Consumer Goods & Home Furnishings

Welcome to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s homepage for U.S. consumer goods and home furnishings companies. This page is your resource for finding direct exporting assistance, market intelligence, trade events, and other global expansion opportunities.

Our division of Commerce, the U.S. Commercial Service, has a global network of 100 offices located throughout the U.S. and over 100 offices located in about 70 countries. Our worldwide team of safety and security specialists is here to assist in your global growth.

Find your local international trade specialist.

To assist you in this industry, we have made available Best Market Reports, Market Research Reports, and Country Commercial Guides related to the Consumer Goods and Home Furnishings industry. You can also search for related events in our Trade Events section. There is a sampling of these reports listed below.

For additional information, please contact the Trade Information Center at 1-800-872-8723.

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