)
  3963. Efficacy of exclosures in conserving local shrub biodiversity in xeric sandy grassland, Inner Mongolia, China (2007)
  3964. Seed germination biology of Intermountain populations of fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens: Chenopodiaceae) (2007)
  3965. Emergence and growth of four winterfat accessions in the presence of the exotic annual cheatgrass (2007)
  3966. Differences in volatile profiles between populations of Ceratoides lanata var. subspinosa (Rydb.) (2007)
  3967. Shrub establishment in the presence of cheatgrass: The effect of soil microorganisms (2007)
  3968. Estimating aboveground biomass of mariola (Parthenium incanum) from plant dimensions (2007)
  3969. Fungal genomes that influence basic physiological processes of black grama and fourwing saltbush in arid southwestern rangelands (2007)
  3970. Influence of shrubs on soil chemical properties in Alxa desert steppe, China (2007)
  3971. Shrub biomass production following simulated herbivory: A test of the compensatory growth hypothesis (2007)
  3972. Response of seedlings of two hypogeal brush species to CO2 enrichment (2007)
  3973. Mesquite root distribution and water use efficiency in response to long-term soil moisture manipulations (2007)
  3974. Saltcedar control and water salvage on the Pecos River, Texas, 1999 to 2003 (2007)
  3975. Germination responses to temperature and soil moisture in three species of the subfamily Caragana and their implications toward restoration in Loess-gully Region, China (2007)
  3976. Modeling erosion on steep sagebrush rangeland before and after prescribed fire (2007)
  3977. Mesquite cover responses in rotational grazing/prescribed fire management systems: Landscape assessment using aerial images (2007)
  3978. Using relative humidity to predict spotfire probability on prescribed burns (2007)
  3979. Hydrology, erosion, plant, and soil relationships after rangeland wildfire (2007)
  3980. Management of south Texas shrublands with prescribed fire (2007)
  3981. Role of summer prescribed fire to manage shrub-invaded grasslands (2007)
  3982. Prescribed fire to restore shrublands to grasslands (2007)
  3983. The Southern High Plains: A history of vegetation, 1540 to present (2007)
  3984. Grassland ecosystems of the Llano Estacado (2007)
  3985. Shrubland ecosystems: Importance, distinguishing characteristics, and dynamics (2007)
  3986. Introduction (2007)
  3987. Appendix III. Perspectives on culture, tradition, vernacular knowledge, and culture change to understand landscape as a cultural process (2007)
  3988. Appendix II. Introducing a landscape approach for evaluating communities' traditional senses of time and place (2007)
  3989. Appendix I. Annotated bibliography (2007)
  3990. Chapter 10. Summary and conclusions (2007)
  3991. Chapter 9. The Valles Caldera National Preserve as a multi-layered ethnographic landscape (2007)
  3992. Chapter 8. Industrial mineral extraction and geothermal exploration (2007)
  3993. Chapter 7. Industrial timbering (2007)
  3994. Chapter 6. Ranching history (2007)
  3995. Chapter 5. Plant gathering, game hunting, fishing, mineral collecting, and agriculture (2007)
  3996. Chapter 4. History of the Baca Location No. 1 (2007)
  3997. Chapter 3. A sketch of the cultural-historical environment-Part 2: Spanish entradas to the present (2007)
  3998. Chapter 2. A sketch of the cultural-historical environment-Part 1: The pre-Columbian past (2007)
  3999. Chapter 1. Valles Caldera National Preserve land use history (2007)
  4000. More than a scenic mountain landscape: Valles Caldera National Preserve land use history (2007)
  4001. Increment-borer methods for determining fire history in coniferous forests (1988)
  4002. Proceedings: Shrubland dynamics -- fire and water (2007)
  4003. Understanding the wicked nature of 'unmanaged recreation' in Colorado's Front Range (2006)
  4004. Augmenting the existing survey hierarchy for mountain pine beetle red-attack damage with satellite remotely sensed data (2006)
  4005. Integrating social science into forestry in the wildland/urban interface (2006)
  4006. Place as relationship partner: an alternative metaphor for understanding the quality of visitor experience in a backcountry setting (2006)
  4007. Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on amphibians: A review and prospectus (2006)
  4008. History of fire and Douglas-fir establishment in a savanna and sagebrush-grassland mosaic, southwestern Montana, USA (2006)
  4009. Estimating volumes and costs of forest biomass in western Montana using forest inventory and geospatial data (2006)
  4010. Consequences of ignoring geologic variation in evaluating grazing impacts  (2006)
  4011. Altitudinal genetic variation among Pinus oocarpa populations in Michoacan, Mexico: implications for seed zoning, conservation, tree breeding and global warming (2006)
  4012. A report on the potential use of USDA Forest Service forest inventory and analysis data by the Bureau of Land Management (2006)
  4013. Spatial optimization of prairie dog colonies for black-footed ferret recovery (1997)
  4014. Paired comparison estimates of willingness to accept versus contingent valuation estimates of willingness to pay (1998)
  4015. Evaluating ASTER satellite imagery and gradient modeling for mapping and characterizing wildland fire fuels (2004)
  4016. Potential impact of two Aphthona spp. on a native, nontarget Euphorbia species (2006)
  4017. Collecting a whitebark snag for visitor center display (2006)
  4018. Influences of disturbance and vegetation on abundance of native and exotic detritivores in a southwestern riparian forest (2006)
  4019. Soil nitrogen mineralization not affected by grass species traits (2007)
  4020. Fine-scale natal homing and localized movement as shaped by sex and spawning habitat in Chinook salmon: Insights from spatial autocorrelation analysis of individual genotypes (2006)
  4021. Effects of fire exclusion on forest structure and composition in unlogged ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests (2006)
  4022. The role of wildfire in the establishment and range expansion of nonnative plant species into natural areas: A review of current literature (2006)
  4023. Characterizing stand-replacing harvest and fire disturbance patches in a forested landscape: A case study from Cooney Ridge, Montana (2007)
  4024. Fire history of a western Montana ponderosa pine grassland: A pilot study (2006)
  4025. Frequent fire alters nitrogen transformations in ponderosa pine stands of the inland Northwest (2006)
  4026. Modeling fuel treatment costs on Forest Service Lands in the Western United States (2006)
  4027. Efficacy of flea beetle control of leafy spurge in Montana and South Dakota (2006)
  4028. BLM forest lands report -- 2006 status and condition (2006)
  4029. Topographic, meteorologic, and canopy controls on the scaling characteristics of the spatial distribution of snow depth fields (2007)
  4030. Management for esthetics and recreation, forage, water, and wildlife (1985)
  4031. Harvesting (1985)
  4032. Rotations (1985)
  4033. Intermediate treatments (1985)
  4034. Regeneration (1985)
  4035. Management overview (1985)
  4036. Esthetics and landscaping (1985)
  4037. Nurse crop (1985)
  4038. Wood utilization (1985)
  4039. Wood resource (1985)
  4040. Water and watershed (1985)
  4041. Wildlife (1985)
  4042. Forage (1985)
  4043. Animal impacts (1985)
  4044. Insects and other invertebrates (1985)
  4045. Diseases (1985)
  4046. Other physical factors (1985)
  4047. Fire (1985)
  4048. Effects of water and temperature (1985)
  4049. Soils (1985)
  4050. Climates (1985)
  4051. Vegetation associations (1985)
  4052. Genetics and variation (1985)
  4053. Vegetative regeneration (1985)
  4054. Sexual reproduction, seeds, and seedlings (1985)
  4055. Growth (1985)
  4056. Morphology (1985)
  4057. Distribution (1985)
  4058. Taxonomy (1985)
  4059. Introduction (1985)
  4060. Methodology for studying recreation choice behavior with emphasis on grounded inquiry (1985)
  4061. Predicting the impacts of a high-voltage transmission line on big game hunting opportunities in Western Montana (1985)
  4062. Resource and activity substitutes for recreational salmon fishing in New Zealand (1985)
  4063. Evaluating user impacts and management controls: Implications for recreation choice behavior (1985)
  4064. Why here and not there: The conditional nature of recreation choice (1985)
  4065. Do choices of sport fisheries reflect angler preferences for site attributes? (1985)
  4066. Choices of wilderness environments -- differences between real and hypothetical choice situations (1985)
  4067. A developmental model of recreation choice behavior (1985)
  4068. Substitution in recreation choice behavior (1985)
  4069. Reconceptualizing the motive/environment link in recreation choice behavior (1985)
  4070. Choosing recreation settings: Processes, findings, and research directions (1985)
  4071. Proceedings--symposium on recreation choice behavior (1985)
  4072. Decision support models for economically efficient integrated forest management (2005)
  4073. Chapter 8. Management strategies for dwarf mistletoe: Silviculture (2002)
  4074. Chapter 7. Management strategies for dwarf mistletoes: Biological, chemical, and genetic approaches (2002)
  4075. Chapter 6. Dwarf mistletoe surveys (2002)
  4076. Chapter 5. Damage, effects, and importance of dwarf mistletoes (2002)
  4077. Chapter 4. Arceuthobium in North America (2002)
  4078. Chapter 3. Phoradendron in Mexico and the United States (2002)
  4079. Chapter 2. Psittacanthus in Mexico (2002)
  4080. Chapter 1. Loranthaceae and Viscaceae in North America (2002)
  4081. Managing pinon-juniper ecosystems for sustainability and social needs; proceedings of the symposium 1993 April 26-30; Sante Fe, New Mexico (1993)
  4082. Response of a subalpine grassland to simulated grazing: Aboveground productivity along soil phosphorus gradients (2007)
  4083. Estimating suppression expenditures for individual large wildland fires (2007)
  4084. Private industrial foresters and Forest Service research - the relevancy question (2007)
  4085. Application of the Nelson model to four timelag fuel classes using Oklahoma field observations: Model evaluation and comparison with national Fire Danger Rating System algorithms (2007)
  4086. What makes Great Basin sagebrush ecosystems invasible by Bromus tectorum? (2007)
  4087. Scaling-up the minimum requirements analysis for big wilderness issues (2007)
  4088. The importance of archiving baseline wilderness data (2007)
  4089. Be careful what you wish for: The legacy of Smokey Bear (2007)
  4090. Microbial community structure and activity in a Colorado Rocky Mountain forest soil scarred by slash pile burning (2007)
  4091. Shared community patterns following experimental fire in a semiarid grassland (2007)
  4092. Benefits of treating old-growth stands (2007)
  4093. Local-scale controls of a low-severity fire regime (1750-1950), southern British Columbia, Canada (2007)
  4094. Fire danger rating in the United States of America: An evolution since 1916 (2007)
  4095. Dwarf mistletoe effects on fuel loadings in ponderosa pine forests in northern Arizona (2007)
  4096. Chinook salmon use of spawning patches: Relative roles of habitat quality, size, and connectivity (2007)
  4097. BEMRP: Conducting research, sharing results (2007)
  4098. CCE fire regimes and their management (2007)
  4099. Contingent Pacific-Atlantic Ocean influence on multicentury wildfire synchrony over western North America (2007)
  4100. Avifaunal responses to fire in southwestern montane forests along a burn severity gradient (2007)
  4101. Understanding forest ecology from the landscape to the project level (2007)
  4102. Model-assisted estimation of forest resources with generalized additive models (2007)
  4103. Impacts of invasive plants on songbirds: Using song structure as an indicator of habitat quality (2007)
  4104. Soil productivity and harvest operations (2007)
  4105. Factors affecting sustained smouldering in organic soils from pocasin and pond pine woodland wetlands (2007)
  4106. Assessing host specialization among aecial and telial hosts of the white pine blister rust fungus, Cronartium ribicola (2007)
  4107. Looking at emissions and economics of biomass use (2007)
  4108. Aspen in the Sierra Nevada: Regional conservation of a continental species (2007)
  4109. Scientific independence: A key to credibility (2007)
  4110. Using models to provide a virtual test of forest treatments (2007)
  4111. Nest densities of cavity-nesting birds in relation to postfire salvage logging and time since wildfire (2007)
  4112. Value and challenges of conducting rapid response research on wildland fires (2007)
  4113. A history of forest entomology in the Intermountain and Rocky Mountain areas, 1901 to 1982 (2007)
  4114. Modeling snag dynamics in northern Arizona mixed-conifer and ponderosa pine forests (2007)
  4115. The use of fire in forest restoration (1996)
  4116. Appendix C: National Forest System status information (1994)
  4117. Appendix B: Fisher, lynx, wolverine summary of distribution information (1994)
  4118. Appendix A: Ecoprovinces of the Central North American Cordillera and adjacent plains (1994)
  4119. Research agenda for integrated landscape modeling (2007)
  4120. Gut bacteria of bark and wood boring beetles (2007)
  4121. Yeasts associated with bark beetles of the genus Dendroctonus erichson (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae): Molecular identification and biochemical characterization (2007)
  4122. Expression patterns of bark beetle cytochromes P450 during host colonization: Likely physiological functions and potential targets for pest management (2007)
  4123. Red turpentine Dendroctonus valens P450s: Diversity, midgut location, and response to alfa-pinene enantiomers (2007)
  4124. Evolutionary ecology of pheromone signaling in Dendroctonus frontalis (2007)
  4125. Phylogeographic analysis of the Douglas-fir beetle Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) (2007)
  4126. Phylogeography of Dendroctonus rufipennis based on mtDNA and microsatellites (2007)
  4127. Genetic architecture of differences in fitness traits among geographically separated Dendroctonus ponderosae populations (2007)
  4128. Genetic and phenotypic resistance in lodgepole pine to attack by mountain pine beetle (2007)
  4129. Invasion Genetics of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis FAIRMAIRE) in North America (2007)
  4130. Pitfalls in applying mitochondrial markers onto the scolytid species Pityogenes chalcographus (2007)
  4131. A standard DNA taxonomy for insects? (2007)
  4132. Reconstructing the phylogeny of Scolytinae and close allies: Major obstacles and prospects for a solution (2007)
  4133. Chapter 5: Wolverine (1994)
  4134. Chapter 3: Fisher (1994)
  4135. Chapter 2: American marten (1994)
  4136. Soil vital signs: A new Soil Quality Index (SQI) for assessing forest soil health (2007)
  4137. Proceedings from the Third Workshop on Genetics of Bark Beetles and Associated Microorganisms (2007)
  4138. A descriptive analysis of change in eligibility status for the USDA Forest Service Economic Recovery Program (2007)
  4139. Nomographs for estimating surface fire behavior characteristics (2007)
  4140. Guidelines for using bedload traps in coarse-bedded mountain streams: Construction, installation, operation, and sample processing (2007)
  4141. A tutorial on the piecewise regression approach applied to bedload transport data (2007)
  4142. A different time and place test of ArcHSI: A spatially explicit habitat model for elk in the Black Hills (2007)
  4143. Changes in the motivations, perceptions, and behaviors of recreation users: Displacement and coping in wilderness (2007)
  4144. Accomplishing and applying National Fire Plan research and development from 2001-2005 (2007)
  4145. Microsatellite variation reveals weak genetic structure and retention of genetic variability in threatened Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytcha) within a Snake River watershed (2007)
  4146. Distribution of bark beetle attacks after whitebark pine restoration treatments: A case study (2005)
  4147. Effective management strategies for sage-grouse and sagebrush: a question of triage? (2005)
  4148. Communicating forest management science and practices through visualized and animated media approaches to community presentations: An exploration and assessment (2006)
  4149. Fossils and fire: a study on the effects of fire on paleontological resources at Badlands National Park (2006)
  4150. Comparison of different stomatal conductance algorithms for ozone flux modelling (2007)
  4151. Wood CO2 efflux in a primary tropical rain forest (2006)
  4152. Reconciling carbon-cycle concepts, terminology, and methodology (2005)
  4153. A coupled upland-erosion and instream hydrodynamic-sediment transport model for evaluating sediment transport in forested watersheds (2006)
  4154. Modeling precipitation-runoff relationships to determine water yield from a ponderosa pine forest watershed (2006)
  4155. Learning from escaped prescribed fires - lessons for high reliability (2006)
  4156. Effects of sample survey design on the accuracy of classification tree models in species distribution models (2006)
  4157. Plant species invasions along the latitudinal gradient in the United States: Reply (2006)
  4158. Evaluation of funnel traps for estimating tree mortality and associated population phase of spruce beetle in Utah (2006)
  4159. The complexity of managing fire-dependent ecosystems in wilderness: relict ponderosa pine in the Bob Marshall Wilderness (2006)
  4160. Trends in public attitudes towards the use of wildland fire (2006)
  4161. Developing wilderness character monitoring: A personal reflection (2006)
  4162. A meteorological distribution system for high-resolution terrestrial modeling (MicroMet) (2006)
  4163. Culturally scarred trees in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana, USA - Interpreting Native American historical forest use in a wilderness area (2005)
  4164. Wilderness stewardship in an era of global changes (2006)
  4165. Estimating canopy fuel characteristics in five conifer stands in the western United States using tree and stand measurements (2006)
  4166. Open spaces, working places (2006)
  4167. The global wilderness seminar for government agencies: a meeting at the crossroads of wildlands stewardship (2006)
  4168. Stream succession: Channel changes after wildfire disturbance (2006)
  4169. Best predictors for postfire mortality of ponderosa pine trees in the Intermountain West (2006)
  4170. Dutchwoman Butte revisited: Examining paradigms for livestock grazing exclusion (2006)
  4171. A methodology for assessing departure of current plant communities from historical conditions over large landscapes (2006)
  4172. Wilderness and backcountry site restoration guide (2006)
  4173. Utility and validation of day and night snorkel counts for estimating bull trout abundance in first-to-third order streams (2006)
  4174. Fine-scale genetic structure of bull trout at the southern limit of their distribution (2006)
  4175. Influences of travertine dam formation on leaf litter decomposition and algal accrual (2007)
  4176. The likely impact of elevated [CO2], nitrogen deposition, increased temperature and management on carbon sequestration in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems: a literature review (2007)
  4177. Landscape-scale genetic variation in a forest outbreak species, the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) (2007)
  4178. A density management diagram for longleaf pine stands with application to red-cockaded woodpecker habitat (2007)
  4179. Temperature determines symbiont abundance in a multipartite bark beetle-fungus ectosymbiosis (2007)
  4180. Hyporheic exchange in gravel bed rivers with pool-riffle morphology: Laboratory experiments and three-dimensional modeling (2007)
  4181. Whitebark pine diameter growth response to removal of competition (2007)
  4182. Development and evaluation of the photoload sampling technique (2007)
  4183. The photoload sampling technique: estimating surface fuel loadings from downward-looking photographs of synthetic fuelbeds (2007)
  4184. Predicting behavior and size of crown fires in the Northern Rocky Mountains (1991)
  4185. Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) user manual (version 2006.01.18) (2007)
  4186. Exponential Nutrient Loading as a Means to Optimize Bareroot Nursery Fertility of Oak Species (2006)
  4187. Using X-Ray Image Analysis to Assess the Viability of Northern Red Oak Acorns: Implications for Seed Handlers (2006)
  4188. Phomopsis and Sudden Oak Death: A Tale of Two Nursery Nuisances (2006)
  4189. Beyond the Asian longhorned beetle and emerald ash borer (2006)
  4190. Designing and implementing a new nursery computer program at George O. White State Nursery, Missouri Department of Conservation (2006)
  4191. Red Oak Research and Demonstration Area in Phelps Township, North Bay, Ontario-2004 to 2005 (2006)
  4192. Survival and Growth of Container and Bareroot Shortleaf Pine Seedlings in Missouri (2006)
  4193. Basamid® G for weed control in forest tree nurseries (2006)
  4194. The USDA Forest Service National Seed Laboratory (2006)
  4195. Growing Shrubs at the George O. White State Forest Nursery: What Has Worked and What Has Not (2006)
  4196. What's New With Nurseries and Reforestation Projects at the Missoula Technology and Development Center (2006)
  4197. Whitebark Pine Germination, Rust Resistance, and Cold Hardiness Among Seed Sources in the Inland Northwest: Planting Strategies for Restoration (2006)
  4198. Whitebark Pine Guidelines for Planting Prescriptions (2006)
  4199. Panel Discussion: Red Lake Forestry Greenhouse Operations (2006)
  4200. Panel Discussion: Trends in Container Types (2006)
  4201. Panel Discussion: Container Stock and Why? (2006)
  4202. Panel Discussion: Stocktypes for Outplanting in Zion National Park (2006)
  4203. An evolution of bareroot cultural practices at J. Herbert Stone Nursery (2006)
  4204. Run for Cover! What's Covering Your Greenhouse and How Is It Affecting Seedling Growth? (2006)
  4205. Chlorophyll fluorescence: What is it and what do the numbers mean? (2006)
  4206. Revegetation of Reconstructed Reaches of the Provo River, Heber Valley, Utah (2006)
  4207. Meadow Restoration in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area in Southern Idaho (2006)
  4208. Revegetation Strategies and Technologies for Restoration of Aridic Saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) Infestation Sites (2006)
  4209. Strategies for Seed Propagation of Native Forbs (2006)
  4210. Toward a Unified Knowledge-based Society for Sustainability -- Developing a Synthesis on the Methodological Level (2006)
  4211. Problems and Issues Across Institutions and Programs (2006)
  4212. Condition and trends of ecological and economic systems (2006)
  4213. Using Information and Knowledge Required In Assessment and Management Applications for Sustainability (2006)
  4214. The Process of Indicator Selection (2006)
  4215. Northern Region Landbird Monitoring Program: A USFS-University of Montana Partnership Designed to Provide Both Short-term and Long-term Feedback for Land Managers (2006)
  4216. Soil Disturbance Monitoring in the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region (2006)
  4217. Maryland's Strategic Forest Lands Assessment--Using Indicators and Models for Decision Support (2006)
  4218. Canada's experience in applying C&I to measure progress towards SFM - perspectives from the National, Regional and local levels (2006)
  4219. Implementation of the Montreal Process: An Oregon Case Study (2006)
  4220. Strategic Planning for Sustainable Forests: The Plan Drives the Budgets Which Drive Results (2006)
  4221. Planning Quality for Successful International Environmental Monitoring (2006)
  4222. Remote Sensing, Sampling and Simulation Applications in Analyses of Insect Dispersion and Abundance in Cotton (2006)
  4223. On-Line Analysis of Southern FIA Data (2006)
  4224. Spatial Modeling of Industrial Windfall on Soils to Detect Woody Species with Potential for Bioremediation (2006)
  4225. 1872 vs 2004: Mining claim meets the World Wide Web (2006)
  4226. The FIA Panel Design and Compatible Estimators for the Components of Change (2006)
