Bureau of Indian Education | Green Ribbon Schools

Green Ribbon Schools

Two BIE Funded schools have been nominated for the Green Ribbon School Award to learn more CLICK HERE
2012 Application Closed
The BIE will participate in the pilot year of the U.S. Department of Education’s Green Ribbon Schools recognition program. This voluntary federal program rewards schools that meet criteria in three pillars:
1.    Environmental Impact and Energy Efficiency
2.    Healthy School Environments
3.    Environmental and Sustainability Education

December 2011:
BIE issues notification of intent to participate to ED, public and schools.
January 2012:
BIE issues school application and guidelines for soliciting and selecting nominees for submission to ED.
January 2012
BIE hosts Green Ribbon School Webinar training for all BIE schools, pre-register by CLICKING HERE.
February 2012:
Deadline for schools to submit application to BIE for nomination.
February - March 2012:
BIE convenes review committee reviews applications against eligibility requirements and ED criteria.
March 22, 2012:
Review committee selects and submits up to 4 nominees to ED for the Green Ribbon Schools recognition award.
April 2012:
ED verifies that nominees meet eligibility requirements and have been evaluated against ED criteria. ED, with assistance from EPA, then reviews and rates schools based on eligibility criteria.
May 2012:
ED hosts recognition award ceremony.

To learn more about the program today, check out the official U.S. Department
of Education Green Ribbon Schools website at