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Wages   Welfare   Wisconsin   Women   Work experience   Workplace injuries and illnesses   Workers' compensation   Workplace practices 


(See also Earnings and wages.)
Effect of business ownership change on occupational employment and wages, The.Sept. 2008.
First look at employment and wages using NAICS, A.Dec. 2001.


Are single mothers finding jobs without displacing other workers?July 2001.
End of purchase requirement fails to change food stamp use.July 1988.
Changing impact of marriage and children on women’s labor force participation, The.Feb. 2009.
Estimating the number of minimum wage workers (PDF 415K).—Jan. 1990.
Negative income tax: would it discourage work, The? (PDF).—Apr. 1981.
Raising the minimum wage: effects on family poverty.July 1990.
Spending patterns of families receiving public assistance.Apr. 1996.
Spending patterns of public-assisted families.May 2000.
Welfare reform data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation.—July 2001.
Welfare reform impacts in SIPP.—Nov. 2002.
Work schedules of low-educated American women and welfare reform, The.Apr. 1997.
Would a higher minimum wage help poor, female-headed families? (PDF 499K).—Aug. 1990.


Older workers in the 21st century: active and educated, a case study.June 1996.


Age-adjusted labor force participation rates, 1960-2045.Sept. 2002
Are single mothers finding jobs without displacing other workers?July 2001.
Are women leaving the labor force?July 1994.
Black community with advanced labor force characteristics, 1960, A.Feb. 2007.
Boom in day care industry the result of many social changes.Aug. 1995.
Caring for America's aging population: a profile of the direct-care workforce.Sept. 2007.
Characteristics of self-employed women in the United States.Mar. 1994.
Child-care arrangements and costs.Oct. 1991.
Child-care problems: an obstacle to work.Oct. 1991.
Child care services: a national picture.Dec. 1983.
Comparable worth: how do we know it will work?Dec. 1985.
Comparable worth: organizational dilemmas.Dec. 1985.
Comparable worth: some questions still unanswered.Dec. 1985.
Developments in women's labor force participation.Sept. 1997.
Earnings by gender: evidence from Census 2000.Jul./Aug. 2007.
Earnings differences by sex: an introductory note.Jun. 1984.
Earnings of college graduates: women compared with men.Mar. 1998.
Earnings of husbands and wives in dual-earner families.Apr. 1998.
Earnings of men and women: a look at specific occupations.Apr. 1982.
Effect of working wives on the incidence of poverty, The.Mar. 1998.
Effects of intermittent labor force attachment on women's earnings.Sept. 1995.
Employment characteristics of older women, 1987.Sept. 1988.
Employment gains by minorities, women in large city government.Nov. 1988.
Employment situation for military wives, The (PDF).—Feb. 1981.
Female share of weekend employment: a study of 16 countries, The.Aug. 2005.
Female-male unemployment differential, The.Nov. 1984.
Gender and nonstandard work hours in 12 European countries.Feb. 2008.
Gender differences in occupational distributions among workers.Jun. 2007.
Gender differences in occupational employment.Apr. 1997.