  4227. Statistical Strategy for Inventorying and Monitoring the Ecosystem Resources of the State of Jalisco at Multiple Scales and Resolution Levels (2006)
  4228. Spatial Statistical and Modeling Strategy for Inventorying and Monitoring Ecosystem Resources at Multiple Scales and Resolution Levels (2006)
  4229. Distributed GIS Systems, Open Specifications and Interoperability: How do They Relate to the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources? (2006)
  4230. A heuristic for landscape management (2006)
  4231. Naturalness as a Paradigm for Environmental Services Assessment (2006)
  4232. Aerial sketchmapping for monitoring forest conditions in Southern Brazil (2006)
  4233. Small Area Variance Estimation for the Siuslaw NF in Oregon and Some Results (2006)
  4234. Aerial detection surveys in the United States (2006)
  4235. Forest Canopy Heights in Amazon River Basin Forests as Estimated with the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) (2006)
  4236. The Use of Open Source Software in the Global Land Ice Measurements From Space (GLIMS) Project, and the Relevance to Institutional Cooperation (2006)
  4237. A new FIA-Type strategic inventory (NFI) (2006)
  4238. Forest Stand Canopy Structure Attribute Estimation from High Resolution Digital Airborne Imagery (2006)
  4239. Web Services--A Buzz Word with Potentials (2006)
  4240. Developing a methodology to predict oak wilt distribution using classification tree analysis (2006)
  4241. Trace Chemical Detection through Vegetation Sentinels and Fluorescence Spectroscopy (2006)
  4242. The Trust Fund for the Administration of the Forest Development Program, and the Inventory and Monitoring of Jalisco's Natural Resources (2006)
  4243. A research/teaching inventory and monitoring Institute for the state of Jalisco, Mexico (2006)
  4244. Learning Center for Advancing Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability in the Mexican State of Jalisco (2006)
  4245. A conceptual view for advancing monitoring and assessment of land resources in the Mexican state of Jalisco (2006)
  4246. Monitoring Global Crop Condition Indicators Using a Web-Based Visualization Tool (2006)
  4247. Forests on the Edge: A GIS-based Approach to Projecting Housing Development on Private Forests (2006)
  4248. Decision support for evaluating the U.S. national criteria and indicators for forest ecosystem sustainability (2006)
  4249. Szendro - type Integrated Vegetation Fire Management--Wildfire Management Program from Hungary (2006)
  4250. Mitigating Wildfire Risk in the Wildland Urban Interface: The Role of Regulations (2006)
  4251. Temporal Tendencies of River Discharge of Five Watersheds of Northern Mexico (2006)
  4252. Wildfire Mitigation and Private Lands: Managing Long-Term Vulnerabilities (2006)
  4253. Integrating Fire, Climate, and Societal Factors into Decision Support for Strategic Planning in Wildland Fire Management (2006)
  4254. Simulation Tools for Forest Health Analysis: An Application in the Red River Watershed, Idaho (2006)
  4255. General Direction of the National Center for Environmental Research and Training (Cenica) (2006)
  4256. The Multiple Species Inventory and Monitoring Protocol: A Population, Community, and Biodiversity Monitoring Solution for National Forest System Lands (2006)
  4257. Biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, and the U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program: Past contributions and future directions (2006)
  4258. Development of a transition pathway model using three traditional variables to describe the main structural characteristics of a forest stand type, size, and density (2006)
  4259. Tree crown structure indicators in a natural uneven-aged mixed coniferous forest in northeastern Mexico (2006)
  4260. Inventorying and Monitoring of Tropical Dry Forests Tree Diversity in Jalisco, Mexico Using a Geographical Information System (2006)
  4261. Economic Impact of Fire Weather Forecasts (2006)
  4262. Geostatistical Evaluation of Natural Tree Regeneration of a Disturbed Forest (2006)
  4263. Sustainable Forest Management Support Based on the Spatial Distribution of Fuels for Fire Management (2006)
  4264. Monitoring Ecological Resources within U.S. National Parks: Developing "Vital Signs" of Ecological Integrity for the Northeast Temperate Network (2006)
  4265. Exploring Use of Climate Information in Wildland Fire Management: A Decision Calendar Study (2006)
  4266. High Resolution Wind Direction and Speed Information for Support of Fire Operations (2006)
  4267. Integrating Vegetation Classification, Mapping, and Strategic Inventory for Forest Management (2006)
  4268. International Center for Himalayan Biodiversity (ICHB): Conserving Himalayan Biodiversity--A Global Responsibility (2006)
  4269. Assessment and monitoring of forest ecosystem structure (2006)
  4270. Globalization Then and Now: Increasing Scale Reduces Local Sustainability (2006)
  4271. Visualizing the Anthropocene: Human Land Use History and Environmental Management (2006)
  4272. Landscape Conservation and Social Tension in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Challenges for Implementing Sustainability (2006)
  4273. The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring: A Case Study in Uganda (2006)
  4274. Sustainability for the Americas Initiative: Land Design Institute, Ball State University (2006)
  4275. Resource-Balance Design and Monitoring: Assessing Sustainability of FSEEC-LandLab as BSU's First Sustainable Built-site (2006)
  4276. Social Memory of Short-term and Long-term Variability in the Sahelian Climate (2006)
  4277. Industrial Archaeology, Landscapes, and Historical Knowledge of Sustainability (2006)
  4278. Devil's in the details: Using archaeological and historical data to refine ecosystem models at the local level (2006)
  4279. GLOBE ONE: A Community-Based Environmental Field Campaign (2006)
  4280. Science, Communities, and Decision Making: How Can We Learn to Dance with Many Partners? (2006)
  4281. Engaging Industry in Community Decision Making for a Sustainable Future (2006)
  4282. Partnerships in Community-based Approaches to Achieving Sustainability: The Atlantic Coastal Action Program (2006)
  4283. A successful experiment: The boundary spanner on the Bitterroot National Forest (2006)
  4284. The Role of Institutions of Higher Education in Sustainability: The Comprehensive, Public, Land-Grant University (2006)
  4285. Tri Community Watershed Initiative: Towns of Black Diamond, Turner Valley and Okotoks, Alberta, Canada Promoting Sustainable Behaviour in Watersheds and Communities (2006)
  4286. The Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network (2006)
  4287. Using Biodiversity Indicators to Assess the Success of Forecasting Adaptive Ecosystem Management: The Newfoundland and Labrador Experience (2006)
  4288. Disembedded Ideologies, Embedded Alternatives: Agricultural Biotechnology, Legitimacy, and the WTO (2006)
  4289. Relating Change Patterns to Anthropogenic Processes to Assess Sustainability: A Case Study in Amazonia (2006)
  4290. A new dimension in evolution: Impacts of human consciousness on sustainability - and beyond (2006)
  4291. Ecologic, Economic, and Social Considerations for Rangeland Sustainability: An Integrated Conceptual Framework (2006)
  4292. Establishing Empirical Bases for Sustainability Objectives (2006)
  4293. What's Law Got to Do with It? The Relationship of Law to Environmental Systems Management and Sustainability Research (2006)
  4294. The Resource Buffer Theory: Connecting the Dots from Conservation to Sustainability (2006)
  4295. Human and Nature Interactions: A Dynamic Land Base of Many Goods and Services (2006)
  4296. A carbon inventory for Mexico (2006)
  4297. Historic Hydroclimatic Variability in Northern Mexico (2006)
  4298. Contributions to improve fallow system in Yucatan State Mexico (2006)
  4299. Use of Data Layering to Address Changes in Nitrogen Management Zone Delineation (2006)
  4300. Assessment of eutrophication in estuaries: Pressure-state-response and source apportionment (2006)
  4301. An integrated monitoring approach using multiple reference sites to assess sustainable restoration in coastal Louisiana (2006)
  4302. From Marshes to the Continental Shelf: Results of the Western Component of the US EPA National Coastal Assessment (2006)
  4303. Use of EMAP Freshwater and Marine Data in EPA Region 10 (2006)
  4304. Regional Monitoring of Coral Condition in the Florida Keys (2006)
  4305. Changes in riparian vegetation buffers in response to development in three Oregon cities (2006)
  4306. The Politics and Science of Tamarisk (2006)
  4307. Monitoring the Relationship Between the Public and Public Lands: Application to Wilderness Stewardship in the U.S. (2006)
  4308. Southwestern Avian Community Organization in Exotic Tamarix: Current Patterns and Future Needs (2006)
  4309. Monitoring of Biodiversity Indicators in Boreal Forests: A Need for Improved Focus (2006)
  4310. Sequencing Conservation Actions Through Threat Assessments in the Southeastern United States (2006)
  4311. Aerial treatment of salt cedar within threatened and endangered species habitat - a success story (2006)
  4312. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Program - monitoring effectiveness of sustainable forest management planning (2006)
  4313. Saltcedar and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers: Lessons From Long-term Studies in Central Arizona (2006)
  4314. Wildfire, Exotic Vegetation, and Breeding Bird Habitat in the Rio Grande Bosque (2006)
  4315. An overview of inventory and monitoring and the Role of FIA in National Assessments (2006)
  4316. Monitoring Ecosystems and Biodiversity at a Continental Scale--A Proposal for South America (2006)
  4317. Tamarisk Mapping and Monitoring Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery (2006)
  4318. Socioeconomic Root Causes of Biodiversity Loss in Madagascar (2006)
  4319. Nonnative Invasive Plants in South Carolina: Combining Phase-2 with Phase-3 Vegetation Structure and Diversity Pilot Data to Enhance our Understanding of Forest Health Issues (2006)
  4320. Monitoring Patagonian Rangelands: The MARAS System (2006)
  4321. Urban Forest Health Monitoring in the United States (2006)
  4322. Monitoring Riparian Restoration: A Management Perspective (2006)
  4323. Social and Economic Indicators of the Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable (2006)
  4324. Monitoring Insects to Maintain Biodiversity in Ogawa Forest Reserve (2006)
  4325. Analyzing the economics of tamarisk in the Pecos, Rio Grande, and Colorado River Watersheds (2006)
  4326. Carbon pools - checking the deep end, before diving in (The ME Experience) (2006)
  4327. Ground-Based Photomonitoring of Ecoregional Ecological Changes in Northwestern Yunnan, China (2006)
  4328. An overview of University of Alaska Anchorage, ENRI research on the spruce bark beetle infestation, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1997-2002 (2006)
  4329. Soil and Water Indicators of the Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable (2006)
  4330. Monitoring Bird Populations in Relation to Fuel Loads and Fuel Treatments in Riparian Woodlands with Tamarisk and Russian Olive Understories (2006)
  4331. Toward a Framework for Conducting Ecoregional Threats Assessments (2006)
  4332. The Laws of Diminishing Yields in the Tropics (2006)
  4333. Overview of saltcedar biological control (2006)
  4334. Planning for Large Scale Habitat Restoration in the Socorro Valley, New Mexico (2006)
  4335. Monitoring to Protect the Character of Individual Wildernesses (2006)
  4336. Groundwater, Vegetation, and Atmosphere: Comparative Riparian Evapotranspiration, Restoration, and Water Salvage (2006)
  4337. Relevance of the Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Rangeland Management to Conditions in Patagonia (Argentina) (2006)
  4338. Herpetological Communities of the Middle Rio Grande Bosque: What Do We Know, What Should We Know, and Why? (2006)
  4339. Remote Sensing of Saltcedar Biological Control Effectiveness (2006)
  4340. Conceptual frameworks for monitoring of high-altitude Andean ecosystems (2006)
  4341. Putting Adaptive Management into Monitoring: Retrospective and Prospective Views of Northwest Forest Plan Monitoring (2006)
  4342. Canadian experiences in development of critical loads for sulphur and nitrogen (2006)
  4343. Critical levels as applied to ozone for North American forests (2006)
  4344. Monitoring Forest Condition in Europe: Impacts of Nitrogen and Sulfur Depositions on Forest Ecosystems (2006)
  4345. Critical loads and levels: Leveraging existing monitoring data (2006)
  4346. The Effects of Nitrogen Deposition, Ambient Ozone, and Climate Change on Forests in the Western U.S. (2006)
  4347. Juvenile movement and natal dispersal on northern goshawks in Arizona (2006)
  4348. Snag longevity in relation to wildfire and postfire salvage logging (2006)
  4349. Hairy woodpecker winter ecology in ponderosa pine forests representing different ages since wildfire (2006)
  4350. A distributed snow-evolution modeling system (SnowModel) (2006)
  4351. Can a sample of Landsat sensor scenes reliably estimate the global extent of tropical deforestation? (2003)
  4352. Conference wrap-up (2007)
  4353. Erosion Risks in Selected Watersheds for the 2005 School Fire Located Near Pomeroy, Washington on Predominately Ash-Cap Soils (2007)
  4354. WEPP FuME Analysis for a North Idaho Site (2007)
  4355. Chemical changes induced by pH manipulations of volcanic ash-influenced soils (2007)
  4356. The Grand Fir Mosaic Ecosystem -- History and Management Impacts (2007)
  4357. Economics of Soil Disturbance (2007)
  4358. Ash cap influences on site productivity and fertilizer response in forests of the Inland Northwest (2007)
  4359. Restoring and Enhancing Productivity of Degraded Tephra-Derived Soils (2007)
  4360. Volcanic Ash Soils: Sustainable Soil Management Practices, With Examples of Harvest Effects and Root Disease Trends (2007)
  4361. Runoff and Erosion Effects after Prescribed Fire and Wildfire on Volcanic Ash-Cap Soils (2007)
  4362. Effects of Machine Traffic on the Physical Properties of Ash-Cap Soils (2007)
  4363. Assessing quality in volcanic ash soils (2007)
  4364. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Ash-influenced Soils of Inland Northwest Forests (2007)
  4365. Field Identification of Andic Soil Properties for Soils of North-central Idaho (2007)
  4366. Ecological and Topographic Features of Volcanic Ash-Influenced Forest Soils (2007)
  4367. Volcanic Ash-cap Forest Soils of the Inland Northwest Properties and Implications for Management and Restoration (2007)
  4368. Volcanic-ash-derived forest soils of the inland Northwest: Properties and implications for management and restoration (2007)
  4369. Geographic variability in lidar predictions of forest stand structure in the Pacific Northwest (2005)
  4370. Sensitivity of Landsat image-derived burn severity indices to immediate post-fire effects (2006)
  4371. Mapping fire scars in a southern African savannah using Landsat imagery (2004)
  4372. Trends in fire patterns in a southern African savanna under alternative land use practices (2004)
  4373. The relationship of field burn severity measures to satellite-derived Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC) maps (2004)
  4374. Woody overstorey effects on soil carbon and nitrogen pools in South African savanna (2003)
  4375. Relationships between fire frequency and woody canopy cover in a semi-arid African savanna (2003)
  4376. Vegetation and soil restoration on highly impacted campsites in the Eagle Cap Wilderness, Oregon (2007)
  4377. Forest descriptions and photographs of forested areas along the breaks of the Missouri River in eastern Montana, USA (2007)
  4378. WindWizard: A New Tool for Fire Management Decision Support (2006)
  4379. Employing Numerical Weather Models to Enhance Fire Weather and Fire Behavior Predictions (2006)
  4380. Predicting Fire Season Severity in the Pacific Northwest (2006)
  4381. Measuring Success in Your Fuels Program: From the Report Card to Valuable Learning (2006)
  4382. Fire Management in the Inter Galatic Interface or 30 Years of Fire Management at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge/Kennedy Space Center, Florida (2006)
  4383. Reduction of Potential Fire Behavior in Wildland-urban Interface Communities in Southern California: A Collaborative Approach (2006)
  4384. Communicating the wildland fire message: Influences on knowledge and attitude change in two case studies (2006)
  4385. Organizational Characteristics that Contribute to Success in Engaging the Public to Accomplish Fuels Management at the Wilderness/Non-Wilderness Interface (2006)
  4386. A Collaborative Approach to Community Wildfire Hazard Reduction (2006)
  4387. Biomass utilization modeling on the Bitterroot National Forest (2006)
  4388. Estimating Woody Biomass Supply From Thinning Treatments to Reduce Fire Hazard in the U.S. West (2006)
  4389. FTM-West Model Results for Selected Fuel Treatment Scenarios (2006)
  4390. Design and objectives of FTM-West model (2006)
  4391. The Relation Between Forest Structure and Soil Burn Severity (2006)
  4392. Monitoring Changes in Soil Quality from Post-fire Logging in the Inland Northwest (2006)
  4393. Measuring Ecological Effects of Prescribed Fire Using Birds as Indicators of Forest Conditions (2006)
  4394. Predicting Post-Fire Severity Effects in Coast Redwood Forests Using FARSITE (2006)
  4395. Assessing ecological departure from reference conditions with the Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) Mapping Tool (2006)
  4396. Comparison of the sensitivity of landscape-fire-succession models to variation in terrain, fuel pattern, climate and weather (2006)
  4397. Integrating Fuel Treatments into Comprehensive Ecosystem Management (2006)
  4398. Predicting Ground Fire Ignition Potential in Aspen Communities (2006)
  4399. Effect of a Spaced Thinning in Mature Lodgepole Pine on Within-Stand Microclimate and Fine Fuel Moisture Content (2006)
  4400. Response of Fuelbed Characteristics to Restoration Treatments in Pinyon-Juniper-Encroached Shrublands on the Shivwits Plateau, Arizona (2006)
  4401. The Lick Creek Demonstration - Forest Renewal Through Partial Harvest and Fire (2006)
  4402. Biomass consumption during prescribed fires in big sagebrush ecosystems (2006)
  4403. Changes in downed wood and forest structure after prescribed fire in ponderosa pine forests (2006)
  4404. Effectiveness of Prescribed Fire as a Fuel Treatment in Californian Coniferous Forests (2006)
  4405. The Use of Silviculture and Prescribed Fire to Manage Stand Structure and Fuel Profiles in a Multi-aged Lodgepole Pine Forest (2006)
  4406. A fuel treatment reduces potential fire severity and increases suppression efficiency in a Sierran mixed conifer forest (2006)
  4407. Assessing mitigation of wildfire severity by fuel treatments - An example from the coastal plain of Mississippi (2006)
  4408. Fire Severity and Intensity During Spring Burning in Natural and Masticated Mixed Shrub Woodlands (2006)
  4409. Mapping the Relationship Between Wildfire and Poverty (2006)
  4410. Foliar Moisture Contents of North American Conifers (2006)
  4411. Evaluation of a Dynamic Load Transfer Function Using Grassland Curing Data (2006)
  4412. Variation in Surface and Crown Fire Hazard With Stand Age in Managed Coastal Western Hemlock Zone Forests in Southwestern British Columbia (2006)
  4413. Creating a fuels baseline and establishing fire frequency relationships to develop a landscape management strategy at the Savannah River Site (2006)
  4414. Variability in Loading of Mechanically Masticated Fuel Beds in Northern California and Southwestern Oregon (2006)
  4415. Estimating Fuel Bed Loadings in Masticated Areas (2006)
  4416. Understanding Ozark Forest Litter Variability Through a Synthesis of Accumulation Rates and Fire Events (2006)
  4417. Fuel Type Classification and Fuel Loading in Central Interior, Korea: Uiseong-Gun (2006)
  4418. Mapping Fuels on the Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests (2006)
  4419. Accuracy and precision of two indirect methods for estimating canopy fuels (2006)
  4420. FuelCalc: A Method for Estimating Fuel Characteristics (2006)
  4421. FUEL3-D: A Spatially Explicit Fractal Fuel Distribution Model (2006)
  4422. Fuels Products of the LANDFIRE Project (2006)
  4423. Using Landscape-Based Decision Rules to Prioritize Locations of Fuel Treatments in the Boreal Mixedwood of Western Canada (2006)
  4424. An Overview of FlamMap Fire Modeling Capabilities (2006)
  4425. Applying fire spread simulators in New Zealand and Australia: Results from an international seminar (2006)
  4426. Landfire: Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools Project (2006)
  4427. Strategic Placement of Treatments (SPOTS): Maximizing the Effectiveness of Fuel and Vegetation Treatments on Problem Fire Behavior and Effects (2006)
  4428. An analytical framework for quantifying wildland fire risk and fuel treatment benefit (2006)
  4429. Automating the Fireshed Assessment Process with ArcGIS (2006)
  4430. A wildfire risk modeling system for evaluating landscape fuel treatment strategies (2006)
  4431. Simulation of Long-Term Landscape-Level Fuel Treatment Effects on Large Wildfires (2006)
  4432. A computational method for optimizing fuel treatment locations (2006)
  4433. Considerations in the use of models available for fuel treatment analysis (2006)
  4434. Influences on USFS District Rangers' Decision to Authorize Wildland Fire Use (2006)
  4435. U.S. Policy Response to the Fuels Management Problem: An Analysis of the Public Debate About the Healthy Forests Initiative and the Healthy Forests Restoration Act (2006)
  4436. Wildland Fire Use - Challenges Associated With Program Management Across Multiple Ownerships and Land Use Situations (2006)
  4437. Forest Fuels Management in Europe (2006)
  4438. Fuel Management-An Integral Part of Fire Management: Trans-Tasman Perspective (2006)
  4439. Canadian Wildland Fire Strategy: A vision for an innovative and integrated approach to managing the risks (2006)
  4440. U.S. Federal Fuel Management Programs: Reducing Risk to Communities and Increasing Ecosystem Resilience and Sustainability (2006)
  4441. Be a change agent and change the strategy (2006)
  4442. Foreword - 1st Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference: Fuels Management How to Measure Success (2006)
  4443. Epidemiology for hazard rating of white pine blister rust (2006)
  4444. Modeling the potential distribution of white pine blister rust in the central Rocky Mountains. (2006)
  4445. Red-tailed hawk dietary overlap with northern goshawks on the Kaibab Plateau, AZ (2006)
  4446. Cohen's Kappa and classification table metrics 2.0: An ArcView 3.x extension for accuracy assessment of spatially explicit models (2005)
  4447. Empirical Analyses of Plant-Climate Relationships for the Western United States (2006)
  4448. Desired future conditions for Southwestern riparian ecosystems: Bringing interests and concerns together (1996)
  4449. Fire ecology of forests and woodlands in Utah (1992)
  4450. First Order Fire Effects Model: FOFEM 4.0, user's guide (1997)
  4451. Building a research legacy -- The Intermountain Station 1911-1997 (2006)
  4452. Remote sensing of wildland resources: A state-of-the-art review (1979)
  4453. Guidance on spatial wildland fire analysis: models, tools, and techniques (2006)
  4454. Characterizing gene responses to drought stress in fourwing saltbush [Atriplex canescens (Pursh.) Nutt.) (1992)
  4455. Streamflow responses to road building and harvesting: A comparison with the equivalent clearcut area procedure (1989)
  4456. Guidelines for prescribed burning sagebrush-grass rangelands in the northern Great Basin (1987)
  4457. A management-oriented classification of pinyon-juniper woodlands of the Great Basin (1998)
  4458. Vascular plant species of the Pawnee National Grassland (1998)
  4459. Forest resources of the Tonto National Forest (2004)
  4460. Forest resources of the Lincoln National Forest (2006)
  4461. A density management diagram for even-aged ponderosa pine stands (2005)
  4462. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annual inventory answers the question: What is happening to pinyon-juniper woodlands? (2005)
  4463. Reineke's Stand Density Index: Where are we and where do we go from here? (2006)
