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Where You Live


Radon Program

Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation,
Division of Air Quality
Website: http://dec.alaska.gov/air/index.htm exiting epa
410 Willoughby Ave., Suite 303, Juneau, AK 99811-1800
Phone: 907-465-5100 / Fax: 907-465-5129
TTY: 1 800-770-8973

Radon Contact: Richard Seifert, rdseifert@alaska.edu

Radon Hotline at University of Alaska Cooperative Extension: 1-800-478-8324/(907) 474-7201
Fairbanks Cooperative Extension
Website: www.uaf.edu/ces exiting epa

Additional Links

www.alaska.gov/ exiting epa

Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Website: http://hss.alaska.gov/  exiting epa
Health Center Locations: http://www.hss.state.ak.us/dph/nursing/locations.htm exiting epa
Division of Public Health: http://hss.state.ak.us/dph/ exiting epa

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Indoor Air Quality Information by state - www.cdc.gov/nceh/airpollution/indoor_air.htm

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EPA Resources

National Radon Action Month is in January - Browse Current & Past Events National Radon Action Month Events at www.radonleaders.org/nram/events exiting epa

Map of Radon Zones for Alaska
Alaska zone map

Click on the image for a larger version | What do the colors mean? | Need a full page version? (PDF, 1 page, 30 K, about PDF)

The purpose of this map is to assist National, State, and local organizations to target their resources and to implement radon-resistant building codes. This map is not intended to be used to determine if a home in a given zone should be tested for radon. Homes with elevated levels of radon have been found in all three zones. All homes should be tested regardless of geographic location. Learn more
Directory of Builders Using Radon-Resistant New Construction
EPA offers the Directory of Builders as a one-stop service to home buyers who are looking for builders that use radon-resistant construction techniques in new homes. The Directory contains the names of builders using RRNC who have voluntarily registered with EPA. EPA encourages all builders that use the recommended radon-resistant techniques to be listed in the Directory. Read more about Radon-Resistant New Construction

See a Listing of States and Jurisdictions with RRNC Codes | Go to a listing of State Building Code Associations | Find Builders offering services in Alaska

Go Back to the National Map

EPA Region 10 (The Pacific Northwest)

States Covered: AK | ID | OR | WA

Regional Contacts:
Davis Zhen zhen.davis@epa.gov (206) 553-7660
Tribal Coordinator: Sally Thomas  thomas.sally@epa.gov (206) 553-2102

Featured Links

EPA Resources

Regional Radon Training Centers
IED's Tribal Resources
EPA's State Environmental Agencies List
EPA's MyEnvironment

Note: Please direct any questions regarding the information on this page to the IED Webmaster.

Health Risks Hotlines Indoor airPLUS Students & Teachers Map of Radon Zones Media Campaigns/Video National Radon Action Month Radon-resistant New Construction Radon and Real Estate Radon and Drinking Water RadonLeaders.org State Radon Contacts SIRG Test & Fix Your Home Webinars Indoor Air

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