U.S. Education Official to be Honored at Empowering Students Through Technology Statewide Conference

Press Office, (202) 401-1576, press@ed.gov

Event Date 1: December 09, 2011 11:00 am - 01:00 pm

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) Assistant Secretary Alexa Posny will be honored with the Heart of a Hero Award at the Empowering Students through Technology Statewide Assistive Technology Conference, hosted by the Kansas Infinitec Coalition at 11 a.m. on December 9, in Wichita, Kansas. Posny will be honored for her outstanding leaderships and accomplishments in education.

Specifically, Posny will be commended for her vision and leadership in helping bring Infinitec to Kansas. Infinitec’s mission is to advance independence and promote inclusive opportunities for children and adults with disabilities through technology. Infinitec helps people with disabilities find and get access to information, technology services, training, assistive equipment and specialists by creating partnerships that maximize resources.

Event 1
Who : Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Assistant Secretary Alexa Posny
What : Award presentation at Empowering Students through Technology Statewide Assistive Technology Conference
When : 11 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 9, 2011
Where : Hilton Wichita Airport Hotel
2098 Airport Road
Wichita, Kansas

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