  4464. Benefits of a strategic national forest inventory to science and society: the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis program (2006)
  4465. Population-wide changes in pinyon-juniper woodlands caused by drought in the American Southwest: Effects on structure, composition, and distribution (2006)
  4466. Accuracy assessment of the vegetation continuous field tree cover product using 3954 ground plots in the southwestern USA (2005)
  4467. Appendix D. Additional observations on the early history of the borderlands (2006)
  4468. Appendix A. Borderlands Site Database (2006)
  4469. Chapter 7. An archaeological research design for the Malpai Borderlands (2006)
  4470. Chapter 6. Modeling human impacts to the Borderlands environment from a fire ecology perspective (2006)
  4471. Chapter 5. Borderlands fire regimes (2006)
  4472. Chapter 4. Summary of Spanish, Mexican, and early American exploration in the Borderlands (2006)
  4473. Chapter 3. Malpai Borderlands prehistory (2006)
  4474. Chapter 2. Borderlands environment, past and present (2006)
  4475. Chapter 1. Introduction (2006)
  4476. Local calibration of the Forest Vegetation simulator (FVS) using custom inventory data (2006)
  4477. Effects of dormant- vs. growing-season fire in shortgrass steppe: Biological soil crust and perennial grass responses (2006)
  4478. Aspen: Ecology and management in the western United States (1985)
  4479. Comparison of combinations of sighting devices and target objects for establishing circular plots in the field (2006)
  4480. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations-2005 (2006)
  4481. Scots pine in eastern Nebraska: A provenance study (1971)
  4482. How to recover more value from small pine trees: Essential oils and resins (2006)
  4483. Research agenda for integrated landscape modeling (2006)
  4484. Managing coarse woody debris in forests of the Rocky Mountains (1994)
  4485. Distribution, territory occupancy, dispersal, and demography of northern goshawks on the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona (1998)
  4486. Northern goshawk broadcast surveys: hawk response variables and survey cost (1994)
  4487. Feeding ecology of sharp-shinned hawks in deciduous and coniferous forests in Colorado (1994)
  4488. Decline of quaking aspen in the Interior West - examples from Utah (1998)
  4489. Advective transport of CO2 in permeable media induced by atmospheric pressure fluctuations: 2. Observational evidence under snowpacks (2006)
  4490. Advective transport of CO2 in permeable media induced by atmospheric pressure fluctuations: 1. An analytical model (2006)
  4491. Collaborative capacity, problem framing, and mutual trust in addressing the wildland fire social problem: An annotated reading list (2006)
  4492. Modelling dwarf mistletoe at three scales: life history, ballistics and contagion (2006)
  4493. Chapter 14 - Dissemination of LANDFIRE Prototype Project data (2006)
  4494. Chapter 13 - Perspectives on LANDFIRE Prototype Project Accuracy Assessment (2006)
  4495. Chapter 12 - Mapping wildland fuel across large regions for the LANDFIRE Prototype Project (2006)
  4496. Chapter 11 - Using historical simulations of vegetation to assess departure of current vegetation conditions across large landscapes (2006)
  4497. Chapter 10 - Using simulation modeling to assess historical reference conditions for vegetation and fire regimes for the LANDFIRE Prototype Project (2006)
  4498. Chapter 9 - Vegetation succession modeling for the LANDFIRE Prototype Project (2006)
  4499. Chapter 8 - Mapping existing vegetation composition and structure for the LANDFIRE Prototype Project (2006)
  4500. Chapter 7 - Mapping potential vegetation type for the LANDFIRE Prototype Project (2006)
  4501. Chapter 6 - Developing the LANDFIRE Vegetation and Biophysical Settings Map Unit Classifications for the LANDFIRE Prototype Project (2006)
  4502. Chapter 5 - Development of biophysical gradient layers for the LANDFIRE Prototype Project (2006)
  4503. Chapter 4 - The LANDFIRE Prototype Project reference database (2006)
  4504. Chapter 3 - The scientific foundation of the LANDFIRE Prototype Project (2006)
  4505. Chapter 2 - An overview of the LANDFIRE Prototype Project (2006)
  4506. Chapter 1 - Executive summary (2006)
  4507. Fire growth maps for the 1988 Greater Yellowstone Area Fires (1994)
  4508. White pine blister rust in northern ldaho and western Montana: alternatives for integrated management (1989)
  4509. Concepts and interpreted examples in advanced fuel modeling (1987)
  4510. Field procedures for verification and adjustment of fire behavior predictions (1983)
  4511. How to predict the spread and intensity of forest and range fires (1983)
  4512. Mountain pine beetle infestations in relation to lodgepole pine diameters (1969)
  4513. Small mammal populations in a grazed and ungrazed ripartan habitat in Nevada (1989)
  4514. Volume and biomass for curlleaf cercocarpus in Nevada (1984)
  4515. Biomass of singleleaf pinyon and Utah juniper (1981)
  4516. Conservation status of Colorado River cutthroat trout (1996)
  4517. Forest habitat types of northern Idaho: a second approximation (1991)
  4518. Landscape scale attributes of elk centers of activity in the central Black Hills of South Dakota (2006)
  4519. Remote sensing techniques to assess active fire characteristics and post-fire effects (2006)
  4520. Regression modeling and mapping of coniferous forest basal area and tree density from discrete-return lidar and multispectral data (2006)
  4521. Automated estimation of individual conifer tree height and crown diameter via Two-dimensional spatial wavelet analysis of lidar data (2006)
  4522. Estimating combustion of large downed woody debris from residual white ash (2005)
  4523. Evaluation of novel thermally enhanced spectral indices for mapping fire perimeters and comparisons with fire atlas data (2005)
  4524. Protection from erosion following wildfire (2006)
  4525. Managing grazing of riparian areas in the Intermountain Region (1989)
  4526. Tracking elk hunters with the Global Positioning System (1998)
  4527. Provisional tree and shrub seed zones for the Great Plains (1975)
  4528. Scotch pine for the northern Great Plains (1973)
  4529. Biology and management of threatened and endangered western trouts (1976)
  4530. Re-sampling remotely sensed data to improve national and regional mapping of forest conditions with confidential field data  (2005)
  4531. Erosion, sedimentation, and cumulative effects in the Northern Rocky Mountains (2004)
  4532. Experimental trampling of vegetation. I. Relationship between trampling intensity and vegetation response (1995)
  4533. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 18: Issues affecting social acceptability of fuels treatments (2006)
  4534. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 17: Considering social acceptability of fuels treatments (2006)
  4535. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 16: Prescribed fire and visual quality (2006)
  4536. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 15: Landscape change and aesthetics (2006)
  4537. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 14: Landscape preference in forested ecosystems (2006)
  4538. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 13: Strategies for managing fuels and visual quality (2006)
  4539. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 12: Keys to successful collaboration (2006)
  4540. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 11: Challenges to collaboration (2006)
  4541. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 10: Stages of collaboration (2006)
  4542. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 09: Benefits of collaboration (2006)
  4543. Managing for enhancement of riparian and wetland areas of the Western United States: an annotated bibliography (2000)
  4544. Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere (2006)
  4545. Forest Inventory and Analysis National Data Quality Assessment Report for 2000 to 2003 (2006)
  4546. Arc Habitat Suitability Index computer software (2006)
  4547. Ecology, biodiversity, management, and restoration of aspen in the Sierra Nevada (2006)
  4548. The LANDFIRE Prototype Project: nationally consistent and locally relevant geospatial data for wildland fire management (2006)
  4549. Fuels Management-How to Measure Success: Conference Proceedings (2006)
  4550. Testing Verbenone for reducing mountain pine beetle attacks in ponderosa pine in the Black Hills, South Dakota (2006)
  4551. Strategies for conserving native salmonid populations at risk from nonnative fish invasions: tradeoffs in using barriers to upstream movement (2006)
  4552. Wildlife and invertebrate response to fuel reduction treatments in dry coniferous forests of the Western United States: a synthesis (2006)
  4553. Photo series for quantifying forest residues in managed lands of the Medicine Bow National Forest (2006)
  4554. Wood plenty, grass good, water none: Vegetation changes in Arizona's upper Verde River watershed from 1850 to 1997 (2006)
  4555. Prehistory and early history of the Malpai Borderlands: Archaeological synthesis and recommendations (2006)
  4556. A petition for the introduction and field release of the Chondrilla root moth, Bradyrrhoa gilveolella (Treitschke), for the biological control of Rush skeletonweed in North America (2000)
  4557. Evidence for resistance polymorphism in the Bromus tectorum/Ustilago bullata pathosystem: implications for biocontrol (2001)
  4558. Effects of fire on fish populations: landscape perspectives on persistence of native fishes and nonnative fish invasions (2003)
  4559. Field guide to Intermountain rushes (1994)
  4560. Evaluating Great Lakes bald eagle nesting habitat with Bayesian inference (2003)
  4561. Lewis's Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis): A technical conservation assessment (2004)
  4562. Demography of Lewis's Woodpecker, breeding bird densities, and riparian aspen integrity in a grazed landscape (2005)
  4563. How To ... Guide (2006)
  4564. Fire Behavior (FB) (2006)
  4565. Metadata (MD) (2006)
  4566. Analysis Tools (AT) (2006)
  4567. FIREMON Database (2006)
  4568. Landscape Assessment (LA) (2006)
  4569. Rare Species (RS) (2006)
  4570. Line Intercept (LI) (2006)
  4571. Density (DE) (2006)
  4572. Point Intercept (PO) (2006)
  4573. Cover/Frequency (CF) (2006)
  4574. Species Composition (SC) (2006)
  4575. Fuel Load (FL) (2006)
  4576. Tree Data (TD) (2006)
  4577. Plot Description (PD) (2006)
  4578. Integrated Sampling Strategy (ISS) Guide (2006)
  4579. FIREMON: Fire effects monitoring and inventory system (2006)
  4580. Beyond the campfire's light: Historical roots of the wilderness concept (1989)
  4581. Food habits of bald eagles wintering in northern Arizona (2000)
  4582. Quantifying suitable habitat of the threatened western prairie fringed orchid (2001)
  4583. Role of soil disturbances in determining post-harvest plant biodiversity and invasive weed distributions (2002)
  4584. Effects of fire interval restoration on carbon and nitrogen in sedimentary- and volcanic-derived soils of the Mogollon Rim, Arizona (2003)
  4585. Soil carbon in arid and semiarid forest ecosystems (2002)
  4586. Impacts of natural disturbance on soil carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems (2002)
  4587. Conservation assessment for groundcedar and stiff clubmoss in the Black Hills National Forest South Dakota and Wyoming (2002)
  4588. Estimating population size with correlated sampling unit estimates (2003)
  4589. Wintering bald eagle trends in northern Arizona, 1975-2000 (2003)
  4590. A non-parametric, supervised classification of vegetation types on the Kaibab National Forest using decision trees (2003)
  4591. Potential for travertine formation: Fossil Creek, Arizona (2003)
  4592. Community-level physiological profiles of bacteria and fungi: Plate type and incubation temperature influences on contrasting soils (2003)
  4593. Observation: Leafy spurge control in western prairie fringed orchid habitat (2003)
  4594. Conservation assessment for great-spurred violet in the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming (2003)
  4595. Conservation assessment for southern maidenhair fern and stream orchid in the Black Hills National Forest South Dakota and Wyoming (2003)
  4596. Conservation assessment for the autumn willow in the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming (2003)
  4597. Conservation assessment for bloodroot in the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming (2003)
  4598. Conceptual framework for studying the effects of fuels treatments on avian communities in ponderosa pine forests of northern Arizona (2004)
  4599. Estimating small mammal abundance on fuels treatment units in southwestern ponderosa pine forests (2004)
  4600. Thermal regimes of Mexican spotted owl nest stands (2004)
  4601. Characteristics of snags containing excavated cavities in northern Arizona mixed-conifer and ponderosa pine forests (2004)
  4602. Restoration of Soldier Spring: an isolated habitat for native Apache trout (2004)
  4603. Effects of wildfires on riparian restoration sites, [electronic resource] (2004)
  4604. Restoring wetlands after the Rodeo-Chediski Wildfire, [electronic resource] (2004)
  4605. Spatial evaluation of precipitation in two large watersheds in north-central Arizona (2004)
  4606. Habitat associations of sympatric red-tailed hawks and northern goshawks on the Kaibab Plateau (2004)
  4607. Factors influencing occupancy of nest cavities in recently burned forests (2004)
  4608. Evaluating the role of cutting treatments, fire and soil seed banks in an experimental framework in ponderosa pine forests of the Black Hills, South Dakota (2004)
  4609. Prey ecology of Mexican spotted owls in pine-oak forests of northern Arizona (2005)
  4610. Fire and birds in the southwestern United States (2005)
  4611. Population genetics and genotyping for mark-recapture studies of Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) on the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona (2005)
  4612. Changes in snag populations in northern Arizona mixed-conifer and ponderosa pine forests, 1997-2002 (2005)
  4613. Home range, habitat use, survival, and fecundity of Mexican spotted owls in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico (2005)
  4614. Sampling considerations for demographic and habitat studies of Northern Goshawks (2005)
  4615. Patterns of temporal variation in goshawk reproduction and prey resources (2005)
  4616. Is fledging success a reliable index of fitness in Northern Goshawks? (2005)
  4617. Testing the potential of multi-spectral remote sensing for retrospectively estimating fire severity in African savannahs (2005)
  4618. Trembling aspen response to a mixed-severity wildfire in the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA (2005)
  4619. Patch structure, fire-scar formation, and tree regeneration in a large mixed-severity fire in the South Dakota Black Hills, USA (2005)
  4620. Some observations on the stoichiometry of feldspar hydrolysis in granitic soil (1988)
  4621. A two-stage information-theoretic approach to modeling landscape-level attributes and maximum recruitment of chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin [electronic resource] (2000)
  4622. Mountain erosion over 10 yr, 10 k.y., and 10 m.y. time scales (2001)
  4623. Salmonid behavior and water temperature (2001)
  4624. Models to predict suitable habitat for juvenile bull trout in Washington state (2001)
  4625. Sources and magnitude of sampling error in redd counts for bull trout (2001)
  4626. Development of field-based models of suitable thermal regimes for interior Columbia Basin salmonids (2001)
  4627. Introduction to special issue on hydrologic and geomorphic effects of forest roads (2001)
  4628. Incorporating aquatic ecology into decisions on prioritization of road decommissioning (2001)
  4629. Testing a blowing snow model against distributed snow measurements at Upper Sheep Creek, Idaho, United States of America (2001)
  4630. Effects of traffic and ditch maintenance on forest road sediment production (2001)
  4631. A modified force-restore approach to modeling snow-surface heat fluxes (2001)
  4632. Spatial and temporal patterns in erosion from forest roads (2001)
  4633. Effective population size and genetic conservation criteria for bull trout (2001)
  4634. Development of bull trout sampling protocols (2001)
  4635. Alien invasions in aquatic ecosystems: toward an understanding of brook trout invasions and potential impacts on inland cutthroat trout in western North America (2002)
  4636. Influences of spatial and temporal variation on fish-habitat relationships defined by regression quantiles (2002)
  4637. A probabilistic approach for channel initiation (2002)
  4638. Controlling flooding and water pollution with upland and streamside vegetation systems (2003)
  4639. Hydrological processes and pathways affected by forest roads: what do we still need to learn? (2002)
  4640. Protocol for determining bull trout presence (2002)
  4641. Channel aggradation by beaver dams on a small agricultural stream in Eastern Nebraska (2004)
  4642. A two-stage information-theoretic approach to modeling landscape-level attributes and maximum recruitment of chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin (2002)
  4643. Decline of the migratory form in bull charr, Salvelinus confluentus, and implications for conservation (2002)
  4644. Green-ampt infiltration parameters in riparian buffers (2004)
  4645. Geomorphic effects of wood in rivers (2003)
  4646. Watershed scale impacts of buffers and upland conservation practices on agrochemical delivery to streams (2004)
  4647. Integrating conservation genetic considerations into conservation planning: a case study of bull trout in the Lake Pend Oreille-lower Clark Fork River system (2003)
  4648. A general power equation for predicting bed load transport rates in gravel bed rivers (2004)
  4649. Silviculture of southwestern mixed conifers and aspen: the status of our knowledge (1974)
  4650. User's guide to the Douglas-fir beetle impact model (1993)
  4651. Lumber production in Arizona and New Mexico, 1960 (1964)
  4652. Effects of grazing management treatment on grassland plant communities and prairie grouse habitat (1988)
  4653. Winter ecology of the greater prairie chicken on the Sheyenne National Grasslands, North Dakota (1988)
  4654. A method for trapping prairie grouse hens on display grounds (1998)
  4655. Habitat usage by prairie grouse on the Sheyenne National Grasslands (1988)
  4656. Prairie chicken populations of the Sheyenne Delta in North Dakota, 1961-1987 (1988)
  4657. Whole stand volume tables for quaking aspen in the Rocky Mountains (1984)
  4658. Phytotoxic grass residues reduce germination and initial root growth of ponderosa pine (1975)
  4659. Social construction of arctic wilderness: place meanings, value pluralism, and globalization (2002)
  4660. A user's guide to the combined stand prognosis and Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreak model (1982)
  4661. Approximating recreation site choice: the predictive capability of a lexicographic semi-order model (1985)
  4662. Managing wilderness recreation use: common problems and potential solutions (1987)
  4663. Wilderness campsite monitoring methods: a sourcebook (1989)
  4664. Low-impact recreational practices for wilderness and backcountry (1989)
  4665. User's guide to the western spruce budworm modeling system (1990)
  4666. Packstock in wilderness: use, impacts, monitoring, and management (1993)
  4667. Underwater methods for study of salmonids in the Intermountain West (1994)
  4668. Defining fire and wilderness objectives: Applying limits of acceptable change (1995)
  4669. Stand hazard rating for central Idaho forests (1996)
  4670. Annotated bibliography of publications for LAC applications (1997)
  4671. Experiencing limits of acceptable change: some thoughts after a decade of implementation (1997)
  4672. Limits of acceptable change and natural resources planning: when is LAC useful, when is it not? (1997)
  4673. The limits of acceptable change process: modifications and clarifications (1997)
  4674. A comparative analysis of protected area planning and management frameworks (1997)
  4675. Beyond wilderness: Broadening the applicability of limits of acceptable change (1977)
  4676. Application of LAC-type processes and concepts to nonrecreation management issues in protected areas (1997)
  4677. Visitor experience and resource protection framework in the National Park System: rationale, current status, and future direction (1997)
  4678. Limits of acceptable change planning in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness: 1985 to 1997 (FIDL) (1997)
  4679. Recreation management in the Bob Marshall, Great Bear, and Scapegoat Wilderness: 1987 to 1997 (1997)
  4680. Role of public involvement in the limits of acceptable change wilderness planning system (1997)
  4681. Institutional barriers and opportunities in application of the limits of acceptable change (1997)
  4682. Historical development of limits of acceptable change: conceptual clarifications and possible extensions (1997)
  4683. Limits of acceptable change and related planning processes: a workshop (1997)
  4684. Proceedings--Limits of Acceptable Change and related planning processes: progress and future directions (1997)
  4685. Soil disturbance-tree growth relations in central Idaho clearcuts (1987)
  4686. Area of vegetation loss: a new index of campsite impact (1989)
  4687. Susceptibility of volcanic ash-influenced soil in northern Idaho to mechanical compaction (1993)
  4688. Characteristics of visitors without permits compared to those with permits at the Desolation Wilderness, California (1993)
  4689. Evaluating slope stability prior to road construction (1983)
  4690. Ecological changes on campsites in the Eagle Cap Wilderness, 1979 to 1984 (1986)
  4691. How wilderness visitors choose entry points and campsites (1990)
  4692. Changes on trails in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Montana, 1978-89 (1991)
  4693. Trends in campsite condition: Eagle Cap Wilderness, Bob Marshall Wilderness, and Grand Canyon National Park (1992)
  4694. Visitor characteristics and preferences for three National Forest wildernesses in the South (1992)
  4695. Campsites in three western wildernesses: proliferation and changes in condition over 12 to 16 years (1993)
  4696. Hikers and recreational stock users: predicting and managing recreation conflicts in three wildernesses (1993)
  4697. The wilderness threats matrix: a framework for assessing impacts (1994)
  4698. Wilderness recreation use trends, 1965 through 1994 (1996)
  4699. Campsite impacts in four wildernesses in the south-central United States (1996)
  4700. Effects of constant and cyclical thermal regimes on growth and feeding of juvenile cutthroat trout of variable sizes (2004)
  4701. Modeling of the interactions between forest vegetation, disturbances, and sediment yields (2004)
  4702. Objective landslide detection and surface morphology mapping using high-resolution airborne laser altimetry (2004)
  4703. A conceptual framework for assessing impacts of roads on aquatic biota (2004)
  4704. Human relationships with wilderness: The fundamental definition of wilderness character (2004)
  4705. Reply to comment by Claude Michel on "A general power equation for predicting bed load transport rates in gravel bed rivers" (2005)
  4706. Characterizing and mapping forest fire fuels using ASTER imagery and gradient modeling (2005)
  4707. Reply to comment by Jonathan J. Rhodes on "Modeling of the interactions between forest vegetation, disturbances, and sediment yields" (2005)
  4708. A GIS tool to analyze forest road sediment production and stream impacts (2005)
  4709. Implications of changing fire regimes for aquatic ecosystems (2005)
  4710. Validation of abundance estimates from mark-recapture and removal techniques for rainbow trout captured by electrofishing in small streams (2005)
  4711. Variation in fire regimes of the Rocky Mountains: implications for avian communities and fire management (2005)
  4712. Fire and avian ecology in North America: process influencing pattern (2005)
  4713. Are block nets necessary?: Movement of stream-dwelling salmonids in response to three common survey methods (2005)
