Senior Administration Officials Host Conference Call to Discuss the President's Proposals to Make College More Affordable

The White House, Office of the Press Secretary

Event Date 1: January 27, 2012 03:00 pm - January 27, 2012 04:00 pm

Washington, DC — TODAY, 3:00PM, Cecilia Munoz, Director of the Domestic Policy Council at the White House, and U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will host an on-the-record conference call to discuss the Administration's proposals to keep college affordable and within reach for all Americans.

In his State of the Union address, President Obama called for a comprehensive approach to tackling rising college costs. Munoz and Duncan will expand on the President's blueprint; highlight the Administration's efforts to make college more affordable for millions of hardworking Americans; and emphasize the responsibility shared by the government, states, colleges and universities to control costs.

Event 1
Who : Domestic Policy Council Director Cecilia Munoz
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
What : On-the-record conference call to discuss the President's proposals to make college more affordable
When : Today, Friday, January 27, 3:00PM ET
Where : RSVP:
Members of the media who wish to join this call should dial (800) 230-1951 and ask to join the "White House call." No passcode is necessary.

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