April 13, 2011


Office of Public Affairs 

BOEMRE Awards $1.1 Million for Mississippi Harbor
Funds Pre-construction Planning of Long Beach Harbor Expansion Project

NEW ORLEANS – The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) announced today that it has awarded a $1,145,000 Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) grant to the state of Mississippi. The grant will provide funding for the Phase 1 planning, pre-construction expenditures and administrative tasks to support the reconstruction and expansion of Long Beach Harbor, located in Harrison County, Mississippi.

Created by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, CIAP provides funding to the six Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas producing states to conserve and protect the coastal environment. CIAP is an ongoing program with grant funding that is allocated based on the offshore energy revenues collected by the United States. 

“CIAP is a cooperative program that provides meaningful financial support to states and their coastal areas,” said BOEMRE Director Michael R. Bromwich. “These grants enable us to partner with Mississippi and its coastal communities to fund vital construction and environmental protection initiatives such as this one, which will help restore and preserve our fragile coastal environment for generations to come.” 

The grant will be used to fund the Phase 1 pre-construction portion of a future expansion and reconstruction project at Long Beach Harbor. This preliminary support phase will include the selection of an architectural/engineering firm for the development of a master expansion plan, the acquisition of permits and environmental surveys, engineering reviews and plans for selected small construction projects at the existing harbor, and a Best Management Practices analysis.   

This project will result in the creation of an environmentally-friendly “clean and green” harbor, which will preserve sensitive ecosystems and protect the coastal areas of the city of Long Beach.   

CIAP received $250 million in appropriated funds for each of the fiscal years 2007-2010, to be disbursed to six eligible OCS oil and gas producing states: Mississippi, Alabama, Alaska, California, Louisiana and Texas.

Contact: BOEMRE Public Affairs-Gulf