  4714. Performance of bed load transport equations in mountain gravel-bed rivers: a re-analysis (2006)
  4715. Spatial distribution of impacts to channel bed mobility due to flow regulation, Kootenai River, USA (2006)
  4716. Spawning demographics and juvenile dispersal of an adfluvial bull trout population in Trestle Creek, Idaho (2006)
  4717. Emerging concepts for management of river ecosystems and challenges to applied integration of physical and biological sciences in the Pacific Northwest, USA (2006)
  4718. Have brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) displaced bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) along longitudinal gradients in central Idaho streams? (2006)
  4719. Impact of diseases and other disturbances on non-timber forest resources: A case study involving small mammals (2004)
  4720. Case study: Evolving research into effects of recreational activity on wildlife (2004)
  4721. Evaluating methods for monitoring populations of Mexican spotted owls: A case study (2004)
  4722. Summer diet of the peregrine falcon in faunistically rich and poor zones of Arizona analyzed with capture-recapture modeling (2004)
  4723. Response of a depleted sagebrush steppe riparian system to grazing control and woody plantings (1996)
  4724. Responses of cavity-nesting birds to stand-replacement fire and salvage logging in ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests of southwestern Idaho (1998)
  4725. Surface mine impoundments as wildlife and fish habitat (1989)
  4726. Management of livestock to improve and maintain prairie chicken habitat on the Sheyenne National Grasslands (1988)
  4727. Prairie chickens on the Sheyenne National Grasslands: September 18, 1987; Crookston, Minnesota (1988)
  4728. Management preferences of recreationists in a scenic corridor: Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona (1982)
  4729. Culture loss and sense of place in resource valuation: Economics, anthropology and indigenous cultures (2003)
  4730. The values jury to aid natural resource decisions (1995)
  4731. How precise are monetary representations of environmental improvements? (1995)
  4732. Community attachment, regional identity and resident attitudes toward tourism (1995)
  4733. Which response format reveals the truth about donations to a public good? (1996)
  4734. Valuing risks to the environment (1996)
  4735. Information bias in contingent valuation: effects of personal relevance, quality of information, and motivational orientation (1996)
  4736. Fitting species-accumulation functions and assessing regional land use impacts on avian diversity (1996)
  4737. Accounting for connectivity and spatial correlation in the optimal placement of wildlife habitat (1996)
  4738. Using donation mechanisms to value nonuse benefits from public goods (1997)
  4739. Measuring the difference in mean willingness to pay when dichotomous choice contingent valuation responses are not independent (1997)
  4740. Identifying gaps in conservation networks: of indicators and uncertainty in geographic-based analyses (1997)
  4741. WTA estimates using the method of paired comparison: tests of robustness (1998)
  4742. Threatened and endangered species geography: characteristics of hot spots in the conterminous United States (1998)
  4743. Economic valuation by the method of paired comparison, with emphasis on evaluation of the transitivity axiom (1998)
  4744. Numerically exploring habitat fragmentation effects on populations using cell-based coupled map lattices (1999)
  4745. Why the WTA - WTP disparity matters (1999)
  4746. Leisure places and modernity: the use and meaning of recreational cottages in Norway and the USA (1999)
  4747. Optimal timber harvest scheduling with spatially defined sediment objectives (2000)
  4748. Ponderosa pine in the Colorado Front Range: long historical fire and tree recruitment intervals and a case for landscape heterogeneity (2000)
  4749. Economics of a nest-box program for the conservation of an endangered species: a reappraisal (2001)
  4750. Environmental damage schedules: community judgments of importance and assessments of losses (2001)
  4751. Forest fragmentation and bird community dynamics: inference at regional scales  (2001)
  4752. Where heart and home reside: changing constructions of place and identity (2001)
  4753. Judged seriousness of environmental losses: reliability and cause of loss (2002)
  4754. Contingent valuation and incentives (2002)
  4755. Patchy reaction-diffusion and population abundance: the relative importance of habitat amount and arrangement (2002)
  4756. Relationships among North American songbird trends, habitat fragmentation, and landscape occupancy (2002)
  4757. The meaning of place: attachments to Femundsmarka National Park, Norway, among tourists and locals (2002)
  4758. Further tests of entreaties to avoid hypothetical bias in referendum contingent valuation (2003)
  4759. Effect of reproductive rate on minimum habitat requirements of forest-breeding birds (2003)
  4760. Non-native plant invasions in managed and protected ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests of the Colorado Front Range (2003)
  4761. The measurement of place attachment: validity and generalizability of a psychometric approach (2003)
  4762. Random location of fuel treatments in wildland community interfaces: a percolation approach (2004)
  4763. Trends in pan evaporation and actual evapotranspiration across the conterminous U.S.: paradoxical or complementary? (2004)
  4764. Explaining the discrepancy between intentions and actions: the case of hypothetical bias in contingent valuation (2004)
  4765. Comparing landscape scale vegetation dynamics following recent disturbance in climatically similar sites in California and the Mediterranean basin (2004)
  4766. Forest and rangeland ecosystem condition indicators: identifying national areas of opportunity using data development analysis (2004)
  4767. Observational evidence of the complementary relationship in regional evaporation lends strong support for Bouchet's hypothesis (2005)
  4768. Using contingent valuation to value a noxious weeds control program: the effects of including an unsure response category (2005)
  4769. Seasonal patterns in soil surface CO2 flux under snow cover in 50 and 300 year old subalpine forests (2005)
  4770. Maintaining research traditions on place: diversity of thought and scientific progress (2005)
  4771. Estimating the probability of mountain pine beetle red-attack damage (2006)
  4772. Mountain pine beetle population sampling: inferences from Lindgren pheromone traps and tree emergence cages (2006)
  4773. Evaluation of insecticides for protecting southwestern ponderosa pines from attack by engraver beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) (2006)
  4774. Riparian ecosystems and buffers - multiscale structure, function, and management: introduction (2006)
  4775. Plant species distribution in relation to water-table depth and soil redox potential in montane riparian meadows (2006)
  4776. Site index curves for white fir in the southwestern United States developed using a guide curve method (2006)
  4777. Species richness and patterns of invasion in plants, birds, and fishes in the United States (2006)
  4778. Comparison of naturally and synthetically baited spruce beetle trapping systems in the central Rocky Mountains (2006)
  4779. Network-scale spatial and temporal variation in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) redd distributions: patterns inferred from spatially continuous replicate surveys (2006)
  4780. Understanding social influences on wilderness fire stewardship decisions (2006)
  4781. Pedicularis and Castilleja are natural hosts of Cronartium ribicola in North America: a first report (2006)
  4782. Barriers to wildland fire use: A preliminary problem analysis (2006)
  4783. Post-fledging survival of Northern Goshawks: the importance of prey abundance, weather, and dispersal (2006)
  4784. Tests of landscape influence: nest predation and brood parasitism in fragmented ecosystems (2006)
  4785. When reintroductions are augmentations: the genetic legacy of the fisher (Martes pennanti) in Montana (2006)
  4786. Forest development following mudflow deposition, Mount St. Helens, Washington (2006)
  4787. An event-based approach for examining the effects of wildland fire decisions on communities (2006)
  4788. Resource impacts caused by recreation (1986)
  4789. Recreation in whitebark pine ecosystems: Demand, problems, and management strategies (1990)
  4790. Significant wilderness qualities: can they be identified and monitored? (1989)
  4791. Viewpoint: needed research on domestic and recreational livestock in wilderness (1989)
  4792. Characteristics of wilderness users in outdoor recreation assessments (1989)
  4793. Some principles to guide wilderness campsite management (1990)
  4794. Sediment production from forest roads with wheel ruts (1990)
  4795. Why is it important to monitor social conditions in wilderness? (1990)
  4796. Modeling wilderness campsites: factors that influence amount of impact (1991)
  4797. Wildlife preservation and recreational use: conflicting goals of wildland management (1991)
  4798. The influence of past experience on wilderness choice (1991)
  4799. Minimizing conflict between recreation and nature conservation (1993)
  4800. The Grand Canyon of the Colorado: a challenge to float, a challenge to manage (1989)
  4801. Backcountry impact management: Lessons from research (1994)
  4802. A monitoring strategy for the national wilderness preservation system (1994)
  4803. The nature of conflict between hikers and recreational stock users in the John Muir wilderness (1994)
  4804. Goal interference and social value differences: understanding wilderness conflicts and implications for managing social density (2001)
  4805. Visitor use density and wilderness experiences: a historical review of research (2001)
  4806. Use density, visitor experience, and limiting recreational use in wilderness: progress to date and research needs (2001)
  4807. Disturbance of natural vegetation by camping: experimental applications of low-level stress (1995)
  4808. Indirect effects of recreation on wildlife (1995)
  4809. Experimental trampling of vegetation. II. Predictors of resistance and resilience (1995)
  4810. Wilderness management principles: science, logical thinking or personal opinion? (1995)
  4811. The role of ecological monitoring in managing wilderness (1995)
  4812. Trends in wilderness recreation use characteristics (1995)
  4813. Intergroup conflict in wilderness: balancing opportunities for experience with preservation responsibility (1995)
  4814. Wilderness recreation in the United States: trends in use, users, and impacts (1996)
  4815. Spatial and temporal variation in soil and vegetation impacts on campsites (1996)
  4816. Threats to wilderness ecosystems: impacts and research needs (1996)
  4817. Spatially-varied erosion modeling using WEPP for timber harvested and burned hillslopes (1997)
  4818. Geostatistics: a new tool for describing spatially-varied surface conditions from timber harvested and burned hillslopes (1997)
  4819. X-DRAIN and XDS: a simplified road erosion prediction method (1998)
  4820. Relationships between models used to analyze fire and fuel management alternatives (2000)
  4821. Cytogeography and chromosome evolution of subgenus Tridentatae of Artemisia (Asteraceae) (1999)
  4822. Spatial interpolation and simulation of post-burn duff thickness after prescribed fire (1999)
  4823. Apparatus and method for the measurement of forest duff moisture content (1999)
  4824. Spatial prediction of landslide hazard using discriminant analysis and GIS (2000)
  4825. Fire, competition and forest pests: landscape treatment to sustain ecosystem function (2000)
  4826. Evaluating risks and benefits of wildland fire at landscape scales (2000)
  4827. Method for the measurement of forest duff moisture content (2000)
  4828. Fire effects on infiltration rates after prescribed fire in northern Rocky Mountain forests, USA (2000)
  4829. Management dilemmas that will shape wilderness in the 21st century (2001)
  4830. Comparing erosion risks from forest operations to wildfire (2001)
  4831. Statistical modeling of landslide hazard using GIS (2001)
  4832. Use of flow cytometry, fluroescence microscopy, and PCR-based techniques to assess intraspecific and interspecific matings of Armillaria species (2001)
  4833. The Wilderness Act and fish stocking: an overview of legislation, judicial interpretation, and agency implementation (2001)
  4834. An overview of the fire and fuels extension to the forest vegetation simulator (2000)
  4835. Public purpose recreation marketing: a focus on the relationships between the public and public lands (2002)
  4836. Simulation of recreational use in backcountry settings: an aid to management planning (2002)
  4837. Assessing Clark's nutcracker seed-caching flights using maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA of whitebark pine (2002)
  4838. DNA from bird-dispersed seed and wind-disseminated pollen provides insights into postglacial colonization and population genetic structure of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) (2002)
  4839. The challenge of wilderness stewardship (2003)
  4840. Agency policy and the resolution of wilderness stewardship dilemmas (2003)
  4841. The challenges in developing the WEPP cumulative effects model (2003)
  4842. Simplified methods for evaluating road prism stability (2003)
  4843. Locally available aggregate and sediment production (2003)
  4844. Selecting indicators and understanding their role in wilderness experience stewardship at Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve (2003)
  4845. The challenge of doing science in wilderness: historical, legal, and policy context (2003)
  4846. Effect of white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) and rust-resistance breeding on genetic variation in western white pine (Pinus monticola) (2003)
  4847. Wildland fire use: the dilemma of managing and restoring natural fire and fuels in United States wilderness (2003)
  4848. Impacts of fire on hydrology and erosion in steep mountain big sagebrush communities (2003)
  4849. Quick response small catchment monitoring techniques for comparing postfire rehabilitation treatment effectiveness (2003)
  4850. Histology of white pine blister rust in needles of resistant and susceptible eastern white pine (2003)
  4851. Monitoring and management of recreation in protected areas: the contributions and limitations of science (2004)
  4852. Information about wilderness visitors and recreation impacts: is it adequate? (2004)
  4853. Travel simulation modeling: an emerging tool for visitor management in wilderness (2004)
  4854. Wilderness experiences: what should we be managing for? (2004)
  4855. Response of mountain meadows to grazing by recreational pack stock (2004)
  4856. Spatial patterns of recreational impact on experimental campsites (2004)
  4857. Wood strands as an alternative to agricultural straw for erosion control (2004)
  4858. Field validation of Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC) products for post fire assessment (2004)
  4859. Developing indicators to monitor the "outstanding opportunities" quality of wilderness character (2004)
  4860. Managing the wild: should stewards be pilots? (2004)
  4861. Hyperspectral remote sensing of postfire soil properties (2004)
  4862. Measuring duff moisture content in the field using a portable meter sensitive to dielectric permittivity (2004)
  4863. A new tool for fire managers: An electronic duff moisture meter (2004)
  4864. A taste of the north: Voices from the wilderness about the wilderness character of Alaska (2004)
  4865. Sagebrush steppe and pinyon-juniper ecosystems: effects of changing fire regimes, increased fuel loads, and invasive species (2005)
  4866. Symbolic values: the overlooked values that make wilderness unique (2005)
  4867. Evaluation of runoff prediction from WEPP-based erosion models for harvested and burned forest watersheds (2005)
  4868. Predicting cumulative watershed effects of fuel management with improved WEPP technology (2005)
  4869. Effects of road obliteration on stream water quality (2005)
  4870. Impacts of all terrain vehicles (ATV) on National Forest lands and grasslands [Abstract] (2005)
  4871. Using rainfall simulators to test wood shreddings for erosion control (2005)
  4872. Social and institutional influences on wilderness fire stewardship (2005)
  4873. Insect herbivory stimulates allelopathic exudation by an invasive plant and the suppression of natives (2005)
  4874. The contribution of red wood ants to soil C and N pools and CO2 emissions in subalpine forests (2005)
  4875. Lack of significant changes in the herpetofauna of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, since the 1920s (2005)
  4876. Postfire rehabilitation treatments: are we learning what works? (2005)
  4877. Voices from Denali: "it's bigger than wilderness" (2005)
  4878. Research on the relationship between humans and wilderness in Alaska (2005)
  4879. Forest health through silviculture: opening remarks (1995)
  4880. Closing remarks: A visit to Dr. Stout's and Dr. Murphy's forest health clinic (1995)
  4881. Atypical forest products, processes, and uses: a developing component of National Forest management (1995)
  4882. Supplementing forest ecosystem health projects on the ground (1995)
  4883. Silvicultural practices (commercial thinning) are influencing the health of natural pine stands in eastern California (1995)
  4884. The role of genetics in improving forest health (1995)
  4885. Putting white pine in its place on the Hiawatha National Forest (1995)
  4886. Application of the Forest Vegetation Simulator in evaluating management for old-growth characteristics in southwestern mixed conifer forests (1995)
  4887. Effects of thinnings on growth and yield in natural Pinus arizonica and Pinus durangensis stands in the El Largo-Madera region in Chihuahua State (1995)
  4888. The Applegate Adaptive Management Area ecosystem health assessment (1995)
  4889. Developing technology -- a forest health partnership (1995)
  4890. Forest vegetation simulation tools and forest health assessment (1995)
  4891. Describing the conditions of forest ecosystems using disturbance profiles (1995)
  4892. Assessing pathogen and insect succession functions in forest ecosystems (1995)
  4893. Exotic pests: major threats to forest health (1995)
  4894. Gypsy moth role in forest ecosystems: the good, the bad, and the indifferent (1995)
  4895. Impacts of southern pine beetles in special management areas (1995)
  4896. Forest ecosystem health in the inland west (1995)
  4897. Ecosystem management, forest health, and silviculture (1995)
  4898. The way to a healthy future for National Forest ecosystems in the West : what role can silviculture and prescribed fire play? (1995)
  4899. Forest development leading to disturbances (1995)
  4900. Forest health from different perspectives (1995)
  4901. Optimizing Emory oak woodlands for multiple resource benefits [Poster] (2005)
  4902. Hydrology, ecology, and management of riparian areas in the Madrean Archipelago [Abstract] (2005)
  4903. Characterization of habitat preferences for selected wildlife species in encinal savannas of the Southwest [Poster] (2005)
  4904. Using cluster analysis and a classification and regression tree model to developed cover types in the Sky Islands of southeastern Arizona [Abstract] (2005)
  4905. The Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station's Southwestern Borderlands Ecosystem Management Project: building on ten years of success [Abstract] (2005)
  4906. Vegetative characteristics of oak savannas in the southwestern United States: a comparative analysis with oak woodlands in the region [Abstract] (2005)
  4907. Occurrence, structure, and function of the nitrogen-fixing microsymbiont Frankia from nodules of Arizona alder [Abstract] (2005)
  4908. Short-term effects of fire on Sky Island ant communities (2005)
  4909. Vascular plant and vertebrate inventories in Sonoran Desert National Parks (2005)
  4910. Management of thinned Emory oak coppice for multiple resource benefits (2005)
  4911. Vegetation-environment relations of the Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park, Texas (2005)
  4912. Evaluation of post-wildfire runoff and erosion on semiarid ecological sites (2005)
  4913. Monitoring post-fire vegetation regeneration in a Madrean ecosystem (2005)
  4914. Pollination of pima pineapple cactus (Coryphantha sheeri var. robustispina): does pollen flow limit abundance of this endangered species? (2005)
  4915. Defining boundaries across borders: a case study extending a major land resource area into Mexico (2005)
  4916. Abundance of birds in the oak savannas of the southwestern United States (2005)
  4917. International Arid Lands Consortium's contributions to Madrean Archipelago stewardship (2005)
  4918. Status of black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) in Sonora, Mexico (2005)
  4919. Cultural resource management and the necessity of cultural and natural resource collaboration (2005)
  4920. Assessing indicators of rangeland health with remote sensing in southeast Arizona (2005)
  4921. The effects of fire events on soil geochemistry in semi-arid grasslands (2005)
  4922. Studies of methane fluxes reveal that desert soils can mitigate global climate change (2005)
  4923. Climate mitigation potential of the San Pedro River riparian zone (2005)
  4924. Shifts in the potential distribution of Sky Island plant communities in response to climate change (2005)
  4925. Proposed wildland fire amendment to the Coronado National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (2005)
  4926. Changes in forest species composition and structure after stand-replacing wildfire in the mountains of southeastern Arizona (2005)
  4927. An on-line interface for integrated modeling of wildlife, climate, and society for strategic planning for the Sky Islands (2005)
  4928. No positive feedback between fire and a nonnative perennial grass (2005)
  4929. Greater Huachuca Mountains Fire Management Group (2005)
  4930. Madrean pine-oak forest in Arizona: altered fire regimes, altered communities (2005)
  4931. Effects of fire on Sonoran desert plant communities (2005)
  4932. Black bear abundance, habitat use, and food habits in the Sierra San Luis, Sonora, Mexico (2005)
  4933. GIS and path analysis: examining associations between the birds, the bees, and plant sex in Echinocereus coccineus (Cactaceae) (2005)
  4934. Ecology and natural history of the green rat snake at Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge, Cochise County, Arizona (2005)
  4935. Habitat and conservation status of the beaver in the Sierra San Luis Sonora, Mexico (2005)
  4936. Correlates of vulnerability in Chiricahua fox squirrels (2005)
  4937. Post-fire saguaro community: impacts on associated vegetation still apparent 10 years later (2005)
  4938. Abundance and food habits of cougars and bobcats in the Sierra San Luis, Sonora, Mexico (2005)
  4939. A dearth of data on the mammals of the Madrean Archipelago: what do we think we know and what we actually do know (2005)
  4940. Effects of the Chytrid fungus on the Tarahumara frog (Rana tarahumarae) in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico (2005)
  4941. Watershed improvement using prescribed burns as a way to restore aquatic habitat for native fish (2005)
  4942. Vegetative characteristics of oak savannas in the southwestern United States: a comparative analysis with oak woodlands in the region (2005)
  4943. Kleptoparasitic behavior and species richness at Mt. Graham red squirrel middens (2005)
  4944. Safe Harbor: a tool to help recover topminnow and pupfish in Arizona (2005)
  4945. Characterization of Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) habitat in Madrean Sky Island ecosystems (2005)
  4946. Proceedings of Border Institute VI: transboundary ecosystem management (2005)
  4947. Conservation priorities in the Apache Highlands ecoregion (2005)
  4948. History, extent, and future of Arizona BLM-managed roadless areas in the Madrean Archipelago (2005)
  4949. Building effective international, multicultural alliances for restoration of ejido forests in the Sierra Madre Occidental (2005)
  4950. An assessment of the spatial extent and condition of grasslands in the Apache Highlands ecoregion (2005)
