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Good Health Made Possible
The Medical University of South Carolina Greenville Memorial Hospital McLeod Hospital System AnMed Health Palmetto Health

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Health Sciences South Carolina!

HSSC is the nation's only statewide biomedical research collaborative and is committed to transforming South Carolina's public health and economic well-being through research.

Press play to view a video message from HSSC President and CEO Jay Moskowitz.

HSSC’s IT infrastructure largely in place; members working toward data collaboration agreement

As HSSC expands its focus to include a more implementation-centered approach to improve patient care and population health (see “HSSC to develop new strategic plan” [left]), the organization is making tremendous progress in establishing a complex and powerful biomedical informatics infrastructure that will be used by health researchers throughout the state. This infrastructure underpins HSSC’s efforts to improve health care through the use of data-driven, evidence-based research.

A central aspect of this infrastructure is the clinical data warehouse (CDW). The CDW comprises a range of components, each of which will play a crucial role in managing, organizing, and providing useful access to the patient data that is generated by HSSC’s collaborating hospitals.

Back in early 2010, HSSC’s hospitals signed a memorandum of understanding agreeing to provide their data into the CDW, but the parties are still working out precisely how researchers and other health professionals will be allowed to make use of that data, which for now is simply being stored, but not accessed. [ more ]

HSSC 2011 Annual Report

Feature article 1

The HSSC 2011 Annual Report is hot off the presses! This year’s report details several HSSC initiatives, including those focused on improving quality in rural practices and supporting the use of electronic health records throughout the state. It also features Q&As with various HSSC stakeholders and recognizes the accomplishments of our supporting and affiliate organizations during the last year. 2011 Annual Report (PDF version).

HSSC releases new strategic plan

Feature article 2

Since its launch in 2004, HSSC has developed the concepts, infrastructure, and technology to become a leading force for improvements in health care research, education, and delivery in South Carolina. Now, HSSC plans a shift to new focus areas that relate more directly to improving patient care and population health. View HSSC's new strategic plan.

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