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FERC System of Records Notices (SORN)

The Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (PA) defines a System of Records (SOR) as "a group of any records under the control of any agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual." 5 U.S.C. § 552a(a)(5).

PA also requires an agency, when it either establishes or revises an SOR, to publish a System of Records Notice (SORN) in the Federal Register about it. (5 U.S.C. § 552a, Section (e) (4)).

To view the list of FERC System of Records Notices (SORNs) for SORs FERC-6, FERC-15 through 25, FERC-27, FERC-28, FERC-30 through 32, and FERC-35 through 54, select the following link: SORN List A PDF

To view the SORN for SOR FERC-55, select the following link: FERC-55 SORN PDF
SORN for MAPS Financials PDF
SORN for Federal Personnel Payroll System (FPPS) PDF

FERC's current SORs
FERC-6 Biographical Material on FERC Commissioners and Key Staff Members
FERC–15 Commission Labor and Employee Relations Case Files
FERC–16 Commission Death Cases File
FERC–17 Commission Disability Retirements File
FERC–18 Commission Discontinued Service Retirements File
FERC–19 Commission Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Discrimination Complaints File
FERC–20 Commission Employee Suggestions File
FERC–21 Commission Training Records
FERC–22 Commission Indebtedness Cases Files
FERC–23 Commission Leave Without Pay Requests File
FERC–24 Commission Miscellaneous Investigation File
FERC–25 Commission Office of Workers Compensation Program (OWCP) Claims File
FERC–27 Commission Reconsideration of Retirement Refund Decisions File
FERC–28 Commission Restoration of Annual Leave Requests File
FERC–29 Commission Unemployment Compensation File
FERC–30 Commission Within-Grade Increase (WGI) Denials and Reconsideration File
FERC–31 Commission Parking Records
FERC–32 Commission Fitness Center Records
FERC–35 Commission Security Investigations Records
FERC–36 Management, Administrative, and Payroll System (MAPS)
FERC–37 Commission Voluntary Leave Transfer Files
FERC–38 Commission Employee Performance Files
FERC–39 Commission Temporary Work-at-Home Program
FERC–40 Commission Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Request Files
FERC–41 Commission Transit Subsidy Program (TSP) Records
FERC–42 Commission Headquarters Security Access and Control Records
FERC–43 Commission Travel Records
FERC–44 Requests for Commission Publications and Information
FERC–45 Commission’s Requested Records Tracking System (RRTS)
FERC–46 Commission Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Request Files
FERC–47 Commission Office of Finance, Accounting and Operations’ Recruitment Records
FERC–48 Department of Energy (DOE) Inspector General Investigative Records Relating to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FERC–49 Commission Telecommunications Records
FERC–50 Commission Accounting System Records
FERC–51 Commission Congressional Correspondence, State Files and Constituent Records
FERC–52 Commission Supervisor-Maintained Personnel Records
FERC–53 Commission Information Technology System Log Records
FERC–54 Commission Employee Assistance Program Records
FERC–55 Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Records

Web items:
Diane E. Bernier, Webmaster
Email: Webmaster
Telephone: 202-502-6109

Privacy items:
John D.White
Email: john.white@ferc.gov
Telephone: 202-502-8341

Updated: June 28, 2010