Gender, race, and Labor Department policies.Feb. 1988.
How does gender play a role in the earnings gap? an updateMar. 2003.
Income and spending patterns of single-mother families.May 1994.
Influx of women into legal professions: an economic analysis, The.Aug. 2002.
Interrelation of child support, visitation, and hours of work.June 1992.
Investigating differences in weekly earnings of women and men.Jun. 1984.
Investigating the link between competition and discrimination.Dec. 1999.
Labor force experience of women from ‘Generation X’Mar. 2002.
Labor force participation: 75 years of change, 1950-98 and 1998-2025.Dec. 1999.
Labor force participation of older women: retired? working? both?Sept 2002
Married women, work, and values.Aug. 2000.
Marriage, children, and women's employment: what do we know?Dec. 1999.
Married mothers' work patterns: the job-family compromise.June 1994.
Measuring intrahousehold allocation of time: response to Anne E. Winkler.Feb. 2002.
Measuring time use in households with more than one person.Feb. 2002.
Moonlighting by women jumped to record highs.Nov. 1986.
Most women who head families receive poor job market returns.Dec. 1983.
Occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among women.Oct. 2005.
Occupational reclassification and distribution by genderMar. 1984.
Perspectives on comparable worth: an introduction to the data.Dec. 1985.
Recent gains in women's earnings: better pay or longer hours?July 1990.
Recessionary impacts on the unemployment of men and women.May 1984.
Relation of age to workplace injuries, The.July 1988.
Reversals in the patterns of women’s labor supply in the United States, 1977–2009.Nov. 2010.
Role of gender in job promotions, The.Dec. 1999.
'Sandwich generation': women caring for parents and children, The.Sept. 2006.
‘Second-chance’ strategies for women who drop out of school.Dec. 2000.
Staffing patterns prominent in female-male earnings gap.Jun. 1984.
Tenure as a factor in the male-female earnings gap.Apr. 1982.
Timing of mothers’ employment after childbirth, The.Jun. 2008.
Trends in employment and unemployment in families.Dec. 1983.
Trends in labor force participation of married mothers of infants.Feb. 2007.
Usual weekly earnings: intergroup differences and basic trends.Apr. 1982.
Volunteerism in the United States.Aug. 2003.
Women and jobs in recessions: 1969-92.July 1993.
Women and jobs in recoveries: 1970-93.July 1994.
Women and the labor market: the link grows stronger.March 1988.
Women at work: a visual essay.Oct. 2003.
Women paid low wages: who they are and where they work.Sept. 2000.
Women's earnings: an overview.Dec. 1999.
Women's employment, education, and the gender gap in 17 countriesApr. 2012
Women's part-time employment: a gross flows analysis.Apr. 1995.
Women's work expectations and actual experience.Nov. 1987.
Work-related activities of single mothers before and after welfare reformDec. 2009.
Work schedules of low-educated American women and welfare reform, The.Apr. 1997.
Working wives and mothers: what happens to family life? (PDF).—Sept. 1981.
Would a higher minimum wage help poor, female-headed families? (PDF 499K).—Aug. 1990.