  4951. Threats to cross-border wildlife linkages in the Sky Islands Wildlands Network (2005)
  4952. Rangeland degradation and restoration in the "desert seas": social and economic drivers of ecological change between the Sky Islands (2005)
  4953. Return of the Tarahumara frog to Arizona (2005)
  4954. Prospects for Mexican gray wolf recovery in the Sky Islands (2005)
  4955. Coyote abundance in relation to habitat characteristics in Sierra San Luis, Sonora, Mexico (2005)
  4956. Herpetology of the Coronado National Forest: managing our natural heritage (2005)
  4957. Herpetology of the American Madrean Archipelago and adjacent valleys (2005)
  4958. Citizens' council protecting Sky Island wildlife corridor (2005)
  4959. Comparing ecosystem water and carbon exchange across a riparian mesquite invasion gradient (2005)
  4960. Hydrology, ecology, and management of riparian areas in the Madrean Archipelago (2005)
  4961. The lower San Pedro River: hydrology and flow restoration for biodiversity conservation (2005)
  4962. Tamarisk and river restoration along the San Pedro and Gila Rivers (2005)
  4963. Monitoring invasive plants using hand-held GIS technology (2005)
  4964. Changes in the Pincate Reserve ecosystems: Invasion of non-native plants (2005)
  4965. Varmint control in Cochise County over the years (2005)
  4966. The Western Apache home: landscape management and failing ecosystems (2005)
  4967. CHI CH'IL (acorns): Dissolution of traditional Dilzhe'e gathering practice(s) due to federal control of the landscape (2005)
  4968. Natural setting as cultural landscapes: the power of place and tradition (2005)
  4969. Environmental change at Kartchner Caverns: trying to separate natural and anthropogenic changes (2005)
  4970. Ecosystem management and its role in linking science, policy, and management (2005)
  4971. Analysis of landscape fragmentation in the Peloncillo Mountains in relation to wildfire, prescribed burning, and cattle grazing (2005)
  4972. The development of landscape-scale ecological units and their application to the greater Huachuca Mountains fire planning process (2005)
  4973. Management and conservation of tree squirrels: the importance of endemism, species richness, and forest condition (2005)
  4974. The Research Ranch: what do you do with a grassland besides raise cows? (2005)
  4975. The Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station's Southwestern Borderlands Ecosystem Management Project: building on 10 years of success (2005)
  4976. Landscape-level impacts of livestock on the diversity of a desert grassland: preliminary results from long-term experimental studies (2005)
  4977. Vegetation in transition: the Southwest's dynamic past century (2005)
  4978. Water quality monitoring for high-priority water bodies in the Sonoran Desert network (2005)
  4979. Community based monitoring: engaging and empowering Alberta ranchers (2005)
  4980. Phenology and trend indicators derived from spatially dynamic bi-weekly satellite imagery to support ecosystem monitoring (2005)
  4981. Long-term ecosystem monitoring and change detection: the Sonoran initiative (2005)
  4982. Using cluster analysis and a classification and regression tree model to developed cover types in the Sky Islands of southeastern Arizona (2005)
  4983. How do humans restructure the biodiversity of the Sonoran Desert? (2005)
  4984. Wild cats of the Sky Islands: a summary of monitoring efforts using noninvasive techniques (2005)
  4985. Challenges to managing natural resource information (2005)
  4986. High-resolution climate monitoring on a mountain island: the Saguaro National Park pilot study (2005)
  4987. An overview of the floristic richness and conservation of the arid regions of northern Mexico (2005)
  4988. The forgotten flora of la Frontera (2005)
  4989. Hummingbird conservation: discovering diversity patterns in southwest U.S.A. (2005)
  4990. Floristic comparison of an Arizona Sky Island and the Sierra Madre Occidental in eastern Sonora: the Huachuca Mountains and the Yecora area (2005)
  4991. In search of the Madrean line: biogeography of herpetofauna in the Sky Island region (2005)
  4992. The Arizona striped whiptail: past and present (2005)
  4993. Biogeography of amphibians and reptiles in Arizona (2005)
  4994. Historical biogeography of longhorn cactus beetles: the influence of Pleistocene climate changes on American desert communities (2005)
  4995. First records of two species of mammals in the Huachuca Mountains: results of ecological stewardship at Fort Huachuca (2005)
  4996. Refugia, biodiversity, and pollination roles of bumble bees in the Madrean Archipelago (2005)
  4997. A preliminary floristic inventory in the Sierra de Mazatan, Municipios of Ures and Mazatan, Sonora, Mexico (2005)
  4998. Herpetofauna of lowland bottomlands of southeastern Arizona: a comparison of sites (2005)
  4999. Lowland riparian herpetofaunas: the San Pedro River in southeastern Arizona (2005)
  5000. Variation in populations of Yarrow's spiny lizard, Sceloporus jarrovii, in the northern Madrean Archipelago region (2005)
  5001. Flora of the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Cochise County, Arizona (2005)
  5002. Chiricahua leopard frog status in the Galiuro Mountains, Arizona, with a monitoring framework for the species' entire range (2005)
  5003. Distribution of birds and plants at the western and southern edges of the Madrean Sky Islands in Sonora, Mexico (2005)
  5004. Occurence, structure, and nitrogen-fixation of root nodules of actinorhizal Arizona alder (2005)
  5005. The tectonic evolution of the Madrean Archipelago and its impact on the geoecology of the Sky Islands (2005)
  5006. Predicting habitat suitability for wildlife in southeastern Arizona using Geographic Information Systems: scaled quail, a case study (2005)
  5007. Sexual differentiation in the distribution potential of northern jaguars (Panthera onca) (2005)
  5008. Connecting mountain islands and desert seas: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago II: Plenary abstracts (2005)
  5009. Fire histories from pine-dominant forest in the Madrean Archipelago (2005)
  5010. Ghostly grazers and Sky Islands (2005)
  5011. Landholding systems and resource management in the Sky Islands Borderlands (2005)
  5012. Ecosystem management in the Madrean Archipelago: a 10-year historical perspective (2005)
  5013. Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago II: Summary of discussions during the concluding session (2005)
  5014. Field guide to forest plants of northern Idaho (1985)
  5015. An English-Spanish glossary of terminology used in forestry, range, wildlife, fishery, soils, and botany (Glosario en Ingles-Espanol de terminologia usada en forestales, pastizales, fauna, silvestre, pesqueria, suelos, y botanica) (1988)
  5016. Mesquite removal and mulching impacts on herbage production on a semidesert grass-shrub rangeland (2006)
  5017. Integrated wildlife management: western working group (1993)
  5018. Summary of southeastern group breakout sessions (1993)
  5019. Integration of neotropical migrant bird conservation into other resource management activities in the Midwest (1993)
  5020. Wapiti and warblers: integrating game and nongame management in Idaho (1993)
  5021. Antelope, sage grouse, and neotropical migrants (1993)
  5022. Protection of neotropical migrants as a major focus of wildlife management (1993)
  5023. Effects of silvicultural treatments on forest birds in the Rocky Mountains: implications and management recommendations (1993)
  5024. Effects of silviculture on neotropical migratory birds in central and southeastern oak pine forests (1993)
  5025. Management of New England northern hardwoods, spruce-fir, and eastern white pine for neotropical migratory birds (1993)
  5026. Silvicultural options for neotropical migratory birds (1993)
  5027. Adding a landscape ecology perspective to conservation and management planning (1993)
  5028. Migrant songbirds, habitat change, and conservation prospects in northern Peten, Guatemala: some initial results (1993)
  5029. Habitat fragmentation in the temperate zone: a perspective for managers (1993)
  5030. Effects of land use practices on western riparian ecosystems (1993)
  5031. Effects of land use practices on neotropical migratory birds in bottomland hardwood forests (1993)
  5032. Effects of pesticides and contaminants on neotropical migrants (1993)
  5033. Effects of livestock grazing on neotropical migratory landbirds in western North America (1993)
  5034. Effects of temperate agriculture on neotropical migrant landbirds (1993)
  5035. Monitoring bird populations: the role of bird observatories and nongovernmental organizations (1993)
  5036. Virginia's monitoring goals and programs: eastern state perspective (1993)
  5037. A western state perspective on monitoring and managing neotropical migratory birds (1993)
  5038. Monitoring goals and programs of the Bureau of Land Management (1993)
  5039. Integrated natural resource monitoring on Army lands and its application to conservation of neotropical birds (1993)
  5040. USDA Forest Service goals and programs for monitoring neotropical migratory birds (1993)
  5041. Monitoring goals and programs of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1993)
  5042. Evaluation of mist-netting, nest-searching and other methods for monitoring demographic processes in landbird populations (1993)
  5043. A checklist approach for monitoring neotropical migrant birds: Twenty-year trends in birds of Quebec Using EPOQ (1993)
  5044. EMAP and other tools for measuring biodiversity, habitat conditions, and environmental trends (1993)
  5045. The Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program: overview and progress (1993)
  5046. Designing and implementing a monitoring program and the standards for conducting point counts (1993)
  5047. Overview of national bird population monitoring programs and databases (1993)
  5048. Monitoring neotropical migrants on managed lands: when, where, why (1993)
  5049. Status of neotropical migratory birds in the Northeast: a preliminary assessment (1993)
  5050. Neotropical migratory landbird species and their habitats of special concern within the Southeast Region (1993)
  5051. Status of neotropical migrant landbirds in the Midwest: identifying species of management concern (1993)
  5052. An interactive database for setting conservation priorities for western neotropical migrants (1993)
  5053. The Partners in Flight species prioritization scheme (1993)
  5054. Incorporating effects of natural disturbances in managed ecosystems (1993)
  5055. Management implications of cowbird parasitism on neotropical migrant songbirds (1993)
  5056. Management and conservation of migratory landbirds overwintering in the neotropics (1993)
  5057. Stopover habitat: management implications and guidelines (1993)
  5058. Are populations of neotropical migrant birds limited in summer or winter? implications for management (1993)
  5059. Involving the private sector in Georgia's conservation initiatives for neotropical birds (1993)
  5060. Cooperative partnerships and the role of private landowners (1993)
  5061. Birding economics and birder demographics studies as conservation tools (1993)
  5062. Biological diversity, ecological integrity, and neotropical migrants: New perspectives for wildlife management (1993)
  5063. Population trends and management opportunities for neotropical migrants (1993)
  5064. Closing the gap between research and management (1993)
  5065. Partners in Flight: past, present, and future: prospects for neotropical migratory bird conservation in Canada (1993)
  5066. Partners in Flight: past, present, and future: nongovernment organization perspective (1993)
  5067. A comparison of low cost satellite imagery for pastoral planning projects in Central Asia (2006)
  5068. Scaling-up of CO2 fluxes to assess carbon sequestration in rangelands of Central Asia (2006)
  5069. Partners in Flight: past, present, and future: a government perspective (1993)
  5070. Fragmenting pastoral mobility: Changing grazing patterns in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan (2006)
  5071. Providing winter bases for transhumant herders in Altai, Xinjiang China: Some consequences and lessons learned (2006)
  5072. The paradox of the individual household responsibility system in the grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau, China (2006)
  5073. Status and management of neotropical migratory birds: Introduction (1993)
  5074. Rangeland, livestock and herders revisited in the Northern Pastoral Region of China (2006)
  5075. Collection and evaluation of forage germplasm indigenous to Mongolia (2006)
  5076. Community based wildlife management planning in protected areas: The case of Altai argali in Mongolia (2006)
  5077. Land use and land tenure in Mongolia: A brief history and current issues (2006)
  5078. Pastoral community organization, livelihoods and biodiversity conservation in Mongolia's Southern Gobi Region (2006)
  5079. Conserving biodiversity on Mongolian Rangelands: Implications for protected area development and pastoral uses (2006)
  5080. The Four Corners timber harvest and forest products industry, 2002 (2006)
  5081. Rangelands of Central Asia: Proceedings of the Conference on Transformations, Issues, and Future Challenges (2006)
  5082. Status and management of neotropical migratory birds: September 21-25, 1992, Estes Park, Colorado (1993)
  5083. Optimum timeframes for detecting songbird vocalizations in the Black Hills (2000)
  5084. Wildlife associated with scoria outcrops: implications for reclamation of surface-mined lands (1989)
  5085. Evaluating the microscopic fecal technique for estimating hard mast in turkey diets (1993)
  5086. Evaluating the habitat capability model for Merriam's turkeys (1995)
  5087. Evaluation of a habitat capability model for nongame birds in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1996)
  5088. Radiation dosimetry on revegetated uranium mill tailings in western South Dakota (1986)
  5089. Uranium and radium concentrations in plants growing on uranium mill tailings in South Dakota (1986)
  5090. Flora and fauna associated with prairie dog colonies and adjacent ungrazed mixed-grass prairie in western South Dakota (1986)
  5091. Using twig diameters to estimate browse utilization on three shrub species in southeastern Montana (1987)
  5092. Avian use of scoria rock outcrops (1987)
  5093. Eggshell quality and organochlorine residues in eggs of merlins, Falco columbarius, in southeastern Montana (1987)
  5094. Home range and habitat utilization of breeding male merlins, Falco columbarius, in southeastern Montana (1987)
  5095. Demography of black-tailed prairie dog populations reoccupying sites treated with rodenticide (1987)
  5096. Summer brood-rearing ecology of the greater prairie chicken on the Sheyenne National Grasslands (1988)
  5097. Diets of greater prairie chickens on the Sheyenne National Grasslands (1988)
  5098. Influence of ponderosa pine overstory on forage quality in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1988)
  5099. Wildlife response to stand structure of deciduous woodlands (1988)
  5100. Arthropod consumption by small mammals on prairie dog colonies and adjacent ungrazed mixed grass prairie in western South Dakota (1988)
  5101. A statistical model of expansion in a colony of black-tailed prairie dogs (1988)
  5102. The western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara): monitoring and research (1989)
  5103. Promising native forbs for seeding on mine spoils (1989)
  5104. Nonparametric projections of forest and rangeland condition indicators: A technical document supporting the 2005 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment Update (2006)
  5105. Plant compositional change in a colony of black-tailed prairie dogs in South Dakota (1989)
  5106. Effects of two prairie dog rodenticides on ground-dwelling invertebrates in western South Dakota (1989)
  5107. Black-tailed prairie dog populations one year after treatment with rodenticides (1990)
  5108. Effects of prairie dog rodenticides on deer mice in western South Dakota (1990)
  5109. Poult adoption in Merriam's wild turkeys (1991)
  5110. Impacts of black-tailed prairie dog rodenticides on nontarget passerines (1991)
  5111. An update on conservation in the Janos-Casas Grandes Area (2006)
  5112. Voices from the local communities (Voces de las comunidades locales) (2006)
  5113. Sustainable ranching: A new paradigm (Ganaderia Sustentable: Un Nuevo Paradigma) (2006)
  5114. Photo essay: Trinchera dams for erosion control and streambed restoration (Foto ensayo: Trincheras para controlar la erosion y restaurar el cauce de los arroyos) (2006)
  5115. Roosting habitat of Merriam's turkeys in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1992)
  5116. Installation of devices in water tanks to prevent drowning of wild animals (Instalacion de Estructuras Dentro de Tanques de Agua Para Evitar El Ahogamiento de Animales Silvestres) (2006)
  5117. Ranching and conservation in the Santa Cruz River Region, Sonora: Milpillas Case Study (Ganaderia y Conservacion en la Region del Rio Santa Cruz, Sonora: El Caso del Grupo Milpillas) (2006)
  5118. Value-added beef products (Productos Carnicos con Valor Agregado) (2006)
  5119. Coexistence with predators (Coexistencia con depredadores) (2006)
  5120. Ranching and prairie dogs (La actividad ganadera y los perros llaneros) (2006)
  5121. Stratification of habitats for identifying habitat selection by Merriam's turkeys (1992)
  5122. Current situation of rangelands in Mexico (2006)
  5123. Ecotourism (Ecoturismo) (2006)
  5124. Power-line electrocution of birds (Electrocucion de Aves en Lineas Electricas en Mexico) (2006)
  5125. Management challenges for the pronghorn in Chihuahua (Retos al manejo del berrendo en Chihuahua) (2006)
  5126. Management guidelines for Merriam's wild turkeys (1993)
  5127. Grassland rehabilitation (Rehabilitacion de Pastizales) (2006)
  5128. Initial results of experimental studies of prairie dogs in arid grasslands: Implications for landscape conservation and the importance of scale (Resultados Iniciales de Estudios Experimentales en Perros Llaneros de Pastizales Aridos: Implicaciones Para la Conservacion del Paisaje y la Importancia de Escala) (2006)
  5129. A multi-state approach to black-tailed prairie dog conservation and management in the United States (Enfoque multi-estatal para la Conservacion y manejo del perro llanero de cola negra en los Estados Unidos) (2006)
  5130. Grasslands of Mexico: A perspective on their conservation (Los pastizales del norte de Mexico: Una perspectiva para su conservacion) (2006)
  5131. The importance of maintaining carnivores in wildlands (La Importancia de mantener carnivoros en Areas silvestres) (2006)
  5132. Diversity of amphibians and reptiles associated with grasslands of Janos-Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico (La diversidad de anfibios y reptiles asociada a los pastizales de Janos-Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico) (2006)
  5133. Verterbrate diversity in northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico (Diversidad de vertebrados del noroeste de Chihuahua, Mexico) (2006)
  5134. The fate of turkey #88 (1993)
  5135. Fire ecology and management in grasslands of the American Southwest (Ecologia a de fuego y manejo de pastizales en el Sudoeste Norteamericano) (2006)
  5136. Status and distribution of Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands in the United States and Mexico (Evaluacion del estado y distribucion de los pastizales del Desierto Chihuahuense en los Estados Unidos y Mexico) (2006)
  5137. Habitat selection of Merriam's turkey (Meleagris gallopavo Merriami) hens with poults in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1993)
  5138. Grassland ecology and diversity (Ecologia y diversidad de pastizales) (2006)
  5139. Welcome (Bienvenida) (2006)
  5140. Macrohabitat associations of Merriam's turkeys in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1993)
  5141. Towards place-based borderlands grassland conservation (Hacia la conservacion de pastizales en tierras fronterizas) (2006)
  5142. Managing pinyon-juniper woodlands (1994)
  5143. Nesting ecology of Merriam's turkeys in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1993)
  5144. Germination and seedling establishment of spiny hopsage in response to planting date and seedbed environment (1994)
  5145. Wildlife associations in Rocky Mountain juniper in the northern Great Plains, South Dakota (1995)
  5146. Fire history in interior ponderosa pine communities of the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA (1996)
  5147. Feeding ecology of Merriam's turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo merriami) in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1996)
  5148. Microhabitats of Merriam's turkeys in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1996)
  5149. Spiny hopsage fruit and seed morphology (1996)
  5150. The role of prescribed burning in regenerating Quercus macrocarpa and associated woody plants in stringer woodlands in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1996)
  5151. South Dakota rangelands: more than a sea of grass (1996)
  5152. Seral stage classification and monitoring model for big sagebrush/western wheatgrass/blue grama habitat (1996)
  5153. Variation in selection of microhabitats by Merriam's turkey brood hens (1997)
  5154. Diets of angora goats grazing leafy spurge Euphorbia esula-infested rangelands (1997)
  5155. Charts for interpreting wildland fire behavior characteristics (1982)
  5156. Grasslands ecosystems, endangered species, and sustainable ranching in the Mexico-U.S. borderlands: Conference proceedings (2006)
  5157. Comparison of crown fire modeling systems used in three fire management applications (2006)
  5158. Greater prairie chicken nesting habitat, Sheyenne National Grassland, North Dakota (1997)
  5159. Evaluation of resource selection methods with different definitions of availability (1998)
  5160. Bird community relationships to succession in green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) woodlands (1998)
  5161. Synopsis: the role of prescribed burning in regenerating Quercus macrocarpa and associated woody plants in stringer woodlands in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1998)
  5162. Response of understory species to changes in ponderosa pine stocking levels in the Black Hills (1998)
  5163. Historical variability in fire at the ponderosa pine - northern Great Plains prairie ecotone, southeastern Black Hills, South Dakota (1999)
  5164. Spatial and temporal optimization in habitat placement for a threatened plant: the case of the western prairie fringed orchid (1999)
  5165. Old Black Hills ponderosa pines tell a story (1999)
  5166. Applicability of Montreal Process Criterion 1 - conservation of biological diversity - to rangeland sustainability (2000)
  5167. GPS radio collar 3D performance as influenced by forest structure and topography (2000)
  5168. Applicability of Montreal Process Criterion 2: Productive capacity--to rangeland sustainability (2000)
  5169. Species-area relations of song birds in the Black Hills, South Dakota (2000)
  5170. Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) communities: Ecology, importance and restoration potential (2000)
  5171. Wood and understory production under a range of ponderosa pine stocking levels, Black Hills, South Dakota (2000)
  5172. Protocol for monitoring standing crop in grasslands using visual obstruction (2000)
  5173. The role of prairie dogs as a keystone species: response to Stapp (2000)
  5174. Evaluating elk habitat interactions with GPS collars (2001)
  5175. Optimizing habitat location for black-tailed prairie dogs in southwestern South Dakota (2002)
  5176. Conservation of greater sage-grouse on public lands in the western U.S.: Implications of recovery and management policies (2002)
  5177. Factors affecting survival and recruitment in female Merriam's turkeys (2003)
  5178. Leafy spurge effects on patterns of plant species richness (2004)
  5179. Do pine trees in aspen stands increase bird diversity? (2001)
  5180. Native woodlands and birds of South Dakota: past and present (1998)
  5181. Habitat capability model for birds wintering in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1999)
