Green Business Case Studies

Companies known for proactive environmental policies can garner favor from customers, employees, regulators, the media and others. Because of their reputation, they are able to reap benefits such as reduced pressure from activist groups and the media, increased ability to attract and retain high quality employees, improved community relations, enhanced brand image, stronger customer loyalty, and increased appeal to socially responsible investors and portfolio managers. Read about a few of the most well known green business by selecting the company of interest.

Shares how the company's sustainable business practices have always been a key part of it's corporate image and its economic success.

Details how this company, founded in 1980 as one small store in Austin, Texas, became the world's leading retailer of natural and organic foods by remaining true to its original commitment to stringent quality standards and sustainable agriculture.

Covers the power of brand trust. It's no mistake that even though only a limited number of customers can purchase the seventeen products featured in its Ecomagination initiative, such as jet engines and locomotives, GE's advertising campaign is aimed at the general public to build awareness for it's green commitment and trust in GE's brands.

Explains how this fast-food company successfully changed it's packaging to limit environmental impacts and went on to receive well-publicized recognition for it's efforts from organizations such as the Audubon Society, Conservation International, Keep America Beautiful, the National Recycling Coalition, and the EPA.

Further Reading

To learn more about green strategies and how they can build new value for your business, explore the following resources.

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