Work experience

(See also Labor force; Women.)
International Report: The transformation of work values in Israel.May 1999.
Women at work: a visual essay.Oct. 2003.

Workplace injuries and illnesses

BLS develops measure of job risk by occupation (PDF).—Oct. 1981.
Can you hear me now? Occupational hearing loss, 2004–2010July 2012.
Census approach to counting fatal work injuries, A. (PDF 342K).—Dec. 1990.
Changing character of fatal work injuries, The.Oct. 1994.
Changing composition of lost-workday injuries, The.June 1999
Changing inequity in work injuries and work timing.Oct. 1999.
Comparing Workers’ Compensation claims with establishments’ responses to the SOII.May 2009.
Diurnal pattern of on-the-job injuries, The.Sept. 2004.
Examining evidence on whether BLS undercounts workplace injuries and illnesses.Aug. 2008.
Fatal occupational injuries among Asian workers.Oct. 2005.
Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites, 2003–07.Nov. 2010.
Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites.Dec. 2004.
Fatal occupational injuries to older workers in farming, 1995-2002.Oct. 2005.
Fatal work injuries: census for 31 States.Sept. 1992.
Fatal work injuries: results from the 1992 national census.Oct. 1993.
Fatal work injuries among foreign-born Hispanic workers.Oct. 2005.
Foreign-born workers: trends in fatal occupational injuries, 1996–2001.Jun. 2004.
Heat burns sustained in the workplace (PDF).—July 1990.
Improvements in the BLS safety and health statistical system.Apr. 1996.
Industry shifts in hours and nonfatal work injuries and illnesses, 2003–2008June 2012.
Injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among older workers.Oct. 2005.
Injuries and illnesses among bituminous and lignite coal miners.Oct. 1993.
Injuries at work are fewer among older employees (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
International analysis of workplace injuries, An.Mar. 2004.
Job hazards underscored in woodworking study.Sept. 1989.
Job safety law of 1970: its passage was perilous, The (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
Motion-related wrist disorders traced to industries, occupations.Sept. 1983.
Multiyear nonfatal work injury rates.May 2006.
Nonfatal injuries and illnesses in State and local government workplaces in 2008.Feb. 2011.
Nursing home aides experience increase in serious injuries.Feb. 1990.
Occupational fatalities: self-employed workers and wage and salary workers.Mar. 2004.
Occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among women.Oct. 2005.
Occupational injuries among young workers.Oct. 2005.
Occupational injury and illness: new recordkeeping requirements.Dec. 2004.
Occupational injury and illness rates, 1992-96: why they fell.Nov. 1998.
Occupational safety and health statistics: new data for a new century.Oct. 2005.
On guard against workplace hazards.Feb. 2012.
Profile of work injuries incurred by young workers.June 1999
Profiles in occupational hazards: making mobile homes.July 1989.
Profiles in safety and health: eating and drinking places.June 1991.
Profiles in safety and health: fabricated structural metal.Dec. 1991.
Profiles in safety and health: hotels and motels.July 1993.
Profiles in safety and health: occupational risks of meatpacking.Jan. 1989.
Profiles in safety and health: the soft drink industry.Apr. 1992.
Railroad-related work injury fatalities.Jul./Aug. 2007.
Safety and health experience of pilots and flight attendants.Apr. 1992.
Safety and health in roofing and sheet metal.Sept. 1990.
Self-employed individuals fatally injured at work.Aug. 1995.
U.S. and Japanese work injury and illness experience.Apr. 1992.
Understanding statistics on occupational illnesses (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
Updated BLS Occupational Injury and Illness Classification SystemAugust 2012.
Work-related amputations by type and prevalence (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
Work-related hospitalizations in Massachusetts: racial/ethnic differences.Oct. 2005.
Work-related multiple-fatality incidents.Oct. 2004.

Workers' compensation

Workers' compensation in 1980: summary of major enactments (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
Workers' compensation insurance: recent trends in employer costs (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
Federal Employees' Compensation Act.
U.S. worker rehabilitation in international perspective.
Role of workers' compensation in developing safer workplaces.
Sound medical evidence: key to FECA claims.
Changes in workers' compensation laws in 2003.Jan. 2004.
Changes in workers' compensation during 1999.Jan. 2000.
Changes in workers' compensation laws during 2000.Jan. 2001.
Changes in workers' compensation laws during 2001.Jan. 2002.
Changes in workers’ compensation laws, 2002.Jan. 2003.
Comparing Workers’ Compensation claims with establishments’ responses to the SOII.May 2009.
Key worker's compensation laws enacted by States in 1985.Jan. 1986.
Special issue commemorating 75 years of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act, A.— Sept. 1991.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1987.Jan. 1988.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1988.Jan. 1989.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1989.Jan. 1990.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1990.Jan. 1991.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1991.Jan. 1992.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1992.Jan. 1993.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1993.Jan. 1994.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1994.Jan. 1995.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1995.Jan./Feb. 1996.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1996.Jan. 1997.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1997.Jan. 1998.
State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1998.Jan. 1999. 
Workers' compensation: 1984 State enactments.Jan. 1985.
Workers' compensation: 1986 State enactments.Jan. 1987. 
Workers' compensation: key legislation in 1981.Feb. 1982.
Workers' compensation in 1982: significant legislation enacted.Jan. 1983.
Work-related hospitalizations in Massachusetts: racial/ethnic differences.Oct. 2005.

Workplace practices

Employer-provided training: results from a new survey.May 1995.
High performance work systems and firm performance.May 1995.
Results from the 1995 Survey of Employer-Provided Training.June 1998.
Upgrading the U.S. workplace: do reorganization, education help?May 1995.

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