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Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program
Project Number 634
Date of Summary August 19, 2011
Subject Mitigation of Underwater Pile Driving Noise During Offshore Construction
Performing Activity Applied Physical Sciences (APS) Corp
Principal Investigator Dr. David Warwick
Contracting Agency Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement
Estimated Completion September 30, 2011
Description The efforts in this project are focused specifically on analyzing the pertinent noise transmission and radiation mechanisms associated with driving large monopile foundations. Further, the project will identify specific mitigation concepts appropriate to those mechanisms and assess the potential performance of those approaches with the context of achievable engineering design.
Progress Phase 1 of the study is complete and the final report for Phase 1 is posted below. A second phase is exploring the engineering feasibility of a dewatered cofferdam. APS, along with the subcontractor RPS Group of Houston, has developed the initial design drawings. The draft final report on this phase is under preparation.
AA Mitigation of Underwater Pile Driving Noise During Offshore Construction: Final Report, 27 January 2010, by Applied Physical Sciences, Groton, CT

Last Updated: 08/26/2011, 02:08 PM Central Time