Obama Administration Officials to Hold a National Press Call on Promise Neighborhoods

Press Office, (202) 401-1576, press@ed.gov

Event Date 1: December 19, 2011 02:00 pm - 03:00 pm

Deputy Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council Mark Zuckerman, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan and the Department’s Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Innovation and Improvement Jim Shelton will hold a national press call today at 2 p.m. ET on the second round winners of the Promise Neighborhoods program.

Last April, the Department announced $30 million in funding for a second round of Promise Neighborhoods grants to be divided between a new set of implementation grants and a second round of planning grants.

A press release with additional details will be available prior to the call. Press interested in joining today's call should dial 800-857-9828.

Event 1
Who : Deputy Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council Mark Zuckerman
U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan
Assistant Deputy Education Secretary Jim Shelton, U.S. Department of Education
What : National press call on Promise Neighborhoods second round winners
When : 2 p.m. ET
Where : Dial-In: 800-857-9828

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