  5182. Small mammals in successional prairie woodlands of the northern Great Plains (2001)
  5183. Vegetation and soils of burrowing owl nest sites in Conata Basin, South Dakota (1985)
  5184. Rodent-vegetation relationships in southeastern Montana (1985)
  5185. Burrowing owl foods in Conata Basin, South Dakota (1985)
  5186. Habitat used by shrews in southeastern Montana (1985)
  5187. Breeding chronology and reproductive success of Richardson's merlins in southeastern Montana (1985)
  5188. Quality of water for livestock in man-made impoundments in the northern High Plains (1985)
  5189. Long-eared owls nesting in Badlands National Park (1985)
  5190. Bird species associated with green ash woodlands in the Slim Buttes, South Dakota (1986)
  5191. Upland hardwood habitat types in southwestern North Dakota (1985)
  5192. The value of wooded draws on the northern high plains for hunting, furs, and woodcutting (1985)
  5193. Wooded draws in rangelands of the northern Great Plains (1985)
  5194. Coyote foods in the Black Hills, South Dakota (1984)
  5195. Big game habitat use in southeastern Montana (1984)
  5196. Plant community variability on a small area in southeastern Montana (1984)
  5197. An economic analysis of black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) control (1984)
  5198. Management considerations to enhance use of stock ponds by waterfowl broods (1983)
  5199. Biota of uranium mill tailings near the Black Hills (1982)
  5200. Shrub and tree establishment on coal spoils in northern High Plains - USA (1984)
  5201. Perennial forbs for wildlife habitat restoration on mined lands in the northern Great Plains (1982)
  5202. Establishment of trees and shrubs on lands disturbed by mining in the West (1984)
  5203. An important lichen of southeastern Montana rangelands (1983)
  5204. Interior ponderosa pine in the Black Hills (1983)
  5205. A comparison of two waterfowl brood survey techniques (1982)
  5206. FHM lichen community results from Wyoming, 1997: a preliminary summary (1999)
  5207. Lichen communities for forest health monitoring in Colorado, USA: A report to the USDA Forest Service (1998)
  5208. Evidence for leafy spurge dissemination by birds? (1980)
  5209. Simulating historical landscape dynamics using the landscape fire succession model LANDSUM version 4.0 (2006)
  5210. Sound recordings of road maintenance equipment on the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico (2004)
  5211. Response of two semiarid grasslands to a second fire application (2006)
  5212. Measurement of coarse gravel and cobble transport using portable bedload traps (2004)
  5213. Thinking about efficiency of resource use in forests (2004)
  5214. Predicting cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) abundance in high-elevation streams: revisiting a model of translocation success (2005)
  5215. Characterizing and contrasting instream and riparian coarse wood in western Montana basins (2006)
  5216. Analysis of aspen stand structure and composition in the Western U.S.: implications for management (2004)
  5217. Protecting and landscaping homes in the wildland/urban interface (2004)
  5218. Evaluating the ASTER sensor for mapping and characterizing forest fire fuels in northern Idaho (2004)
  5219. Production, respiration, and overall carbon balance in an old-growth Pseudotsuga-Tsuga forest ecosystem (2004)
  5220. Mapping relative fire regime condition class for the Western United States (2004)
  5221. Small area estimation in forests affected by wildfire in the Interior West (2004)
  5222. Forest type mapping of the Interior West (2004)
  5223. Wyoming's Forests, 2002 (2005)
  5224. Responses of plant communities to grazing in the southwestern United States (2006)
  5225. Community level analysis of opportunistically-breeding anurans in western Mexico (2006)
  5226. Factors affecting fire suppression costs as identified by incident management teams (2006)
  5227. Soil physical property changes at the North American long-term soil productivity study sites: 1 and 5 years after compaction (2006)
  5228. Turkey habitat use and nesting characteristics in ponderosa pine (1987)
  5229. Effects of timber harvesting on birds in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, USA (1997)
  5230. Prairie dogs as ecosystem regulators on the northern High Plains (1983)
  5231. Inventory and analysis of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) sites: a feasibility study (1980)
  5232. A test of the habitat suitability model for Merriam's wild turkeys (1996)
  5233. Age and gender classification of Merriam's turkeys from foot measurements (1996)
  5234. Hybrid poplar cultivars for maximizing phytomass production on gold mine tailings in the Black Hills (1987)
  5235. LAC indicators: an evaluation of progress and list of proposed indicators (1992)
  5236. The biological costs of not reclaiming bentonite mine spoils (1982)
  5237. Establishment record for the Wellner Cliffs Research Natural Area (2006)
  5238. Forest health through silviculture: proceedings of the 1995 National Silviculture Workshop, Mescalero, New Mexico, May 8-11, 1995 (1995)
  5239. Wilderness party size regulations: implications for management and a decisionmaking framework (2000)
  5240. Current approaches to norms research (2000)
  5241. Wilderness education: an updated review of the literature and new directions for research and practice (2000)
  5242. Winter visitor use planning in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks (2000)
  5243. Keeping wilderness wild: increasing effectiveness with limited resources (2000)
  5244. Standards of quality for river use within the Fort Niobrara wilderness area (2000)
  5245. Monitoring social indicators in the Bear Trap Canyon Wilderness 1988-1998 (2000)
  5246. Preparing for a day hike at Grand Canyon: what is useful? (2000)
  5247. Information collection styles of wilderness users: a market segmentation approach (2000)
  5248. Communicating minimum impact behavior with trailside bulletin boards: Visitor characteristics associated with effectiveness (2000)
  5249. Attitudes toward roles in a wilderness education program (2000)
  5250. Factors that limit compliance with low-impact recommendations (2000)
  5251. Magazines as wilderness information sources: assessing users' general wilderness knowledge and specific leave no trace knowledge (2000)
  5252. Wilderness on the internet: identifying wilderness information domains (2000)
  5253. Visitors' relationship to the resource: comparing place attachment in wildland and developed settings (2000)
  5254. Recreational kayak visitor use, distribution, and financial value of beaches in western Prince William Sound, Alaska, between 1987-1998 (2000)
  5255. Effective coping strategies in stressful outdoor recreation situations: conflict on the Ocoee River (2000)
  5256. Perceptions of and preferences for fee program dollar utilization among wilderness visitors (2000)
  5257. Response to conflict among wilderness visitors (2000)
  5258. Examining leisure event opportunities of Isle Royale National Park: bridging the gap between social process and spatial form (2000)
  5259. The rise of the day visitor in wilderness: should managers be concerned? (2000)
  5260. Donations as an alternative to wilderness user fees: the case of the desolation wilderness (2000)
  5261. Developing social standards for wilderness encounters in Mount Rainier National Park: Manager-defined versus visitor-defined standards (2000)
  5262. Meanings and implications of acceptability judgements for wilderness use impacts (2000)
  5263. Visitor's knowledge of federal wilderness: implications for wilderness user research and management (2000)
  5264. An expanded perspective on displacement: A longitudinal study of visitors to two wildernesses in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon (2000)
  5265. Relationships between trip motivations and selected variables among Allegheny National forest visitors (2000)
  5266. An individual-based modeling approach to simulating recreation use in wilderness settings (2000)
  5267. Measures of wilderness trip satisfaction and user perceptions of crowding (2000)
  5268. Examining winter visitor use in Yellowstone National Park (2000)
  5269. Leave no trace practices: behaviors and preferences of wilderness visitors regarding use of cookstoves and camping away from lakes (2000)
  5270. Noise impact issues on the Great Walks of New Zealand (2000)
  5271. How do visitor density and anthropogenic change in frontcountry wilderness settings affect recreation benefits? (2000)
  5272. Wilderness use in the year 2000: societal changes that influence human relationships with wilderness (2000)
  5273. Defining and managing the quality of wilderness recreation experiences (2000)
  5274. The role of science in wilderness planning: a state-of-knowledge review (2000)
  5275. Wilderness visitors, experiences, and visitor management (2000)
  5276. Wilderness for science: pros and cons of using wilderness areas for biological research (2000)
  5277. The Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute: a national wilderness research program in support of wilderness management (2000)
  5278. Research protocols in National Park Service wilderness (2000)
  5279. The challenge of scientific activities in wilderness (2000)
  5280. Wolf research in the Isle Royale wilderness: do the ends justify the means? (2000)
  5281. A framework for evaluating proposals for scientific activities in wilderness (2000)
  5282. Identifying research needs for improved management of social impacts in wilderness recreation (2000)
  5283. Primal hypotheses: the relationship between naturalness, solitude, and the wilderness experience benefits of development of self, development of community, and spiritual development (2000)
  5284. Interferences in place attachment: implications for wilderness (2000)
  5285. How wilderness therapy works: an examination of the wilderness therapy process to treat adolescents with behavioral problems and addictions (2000)
  5286. Social psychological benefits of a wilderness adventure program (2000)
  5287. In their own words: wilderness values of outfitter/guides (2000)
  5288. Is there a shared idea of "wilderness" among outdoor recreationists?: evidence from three recreation sites (2000)
  5289. Encountering Heidi: meeting others as a central aspect of the river experience (2000)
  5290. Wilderness: a place for ethical inquiry (2000)
  5291. Holocene rain-forest wilderness: a neotropical perspective on humans as an exotic, invasive species (2000)
  5292. The ancient environment of the Beartooth Butte Formation (Devonian) in Wyoming and Montana: combining paleontological inquiry with federal management needs (2000)
  5293. Paleontological excavations in designated wilderness: theory and practic (2000)
  5294. Dynamics of chinook salmon populations within Idaho's Frank Church Wilderness: implications for persistence (2000)
  5295. Monitoring reproduction and contraception in free ranging wildlife: tule elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes) at Point Reyes National Seashore (2000)
  5296. Edge effects and the effective size of old-growth coast redwood preserves (2000)
  5297. Shrub-steppe vegetation trend, Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho (2000)
  5298. A multiscale method for assessing vegetation baseline of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in protected areas of Chile (2000)
  5299. Effects of the Suwannee River sill on the hydrology of the Okefenokee Swamp: application of research results in the environmental assessment process (2000)
  5300. Alpine vegetation communities and the alpine-treeline ecotone boundary in New England as biomonitors for climate change (2000)
  5301. The importance of wilderness to whitebark pine research and management (2000)
  5302. Establishing benchmark monitoring points in wilderness: successes and challenges (2000)
  5303. Ecosystem dynamics and disturbance in mountain wildernesses: assessing vulnerability of natural resources to change (2000)
  5304. Does protection of desert tortoise habitat generate other ecological benefits in the Mojave Desert? (2000)
  5305. Studies in the wilderness areas of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge: fire, bark beetles, human development, and climate change (2000)
  5306. The evolution of wilderness wildlife research in North America (2000)
  5307. Benefits of nonfacilitated uses of wilderness (2000)
  5308. Global change in wilderness areas: disentangling natural and anthropogenic changes (2000)
  5309. The effects of wilderness settings on organized groups: a state-of-knowledge paper (2000)
  5310. The evolving role of science in wilderness to our understanding of ecosystems and landscapes (2000)
  5311. Wilderness as a place for scientific inquiry (2000)
  5312. Meaningful community involvement in protected area issues: a dialogue session (2000)
  5313. Wilderness, natural areas, and ecological reserves: thoughts on the politics of the big outside (2000)
  5314. Tribal wilderness research needs and issues in the United States and Canada (2000)
  5315. From confrontation to conservation: the Banff National Park experience (2000)
  5316. Southern by the grace of God: wilderness framing in the heart of Dixie (2000)
  5317. The relationship between debt-for-nature swaps and protected area tourism: a plausible strategy for developing countries (2000)
  5318. Windfalls for wilderness: land protection and land value in the Green Mountains (2000)
  5319. A political cultural map to future wilderness, monument and park designation (2000)
  5320. Wildland economics: theory and practice (2000)
  5321. Population growth, economic security, and cultural change in wilderness counties (2000)
  5322. Biological science in conservation (2000)
  5323. Wilderness perception scaling in New Zealand: an analysis of wilderness perceptions held by users, nonusers and international visitors (2000)
  5324. The Finnish "social wilderness" (2000)
  5325. Knowledge of and attitudes toward wilderness in the southern Appalachian ecoregion (2000)
  5326. Economic growth, ecological economics, and wilderness preservation (2000)
  5327. Wilderness in Australia: what's happening in a world context (2000)
  5328. Tourism and wilderness: dancing with the messy monster (2000)
  5329. The triumph of politics over wilderness science (2000)
  5330. Funding strategies for wilderness management (2000)
  5331. Assessing interconnections between wilderness and adjacent lands: the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah (2000)
  5332. Climatic change and wildland recreation: Examining the changing patterns of wilderness recreation in response to the effects of global climate change and the El Nino phenomenon (2000)
  5333. The Sundarbans: a unique wilderness of the world (2000)
  5334. An evaluation of wilderness and aquatic biointegrity in western Montana (2000)
  5335. Gauging the ecological capacity of southern Appalachian reserves: does wilderness matter? (2000)
  5336. New GIS approaches to wild land mapping in Europe (2000)
  5337. State-of-the-wilderness reporting in Ontario: models, tools and techniques (2000)
  5338. Wilderness based ecosystem protection in the northern Rocky Mountains of the United States (2000)
  5339. Indicators of wildness: using attributes of the land to assess the context of wilderness (2000)
  5340. How valid are future generations' arguments for preserving wilderness? (2000)
  5341. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: an exploration of the meanings embodied in America's last great wilderness (2000)
  5342. Science, economics, and rhetoric: environmental advocacy and the wolf reintroduction debate, 1987-1999 (2000)
  5343. An ecosystem approach to management: a context for wilderness protection (2000)
  5344. Navigating confluences: revisiting the meaning of "wilderness experience" (2000)
  5345. The influence of the Adirondacks on the wilderness preservation contributions of Robert Marshall and Howard Zahniser (2000)
  5346. Disturbance, scale, and boundary in wilderness management (2000)
  5347. The impact of wilderness and other wildlands on local economies and regional development trends (2000)
  5348. Economic values of wilderness recreation and passive use: what we think we know at the beginning of the 21st century (2000)
  5349. Wilderness management dilemmas: fertile ground for wilderness management research (2000)
  5350. Mapping the geography of hope (2000)
  5351. Wilderness biology and conservation: future directions (2000)
  5352. Wilderness science: an oxymoron? (2000)
  5353. Changing human relationships with nature: making and remaking wilderness science (2000)
  5354. The real wilderness idea (2000)
  5355. Contemporary criticisms of the received wilderness idea (2000)
  5356. Future trends in society and technology: implications for wilderness research and management (2000)
  5357. Global change and wilderness science (2000)
  5358. Wilderness science in a time of change: a conference (2000)
  5359. Wilderness ecosystems, threats, and management (2000)
  5360. Naturalness and wilderness: the dilemma and irony of managing wilderness (2000)
  5361. Wilderness management planning in an Alaskan national park: last chance to do it right? (2000)
  5362. The development of the 1999 management plan for the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (Australia) (2000)
  5363. Grizzly bears as a filter for human use management in Canadian Rocky Mountain national parks (2000)
  5364. Seeking a scientific approach to backcountry management in Yellowstone National Park (2000)
  5365. Legislative interpretation as a guiding tool for wilderness management (2000)
  5366. Air quality management in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wilderness areas (2000)
  5367. Evaluating effects of fish stocking on amphibian populations in wilderness lakes (2000)
  5368. A survey of exotic plants in federal wilderness areas (2000)
  5369. Effects on nonnative fishes on wilderness lake ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada and recommendations for reducing impacts (2000)
  5370. Visitor perceptions and valuation of visibility in the Great Gulf Wilderness, New Hampshire (2000)
  5371. Fish stocking in protected areas: summary of a workshop (2000)
  5372. The federal wildland policy: opportunities for wilderness fire management (2000)
  5373. Twentieth-century fire patterns in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area, Idaho/Montana, and the Gila/Aldo Leopold Wilderness Complex, New Mexico (2000)
  5374. The challenge of restoring natural fire to wilderness (2000)
  5375. Fire-climate interactions in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness area (2000)
  5376. Prescribed fire as the minimum tool for wilderness forest and fire regime restoration: a case study from the Sierra Nevada, California (2000)
  5377. Restoring natural fire regimes to the Sierra Nevada in an era of global change (2000)
  5378. Development of ecological restoration experiments in fire adapted forests at Grand Canyon National Park (2000)
  5379. Continuing fire regimes in remote forests of Grand Canyon National Park (2000)
  5380. Returning fire to the mountains: can we successfully restore the ecological role of pre-Euroamerican fire regimes to the Sierra Nevada? (2000)
  5381. Mixed-severity fire regimes in the northern Rocky Mountains: consequences of fire exclusion and options for the future (2000)
  5382. Understanding the factors that limit restoration success on a recreation-impacted subalpine site (2000)
  5383. Would ecological landscape restoration make the Bandelier Wilderness more or less of a wilderness? (2000)
  5384. Effectiveness of a confinement strategy in reducing pack stock impacts at campsites in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Idaho (2000)
  5385. The influence of wilderness restoration programs on visitor experience and visitor opinions of managers (2000)
  5386. Restoration of multiple-rut trails in the Tuolumne meadows of Yosemite National Park (2000)
  5387. Soil amendments and planting techniques : campsite restoration in the Eagle Cap Wilderness, Oregon (2000)
  5388. Erosion of mountain hiking trail over a seven-year period in Daisetsuzan National Park, central Hokkaido, Japan (2000)
  5389. Human impact surveys in Mount Rainier National Park : past, present, and future (2000)
  5390. Meadow response to pack stock grazing in the Yosemite wilderness: Integrating research and management (2000)
  5391. The consequences of trampling disturbance in two vegetation types at the Wyoming Nature Conservancy's Sweetwater River project area (2000)
  5392. Wilderness campsite conditions under an unregulated camping policy: An eastern example (2000)
  5393. Sanitation in wilderness: Balancing minimum tool policies and wilderness values (2000)
  5394. Assessing soil erosion on trails: A comparison of techniques (2000)
  5395. Thirty-year monitoring of subalpine meadow vegetation following a 1967 trampling experiment at Logan Pass, Glacier National Park, Montana (2000)
  5396. Managing coastal recreation impacts and visitor experience using GIS (2000)
  5397. Camping impact management at Isle Royale National Park: An evaluation of visitor activity containment policies from the perspective of social conditions (2000)
  5398. Twenty-eight years of wilderness campsite monitoring in Yosemite National Park (2000)
  5399. Effects of soil compaction on root and root hair morphology: implications for campsite rehabilitation (2000)
  5400. Protecting wilderness air quality in the United States (2000)
  5401. Improving management of nonnative invasive plants in wilderness and other natural areas (2000)
  5402. Improving livestock management in wilderness (2000)
  5403. Recreation impacts and management in wilderness : A state-of-knowldege review (2000)
  5404. Wilderness fire science: A state of knowledge review (2000)
  5405. Pathology Collection of the Rocky Mountain Research Station (2006)
  5406. Two-aged silvicultural treatments in lodgepole pine stands can be economically viable (2006)
  5407. Wildland fire effects in silviculturally treated vs. untreated stands of New Mexico and Arizona (2006)
  5408. Summary (1997)
  5409. Landscape dynamics and considerations (1997)
  5410. Effects and interactions of fire, logging, and grazing (1997)
  5411. Effects of urbanization and recreation on songbirds (1997)
  5412. Songbird status and roles (1997)
  5413. A historical overview (1997)
  5414. Contemporary human use of southwestern ponderosa pine forests (1997)
  5415. Ecology of southwestern ponderosa pine forests (1997)
  5416. The vegetation of the Grand River/Cedar River, Sioux, and Ashland Districts of the Custer National Forest: a habitat type classification. (1988)
  5417. Sustaining the land, people, and economy of the Blue Mountains: The Blue Mountains Natural Resources Institute (2000)
  5418. The Colorado Front Range Ecosystem Management Research Project: Accomplishments to date (2000)
  5419. Research of the Rio Grande Ecosystem Management Program (2000)
  5420. Great Basin Research and Management Project: Restoring and maintaining riparian ecosystem integrity (2000)
  5421. Achieving ecosystem management in the Borderlands of the Southwestern United States through coordinated research/management partnerships (2000)
  5422. Sequential use of simulation and optimization in analysis and planning (2000)
  5423. Developing an ecosystem diversity framework for landscape assessment (2000)
  5424. Stevensville West Central Study (2000)
  5425. Social science and the Bitterroot National Forest: A synthesis (2000)
  5426. Synergy between ecological needs and economic aspects of ecosystem restoration (2000)
  5427. Behavioral and cognitive evaluation of FireWorks education trunk (2000)
  5428. Making "stuff" happen through public participation and consensus building (2000)
  5429. Agencies within communities, communities within ecosystems (2000)
  5430. Overview of forest carnivore survey efforts in the Bitterroot Mountains (2000)
  5431. The effect of time period on point count methodology for monitoring breeding birds (2000)
  5432. Small mammals of the Bitterroot National Forest: Ecological significance and guidelines for management (2000)
  5433. Presence/absence as a metric for monitoring vertebrate populations (2000)
  5434. Ecosystem-based management in the whitebark pine zone  (2000)
