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The Reintegration of Ex-Offenders - Adult Program (RExO), formerly known as the Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI), is designed to strengthen urban communities through an employment-centered program that incorporates mentoring, job training, and other comprehensive transitional services. This program seeks to reduce recidivism by helping former inmates find work when they return to their communities. Faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs) will play a key role in this initiative by providing soft-skills and other appropriate basic training, serving as mentors, making appropriate referrals to the One-Stop system, connecting with community colleges and other providers of occupational skills training, and providing or referring ex-offenders to needed supportive services.

The Department also uses its REXO funds to implement grant projects aimed at young adult offenders, juvenile offenders, and students in high-risk high schools. Some youth projects focus on the retention of youth in secondary schools that in turn will lead to an increase in the number of youth entering employment, post-secondary education, or advanced training; the number of youth attaining a degree or certificate; as well as support for increases in literacy and numeracy measures. Other projects support state juvenile justice departments and local juvenile justice agencies in putting into place a comprehensive strategy for serving all youth in a local area to which many are returning from juvenile correctional or detention facilities. Still other youth projects focus on the design and implement of model programs (inclusive of community-wide efforts to reduce crime and violence) that serve returning juvenile offenders in communities with demonstrated need.

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