March 29, 2011


Office of Public Affairs 

BOEMRE to Aggressively Recruit Environmental Scientists

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) today launched a focused, nationwide recruitment campaign to fill current and new environmental science positions at the agency.

“As we work to elevate the role of science in our decision-making, we must attract top-flight environmental scientists to conduct scientific studies, complete legally-mandated environmental reviews, and fill important positions in environmental compliance,” said BOEMRE Director Michael R. Bromwich. “These aggressive recruitment efforts underscore our seriousness about environmental issues and reflect our emphasis on science in decision-making.”

BOEMRE will be hiring environmental scientists in the coming months to do work in fields ranging from environmental studies to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review to environmental compliance – all of which are critical to the balanced development of offshore resources. As part of the bureau’s ongoing re-organization, the role of environmental review and analysis will be strengthened through the creation of a first-ever Chief Environmental Officer, who will be responsible for ensuring that environmental concerns are appropriately balanced in leasing and planning decisions and for helping set the scientific agenda relative to our oceans. In addition, an important part of the reorganization involves the creation for the first time of a new environmental compliance and enforcement function.

Director Bromwich will visit 12 schools throughout April and early May as part of an ongoing agency initiative to recruit students from the nation’s top colleges and universities for careers in public service. The Director will address undergraduate and graduate students, as well as meet with faculty members engaged in environmental science disciplines and environmental policy programs. He will also meet with students, faculty and researchers affiliated with BOEMRE’s environmental studies program, which funds approximately $30 million per year for scientific studies in the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Arctic.

School visits during the week of April 4 will include: University of Washington, Oregon State University, Portland State University, Stanford University, University of California at Davis, University of California at Santa Barbara, University of California at Los Angeles, University of San Diego and University of California at San Diego. The Director will also make trips to Tulane University, Louisiana State University and Columbia University. Senior BOEMRE personnel will visit additional schools throughout April.

For more information, go to:

Contact: BOEMRE Public Affairs