  5435. Ecosystem-based management in the lodgepole pine zone (2000)
  5436. Restoration of native plant communities infested by invasive weeds -- Sawmill Creek Research Natural Area (2000)
  5437. Associated riparian communities (2000)
  5438. Wildlife habitat considerations (2000)
  5439. Soils and nutrient considerations (2000)
  5440. Fire applications in ecosystem management (2000)
  5441. Silvicultural treatments (2000)
  5442. Ecosystem-based management at lower elevations (2000)
  5443. Comparing historic and modern forests on the Bitterroot Front (2000)
  5444. Keynote address: sustaining people and ecosystems in the 21st Century (2000)
  5445. The Bitterroot Ecosystem Management Research Project: How did it happen? (2000)
  5446. The Bitterroot Ecosystem Management Research Project: What we have learned (2000)
  5447. Connecting mountain islands and desert seas: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago II (2005)
  5448. Fire and nutrient cycling in shortgrass steppe of the southern Great Plains, USA (2005)
  5449. Dynamics of a pinyon-juniper stand in northern Arizona: a half-century history (2002)
  5450. Day users in wilderness: How different are they? (2001)
  5451. Comparing manager and visitor perceptions of llama use in wilderness (1998)
  5452. Guide for fabricating and installing shallow ground water observation wells (2001)
  5453. Recreation use allocation: alternative approaches for the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (1998)
  5454. A spline model of climate for the Western United States (2006)
  5455. The nature of flow and sediment movement in Little Granite Creek near Bondurant, Wyoming (2002)
  5456. Mechanisms of range expansion and removal of mesquite in desert grasslands of the Southwestern United States (2001)
  5457. Faunal characteristics of the Southern Rocky Mountains of New Mexico: implications for biodiversity analysis and assessment (2000)
  5458. Insects of the Idaho National Laboratory: A compilation and review (2005)
  5459. Sagebrush-ungulate relationships on the Northern Yellowstone Winter Range (2005)
  5460. Reseeding big sagebrush: Techniques and issues (2005)
  5461. Restoring Wyoming big sagebrush (2005)
  5462. Strategies to enhance plant structure and diversity in crested wheatgrass seedings (2005)
  5463. Seeding considerations in restoring big sagebrush habitat (2005)
  5464. Big sagebrush response to one-way and two-way chaining in Southeastern Utah (2005)
  5465. Landscape restoration for greater sage-grouse: implications for multiscale planning and monitoring (2005)
  5466. Current and potential use of broadleaf herbs for reestablishing native communities (2005)
  5467. Status and use of important native grasses adapted to sagebrush communities (2005)
  5468. Plant succession and approaches to community restoration (2005)
  5469. Seasonal habitat requirements for sage-grouse: spring, summer, fall, and winter (2005)
  5470. Classification and capabilities of woody sagebrush communities of Western North America with emphasis on sage-grouse habitat (2005)
  5471. Sagebrush identification, ecology, and palatability relative to sage-grouse (2005)
  5472. Sage-grouse habitat restoration symposium (2005)
  5473. Sage-grouse habitat restoration symposium proceedings (2005)
  5474. Mitigation activities in the forest sector to reduce emissions and enhance sinks of greenhouse gases (2000)
  5475. Considerations for interpreting probabilistic estimates of uncertainty of forest carbon (2000)
  5476. Soil carbon accounting and assumptions for forestry and forest-related land use change (2000)
  5477. Carbon sequestration in wood and paper products (2000)
  5478. Modeling climate change impacts on the forest sector (2000)
  5479. Ecosystem productivity and the impact of climate change (2000)
  5480. Biome redistribution under climate change (2000)
  5481. Overview: assessing the impacts of climate change on U.S. forests (2000)
  5482. Miller Creek Demonstration Forest - a forest born of fire: a field guide (1998)
  5483. Summary of technical testimony in the Colorado Water Division 1 Trial (1995)
  5484. Decision support systems for ecosystem management: An evaluation of existing systems (1997)
  5485. An analysis of the outdoor recreation and wilderness situation in the United States, 1989-2040: A technical document supporting the 1989 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment (1990)
  5486. Dietary overlap between sympatric Mexican spotted and great horned owls in Arizona (2005)
  5487. A survey of potential bald eagle nesting habitat along the Great Lakes shoreline (2005)
  5488. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 15: The Wildlife Habitat Response Model (2005)
  5489. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 14: Fuels reduction and compaction (2005)
  5490. Future directions for simulation of recreation use (2005)
  5491. Case studies of simulation models of recreation use (2005)
  5492. Overview of Computer Simulation Modeling Approaches and Methods (2005)
  5493. Historical Development of Simulation Models of Recreation Use (2005)
  5494. Why Model Recreation Use? (2005)
  5495. Fishes of Southwestern Grasslands: Ecology, Conservation, and Management (2005)
  5496. Birds of Southwestern grasslands: Status, conservation, and management (2005)
  5497. Small Mammals, Reptiles, and Amphibians (2005)
  5498. Large native ungulates (2005)
  5499. Wildlife (2005)
  5500. Assessment of grassland ecosystem conditions in the Southwestern United States: Wildlife and fish. Vol. 2 (2005)
  5501. Fire Effects Planning Framework: A user's guide (2005)
  5502. Twenty-two year results of a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) provenance test in North Dakota (1991)
  5503. Genetic variation in Great Plains Juniperus (1990)
  5504. Effects of treatment and seed source on germination of eastern redcedar seed (1985)
  5505. Genetic variation in blue spruce: A test of populations in Nebraska (1984)
  5506. PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion (PIBO): Effectiveness Monitoring Program seven-year status report 1998 through 2004 (2005)
  5507. Strategies for monitoring terrestrial animals and habitats (2005)
  5508. Computer simulation modeling of recreation use: Current status, case studies, and future directions (2005)
  5509. Assessment of native species and ungulate grazing in the Southwest: Terrestrial wildlife (2005)
  5510. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on soils and water (2005)
  5511. Measuring landscape esthetics: the scenic beauty estimation method (1976)
  5512. Cultural plant propagation center: Things to consider (2005)
  5513. Seed production and establishment of western Oregon native grasses (2005)
  5514. Variation in Nutrient Release of Polymer-Coated Fertilizers (2005)
  5515. Restoring Native California Oaks on Grazed Rangelands (2005)
  5516. Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation following biocide treatment improves Calocedrus decurrens survival and growth in nursery and outplanting sites (2005)
  5517. Increasing Native Forb Seed Supplies for the Great Basin (2005)
  5518. Rapid Response Reforestation: Studies in Fire Restoration (2005)
  5519. Fire Restoration in the Northern Region, USDA Forest Service (2005)
  5520. Plant Nutrient Testing and Analysis in Forest and Conservation Nurseries (2005)
  5521. Retractable Roof Greenhouses and Shadehouses (2005)
  5522. Twenty years of nursery history: a Forest Service perspective (2005)
  5523. Acorn size effects seedling size at the Penn Nursery (2005)
  5524. Needs and Benefits of Nursery Accreditation (2005)
  5525. Mechanized Symmetrical Sowing (2005)
  5526. Active nursery projects at the Missoula Technology and Development Center (2005)
  5527. Management Options for Control of a Stunt and Needle Nematode in Southern Forest Nurseries (2005)
  5528. National Wild Turkey Federation Programs (2005)
  5529. Panel Discussion: Weed Control Practices in Seedbeds of Deciduous Trees and Shrubs in the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Nursery Program (2005)
  5530. Panel Discussion: Weed Management (2005)
  5531. Weed Control in Bareroot Hardwood Nurseries (2005)
  5532. Panel Discussion: Cover Crops Used at Georgia Forestry Commission Flint River and Walker Nurseries (2005)
  5533. Panel Discussion: Cover Crops Used at Vallonia Nursery, Indiana Division of Forestry (2005)
  5534. Panel Discussion: Application of Living Mulch for Spring-Sown Loblolly Pine (2005)
  5535. Use of Cover Crops in Hardwood Production (2005)
  5536. Container hardwood seedling production (2005)
  5537. Panel Discussion: Using Shielded Sprayers to Control Weeds in Nursery Beds (2005)
  5538. Survey of Root and Shoot Cultural Practices for Hardwood Seedlings (2005)
  5539. Hardwood Seedling Nutrition (2005)
  5540. Seedling Quality Standards for Bottomland Hardwood Afforestation in the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley: Preliminary Results (2005)
  5541. Controlled release fertilizer improves quality of container longleaf pine seedlings (2005)
  5542. National proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations-2004 (2005)
  5543. Food habits of Mexican Spotted Owls in Arizona (1992)
  5544. Habitat selection by Mexican Spotted Owls in Northern Arizona (1994)
  5545. Calling behavior of spotted owls in Northern Arizona (1990)
  5546. Distribution and habitat use of Mexican Spotted Owls in Arizona (1989)
  5547. Habitat use by mountain quail in Northern California (1987)
  5548. On measuring bird habitat: influence of observer variability and sample size (1987)
  5549. Nesting bald eagles attack researcher (1976)
  5550. An aid to streamlining fire-weather station networks (1975)
  5551. Stream channel reference sites: an illustrated guide to field technique (1994)
  5552. Songbird ecology in southwestern ponderosa pine forests: a literature review (1997)
  5553. Fire danger rating network density (1976)
  5554. A pebble count procedure for assessing watershed cumulative effects (1995)
  5555. Regional demand and supply projections for outdoor recreation (1993)
  5556. Survey responses from the Intermountain West: Are we achieving the public's objectives for forests and rangelands? (2005)
  5557. Survey responses from Region 9: Are we achieving the public's objectives for forests and rangelands? (2005)
  5558. Survey responses from Region 8: Are we achieving the public's objectives for forests and rangelands? (2005)
  5559. Survey responses from Region 5: Are we achieving the public's objectives for forests and rangelands? (2005)
  5560. Survey responses from Region 3: Are we achieving the public's objectives for forests and rangelands? (2005)
  5561. Historic range of variability for upland vegetation in the Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming (2005)
  5562. Historic range of variability for upland vegetation in the Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming (2005)
  5563. Mountain pine beetle emergence from lodgepole pine at different elevations near Fraser, CO (2005)
  5564. Planting aspen to rehabilitate riparian areas: a pilot study (2005)
  5565. Mountain pine beetle-caused tree mortality in partially cut plots surrounded by unmanaged stands (2005)
  5566. Spotted Owl: Strix occidentalis (1997)
  5567. Evidence of Bald Eagles feeding on freshwater mussels (1982)
  5568. Adaptive perch selection as a mechanism of adoption by a replacement Bald Eagle (1988)
  5569. Food habits of Bald Eagles breeding in the Arizona desert (1995)
  5570. Ice fishing by wintering Bald Eagles in Arizona (1997)
  5571. Activity patterns of nesting Mexican Spotted Owls (1999)
  5572. Ten-year performance of ponderosa pine provenances in the Great Plains of North America (1983)
  5573. Genetic variation in ponderosa pine: A 15-year test of provenances in the Great Plains (1986)
  5574. Root diseases in coniferous forests of the Inland West: potential implications of fuels treatments (2005)
  5575. The Northern Goshawk: Ecology and management: Proceedings of a symposium of the Cooper Ornithological Society (1994)
  5576. Metabolic rate and evaporative water loss of Mexican Spotted and Great Horned Owls (1993)
  5577. Calculating landscape surface area from digital elevation models (2004)
  5578. Accessing a personalized bibliography with a searchable system on the World Wide Web (2000)
  5579. An on-line image data base system: Managing image collections (2000)
  5580. Increasing efficiency of information dissemination and collection through the World Wide Web (2000)
  5581. Bird counts in stands of big sagebrush and greasewood (2005)
  5582. Beginnings of range management: an anthology of the Sampson-Ellison photo plots (1913 to 2003) and a short history of the Great Basin Experiment Station (2005)
  5583. Good fire, bad fire: how to think about forest land management and ecological processes.  (2005)
  5584. The 1993 RPA timber assessment update (1995)
  5585. An analysis of the timber situation in the United States: 1989-2040 (1990)
  5586. Customer diversiy and the future demand for outdoor recreation (1994)
  5587. Watershed research and management in the lake states and northeastern United States (2000)
  5588. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; economic uses fact sheet 09: Mechanical treatment costs (2005)
  5589. Regional data to support biodiversity assessments: terrestrial vertebrate and butterfly data from the Southwest (2005)
  5590. Colorado Front Range fuel photo series (2005)
  5591. Standard fire behavior fuel models: a comprehensive set for use with Rothermel's surface fire spread model (2005)
  5592. Measuring stream temperature with digital data loggers: a user's guide (2005)
  5593. Wyoming's forest products industry and timber harvest, 2000 (2005)
  5594. Montana Logging Utilization, 2002 (2005)
  5595. Monitoring selected conditions related to wilderness character: a national framework (2005)
  5596. Leaf area compounds height-related hydraulic costs of water transport in Oregon White Oak trees.  (2003)
  5597. Steppe plant response to seasonal fire (2003)
  5598. Eucalyptus production and the supply, use and efficiency of use of water, light and nitrogen across a geographic gradient in Brazil (2004)
  5599. Testing the utility of the 3-PG model for growth of Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla with natural and manipulated supplies of water and nutrients (2004)
  5600. Soil properties and soil nitrogen dynamics of prairie-like forest openings and surrounding forests in Kentucky's Knobs Region (2004)
  5601. Soil properties in fire-consumed log burnout openings in a Missouri oak savanna (2004)
  5602. Below-ground process responses to elevated CO2 and temperature: a discussion of observations, measurement methods, and models (2004)
  5603. Forests: the potential consequences of climate variability and change (2001)
  5604. Implementing the expanded prescribed fire program on the Gila National Forest, New Mexico: implications for snag management (2000)
  5605. User's Guide to the Parallel Processing Extension of the Prognosis Model (1991)
  5606. User's Guide to Version 2 of The Regeneration Establishment Model: Part of The Prognosis Model (1991)
  5607. User's Guide To The Event Monitor: Part of Prognosis Model Version 6 (1990)
  5608. User's Guide To CHEAP0 II-Economic Analysis of Stand Prognosis Model Outputs (1986)
  5609. Supplement to The User's Guide for The Stand Prognosis Model-version 5.0 (1986)
  5610. COVER: A user's guide to the CANOPY and SHRUBS extension of the Stand Prognosis Model (1985)
  5611. Effects of wildfire on densities of secondary cavity-nesting birds in ponderosa pine forests of northern Arizona (2000)
  5612. Effects of wildfire severity on small mammals in northern Arizona ponderosa pine forests (2000)
  5613. Roost sites of radio-marked Mexican spotted owls in Arizona and New Mexico: sources of variability and descriptive characteristics (2000)
  5614. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; forest structure and fire hazard fact sheet 06: Guide to fuel treatments in dry forests of the Western United States: assessing forest structure and fire hazard (2005)
  5615. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 13: Root Disease Analyzer-Armillaria Response Tool (ART) (2005)
  5616. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 12: Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Fuel Management (FuMe) tool (2005)
  5617. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 11: Smoke Impact Spreadsheet (SIS) model (2005)
  5618. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 10: The Understory Response Model (2005)
  5619. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 09: Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FFE-FVS) (2005)
  5620. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 08: Evaluating sedimentation risks associated with fuel management (2005)
  5621. Comparative habitat use of sympatric Mexican spotted and great horned owls (1997)
  5622. Associations between forest fire and Mexican spotted owls (2004)
  5623. Mexican Spotted Owl Home Range and Habitat Use in Pine-oak Forest: Implications For Forest Management (1998)
  5624. Mitigation of wildfire risk by homeowners (2005)
  5625. Reforestation trials and secondary succession with three levels of overstory shade in the Grand Fir Mosaic ecosystem (2005)
  5626. Development and evaluation of habitat models for herpetofauna and small mammals (1998)
  5627. Effect of Firewood Harvesting on Birds in a California Oak-Pine Woodland (1998)
  5628. Habitat Relationships of Amphibians and Reptiles in California Oak Woodlands (1998)
  5629. Dispersal movements and survival rates of juvenile Mexican Spotted Owls in Northern Arizona (1998)
  5630. Science Verses Political Reality in Delisting Criteria for a Threatened Species: the Mexican Spotted Owl Experience (1999)
  5631. Implications of Random Variation in the Stand Prognosis Model (1991)
  5632. Representing Growth Response to Fertilization in the Prognosis Model for Stand Development (1990)
  5633. Uses and Abuses of Multipliers in the Stand Prognosis Model (1994)
  5634. Constructing bald eagle nests with natural materials (1995)
  5635. Recording wildlife locations with the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system (1988)
  5636. Comparing resource values at risk from wildfires with Forest Service fire suppression expenditures: Examples from 2003 western Montana wildfire season (2005)
  5637. Big sagebrush: A sea fragmented into lakes, ponds, and puddles (2005)
  5638. Restoration ecology: A new forest management paradigm, or another merit badge for foresters? (2000)
  5639. Design and implementation of monitoring studies to evaluate the success of ecological restoration on wildlife (2001)
  5640. Structural characteristics of forest stands within home ranges of Mexican spotted owls in Arizona and New Mexico (2003)
  5641. A strategic assessment of forest biomass and fuel reduction treatments in Western States (2005)
  5642. Winter Movements and Range Use of Radio-marked Mexican Spotted Owls: An Evaluation of Current Management Recommendations (2005)
  5643. WinXSPRO, a channel cross section analyzer, User's Manual, Version 3.0 (2005)
  5644. Changing times at the Rocky Mountain Forest & Range Experiment Station: Station history from 1976 to 1997 (2005)
  5645. Stereo photo guide for estimating canopy fuel characteristics in conifer stands (2005)
  5646. Adaptive management on public lands in the United States: commitment or rhetoric? (2001)
  5647. Coram Experimental Forest: 50 years of research in a western larch forest (1999)
  5648. Repeatability of riparian vegetation sampling methods: how useful are these techniques for broad-scale, long-term monitoring? (2004)
  5649. Surface particle sizes on armoured gravel streambeds: effects of supply and hydraulics (2003)
  5650. Population Genetics of Boise Basin Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) (2003)
  5651. Relationships between water, otolith, and scale chemistries of westslope cutthroat trout from the Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho: the potential application of hard-part chemistry to describe movements in freshwater (2003)
  5652. Hankin and Reeves' approach to estimating fish abundance in small streams: limitations and alternatives (2003)
  5653. Wildland road removal: research needs (2003)
  5654. Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use by the endangered Roanoke logperch (Percina rex) (2003)
  5655. Local-Habitat, Watershed, and Biotic Features Associated with Bull Trout Occurrence in Montana Streams (2003)
  5656. Combining inferences from models of capture efficiency, detectability, and suitable habitat to classify landscapes for conservation of threatened bull trout (2003)
  5657. A sediment transport model for incision of gullies on steep topography (2003)
  5658. Temporal variation in synchrony among chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) redd counts from a wilderness area in central Idaho (2003)
  5659. Influences of temperature and environmental variables on the distribution of bull trout within streams at the southern margin of its range (2003)
  5660. Influence of maximum water temperature on occurrence of Lahontan cutthroat trout within streams (2003)
  5661. Development of bull trout sampling efficiency models (2004)
  5662. Benefits and impacts of road removal (2004)
  5663. Constraining climatic controls on hillslope dynamics using a coupled model for the transport of soil and tracers: Application to loess-mantled hillslopes, Charwell River, South Island, New Zealand (2004)
  5664. The case for regime-based water quality standards (2004)
  5665. An evaluation of multipass electrofishing for estimating the abundance of stream-dwelling salmonids (2004)
  5666. The application of depletion curves for parameterization of subgrid variability of snow (2004)
  5667. Assessing the consequences of nonnative trout in headwater ecosystems in western North America (2004)
  5668. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 07: fire and weeds (2004)
  5669. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 06: wildland fire use: the "other" treatment option (2004)
  5670. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 05: prescriptions and fire effects (2004)
  5671. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 04: wildlife responses to fuels treatments: key considerations (2004)
  5672. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; forest structure and fire hazard fact sheet 05: fuel treatment principles for complex landscapes (2004)
  5673. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; economic uses fact sheet 08: prescribed fire costs (2004)
  5674. An ecological basis for ecosystem management (1994)
  5675. Idaho's Forest Products Industry: A Descriptive Analysis (2004)
  5676. Wood wastes and residues generated along the Colorado Front Range as a potential fuel source (2004)
  5677. Prognosis model for stand development (1973)
  5678. User's Guide to the Stand Prognosis Model (1982)
  5679. Anatomy of a mine from prospect to production (1995)
  5680. Water chemistry of Rocky Mountain Front Range aquatic ecosystems (1996)
  5681. Appendix E: Representative Pedon Descriptions for the Soils of the GLEES Wyoming Soil Survey Area: EGL, WGL & Lost Lake Watersheds (1994)
  5682. Appendix D: The Map Units for GLEES Soil Survey Area (1994)
  5683. Appendix C: GLEES Macroinvertebrates (1994)
  5684. Appendix B: Phytoplankton Species (1994)
  5685. Appendix A: Vascular Plants of GLEES (1994)
  5686. Snow [Chapter 10] (1994)
  5687. Hydrology [Chapter 9] (1994)
  5688. Air quality [Chapter 8] (1994)
  5689. Meteorology [Chapter 7] (1994)
  5690. Aquatics [Chapter 6] (1994)
  5691. Soils [Chapter 5] (1994)
  5692. Geology [Chapter 4] (1994)
  5693. Floristics [Chapter 3] (1994)
  5694. Landscape habitats [Chapter 2] (1994)
  5695. Introduction [Chapter 1] (1994)
  5696. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 03: structure fires in the wildland-urban interface (2004)
  5697. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 02: First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM) (2004)
  5698. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 01: Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) (2004)
  5699. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; forest structure and fire hazard fact sheet 04: role of silviculture in fuel treatments (2004)
