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This is to notify CDC TB/STD grantees participating in the 340B Program that annual recertification for your site(s) will not occur until Summer/Fall 2013. HRSA’s Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) will notify participating CDC TB/STD grantees in advance of recertification. OPA will provide a timeline for recertification including the educational opportunities that will be available to the covered entity’s listed Authorizing Official (AO) and Primary Contact as well as communication with our Federal CDC Partners.


The Office of Pharmacy Affairs will use this space to announce enhancements to the 340B Database as they occur. If you have a suggestion for how we can further improve the database, please send a message to us via the "Questions, Comments, or Suggestions" link at the bottom of the screen.

  • 10/4/2012 – added alternate print functionality for covered entity details.
  • 8/9/2012 – added online covered entity change requests.
  • 4/18/2012 – added tabbed view of covered entity details as well as new history section (changes on or after 7/15/2011).
  • 12/23/2009 – added pharmacy comments field.
  • 06/04/2009 – made major improvement in reports, including conversion to csv files to improve performance, updated order of fields, field names, etc.
  • 01/01/2009 – rearranged Grant/Provider number and Entity Type fields in the record view.
  • 04/24/2008 – added online registration for FP covered entities.
  • 02/20/2008 - added Start and Termination Date columns to the "Children Entities" and "Other Related Entities" dsiplays.
Important Notifications


The 340B covered entity and contract pharmacy registration period for a start date of 4/1/2013 has closed; registrations will next be accepted from 4/1/2013 through 4/15/2013 for a start date of 7/1/2013. Registrations will continue to be accepted at other times from organizations in states with declared public health emergencies (currently New York; the declaration for New Jersey has expired). For assistance with New York registrations, contact OPA at 340BRegistration@hrsa.gov.)

For hospitals: OPA requires copies of several documents to verify eligibility. Please review the supplemental hospital registration instructions carefully and submit the applicable documents on the same day that online registration is completed; registrations not accompanied by complete and correct documentation will be deleted and will not be reviewed (entities whose registrations have been deleted will be notified and can re-register until the last day of the registration period).

Please e-mail or fax materials to the appropriate address for your organization type; your Medicare provider number should be in the subject of the e-mail or prominently on the fax cover sheet:

Registration Type E-mail address Fax
Disproportionate Share Hospitals 340BRegistrationDSH@hrsa.gov 301-443-6571
Critical Access Hospitals 340BRegistrationCAH@hrsa.gov 301-443-6572
Sole Community Hospitals 340BRegistrationSCH@hrsa.gov 301-443-6573
Rural Referral Centers 340BRegistrationRRC@hrsa.gov 301-443-6574
Freestanding Cancer Hospitals 340BRegistrationCAN@hrsa.gov 301-443-6575
Pediatric Hospitals 340BRegistrationPED@hrsa.gov 301-443-6576

For Consolidated Health Center (CHC) program entities: If the address of a site being registered does not appear in HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHB) system on the same day that the online registration is submitted, the registration will be deleted. If necessary, contact your HRSA project officer for assistance.

For other non-hospital covered entities: No additional documents are required at registration, although OPA may request additional information during our review of your registration material.

For contract pharmacy registrations: Covered entities will be provided with a contract certification form upon completion of the online registration process. Once signed by the entity’s authorizing official and an authorized pharmacy representative, the form must be returned to OPA via e-mail to 340BContractPharmacy@hrsa.gov or fax to 301-443-6577.

For all entities: Original signed certifications and other documents may be retained by the entity if e-mailed or faxed, but copies may also be sent via overnight courier at the entity’s discretion.

      Health Resources and Services Administration
      Attn: Office of Pharmacy Affairs
      5600 Fishers Lane, 10C-03
      Rockville, MD 20857


Entities may follow the ‘Submit Change Request’ link on the 340B database home page to submit updated names, addresses, contact information and/or Medicaid billing details; all changes will be forwarded to the entity’s Authorizing Official for acceptance prior to being reviewed by OPA staff. For additional guidance, refer to the change request user guide located under the "Useful Links" section above.

Please note that paper change request forms are still required for entity termination requests, changes to Authorizing Officials and/or changes to contract pharmacy relationships or manufacturer information. Paper requests for changes that can be made online are no longer being accepted; entities do not need to resubmit previously submitted paper requests online.

You are entering an official US Government computer network! NEVER save your user-ID or password when accessing this system (especially on non-government computers). Please Note: You are entering an official United States government system, which may be used only for authorized purposes. This system may contain nonpublic HRSA information within the meaning of 12 CFR 4.32(b) that is subject to use and disclosure restrictions specified at 12 CFR 4.37. The unauthorized use or disclosure of nonpublic HRSA information or the unauthorized modification of any information stored on this system may result in criminal prosecution or administrative proceedings.

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 0915-0327. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average one to two hours per response for registration and thirty minutes for recertification, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 10-29, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

OMB Number: 0915-0327, Expiration: 10/31/2015
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) - 340B Program
February 17, 2013
11:30 AM ET
Questions, Comments, or Suggestions
Email Us: ApexusAnswers@340bpvp.com
Call Us: 1 - 888 - 340 - 2787