  5700. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; forest structure and fire hazard fact sheet 03: visualizing forest structure and fuels (2004)
  5701. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; forest structure and fire hazard fact sheet 02: fire hazard (2004)
  5702. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; forest structure and fire hazard fact sheet 01: forest structure and fire hazard overview (2004)
  5703. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 08: The "Golden Rule" and other lessons on communicating about hazards (2004)
  5704. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 07: The "laws" of effective public education about fire hazards (2004)
  5705. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 06: Important considerations for communicating about hazards (2004)
  5706. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 05: The importance of working locally (2004)
  5707. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 04: Three critical topics to cover when talking about hazards (2004)
  5708. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 03: Developing personal responsibility for fuels reduction: More ways to catch and hold people's attention (2004)
  5709. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 02: Developing personal responsibility for fuels reduction: Types of information to encourage proactive behavior (2004)
  5710. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; social issues fact sheet 01: Developing personal responsibility for fuels reduction: Building a successful program to engage property owners (2004)
  5711. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; economic uses fact sheet 07: markets and log prices (2004)
  5712. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; economic uses fact sheet 06: selection criteria analysis (2004)
  5713. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; economic uses fact sheet 05: NEPA and economics (2004)
  5714. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; economic uses fact sheet 04: My Fuel Treatment Planner (2004)
  5715. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; economic uses fact sheet 03: economic impacts of fuel treatments (2004)
  5716. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; economic uses fact sheet 02: log hauling cost (2004)
  5717. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; economic uses fact sheet 01: mastication treatments and costs (2004)
  5718. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; fact sheet: The Fuels Synthesis Project overview (2004)
  5719. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (1994)
  5720. Managing the unexpected in prescribed fire and fire use operations: a workshop on the High Reliability Organization (2004)
  5721. Tools for Management for Grassland Ecosystem Sustainability: Thinking "Outside the Box" (2004)
  5722. Grassland Sustainability (2004)
  5723. Historic and Current Conditions of Southwestern Grasslands (2004)
  5724. Historic and Contemporary Land Use in Southwestern Grassland Ecosystems (2004)
  5725. Biodiversity, functional processes, and the ecological consequences of fragmentation in Southwestern grasslands (2004)
  5726. Southwestern Grassland Ecology (2004)
  5727. Grassland Assessment Categories and Extent (2004)
  5728. Purpose and Need for a Grassland Assessment (2004)
  5729. Assessment of grassland ecosystem conditions in the Southwestern United States. Vol. 1 (2004)
  5730. Restoring Western Ranges and Wildlands, vol. 3 (2004)
  5731. Restoring Western Ranges and Wildlands, vol. 2 (2004)
  5732. Restoring Western Ranges and Wildlands, vol. 1 (2004)
  5733. Oldest known Engelmann spruce (1995)
  5734. Identifying ponderosa pines infested with mountain pine beetles (1974)
  5735. Lessons learned in 84-year-old plots at Looking-Glass Rock, North Carolina (2004)
  5736. Is forest structure related to fire severity? Yes, no, and maybe: Methods and insights in quantifying the answer (2004)
  5737. Caring for a wild and scenic river (2004)
  5738. The North American Long-Term Soil Productivity Experiment: Coast-to-coast findings from the first decade (2004)
  5739. Shortleaf pine-bluestem habitat restoration in the Interior Highlands: Implications for stand growth and regeneration (2004)
  5740. Composition and development of reproduction in two-age Appalachian hardwood stands: 20-year results (2004)
  5741. Development of a protocol for the ecological assessment of a special species (2004)
  5742. Long-term sustainability in Davis Late Successional Reserve (2004)
  5743. Developing proactive management options to sustain bristlecone and limber pine ecosystems in the presence of a non-native pathogen (2004)
  5744. Restoration and management of eastern white pine within high blister rust hazard zones in the Lake States (2004)
  5745. Restoring the longleaf pine ecosystem: The role of container seedling technology (2004)
  5746. Silviculture in cooperation with hunters: The Kinzua Quality Deer Cooperative (2004)
  5747. The Cutting Methods Demonstration Study at Fraser Experimental Forest (2004)
  5748. Spatial distribution of ponderosa pine seedlings along environmental gradients within burned areas in the Black Hills, South Dakota (2004)
  5749. Silvics and silviculture in the southwestern pinyon-juniper woodlands (2004)
  5750. Enhancing moist forest restoration opportunities in riparian systems (2004)
  5751. Silvicultural activities in Pringle Falls Experimental Forest, Central Oregon (2004)
  5752. A collaborative fire hazard reduction/ecosystem restoration stewardship project in a Montana mixed ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir/western larch wildland urban interface (2004)
  5753. Past, present, and future role of silviculture in forest management (2004)
  5754. Silviculture in special places: proceedings of the 2003 National Silviculture Workshop (2004)
  5755. Refinement of the Arc-Habcap model to predict habitat effectiveness for elk (2004)
  5756. History of Forest Service Research in the Central and Southern Rocky Mountain Regions, 1908-1975 (1976)
  5757. An Intelligent Information System for forest management: NED/FVS integration (2002)
  5758. Interspecific and intraspecific variation in Picea engelmannii and its congeneric cohorts: biosystematics, genecology, and climate change (2004)
  5759. Salt Content Determination for Bentonite Mine Spoil: Saturation Extracts Versus 1:5 Extracts (2004)
  5760. Sampling Using a Fixed Number of Trees Per Plot (2004)
  5761. Recreational Trampling Experiments: Effects of Trampler Weight and Shoe Type (1995)
  5762. Sediment transport data and related information for selected coarse-bed streams and rivers in Idaho (2004)
  5763. Postfire mortality of ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir: a review of methods to predict tree death (2004)
  5764. Transpiration and Multiple Use Management of Thinned Emory Oak Coppice (2004)
  5765. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations-2003 (2004)
  5766. Roles of Woody Root-Associated Fungi in Forest Ecosystem Processes: Recent Advances in Fungal Identification (2004)
  5767. Aids to determining fuel models for estimating fire behavior (1982)
  5768. Quantifying Channel Maintenance Instream Flows: An Approach for Gravel-Bed Streams in the Western United States (2004)
  5769. Management recommendations for the northern goshawk in the southwestern United States (1992)
  5770. Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 5: Wilderness ecosystems, threats, and management; 1999 May 23-27; Missoula, MT (2000)
  5771. Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 4: Wilderness visitors, experiences, and visitor management; 1999 May 23-27; Missoula, MT (2000)
  5772. Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 3: Wilderness as a place for scientific inquiry; 1999 May 23-27; Missoula, MT (2000)
  5773. Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 2: Wilderness within the context of larger systems; 1999 May 23-27; Missoula, MT (2000)
  5774. Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 1: Changing perspectives and future directions; 1999 May 23-27; Missoula, MT (2000)
  5775. Estimating the number of tree species in forest populations using current vegetation survey and forest inventory and analysis approximation plots and grid intensities (2000)
  5776. Using Forest Health Monitoring to assess aspen forest cover change in the southern Rockies ecoregion (2002)
  5777. Redistribution of vegetation zones and populations of Larix sibirica Ledb. and Pinus sylvestris L. in central Siberia in a warming climate (2003)
  5778. Breeding and genetic resources of five-needle pines: Growth, adaptability, and pest resistance (2004)
  5779. Vascular plant species of the Comanche National Grassland in southeastern Colorado (2004)
  5780. History of the Priest River Experiment Station (2004)
  5781. Seed and soil dynamics in shrubland ecosystems: proceedings; 2002 August 12-16; Laramie, WY (2004)
  5782. Exploring information needs for wildland fire and fuels management (2004)
  5783. Revisiting the southern pine growth decline: Where are we 10 years later? (2004)
  5784. Fleas and lice of mammals in New Mexico (2004)
  5785. Statistical techniques for sampling and monitoring natural resources (2004)
  5786. Assessing soil compaction on Forest Inventory & Analysis phase 3 field plots using a pocket penetrometer (2004)
  5787. Science basis for changing forest structure to modify wildfire behavior and severity (2004)
  5788. Fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) seed transfer zones (2004)
  5789. New Mexico's Forest Resources, 2000 (2003)
  5790. Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship; 2000 April 25-27; Flagstaff, AZ (2000)
  5791. Modeling forest scenic beauty: Concepts and application to ponderosa pine (1984)
  5792. Scaling of ratings: concepts and methods (1990)
  5793. An analysis of ratings: a guide to RMRATE (1990)
  5794. Percent canopy cover and stand structure statistics from the Forest Vegetation Simulator (1999)
  5795. Guide to effective monitoring of aquatic and riparian resources (2004)
  5796. Testing common stream sampling methods for broad-scale, long-term monitoring (2004)
  5797. Birds and mammals of Manitou Experimental Forest, Colorado (1977)
  5798. Diseases of trees in the Great Plains (1986)
  5799. Guidelines for measuring the physical, chemical, and biological condition of wilderness ecosystems (1987)
  5800. A screening procedure to evaluate air pollution effects on Class I wilderness areas (1989)
  5801. Forest resources of the United States, 1992 (1993)
  5802. Field guide to Intermountain sedges (1998)
  5803. Prescribed burning and wildfire risk in the 1998 fire season in Florida (2003)
  5804. A review of the Forest Service Remote Automated Weather Station (RAWS) network (2003)
  5805. Countering misinformation concerning big sagebrush (2003)
  5806. A field protocol to monitor cavity-nesting birds (2003)
  5807. The brown-headed cowbird and its riparian-dependent hosts in New Mexico (1998)
  5808. Guidelines for evaluating air pollution impacts on wilderness within the Rocky Mountain Region: Report of a workshop, 1990 (1998)
  5809. Ecology and management of sand shinnery communities: a literature review (2000)
  5810. Abundance and characteristics of snags in western Montana forests (1999)
  5811. Arizona's Forest Resources, 1999 (2002)
  5812. Building consensus: Legitimate hope or seductive paradox? (2000)
  5813. Heavy thinning of ponderosa pine stands: An Arizona case study (2000)
  5814. A bibliography for the northern Madrean Biogeographic Province (1999)
  5815. Opportunities to change timber demand through altered timber utilization [Chapter 10] (1990)
  5816. Santa Rita Experimental Range: 100 years (1903 to 2003) of accomplishments and contributions; conference proceedings; 2003 October 30-November 1; Tucson, AZ (2003)
  5817. Reducing the wildland fire threat to homes: Where and how much? (1999)
  5818. Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Seventh World Wilderness Congress symposium; 2001 November 2-8; Port Elizabeth, South Africa (2003)
  5819. Statistical strategy for inventorying and monitoring the ecosystem resources of the Mexican States of Jalisco and Colima at multiple scales and resolution levels (2003)
  5820. The Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (2003)
  5821. Wilderness visitors and recreation impacts: baseline data available for twentieth century conditions (2003)
  5822. Reestablishing natural succession on acidic mine spoils at high elevations: long-term ecological restoration (2003)
  5823. A 20-year recount of bird populations along a Great Basin elevational gradient (2003)
  5824. Hayman Fire Case Study (2003)
  5825. Hayman Fire Case Study: summary (2003)
  5826. Accuracy assessment of percent canopy cover, cover type, and size class (2003)
  5827. Coarse woody debris: Managing benefits and fire hazard in the recovering forest (2003)
  5828. Growth of lodgepole pine stands and its relation to mountain pine beetle susceptibility (2003)
  5829. Fire, fuel treatments, and ecological restoration: Conference proceedings; 2002 16-18 April; Fort Collins, CO. (2003)
  5830. Field guide to old ponderosa pines in the Colorado Front Range (2003)
  5831. Identification and ecology of old ponderosa pine trees in the Colorado Front Range (2003)
  5832. Forest Service programs, authorities, and relationships: A technical document supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment (2003)
  5833. Economic, social, and cultural aspects of livestock ranching on the Española and Canjilon Ranger Districts of the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests: a pilot study (2003)
  5834. United States state-level population estimates: Colonization to 1999 (2003)
  5835. Stand, fuel, and potential fire behavior characteristics in an irregular southeastern Arizona ponderosa pine stand (1982)
  5836. Preliminary burning prescriptions for ponderosa pine fuel reductions in southeastern Arizona (1981)
  5837. BehavePlus fire modeling system, version 4.0: User's Guide (2005)
  5838. Frequency of comandra blister rust infection episodes on lodgepole pine (2002)
  5839. How To recognize blister rust infection on whitebark pine (1992)
  5840. Monitoring the vegetation resources in riparian areas (2000)
  5841. Lichen communities indicator results from Idaho: baseline sampling (2003)
  5842. Indicators of rangeland health and functionality in the Intermountain West (2003)
  5843. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations-2002 (2002)
  5844. Detecting swift fox: Smoked-plate scent stations versus spotlighting (2003)
  5845. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on air (2002)
  5846. Vegetative characteristics of swift fox denning and foraging sites in southwestern South Dakota (2003)
  5847. Disturbance Processes and Ecosystem Management (1994)
  5848. Using Prescribed Fire to Reduce the Risk of Large Wildfires: A Break-Even Analysis (1987)
  5849. Creating a passion for safety vs. management oversight & inspection (1995)
  5850. Fire in the forest (1995)
  5851. Prescribed fire: the fundamental solution (1998)
  5852. Fire management ramifications of Hurricane Hugo (1991)
  5853. From the Rio to the Sierra: An environmental history of the Middle Rio Grande Basin (1998)
  5854. Cascading effects of fire exclusion in the Rocky Mountain ecosystems: a literature review (2002)
  5855. Integrating ecosystem sampling, gradient modeling, remote sensing, and ecosystem simulation to create spatially explicit landscape inventories (2002)
  5856. Bird counts of burned versus unburned big sagebrush sites (2002)
  5857. Wilderness in the Circumpolar North: searching for compatibility in ecological, traditional, and ecotourism values; 2001 May 15-16; Anchorage, AK (2002)
  5858. Linking wilderness research and management-volume 4. Understanding and managing invasive plants in wilderness and other natural areas: an annotated reading list (2002)
  5859. Survey results of the American public's values, objectives, beliefs, and attitudes regarding forests and grasslands: A technical document supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment (2002)
  5860. Ecology, siliviculture, and management of Black Hills ponderosa pine (2002)
  5861. Management and techniques for riparian restorations: roads field guide, vol. I (2002)
  5862. Users guide to the Most Similar Neighbor Imputation Program Version 2 (2002)
  5863. Mistletoes of North American conifers (2002)
  5864. Stopover ecology of landbirds migrating along the middle Rio Grande in spring and fall (2002)
  5865. Opportunities for making wood products from small diameter trees in Colorado (2002)
  5866. Relationship of seed microsite to germination and survival of lodgepole pine on high-elevation clearcuts in northeastern Utah (2002)
  5867. Effective recreation visitor communication strategies: Rock climbers in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana (2002)
  5868. Second Forest Vegetation Simulator Conference; February 12-14, 2002; Fort Collins, CO. (2002)
  5869. Santa Rita Experimental Range digital database: user's guide (2002)
  5870. A preliminary hazard model of white pine blister rust for the Sacramento Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest (1999)
  5871. An assessment of forest ecosystem health in the Southwest (1997)
  5872. History of watershed research in the Central Arizona Highlands (1999)
  5873. Dwarf mistletoes: Biology, pathology, and systematics (1996)
  5874. Visitor use density and wilderness experience: proceedings; 2000 June 13; Missoula, MT (2001)
  5875. Sustaining aspen in western landscapes: Symposium proceedings; 13-15 June 2000; Grand Junction, CO (2001)
  5876. Land Stewardship in the 21st Century: The Contributions of Watershed Management; 2000 March 13-16; Tucson, AZ (2000)
  5877. The Bitterroot Valley of western Montana: Area economic profile (2001)
  5878. What is the wildland fire threat to homes? (2000)
  5879. Preventing disaster: Home ignitability in the wildland-urban interface (2000)
  5880. Modeling potential structure ignitions from flame radiation exposure with implications for wildland/urban interface fire management (1998)
  5881. Examination of the home destruction in Los Alamos associated with the Cerro Grande Fire - July 10, 2000 (2000)
  5882. Wildland fire research: Future Search conference notes (1998)
  5883. Comprehensive inventory of Utah's forest resources, 1993 (1999)
  5884. Wood use in Colorado at the turn of the twenty-first century (2001)
  5885. Solar treatments for reducing survival of mountain pine beetle in infested ponderosa and lodgepole pine logs (2001)
  5886. Assessing crown fire potential by linking models of surface and crown fire behavior (2001)
  5887. First-year postfire and postharvest soil temperatures in aspen and conifer stands (2001)
  5888. Mountain pine beetle attack in ponderosa pine: Comparing methods for rating susceptibility (2000)
  5889. Bird habitat relationships along a Great Basin elevational gradient (2000)
  5890. Wilderness Educators' Evaluation of the Impact Monster Program (1999)
  5891. Monitoring inter-group encounters in wilderness (1998)
  5892. FARSITE: Fire Area Simulator-model development and evaluation (2004)
  5893. Hosts and geographic distribution of Arceuthobium oxycedri (2002)
  5894. Responses of Mexican spotted owls to low-flying military jet aircraft (2002)
  5895. Fish habitat conditions: using the Northern/Intermountain Regions' inventory procedures for detecting differences on two differently managed watersheds (1993)
  5896. Mann Gulch fire: a race that couldn't be won (1993)
  5897. Recovery history of greenback cutthroat trout: population characteristics, hatchery involvement, and bibliography, version 1.0 (2002)
  5898. Development of coarse-scale spatial data for wildland fire and fuel management (2002)
  5899. Using terrestrial ecosystem survey data to identify potential habitat for the Mexican spotted owl on National Forest System lands: a pilot study (2002)
  5900. Projected use of grazed forages in the United States: 2000 to 2050: A technical document supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment (2001)
  5901. GIS applications to wilderness management: potential uses and limitations (2001)
  5902. Linking wilderness research and management-volume 1. Wilderness fire restoration and management: an annotated reading list (2001)
  5903. Linking wilderness research and management-volume 2. Defining, managing, and monitoring wilderness visitor experiences: an annotated reading list (2001)
  5904. Linking wilderness research and management-volume 3. Recreation fees in wilderness and other public lands: an annotated reading list (2001)
  5905. High mountain lake Research Natural Areas in Idaho (2001)
  5906. Models of vegetation change for landscape planning: a comparison of FETM, LANDSUM, SIMPPLLE, and VDDT (2001)
  5907. Forest Health Monitoring in the Interior West: A baseline summary of forest issues, 1996-1999 (2001)
  5908. Sampling surface and subsurface particle-size distributions in wadable gravel-and cobble-bed streams for analyses in sediment transport, hydraulics, and streambed monitoring (2001)
  5909. Physiological attributes of 11 Northwest conifer species (2001)
  5910. Benefit transfer of outdoor recreation use values: A technical document supporting the Forest Service Strategic Plan (2000 revision) (2001)
  5911. Watershed management contributions to land stewardship: A literature review (2000)
  5912. Monitoring wilderness stream ecosystems (2001)
  5913. Rangeland resource trends in the United States: A technical document supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment (2000)
  5914. FireFamily Plus user's guide, Version 2.0 (2000)
  5915. FireWorks curriculum featuring ponderosa, lodgepole, and whitebark pine forests (2000)
  5916. Evaluating the effectiveness of postfire rehabilitation treatments (2000)
  5917. Assessment and response to bark beetle outbreaks in the Rocky Mountain area (2000)
  5918. Data base for early postfire succession in Northern Rocky Mountain forests (2000)
  5919. Status, ecology, and conservation of the southwestern willow flycatcher (2000)
  5920. The impact of climate change on America's forests (2000)
  5921. Wilderness recreation use estimation: a handbook of methods and systems (2000)
  5922. Fish and other aquatic resource trends in the United States (2000)
  5923. Forest Insect and Disease Tally System (FINDIT) user manual (2000)
  5924. Mapping vegetation and fuels for fire management on the Gila National Forest Complex, New Mexico (2000)
  5925. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on flora (2000)
  5926. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on fauna  (2000)
  5927. A user guide for the sign sizing program (1999)
  5928. Past and future freshwater use in the United States (1999)
  5929. An analysis of PILT-related payments and likely property tax liability of Federal resource management lands (1999)
  5930. White pine in the American West: A vanishing species - can we save it? (1999)
  5931. User's guide to FBASE: Relational database software for managing R1/R4 (Northern/Intermountain Regions) fish habitat inventory data (1999)
  5932. Wildlife resource trends in the United States: A technical document supporting the 2000 RPA Assessment (1999)
  5933. Ecology and conservation of lynx in the United States (1999)
  5934. The northern goshawk in Utah: Habitat assessment and management recommendations (1999)
  5935. Silt fences: An economical technique for measuring hillslope soil erosion (2002)
  5936. fire behavior associated with the 1994 South Canyon fire on Storm King Mountain, Colorado (1998)
  5937. Consideration of extinction risks for salmonids (1993)
  5938. Population viability assessment of salmonids by using probabilistic networks (1997)
  5939. A comparative analysis of hydrologic responses of tropical deciduous and temperate deciduous watershed ecosystems to climatic change (1999)
  5940. Field methods and data processing techniques associated with mapped inventory plots (1999)
  5941. Root diseases: primary agents and secondary consequences of disturbance (1995)

USDA Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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